
Earths Awakening: Heavenly Dao Rankings

A boy stands above all others, nobody can compare whether old or young. ........ Earth awakens Qi when a mysterious figure visits them. Given the basic manual how far will these earthlings go. Will the conquer or be conquered. Earths Awakening: Heavenly Dao Ranking

Ihavecat · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
6 Chs

Chapter 6, Sage King?

Several days past as he cultivated by the sea silently under the calm waves. Slowly his limbs regrowed, his eye fully grew back while he had hundreds of scars lashed throughout his body that were slowly fading.

Opening his eyes the sea responding to his command enclosed him in a golden light. After a few minutes the light faded and the sea collapsed again. Receding in the waves, he stood fully renewed of his wounds.

He looked at the ocean weirdly as his brown eyes shining an unusual deep blue.

'The Blessing of The Sea? Maybe my luck is showing.'

He smiled happily while testing his body.

'I somehow broke through to Sage King Realm, the one after Sage. Maybe its because of the way I did my tribulation.'

Ignoring his thoughts he took out his halberd with care.

"Heh, you've gotten a huge upgrade huh. Lets test you out."

He stood in the sea with his halberd for a moment before swinging his halberd lightly. Space distorted as the sea spilt apart, however the land laid untouched.


A month passed since Alastor left to the sea. Currently the world was in a uproar.

On the scroll in the sky Alastors name dissappeared. He seemingly faded from existence.

Now the Azure Empress dominanted the world. Nobody besides the higher ups from the Boundless Paths Sect seemed to know what happened to him.

However they had yet to say anything leading most people to believe he died.


"What do you mean he went to look for the sea?" One of the top Ten, August Brown, was currently yelling at Daemon.

"Thats what his note said, I don't know anything else." Defending himself Daemon leaned back.

"Should we go find him?" Jackson said absentmindedly.

"No what can we do, just hope he comes back soon."


Alastor currently was floating on the Boundless sea. He opened his eyes staring at the sky.

"Hm it should be time to head back." he stretched before flying up.

Looking at the nearly fading shore he dissappeared in an instant.

He flew silently through the sky like a blur, he flashed in and out of existence as he flew back to the portal.

Soon he arrived at a busy trade center. People brought huge and small beasts selling them for small yellow stones.

There was even a blacksmith shop where weapons were constantly produced.

Cultivation was gradually setting in on Earth.

Alastor flew concealed by his qi, he was about to fly to his pavilion when he heard that he was apparently dead. Confused he flew up to the man who said it.

"What do you mean Alastor is dead?"

The man not knowing who he was answered quickly.

"Eh his name dissappeared from the scrolls a few weeks ago. Did you not hear?"

"No I didn't hear.." Ignoring the man he flew away.

He entered the portal without anyone noticing. Arriving on Earth he saw his Sect that was thriving quite well even without him.

Quickly turning to look at the sky the scroll flashed brightly before showing his name. He appeared on the scroll again.

[10.Sato Naomi/Domain Lord 3]

[9.Emma Stone/ Domain Lord 3]

[8.August Brown/Domain Lord 4]

[7.John Lopez/Domain Lord 5]

[6.Chase Morales/Domain Lord 5]

[5.Daemon Void/Domain Lord 7]

[4. Jackson Leith/Domain Lord 8]

[3. Lin Feng/Domain Lord 9]

[2.Leela Smith/ Half Step Sage]

[1.Alastor Windsor/ Sage King Peak]


His appearance caused the world to shake. Not only did his name come back, he's even a Sage King. Who even dared to be a genius in front of him, not even the Azure Empress could hold his shoes.

However Alastor didn't say a word, he just entered Daemons pavilion.

"Alastor you're back. What kind of opportunity did you find?"

Daemon rushed up to him excitedly.

"Heh not much just a small one, ill bring back something for you next time." Alastor chuckeled and waved him away.

"Small opportunity my ass." Daemon grumbled.

"How is the sect?"

"Well after you left some of of disciples fled in fear. Not too much though, we have managed to obtain 8.5 billion acres of land. Most is unmanaged."

Hearing this Alastor was a bit stunned before realizing that this wasnt much to cultivators.

"Oh also the Azure dynasty discovered humans in one of their portals."

"Humans? So there are intelligent beings in these worlds?"

"Yes but they arent very developed nor talented. Currently the strongest is a Sage who has lived for 30,000 years. Apparently they are at war with orcs."

"So two intelligent races with Sage beings. Huh, ill go pay them a visit."

"Be careful, they have hidden forces that may even reach Sage King."

"Of course I will don't worry."

Alastor smiled before dissappearing in a flash.

He stood in the air above the Azure Royal Castle. It was a magnificent castle that shined the colorful rainbow.

He entered the castle silently, he stood in a Throne room looking at a young girl with a powerful aura. She had light black hair with smooth light skin, her eyes glowed red. A fiery red aura surrounded her with wisps of gold.

Five people with Domain Lord cultivation stood below her. Kneeling they reported important events including the human empire.

Alastor didn't bother to hide himself as he walked up to the Throne.

"Who are you, how dare you intrude on the Throne room!"

One of the Domain Lords flared up, not bothered Alastor ignored him and looked at the girl on the throne.

She stared at him in interest before speaking in a soft voice.

"You're Alastor?"

The Domain Lord who talked earlier turned pale in fright. He backed up silently hiding behind the others.

"Yes I am." Alastor replied plainly while scratching his nose.

Her eyes twitched a little at his response,"What are you here for then?"

"I want to enter the portal with the Human kingdom."

"Oh well then I will bring you to it, but how about you spend the day here before you go?"

"Hm that should be fine."

"Follow me then."


'How did I get here...' That was Alastors only thought as he stared blankly at the naked girl sitting on the bed in front of him.

He was just chatting with her and suddenly it led to this.

"Um Azure Empress I don't think this is appropriate. I should take my leave." He quickly turned to leave. However she grabbed him and pulled him on the bed.

"You cant leave before I complete my fantasy.."

"You're going to stop me?"

"No I cant but, you've seen me naked already. I think you should pay for that."

"Eh...I can pay later then I don't think-"


Alastor left the palace with a sour expression, he quickly flew away toward the portal. According to the Azure Empress the portal led to the Zerus Planent. Stepping through this portal he instantly felt that the qi in this world was a little thinner than others.

Most likely from the beings constant cultivation which led qi to become thinner and thinner.

Ignoring this he looked around the place he currently was. It was a white jade like structure, the portal was in the middle of this structure.

It was guarded by a few dozen Nascent Cultivators. As well hundreds of Golden Core guards.

Looking around for a bit he asked one of the Golden Core Cultivators where the human kingdom was.

Following his instructions he left quickly stunning the guards around.


Soon he arrived above a large city, a few miles away was the empire. He spread his sense and listened to everyones conversations.

Soon he learned of the empires current state as well as the city below him.

In the empire there was the Royal family along with the Dukes family. There were many nobles under them but none could compare to them. Thats because both the Royal and Duke family have a Sage. That being the current emperor and his uncle who lost the fight for the Throne.

There were also three major sects in the empire with Peak Domain Lord experts. One of them is even a Half Step Sage. These were the powerhouses of the empire, and the ones who fought against the Orc race.

The city under him was one of three cities outside of the empire. This city had 6 Domain Lords guarding it. Of course the strongest of them is only a 3rd stage Domain Lord.

That one is the City Lord, as well a guard for the city. The other 4 are from 3 families, the Wengels who are the weakest, the Kaun who have a Second stage Domain Lord, and the Lin family who have two Domain Lords.

Thinking to himself Alastor descended into the city. Not bothering to hide himself a Perfected Golden Core guard flew up to him.

"You cannot enter the city without a fee, pay up 10 spirit stones." He demanded with a cold gaze.

Glancing at him Alastor released a sliver of his aura scaring the guard.

"Nascent- no Domain Lord! I apologize your lordship please excuse me." The guard bowed as he shivered.

"Its fine."

Several auras shot up and locked onto him, 6 Domain Lord experts appeared in front of him.

"What might you need sir?" The City Lord asked with a smile.

"Sir? Heh how about you bow." His aura burst out like a flood onto them. He didn't bother to hide it as the space cracked around him.

"S-Sage!" Confused the Domain Lords bowed before him in fear.

'This is quite boring, maybe I should massacre the Orc race.'

Alastor never stook to one thing, constantly shifting. Confusing himself sometimes wondering what he was doing.

He left in a flash toward the south where the Orc race lived.

A few seconds passed before he arrived at a battlefield. Currently the Orc army was fighting against the Humans.

The battle seemed very matched not a single could get the upper hand.

Waving his hand lightly the Orc army turned to ashes silently.

"Was that a Sage?" a Domain Lord expert couldnt believe what he saw, he was extremely afraid.

Alastor flew as his extremely terrifying aura pressed down on everyone.

The Sage in the Orc race seemed to sense him as three powerful auras spread out.

Two burly orcs stood in front of him, behind them was a old wrinkled Orc who's aura was even stronger then them.

"Human who are you." One of the orc Sages glared at him coldly.

"Hm me...I am the Boundless Sage." he smiled happily with his smart naming.

"Boundless Sage? Ive never heard of you, but today you will die."

Alastor frowned because they clearly knew he was a Sage king. However before he could speak and powerful force landed on him blasting him away.

An Orc stood where he was before looking down at him in the pit he made.

"A Sage king huh.."