

unknown_20281 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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126 Chs

Chapter 9

Thinking like this, Su Mu immersed herself in the tree of Kabbalah in her body.

As seen yesterday, only the lowermost material world, or the activity world, has light in the four worlds, and only the "kingdom" of the ten primary substances shines.

The only difference is that one of Kabbalah's 22 paths appears to be slightly brighter.

And this path is the path that needs to be passed from the tenth element "kingdom" to the ninth element "foundation".

At this time, Su Mu, who was in the tenth element, could only reach the "foundation" and light up this element only by opening the path between the "kingdom" and the "foundation".

If Su Mu wants to truly grasp the power of Kabbalah, be omniscient and omnipotent, and transcend the level of the universe, he needs to go from the tenth element at the bottom of the tree of Kabbalah to the first element at the highest level.

It's a pity, looking at the path between the tenth element and the ninth element, it only looks slightly bright, and I don't know how much worse it is compared to the dazzling "kingdom".

It can be seen from this that Su Mu still has a long way to go if he wants to become a true master of Kabbalah.

"It seems that I still need my own spiritual power to light up the path." Su Mu lowered his head and thought silently, "To be honest, the spiritual power in my body is still a little low now, so I can use it to light up the path, and also I don't know when it will be successful."

It is so troublesome to go from the kingdom to the foundation, let alone the crown at the top.

It was thanks to Orpheus that he was now able to light the path between the kingdom and the foundation.

Orpheus, who has infinite energy, can be said to be an excellent power bank, which can continuously provide him with power.

(Inevitably a bit long-winded... However, the protagonist's power system is mainly Tarot and Kabbalah. In other words, these two promote each other and complement each other.).

Chapter 17 Let me teach you how to operate

The existence of the infinite energy of Orpheus can speed up the speed of lighting the Kabbalah path for him.

Generally speaking, those who receive Orpheus energy seem to suffer certain side effects.

However, Su Mu was not affected by this negative influence.

I don't know if it's because Orpheus, the master of power, can get rid of this side effect, or because of the "Dragon Ballad" that Su Mu had previously obtained.

If it is the latter, then the talent "Dragon Ballad" obtained from the novice gift package, although Su Mu thought it was difficult to use at first, it is actually quite useful.

You must know that he was able to attract Orpheus at the beginning to complete the colorful achievement, which must have been attributed to this initial talent.

The existence of the dragon is a powerful symbol in most of the world.

In order to speed up the lighting speed of the Kabbalah path, in addition to relying on the power of Orpheus, the more important thing seems to be Su Mu's attainments in mysticism.

To put it bluntly, his knowledge of Kabbalah.

Thinking and discussion in this regard can play a significant role in lighting the path.

Even, he could faintly feel that, compared to energy, knowledge is the most core element of a system like Kabbalah.

"such a pity."

Su Mu sighed softly.

In this world, although there are demons, angels, magic, gods, etc. beyond imagination, the exploration of mysticism makes people sigh.

Most of the various mystic works well-known in the past life can't find the slightest trace in this world.

The Jade Record, which can be called the source of alchemy; the Tanakh, which records the thoughts of Kabbalah; the spiritual mathematics that believes that numbers have spiritual and spiritual significance and can reveal the truth behind everything; or a complete Tarot , in this world.

Although Su Mu is still a beginner on the mystery side, but in his previous life, he has studied the mystery a little bit.

Coupled with the immersion in various novels and animations, it is possible to talk about the development of supernatural forces in this world for the time being.

In his eyes, the power system in this world focuses more on pure power, but often ignores the exploration of knowledge.

In Su Mu's eyes, a true powerhouse should possess profound knowledge in addition to possessing great power.

In other words, knowledge is power!

Power dissipates with the death of the individual, but knowledge is recorded forever.

Among the four demon kings of the underworld demon family, Sazex has the most powerful power.

However, if he wanted to choose a more high-profile character among them, he would choose Ajaka Beelzebub, one of the Four Great Demon Kings.

Created a demon chess piece that guarantees the new power of the demon family, and still has various other powerful and practical spells. It can be said that he is a well-deserved sage among demons.

He is not only a powerful individual, but also uses his knowledge to make a huge impact beyond personal power.

It can be said that if the two demon kings Sazex and Ajaka died at the same time, then the situation of the Ajaka family would definitely be much better than that of the Gremory family.

Thinking of this, Su Mu suddenly smiled and shook his head.

He was just a weakling at this time, and he was arrogant to criticize the four major demon kings.

Moreover, his idea of ​​attaching more importance to knowledge may be due to some kind of prejudice.

"Unfortunately, there are no books related to Kabbalah knowledge in this world..."

Su Mu sighed with regret.

If there is also research on Kabbalah in this world, then he can step on the shoulders of his predecessors and quickly reach a higher position.

In his previous life, although he had dabbled in mysticism and Kabbalah, it was impossible to read through so many books and write down the contents!

It is precisely because of this reason that he is full of resentment that the powerhouses in this world do not pay attention to the exploration of knowledge.

In other words, those scholars who left behind numerous esoteric works of the gods in the previous life were so tirelessly in-depth research because they could not truly control the supernatural power.

It's like people living in different environments.

One place is arid, the other is filled with freshwater lakes.

As a result, the former must be able to master stronger techniques of digging wells and taking water.

This world, because of its unique advantages, is accustomed to it, but it will not be so fascinated to explore.

"I'm afraid there are very few people who can explore mysticism based on philosophy and ideas like that in that world, even in many worlds, right?"

It is precisely because there is no supernatural power that the exploration of the occult can be endless and unrestricted, and it can become more and more crazy and desperate.

Among them are famous physicists, poets who are famous all over the world, dukes who have made outstanding achievements, and ladies who are well-known.

Different identities, different positions, but only for the mysticism that is almost a fantasy, but they are equally selfless.

In Su Mu's thinking and exploration, the time of the day gradually passed.

The path connecting the kingdom and the foundation seems to have become a little brighter.

The school bell rang, and the students left the classroom in groups chattering.

The Tacheng kitten stood up silently and slowly packed the thing.

Those big amber eyes, glancing back from time to time, seemed to be waiting for something. .

Chapter 18 Tacheng Kitten is full of vigilance

"After school."

The things that were packed, the Tacheng kitten whispered softly, as if it was talking to someone.

In the old days, the Tacheng kitten was often quick to pack up after school.

After all, she, who was isolated by all the girls, would not easily go out with anyone.

But this time, her movements were slow, and she glanced at Su Mu's position from time to time, obviously waiting for her to say something.

Seeing this, Su Mu burst into laughter in his heart.

She may think that her actions are very concealed, but in fact, it is very obvious in Su Mu's eyes, and her mood is fully revealed.

In the morning, she said to Su Mu, "don't leave after school".

In this case, that is to call Su Mu to go to the game hall together.

After all, if you go to a place like the game hall by yourself, it is really meaningless.

In a lively place like the game hall, you are alone, and when you meet a two-player game, you will find that you can't play, and you can't find anyone to show off when you break the record. Isn't this very pitiful?

That's why she didn't want to go to the arcade alone.

Among the people she knew, the only one who could accompany her to the game hall was Su Mu.

As for Rias and the others, even if Tacheng Kitten invites them, they will also go. But those few people were not interested in the game, so she didn't want to force them.

Su Mu smiled, knowing that she was thin-skinned, so she didn't embarrass her anymore.

After all, training cats should be done in moderation.

Otherwise, it will be completely fried all at once, and then you will not have to play in the future.

"I'm going to the game hall now, are you going too?"

Su Mu packed her things and spoke leisurely.


Before Su Mu finished speaking, Tacheng Kitten replied without hesitation.

At the same time, the little face that was still puffed up just now changed an expression in an instant.

The eyebrows and eyes are slightly curved, and the corners of the mouth are raised. If at this time, the tail, which is a cat mandrill, is accidentally exposed, the tail will surely wag around happily.

On weekdays, Su Mu was the only one who could play games with her.

She is also very happy to be able to go to the game hall together.

After all, going to the game hall by yourself is such a miserable feeling.

After going there once, she never wanted to go again.

What snacks are you going to have?

Tacheng Kitten thought about it in his heart.

In addition to being a gaming enthusiast, she is also a heavy snack lover.

When there is nothing to do on weekdays, she always has snacks in her hands.

If it weren't for the fact that he was a cat mandrill and became a demon, he might have gained weight long ago.

Now that she is still at school, she is thinking about what to eat when she goes out for a while.

"You'd better pack a little faster."

Su Mu looked at the Tacheng kitten's tail that was about to be raised to the sky, and said leisurely.

"If you move too slowly, I won't be waiting for you in a while."

The mood of the Tacheng kitten has been reduced.

She snorted softly, her hands silently speeding up her packing.

Well, the snacks bought later will never be distributed to him.

The two who left the school came to the game hall closest to the school.

However, just after Su Mu left the classroom for a while, someone walked in from the classroom door.

"Student Su Mu... have you left?"

Zhi Quocangna looked at the empty seat, stunned for a moment, and muttered to himself in surprise.

As far as she knew, since Su Mu obtained the spiritual power cultivation method by some method, she basically had to practice in school for a while after school before going home.

That's why she came here at this time and wanted to invite Su Mu to be her family.

What I didn't expect was that just today, Su Mu left early.

"Humans have limits."

What Su Mu said yesterday came to her mind.

Shouldn't it be giving up... She thought so in her heart.

Anyway, just wait until it's clear.

Zhi Quang Na sighed softly in his heart.

Also, Rias's vassal, Tacheng Kitten, is also in this class, so go to Rias and ask.

Thinking of this, Zhi Quocang raised his hand to smooth the black hair on his temples, shook his head and turned to leave.

She didn't know that at this time, Su Mu no longer needed to be her dependent.

in the game room.

"It's really like no one else."