
Chapter 01

Naruto tapped the table with 4 fingers, while observing the teacher of the class in front of him. A. look of pure boredom on his face.

"Seriously, I was a Legendary Ninja who fought in a war... What the hell am I doing here?" - He thought. "What is the need of Bhaskara? From Newton's Laws! I could fly! And now I'm here locked in a damn classroom and..."

Uzumaki-san, are you paying attention? - The teacher's voice cut through his thoughts.

The blonde blinked.

- Anh... Yes. He said, making a drop fall from the teacher's head.

- Okay, so tell me the question I asked earlier.

- If I was paying attention. He replied sincerely, making half the class laugh.

The professor looked at him for a second, before sighing: The salary was too small to support something like that.

- All good.

Naruto also sighed, sprawling in the chair again... Until a voice caught his attention.

- Always in your own world, useless-san? It was the voice of a girl... Akeno Himejima, his incredible classmate and one of the Two Onee-samas of the school.

The incredible thing was irony, at least for Naruto,

because Akeno was something hot enough to kill.

She had incredible body measurements, a hair tied in black ponytail and purple eyes ensual. A gentle look and at the same time very sexy. Of course, this was all much more effective due toshe will just be a student in her uniform.

The blonde rolled his eyes.

- And you always give all your attention to me, hm, Grandma's Panties-chan? - Naruto replied, smiling at the girl, while remembering a subject from two years ago, when he arrived in the 1st year of high school and, lost in school, ended up entering the girls' locker room, where Akeno was changing.

The brunette stared at him for a second before laughing softly. If Naruto didn't have an internal whistle for sadists, not even he would notice the risk that beautiful laugh had.

- I see you won't forget this, will you? - She said, softly.

- As if it were possible. - He made a disgusted face. Remembering that saggy ass in a vain attempt to bend over to seduce me makes me almost vomit.

- I see... For you to find this, you must certainly prefer something bigger... And thicker, I'm sure. - She answered.

Naruto was about to respond when the teacher interrupted him again.

Uzumaki-san, Himejima-san, please stop talking. He asked, even though he couldn't hear their conversation. No one in the room heard it, actually... They both sat in the back in the last seats and were whispering, but the looks from one to the other and the movement of their mouths gave it away... And of course, counting how famous Akeno was in that school, This did not go unnoticed.

- Sorry teacher, I was trying to get Uzumaki-san to stop talking so we could both pay attention to class, but unfortunately he is very insistent on this boring subject about how amazing he is at sports. She touched her hand to her face, in a victimistic attitude.

Naruto blinked, as he noticed what she was saying and noticed the numerous insults directed at him from several students in the class. He forced his best "I'm really sad and I feel wronged, please feel sorry for me" look on her face!

- It's a lie, professor! This demon was trying to convince me to skip class so we could do bad things behind school! - He whimpered.

L-Lie! Akeno-onee-sama would never do something like that...!

It's not possible! Akeno-onee-sama would never care for a playboy like you!

Naruto laughed.

- Do I feel envy in your voice? He ran his hand through his hair and smiled. Please have self-love and confidence... One day you will get to where I am.

Half the boys gave him disgusted looks, while half the girls blushed softly. Naruto wasn't a heartbreaker, but he had his share of beauty and it couldn't be ignored.

Alright Uzumaki-san, now sit down and pay attention in class! The teacher complained, putting an end to the game.

He tried to fight back, but it fell on deaf ears, so he simply rolled his eyes and sighed.

Shamelessly false.

Oxygenated good for nothing.

Yes, this was another typical day in the life of Uzumaki Naruto... High School Student.

Former Hokage.

Former Jinchurikin of the Kyuubi.

Former War Hero.

And somehow reborn into a very different world.

Or at least that was what he thought... After all, he had lived in this world for almost 18 years... And until now he hadn't even been able to pull his chakra out. He couldn't do a Rasengan, a clone, Senjutsu or any technique, which were mostly, in fact, variations of the Rasengan. There was no seal on his belly, and no Kurama for him to talk to.

Part of him said that everything had been a dream, but he denied himself over and over again... Everything he felt and experienced in that life couldn't have been erased like that, it had been too real to be a dream.

All your dreams, desires, happiness and achievements... It couldn't just be a dream! Even though sometimes he feels like he's in a...

In addition to, of course, three other things:

First: He could feel his chakra moving inside him, giving him the strength to be the school's best athlete in several sports.

Second: He could feel nature moving around him, despite not being able to gather natural energy around him, he could feel it there.

Third and Last: Kurama's ability to sense the "evil energies" around him was still there... But weakened. He could feel when someone was doing. something bad towards him or if someone had a bad will towards him... But the way he did it before? No.