
Too good to be true

Sounds of despair echoed throughout the village as the zetsu army breached through the gates of the village and trapped the people to drain them of their chakra. Attempts to resist were futile as the ninjas kept trying to fight the zetsus regardless of the poison spreading.

The citizens couldn't work together due to the strange relationship between men and their wives. The men held off the zetsu army from approaching to the best of their abilities expecting their families escaped through the village's escape routes.

But their daughters and wives ignored the chaos and went to Jin's temples to pray to their god's statue. The son's rushed to the battlefield in hopes of being acknowledged by their hokage later on. While a small minority of the soldiers sneaked to the breeding house to try their luck with the girls only to be ripped into pieces by Hinata when they touched the 'properties' of Jin.

Jin was also in a precarious situation as Kurumi kept trying to break free. The system was constantly suppressing the tailed beast, however as most of its energy was being used to contain the beast, the system could no longer aid him in the fight.

Without the system's help, he was no longer able to use the Tenseigan and Rinnegan thus his strength was no longer as abnormal as it used to be.

Jin's body didn't have enough time to adapt to the wild chakra. The only advantage he had was the large chakra reserve and his passive healing ability.

He now realized that his overreliance on the system made him complacent, he could no longer act like his past self as he was constantly pushed past his limits.

Injuries kept piling on top his body only to be healed the next moment. He showed no signs of fatigue and kept charging ahead on his mad killing spree.

However his mental state wasn't faring so well. His 2 tomoe Sharingan and Byakugan wasn't enough to fight against an army. Visual data kept being hammered into his brain as he tried to perceive his surroundings.

The mental strain was enough to make him pass out but his pride wouldn't let him do that. He cursed his past self for wishing to reincarnate in such a dangerous world; more curses rolled off his tongue when he saw madara albeit weakened get resurrected.

He grimaced when he saw the giant susanoo slowly take form. The monstrosity towered over him making him question if he really should flee or not.


As I observed the fight from a safe vintage point, I marveled at the chaos I gave birth to.

Well damn, I didn't expect it to go so well.

I wonder how long I would've lasted if I went ahead with my initial plan. Truly my foresight is astounding!

Is this the power of a modern man? The versatility of mankind is quite remarkable.

Maybe I should've gone for president instead of being an insurance agent back in my homeworld.

'It could've been the work of fate though'


Fate is the byproduct of cause and effect. An anomaly like me with knowledge of the future is something that goes against the world's natural order. A variable like me should've been eliminated by fate itself if I were to cause a significant change in the prophecy.

'Can I really use anime logic to reality though'

This world resembling animes is undoubtedly real, so perhaps animes is just a medium to spread knowledge of the multiverse. If so, then anime logic and reality bust be on harmony somewhere.

As I kept arguing with myself to justify my brilliance...which surpassed even my own understanding!

I saw zetsu being sealed somehow in a rectangular container...well I should probably take that, no way I'm going to let this get in the hands of Jin.


"Haa....Haa, you bastard. How dare you mock me! I am the protagonist! I'll turn you into a woman and r@pe the daylights outta you once I defeat you for calling me incompetent."

"You really are a strange fellow. Do you not have any shame? Whatever, you'll die either way."

"There's no way I'll die. I am god!"

"...I'll just kill you now."




A giant sword came down towards Jin as he blocked it with his own sword but the heavy blow made the ground under him crumble causing him to lose his footing.

The shockwave of the attack passed through his body as it rattled his brain and ruptured his organs. The disorientation caused him to vomit bile and blood while the susanoo used its other hand to punch him again.






The constant loop of damage and regeneration caused so much pain that it already passed the threshold for his feeble mind. His brain forcibly tried to shut off the pain receptors unfortunately the system's passive effect [faint resistance] and [enhanced sensed] prevented him to go unconscious or even suppress the unwanted pain.

{A/N: he is an M, so no pain resistance. Now don't ask why he's not enjoying this pain cz im taking about a different pain}

The Sharingan and Byakugan was already working on overdrive but it wasn't enough to give him an edge.

He decided to use chakra to enhance his brian and optic nerves, but it didn't go as planned as his poor chakra control caused it to overload his nerves and start a seizure.

He would've died if not for the [Tenacious] trait.

'System, when can I use kyuubi mode?'

[Report. Your body has not yet fully adapted to the wild chakra of the tailed beast.]

[Estimated time until host becomes a perfect jinchuriki: 38 hours and 52 minutes]

'I don't have so much time. Help me make a tail beast bomb'

[Report. The tail beast bomb would not be enough to destroy the susanoo.]

'Then find a way to make it work you useless system!'

[Searching for alternate methods.]

[Report. A hybrid beast bomb with soul power of host can cause a collapse of susanoo and also immobilize individual madara for a few moments]

[However it is not advised as the energy needed to perform this action would require the system to go offline temporarily and also cause damage permanent to the host's body]

'Just do it. I'll probably get another system from the goddess'

[Report. Gods cannot inter-]

'Stop babbling and do it you useless shit!'


The moment he executed the order. The system took control of Jin's body and dodged the incoming sword.

Madara was slightly surprised by his change in maneuver but quickly adjusted himself accordingly. The two then started to attack each other relentlessly as Jin used shadow clones to distract him while charging up his hybrid bomb.

Countless shadow clones joined together to form a pseudo kyuubi which used its tails to attack susanoo with deadly precision. Each movement seemed calculated, It would've defeated anyone except madara who had enough combat experience to make up for his lost strength.

As the fight progressed, more and more destruction took place. The sky got divided and the ground cracked to spew out lava. Deep craters formed and the village eventually crumbled under the shockwaves.

As madara backed away from the clone kyuubi. He started to feel anxious.

He sensed danger behind him and realized that Jin's true body was about do do something, however it was too late for madara to dodge the ominous hybrid bomb when it hit the susanoo and broke its defenses.


Not letting go of this chance, the shadow clones disassembled and entered the susanoo where madara was stunned momentarily.

They started to latch onto madara and commit a suicide attack by forming giant rasengans inside their body to overload their system. Normally, this technique wouldn't have worked since the clones disappear after taking a certain amount of damage but the system forcibly modified the technique to make it work.


A sonic boom occurred and the susanoo swelled up to explode.

Madara was finally defeated by the child of degeneracy!

It would've been a joyous moment for Jin if not for the pain of hundreds of shadow clones exploding getting transmitted to him.

His body couldn't take anymore strain as he felt like his body was breaking and reforming, only to break again. With the system gone he no longer had the strength to even think as he fainted on the crater under him.


As kel looked down to see Jin's face, he started to hesitate whether to kill him or not.

Will I stay the same kel after I kill him myself? I may have instigated this entire thing but I didn't take a life by my OWN hands yet.

It's alright if I spare him right? The prophecy is fulfilled. He already damaged his body beyond repair and probably won't even be able to use chakra anymore. I can leave him to deal with the aftermath of this battle. The other villages definitely heard the explosions so the scouts are probably headed here right now.

I almost decided to leave him to his fate but my hesitation went away as soon as I realized that I was simply spouting bullshit like some hero with self-righteousness.


I've already culled an entire village and I'm struggling in the last moment? I'm already a murderer and nothing will change that. I won't blame Jin for the village massacre, it's something I did myself. But no matter what I cannot come to terms with someone sickening like you existing. You don't even see the people of this world as 'people'.

I wonder why I have so much hatred for you. I don't even know you. Perhaps I'm jealous that you can forget about your world so easily and enjoy life?

Whatever it is, I....don't.....want to know. I don't understand if I'm jealous of you for getting cheats or simply think of you as a danger to this world. All I know is that, You have to die.


As I slashed his throat, I expected my hands to shake from seeing the blood flow out. I expected to hyperventilate, too see my vision get dark but I felt nothing.

As I was about to turn back I felt a chilling cold crawl up my spine when I saw an orange fox slowly emerging from his body.

Taking out the teleportation scroll I quickly teleported to a desolate wasteland along with Jin's body where I stood in front of the giant fox kura-....kurumi ready to rip me to pieces with her maw.

Wasting no time, I activated sage mode and called out 'Aoda' to stall kurumi while I cast a wood dragon to bind her.

Alright, now time to convince a fox to let me go.

"I'm sorry!"

Yosh! The job is done. Now it's time to head home.


I'm out teleportation scrolls.


My majestic wood dragon crumbled and Aoda ran away. Turning back I see the fox staring at me.

"Do you think I'm a rabid beast or something that you had to attack me the moment I try to speak?"


Now you see, when an overpowered fox tries to 'talk' with you, the only thing that can happen is-

'Oh forgive me great one. An insect like me is not worthy to speak to such a divine being like you. I dare not cast my eyes upon your majestic boso-.....body. (Damn, that's a really good bosom.)'

'But you did cast your eyes upon me. Otherwise how could you judge my flat chest?'

'They are plumpy!....Ah.'

'So you DID see my bosom with your lecherous eyes huh!'

'(Kuhh....what a shrewd fox)'

'How dare you defile me with your eyes!'

'There must have been a misunde-'




'I must flee from here as soon as possible'


"I feel like you're thinking something stupid, so keep your mouth shut for now. Anyways, I wanted to thank you for freeing me from that guy's body. His thoughts about me were...disturbing.

Now get out of here before I kill you"



[3 days later]

Konoha; Hidden leaf village

"So masato san, you wish to work in the hospital from now on?"


"Very well then. You have enough skills to work as a staff here. Shogo here will help you around until you fully understand you job."

"Thank you!"

As I started to work in the hospital as a staff, I began to enjoy my life. Retirement truly is the best.

But am I forgetting something?

Nah. I have nothing to fear anymore. Time to laze around and work on a way to get back to earth.


"Ahh!.....yes god, impale me with your dead body!"

A pink haired girl was having a pleasant moment with a corpse on a desolate wasteland. The corpse had a carrot sticking out of its body which entered something unholy and useless.

She was having an euphoric moment when a voice interrupted her.

"Yes yes, I know what to do. You don't have to say it again. Just let me have my moment with god."

As kel enjoyed his life thinking about his blissful future. A storm was brewing.

Apparently sakura survived the attack and saw the entire thing. She was ecstatic when she saw her god emerge victorious at the battle between madara. But what happened next made even fate bend around her will.

The image of her god being slashed at his most vulnerable moment by a masked, black haired man was etched in her mind. She understood that her god had left her.

Thus as her most devout slave, she decided to end humanity.

So she started to work. With the power of yandere and the advices coming from a rectangular container she started her journey.

This is the saga of sakura the yandere..

Will she emerge victorious on her conquest to end humanity or will our insurance agent whip out more insurance for this world to rely on.
