
Eclipsed realms

"In 'Eclipsed Realms,' Michal Java, a young man subjected to military experiments, finds himself transported to a new world infused with magic. Empowered by nanites known as 'Rogue Processes,' Michal navigates this unfamiliar realm. As Michal grapples with controlling his newfound abilities, he unwittingly becomes entangled in a conflict involving powerful families seeking ancient artifacts of immense power. Amidst accusations of demonic influence and internal struggles with malevolent forces bound to a ring he possesses, Michal's journey unfolds as he explores themes of power, morality, and the complexities of controlling forces beyond human comprehension in a world teetering on the brink of divine intervention."

Broker_Of_Death · Fantaisie
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27 Chs

Horrifying Acts

They had slept until mid-day, when i finally woke them up they didn't want to and wanted to keep sleeping but I wouldn't allow them too sleep anymore since we had to try to gain allies, and the easiest way was to find a Bandit outpost and ambush them and free slaves, we waited until night and we began our hunt for the bandits with slaves and we did find a camp that had some we killed the bandits and found that quite a few of the slaves were hung up or had cut their wrists to escape their current predicament, but the few who hadn't killed themselves were starving and severally dehydrated, we found the bandits supplies and gave them out to the people it wouldn't help much but it was a start I asked if any of them wanted to join us in taking down the organization but none of them said anything they only ate their food with a lifeless look in their eyes, I then asked if they had slave seals and a few of them did so I did exactly as Michal had done and removed them with my blood, when Luna saw me do this she was confused until the slave seal left their body, they still didn't speak to me so I asked if Luna or Kaida would talk to them since a few of them were girls and they might've been raped and not trust men, they did and when they slowly interact with them they slowly began to talk to them I then talked to some of the males who were talking more then the females, out of the group of 3 males only one wanted to join me his reasoning was because his family had been used by the organization for a long time the man told me his name is Vexx, he wont say his last name, I don't intend to push him on that subject, when Luna and Kaida came back they said that two of them wanted to join us, but they hadn't told them their names so they didn't know what to call them but one was a demi human wolf and the other was an Elf, the Elf was a newly captured person and apparently had a large network and had a decent business and the Demi human was just extremely powerful and wanted to join, I brought the ones who wanted to join through the woods while Luna and Kaida looked for more bandits, I walked on the main road since they didn't have shoes and the woods could hurt their feat, we walked along the road for awhile and eventually when we were getting close to the city a bunch of bandits jumped out in front of me, the second I had seen that they had their swords out I pushed my feet into the ground a launched myself forward and stabed the first one through the stomach with my fist, the second one I threw the first ones body at it made contact causing the man to fall over and the third one thought he was sneaky and moved behind me but when his blade was close to me I pushed it to the side and slammed my fist into his throat he grabbed at his throught but he wouldn't be able to breath because I broke multiple of his bones, the second one had begun to get up but I grabbed the third ones sword and threw it like a spear and it cut into his shins, I walked over and the man was begging but I asked him one question "Do you know Dark Nexus" he nodded and I began to pull his bottom jaw off "since I'm guessing you know them I'll make sure you cant say anything if you do live" his entire bottom jaw was ripped of and I grabbed him by the neck and threw him into the tree line, the Elf looked sick I'm guessing she had never seen a dead person before but the male looked frightened and amazed he then said "Can you teach me to be that strong " I looked back at him "you already look pretty strong but I'll try" we got to the city easily after that and I walked to our inn and got two rooms one for the girls and one for Vexx they all got some food to eat, after a few hours of us being there Luna and Kaida came back and we told them the entire reason we had formed the Dawnbringers, I then told them to go rest and that I would watch over each of the rooms, they all whent into their rooms and I stood out front in the hallways, but surprisingly Azura showed up and said "why are you standing in the halls" I looked up and said "I've got to protect some girl" he nodded "so I'm guessing your an adventurer who can be hired" i half nodded "if the pay is good" he chuckled "well fair I guess, but anyway I'll be going to my room now" he walked far down the hall and into a single room.

a window opened and a man jumped out onto a nearby rooftop he then began running towards a tall tower it was the clock tower, he got there and kicked in a window and killed a few of the workers with a katana, the man was wearing all black and had a full face cover on, he grabbed one of the nearby torches and set the clock tower ablaze.