
DxD: Guardian Angel

“From this day onwards, you are my [Gold General].” Grigori is an organization as old as time and as powerful as the stars. However, that power comes with immense weight —and all of it has been thrust upon a mere human. Well, former human. Though his blessings are both few and insignificant, with enough pressure even the roughest of coals can become diamonds. -------------------- DISCORD: https://discord.gg/gqSKcC43NW SCHEDULE: When I feel like it. B) -------------------- Note that this is a purely a work done out of passion, I am not a professional nor do I aspire to be. Everyone is entitled to their opinions, but please use common sense when leaving a review. If you're struggling to reach me through webnovel, the discord exists.

Iguana32 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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50 Chs

Chapter 41: The Gathering Concludes

Chapter 41:

"___" - Speech

(___) - Thoughts

(___) - Internal Voice(s)

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An awkward silence loomed over both subordinate and superior, Oron being no exception as he could feel the words reaching his mouth but couldn't find the right way to let them out. 

Jin himself somewhat childishly decided to return his attention to petting Raon instead, acting as if he had already moved on from the heart to heart they just had. Obviously, it was clear as day to most that this wasn't the case. 

Not even in the slightest. 

"What's the situation?" Both Rias, Sona, and their peerages had walked into the room. The anticipation had got to their heads as they were no longer content on just waiting around until a resolution was found. 

The young Gremory took a moment to scan the room, coming to the realization that the person she was looking for was nowhere to be found. 

"Where's Sirzechs-sama?" Jin's focus fell on her momentarily, finding it odd that she'd refer to her brother in such a formal manner, but ultimately it wasn't worth bringing up. 

"He and the Beezlebub went to deal with Loki. They should be returning shortly." 

Her facial expression was quick to tensen up, seemingly surprised by the revelation. 

"He's fighting Loki directly?" Her brother was rarely ever present at the frontlines in recent years, a natural result of his position. Even as his sibling she had never had the chance to watch how he fought first hand, only ever seeing his power in action to perform a few demonstrations for her every now and then. 

"Yeah." He replied plainly, making an effort to keep his voice down so as to not disturb Raon's slumber. 

"And Beelzebub-same as well?" She continued, letting the fact that both of the Underworld's strongest Satan's had gone out to battle.



"To have a picnic." He quipped sarcastically. "Obviously they're going to fight." 

"That's not what I'm asking, I'm asking why they're the ones fighting him." Jin offered no response, allowing another to answer the question. 

"Because our chances of beating him would be slim, and not even remotely worth the risk." Sona responded. 

"Is Loki really that strong?" 

"He's a God, of course he is." 

"But apparently not strong enough." A familiar voice interjected, immediately warranting the attention of everyone present. 

"At least he was able to provide some half-decent data." Another followed, equally as attention-grabbing. 

Sirzechs and Ajuka had returned, and without even so much as a scratch on their bodies or garments. 

At a glance it appears as if they had just gone out for a leisurely stroll, if not by the perturbed expression on the Lucifer's face.

"Odin-sama, I imagine Asgard wishes to handle his punishment?" Hovering behind the two Satan's was a light verdant prism acting as a cage for the rebellious God, knocked out cold. 

"Indeed." The All Father got up from his seat, approaching the prism as the sound of his cane tapping against the floor dragged on. 

He spared a moment to behold the foolish God, the frown on his face becoming increasingly more pronounced. 

"Over the years I've demanded very little of you Loki, but to think you would stoop so low as to team up with Khaos Brigade. I really have failed you." Nobody offered a response to his lament, which was probably for the best. 

"He's all yours." Ajuka snapped his fingers causing the prism to deconstruct itself. 

"Thank you." With the tap of the Norse elderly man's cane, Loki was wrapped in a series of stainless steel chains and whisked away in a matter of seconds. 

More likely than not sent straight to Asgard to receive his lengthy punishment. 

"I suppose I also ought to thank you for not killing him." Odin performed a slight bow of respect towards the two of them. Despite what Loki had ended up becoming, at the end of the day Odin had still treated him as if he were his own son throughout the majority of his life. 

As a matter of fact it was one of the prime reasons why Loki hadn't been properly punished before now, but as fate would have it, today he had crossed a line which even Odin himself couldn't pull him back from. 

Rules were rules, without them we were nothing more than animals. 

"Don't pay it any mind Odin-sama, now that we're allied with one another it's only natural that we respect each other's boundaries." Sirzechs smiled, causing Odin to respond in kind as he seemed to remember something he had forgotten to do earlier. 

"Now that I think of it, I've yet to sign the Pact Monument haven't I?" The Lucifer nodded as he motioned for the All Father to lead the way. 

The rest of the figureheads including Jin, Oron, and the two young Devils accompanied by their subordinates followed suit, taking their places in the now thinned out crowd, consisting only of likes of Sairaorg and the other young Devils in his generation. 

"How'd it go?" Kyouko approached Jin with a somewhat miffed look on her face. 

"About as well as it could. Loki's been dusted away now so it'll be smooth sailing from here on out." The siblings stood by one another as Sirzechs approached the microphone. 

"I know there aren't many of us present at the moment, but it'd be appreciated if I could have your attention for a moment." Of course, not a single soul had any intention of ignoring the Lucifer's words. 

"As you are all aware, Khaos Brigade has once again intruded on one of our events." Clenched fists and eyes seething with hatred spanned across the room, Jin included. "But, once again we have triumphed against them, and will continue to do so regardless of what they try to throw at us. Whether it's us adults—" His attention shifted towards Jin temporarily. "Or the future leaders of the Underworld." 

A purposeful silence fell as he allowed his works to sink in. 

"We must continue to be a shield for those who cannot afford to protect themselves, even if we must shed our blood, sweat, and tears in order to keep it afloat." He motioned his hands to the Governor, All Father, and Seraph. 

"Do not let something as arbitrary as your blood define you, but rather allow your will to shape what you are. In exchange, we promise to offer you our undying support in whatever path you choose to walk down. You have our word." 

The powerhouses all nodded in agreement. 

"Times are changing, and so must we. Each of us feel nothing but absolute pride when we look at you, and we are beyond eager to see what future you will mold for those who succeed you." 

If his words of praise weren't enough, the Lucifer even went so far as to bow in the direction of the miniature audience, despite the fact that his position unquestionably warranted the opposite. 

"I sincerely thank you, for everything you have given until now." 

The gesture had set the hearts of those on the receiving end ablaze, especially the Devil's as they internally vowed to show as much dedication as their leader had just portrayed. 

"On that note, it is my pleasure to welcome Asgard into our alliance. Odin-sama, if you would." The Norse representative nodded as he approached the monument stood firmly in the middle of the podium, placing his hand on the watery substance occupying its center. 

"It is done." Odin declared, shaking hands with Sirzechs as those around them encored with smiles on their faces. 

"Two years ago, we would have burst out in laughter if someone had proposed this moment becoming a reality. The very notion of the four of you getting along would've sounded like a mere fairytale." Kyouko remarked. 

"Don't forget, you're technically one of us now as well." He bumped his elbow against her shoulder with an aloof look on his face. 

"I guess I am." She chuckled as she leaned her head against his shoulder, earning a mildly annoyed groan in response. 

"By the way, do you want the house?" Jin queried, causing her eyelids to widen in shock. 


"Obviously I can't raise this guy in the human world." He said whilst scratching Raon's chin.

AN: Well, that's the end of this arc, or mini-arc depending on your definition. Leave any suggestions, questions, or general comments if you wish.

As always, see you in the next one! 

Powerstones, Reviews, Comments. You know the drill!

Iguana32creators' thoughts