When God created the world, He didn't plan for anything to be really Orange besides the Fruit... But hey! Even my God can't create everything so perfect, right? Paint everything orange....... Starting with the nobility of a certain Redhead... . . . . . . . . . . . Traslation
Maybe... It was all a crazy dream that your head dreamed several nights in a row. Or maybe he always had this, and when he slept he dreamed about all that ninja stuff and put his own birth characteristics into it all. It was difficult to know.
Anyway, in his almost 18 years of life he hadn't found an answer, there was no point in thinking about it so much now.
Sighing, Naruto laid his head on his desk so he could take a nap.
Hearing the loud beep, the blonde lifted his head groggily from his nap... A bit of drool dripping from his mouth, which he quickly wiped away.
Shaking his head awake, Naruto got up from his desk quickly while smiling.
Okay... I have work to do now. - He said, while taking some things in his backpack and hiding them in his clothes.
Let me guess, do something else that will make half the school hate you? - Akeno asked in a "sweet" tone. It never matures....
Naruto smiled, while giving the same type of smile as Akeno.
- Oh, Keno-chan, you know me so well! He said, rolling his eyes, before running out of the room.
Akeno did the same thing as him, rolled her eyes, before putting away her things and rushing out of the classroom as well.
She might not get along with Naruto... No, that wasn't right... She couldn't look at his face without feeling like throwing up and dying so she wouldn't have to live in the same world as him, but she wasn't going to lie and say that the terrible pranks They weren't fun either.
Akeno watched in disbelief as half the girls at school somehow had their hair dyed a bright orange... But not just their hair... But also their eyebrows and every other hair on their body.
Right... That was unexpected and at the same time expected. -Rias commented next to him.
Rias was his best friend, a girl with long red hair, an incredible body with perfect measurements. Hard and perky ass, smooth and soft thighs, and big breasts, of course, not as big as Akeno's, but they were certainly bigger than most women's.
- I wonder how he did it. commented calmly, while laughing. The brunette
Probably put some kind of hair-only dye in the school's shampoos, or something. - Rias answered what she thought. Thanks to the Maous I didn't take a - shower at school today.
- It's not like you need it, you have a shower right here. Akeno pointed to the almost transparent fabric that was in the corner of the room, where there was a small bathtub and shower there.
Rias blinked, realizing something.
Yes, I guess... But just in case, don't let me forget to change our shampoos and everything. - She said softly, making the brunette laugh.
- Of course, Buchou.
Laughing, Rias gave up the vision of Naruto being chased by his classmates as she turned to her living room, where there was a large oak table, some bookshelves and two hugesofas with a coffee table in the middle.
Sitting in her super comfortable chair, Rias placed her hands on the table and faced the brunette.
-So, report on Naruto Uzumaki.
Akeno sighed.
- Is it really like that? I don't think it's wise to invite him to join your peerage, Buchou.
-Akeno. Report. -Rias was adamant, making Akeno sigh as she read the sheet in his hand.
- Name: Naruto. Last name: Uzumaki. Seventeen years. Blond hair. Blue eyes. Considered very beautiful by most of the school. Six feet tall. He lost his parents at the age of fourteen in a car accident. He lives off a fat inheritance. Average grades. Very energetic about anything and everything, being part of almost every club in the school as an official, honorary or even leader member, such as the "Ramen Lovers Club and Anything Made with Ramen Because Ramen is Life, Deserves to be Worshiped and Beloved! Ramen!" Seriously, how did the director allow someone to create such a horrible club? - Rias just laughed in response. His favorite hobbies are playing games and sports. Current title: Blonde Demon of Kuoh, in some circles also known as "Hot Blonde".
- Go to the part that interests you.
Ah.... - Akeno laughed. According to information, he has a genital organ measuring more than 20 centimeters.
A drop fell from Rias' head.
- Important for me, not for you, Akeno. - She said dryly, but not missing the chance to needle her best friend upon learning of her "hateful rivalry" with him.
Don't pretend that he doesn't interest you, Rias... - Akeno replied while laughing softly.
- And steal your lover, not at all. The redhead - replied.
Akeno ignored it with a smile.
Does not have any Sacred Gear, but magical large enough to compare to some reserves supernatural beings of pure birth. Strangely, part of these reserves, however, are chakra. While he has no apparent magic, he nevertheless appears to have a great affinity with nature, which explains his taste for gardening and being considered the best student in the club, called among them the "Blonde Sage of Nature". - Akeno gave a slight look to Rias, who felt asking her to continue. - Agile and strong body, said to have a "sixth sense" due to his incredible skills in many sports. Despite being part of the Kendo club, his sword skills are simply bad.