
DxD: Gorou Hyoudou Reborn

Gorou Hyoudou, the father of Issei Hyoudou is resurrected by unknown means and is sent back to the past. My first novel, so I'm trying to improve. I don't own the cover, if you do and want me to take it down, I will. There are spelling mistakes thanks to Grammarly and autocorrect having a war on my phone

Honour_PooP · Anime et bandes dessinées
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9 Chs

Chapter 7

"Welcome to my humble abode," Gorou said, opening the door to his house with flair.

Layla walked in and looked around in awe, she hadn't been inside a house for a while and this house gave off a comfortable feeling.

"Wow, your house is so clean and warm." Layla cooed as she scanned every surface.

"Glad you like it," Gorou said as he walked in, closing the door behind him. "If you would follow me, I'll show you to the bathroom."

Gorou began walking up the stairs, Layla in tow.

"I let you use my bathroom," Gorou said.

Layla looked surprised and confused when she heard Gorou.


"It's a bit embarrassing, but my son is a massive perv and I have no idea if he's a home or not," Gorou said shyly, scratching the back of his head.

Layla held in a giggle, finding his embarrassment funny.

"That makes sense."

Gorou led Layla to his room and into his bathroom. Gorou was going to leave, but then an idea popped into his head, so he took out his phone and snapped a pic.

Layla saw the flash and immediately curled her body, trying to cover her body.

"What are you doing!" She demanded, taken off guard by Gorou's action.

"Oh sorry, I realized you don't have any share clothes so I wanted to send my wife a picture of you so she knows what to get you." Gorou smiled genially.

Layla uncurled her body after listening to his reasoning.

Gorou passed her a towel.

"Spend however long you want to in there, I'll tell you or my wife will tell you when we get you your clothes." Gorou flashes a smile before closing the door.

"Wife?" Layla muttered silently, a little sad about hearing that.

Gorou looked at his phone and messaged Miki.

"I need you to get clothes for this girl (Picture) I'll answer any questions later." Gorou sent the message and headed downstairs until he heard a voice call out to him.

"Gorou, we need to talk."

Gorou recognized the voice, it was the dragon he was talking to the dragon living in Issei's hand.

"Yeah?" Gorou looked up like God was talking to him.

"Do you know who you have brought into your house?"

"Yeah, a girl?" Gorou wasn't catching onto what the dragon was insinuating.

"She is a devil, at least 70 years old." The dragon's concern was apparent.

"That is interesting..." Gorou was a bit surprised, but he also suspected it, I mean, there was a possibility that he would run into a devil at least once, and most of the people in this neighbourhood are probably a supernatural, so it wasn't all that surprising.

"Are you not concerned about her?" The dragon asked, suspicious of Gorou's motives.

"Nope, my gut says she's fine, and I trust it, now I don't know where Issei is, but if you detect another devil that has long crimson hair, that would be Rias Gremory, she is a friend, so don't be too concerned." Gorou instinctually turned off the telepathy transmission somehow and was rather impressed with himself.

'Wow, way to go Gorou, high five." Gorou gave himself a mental high five, happy about his progress.

"Wait... If Layla's a devil, does that mean that the boys bullying her we're also devils or something similar? She isn't very strong for a devil, and hold up, did the dragon say she was 70?' Gorou pulled out his phone and looked at the picture of Layla.

"Wow, would you look at that... 70 years old but doesn't look a day over 21." Gorou tucked his head to the side in acceptance before a very important thought fell into his brain.

'Does that mean she might join my harem?...' Gorou closed his eyes, taking a deep breath, raising his hands in the air before slamming his feet into the ground, and screaming a victory roar.


From the bathroom, Layla was caught off guard by the scream, making her slip into the shower before catching herself.

"What the hell."


After about thirty minutes, Miki walked into the house, carrying five bags of clothes, she saw Gorou on the couch and marched over to him.

"Where is she? Who is she? What is she? Is she okay? Is this the start of your harem?!" Miki stared beams into Gorou's eyes, but he was unfazed.

"In our bathroom taking a shower, her name is Layla, she is from Egypt and was/is homeless, she is fine, and hopefully." Gorou swapped places with Miki as she was out of breath, Gorou walked over to the kitchen as he heard the coffee machine ding, signalling that the coffee had been made.

Miki sunk into the couch, putting the bags of clothes on the table.

Gorou walked back with two cups of coffee and handed one to Miki.

"Thank you," Miki said as she slipped from the cup.

"You're surprisingly calm about talking about my potential harem?" Gorou sipped his coffee, sitting on the coffee table in front of Miki, moving the bags aside.

"You always talked about how you wished for a harem, it made me sad to see you sad, so when you sent the picture, I just figure you had started and even if I disagreed with it, you probably would have gone through with it regardless." Miki took another sip before continuing.

"And I didn't want to hurt Issei if we had a divorce." Miki smiled sombrely at Gorou.

Gorou put down his cup, took the cup out of Miki's hands and embraced her in a hug.

Miki could barely move, and she didn't want to, the heat radiating off Gorou was like being drenched in child rain, walking inside a toasted house and sitting by the fire.

Gorou felt a little guilty for his selfishness, so he had to confirm.

"Are you saying your okay with me having a harem?" Gorou asked, cupping Miki's cheeks, and gazing into her eyes.

Miki smiled, clutched one of Gorou's hands and leaned into his touch.

"Yes darling, you just have to promise me when you get all these beauties, that you won't forget about me."

Gorou now had guilt and regret building up in him, he was at a loss for words, he could only hug her tightly and plant thousands of kisses over her face, though he felt shame as he couldn't express his love enough, no matter what he did.

"I will never forget, you were my first, and you shall always be my number one," Gorou uttered before kissing Miki's forehead.

They looked into each other's eyes lovingly, enjoying the silence between each other, until Miki broke it.

"Anyway, I should take these up to... What's her name?" Miki furrowed her brow confused, looking at Gorou for an answer.

"Layla," Gorou responded.

"Layla, what a nice name, I'll take these to Layla now." Miki left the embrace and took the bags up the stairs before turning back to Gorou halfway up.

"Do you know where Issei is?"

"Probably out with a girl," Gorou answered with a smile, already laughing at the ridiculousness.

"Haha, don't make me laugh, though if that does happen, it would be quite a shock," Miki said, giggling as she continued up the stairs.

"I love you, Miki," Gorou said to himself as he sat back on the couch.

'I should work on my magic, Rias should be here either tomorrow or the day after, and I don't want to fall for whatever she pulled last time.' Gorou began to slowly cultivate the mana around him, going by the instructions in his head thanks to the dragon.