
The Golden Trio

[2 years later]

Living this carefree life truly is quite fun. Just eat, sleep and cast genjutsu on Shogo to make him clean the floors. Working as a hospital staff really is the best way to go.

Though there are some confusing moments like Shogo's wife coming over to study how to clean floors from me at night. I try to ignore her advances but it seems that she's getting frustrated nowadays. She even showed faint traces of hostility when I told her to take a bath at her own house.


She really is infatuated my by charm. But I don't want to go down that path. I don't want Shogo to poison my food after all.

Forgive me Kawaski san but I plan to become a sage..



I was in the staff room right? How am I tied up right now?

"You may be strong but you got careless, and I am stronger than you Masato...or should I say KEL."


Yea, that's the hokage alright. How did he recognize me though. My hair is still dyed.

I see this must be a test. He must be suspecting me here but doesn't have any proof so he's trying to make me confess. But I have already fallen such trick before from a shrewd fox! I won't make the same mistake twice.

"You must be thinking that this is a test, but too bad I already have proof! Did you think I won't recognize those crazy eyes only you can have?"


Me? Crazy?



"Oww, what was that for?"

"I recognized your creepy face the first time I saw your application to work at the hospital. The only reason I didn't capture you was because I wanted nothing to do with your creepy mug."


"Did you think I wouldn't find out the porn comic you hid in your room? The ANBUs found it while emptying your house. You scum! How dare you read it before you Hokage, You betrayed your leader for a measly porn comic."

"Hey don't act like yo-"

"Don't talk back!"

kuhh...those traitors. How could you betray a fellow ANBU. Didn't I sacrifice my life to take down Obito while you guys stayed safe? Have some respect for the supposedly deceased!

'Well technically I faked my death so it doesn't count.'

They don't know that.


"Now the let's get on to business shall we. The tournament is coming up and I need you to train some chunins. Jonin Kakashi will help you and keep an eye on you so that you don't escape."


He's not sending me to prison. I knew it! Karma really is acting here to compensate me for all the painstaking effort I put myself through to save this world.

'I didn't really do anything. I just powered up using my clones and pulled aggro moves on the strongest people to instigate conflict within a month after arriving in this world.'

The clones are also a part of me.

'Are they?'

..I should stop talking to myself and focus on this problem first.


"Why me?"

"Although you're crazy, you are a skilled ex-ANBU and also, seeing you so carefree while I have to work on thousands of papers is infuriating!"

"Can't you just banish me?"

"Now where's the fun in that?"

kuhh...and he's calling me crazy? This crazy boomer is letting a traitor get near the future ninjas of konoha!

"Anyways, I said my piece now off you go."




The last thing I saw before closing my eyes was the smiling face of a senile old man.




"Hey lee, we should wake him up right?"

"No. Let's just tell Kakashi sensei to do that. I feel like he might attack us if we get near him."

"Good thinking lee"


"Jutsu: Thousand Years Of Death"


A tearing pain emerged near from my butt crack as I launched myself to nirvana.

It was a learning moment for me. I believed the jutsu was exaggerated, that the pain couldn't be so severe.

I was wrong.

It makes people assume that no matter how much you train your body, you cannot harden some specific parts such of your body. It makes you wish you could just.....make that part disappear.

I felt that.

That day, I swore that I would have my revenge, but not in such a perverted way. I don't wish to put my fingers in a stinky region thank you.

"Oh the new teacher woke up."

As I got up enduring the numb muscles, I heard the voice of three kids, the new student I'm supposed to teach.

One had a bowl cut and wore green spandex. He had thick eyebrows and his eyes shone with vigor. Telling the world that he was ready for anything the world might throw at him.


The other student beside him wore a blue dress with white pants. She had black hair and an ever-present scowl that seemed to say 'I hate life and nobody can love a [monster] like me.'


The last one was a blonde chick with a smiling face radiating positivity, but her eyes seemed to observing everyone constantly. She reminded me of those two faced seductive heroines in otome games.


Well would you look at that. Rock lee also has a harem! He seems to be too dense to notice that but hey, good luck living your youth boy. I hope you explod-...explore the wonderful life you have.

Before I could introduce myself, a white haired masked man we all know as Kakashi decided to do it for me.

"This here is your new teacher. I don't know much about him except he's an ex-ANBU. If you have any questions then ask now."

"Sensei who's stronger between you two." said the blond one.

"Well its obviously me." I said with chest puffed up.

"Humph! You think I'll believe that. Why don't you fight Kakashi sensei and prove it then."

"There is no nee-"

"You're right Sarada. We should fight to see who's stronger."

Oi, why are you agreeing to this. Aren't you supposed to have a laid back attitude?

Before I could object to this, he rushed at me with a kunai and pierced my heart.


Only to realize that he stabbed a log.

Turning around he came face to face with my fist just a few inches away from his face ready to break some teeth.

He jumped back and took a stance facing me.

"I'll be honest, I didn't expect you to be this skilled. I didn't even see you use your hands for substitution ju-"


"Lesson one kids: Ninjas are supposed to deceive their opponents, and there is no better way than using clones for that."

"Well I guess I underestimated you, but a loss is a loss. You got the first hit so it's your win."

"Good. now shall we get started."


"I won't allow anyone to pass until you impress me. So pull out the blickey and do the sticky!"


"Start fighting you shits!"


{A/N: I feel like i should put some glorious fight scene between Kakashi and Kel but that would've been just unnecessary content to fill up the word count, with no plot progression}



[3 hours later]

"None of you are going home today until you all carry these boulders to the other side of the river."

"S-sensei I'm hungry." said Naruko with her puppy eyes.

"Food is prepared on the other side of this river. Last one to complete their tasks won't get food."

"My youth...."

"Nobody loves me...."




"Hey kel, shouldn't you give them a break already."

"No. If you have any problems then just tell the hokage to fire me."




[2 hours later]

"Concentrate Sasuke, you're taking too much time to charge up your Chidori"

"My name is Sarada uch-"

"I don't care. Shut up."


"Lee, hurry up and do 300 push-ups , sit-ups, and 300 km run."


"Naruko, hurry up and form your Rasengan. You have good control of chakra so it shouldn't be that hard."


{A/N: Naruko isn't a jinchuriki anymore so she has better control over chakra}



"Good job. Now take some rest for 5 hours."


[5 hours later]


"Wake up you dimwits!"

*Whack* X3


"Now you all will fight each other for dinner. After that, all of you will do what lee did before. Keep in mind that the food is only for two so the loser won't get to eat."

"Its midnight"

"Ninjas fight in the dark so it's all good."



(Sarada POV)

I always believed that nobody loves me. So I hated this world. But in this dark world I saw a light. His name was lee, he always had a pure smile and wished to live to his fullest.

He had this allure that drew me closer to him. I don't know how but the more I tried to understand him, the more I came to like him. His thick eyebrows, shiny hair and green spandex. It made me feel strange. At some point I realized I've fallen hard for him, so I decided to be by his side no matter what.

{....But everything changed when the fire nation attacked}--sorry I had to say it.

....But everything changed when an ANBU came and started this hell!

Sparring for 3 hours?

Carry a boulder and cross the river?

Master this hard lighting Chidori in 5 hours?

Rest on the hard cold ground?

Why don't you tell me to just ascend the heavens while you're at it!

I'm a maiden for fuuuck's sake.

Can't you just tell us to wake up normally, Why abuse us? Why do you abuse ME?

I'm a maiden!

And why won't you let us have food without making us fight like savages.

I was the cold aloof beauty. Now I'm thinking about how to poison lee's food so that he can't fight properly the next time we eat lunch...

"Time for you and Naruko to learn sage mode so gather up!"


This hateful world!


(Naruko POV)

Food... food...food....food...kill..kill..kill..kill...

(Rock Lee POV)




{A/N: Training manual source (slightly altered): Running away from the hero}

The spartan training went on till the day before the tournament. Now many might assume why I'm so motivated to train these young ones.

It's obviously because for the village! The will of fire burns in my heart! I wish for the safety of myself and also for the village. If the future ninjas are strong then the village will be strong.

It's definitely not because I thought I could get away from work after teaching them everything I know, and its MOST DEFINITELY not because I can't accept my disciples being weak. I am not such a prideful individual.

[Tournament day finals]

The fight went the same as it did in canon except for a few changes. Now with Hinata dead, Neji seems kind of lost. He just fights like a robot with no emotions.

In the end he lost against Gaara.

It's the semi-finals and now its Naruko vs Sarada and Lee vs Gaara.

I gave Kakashi and the hokage some heads up about possible attack from Orochimaru. Now whatever happens, will happen. The 2 should be enough to kill the snake.


Orochimaru was quite shocked right now. He wanted to choose some kids with potential in this tournament and also kidnap Sarada but what's this?

Where did these monsters pop up from?

Watching the always composed Sarada now fighting with a maniacal grin against Naruko who used her unpredictable fighting style. The ground seemed to quake just from their clashes.

Electricity cracked every now and then from Sarada's hands while Naruko used air cutters to stall her while charging up Rasengans on her kunai to later throw these so called Rasen Shurikens at Sarada.

The sound from their jutsus clashing produced a lot of sound, but not enough to tone down the audience who kept cheering.

The males were simping over Naruko and Sarada while the women threw stones at them. This was however not even registered by the duo's mind as they were focused solely on defeating the other.

Kel's training had changed them so drastically that they turned into sadists. However the fight had to come to a stop when a smoke suddenly erupted in the arena and most of the people went unconscious.

Naruko and Sarada teamed up to fight Orochimaru with Kakashi and Hiruzen. Gaara is in a rampage right now and Lee's trying to wake him up. But the most concerning fact is that-

A bunch of hooligan creepy eyed ninjas came rushing towards the ones who were still conscious and started going just...rage mode with robot eyes.


Was this in canon? I don't remember something like this. Maybe I should check this out while the people are still confused.

There seems to be two guards guarding this building.

I decapitated the guards and stepped forward while activating my sharingan just so I could dodge any traps at this entrance.

As expected, 4 of those creepy ninjas came rushing at me the moment I stepped foot inside.

Raising an earth wall to block off their attack, I used wooden extensions to capture them. However I couldn't even begin to interrogate them when 10 more of them came from above.


Don't they have any emotions. I couldn't even detect any killing intent! Are they working for some paranoid villain?

I took a stance to finish them off as soon as possible but they quietly backed off when a robed bandaged man appeared.

What is he?

I couldn't see anything unusual but alarm bells were constantly going off in my head.

He's dangerous.

I don't know what game he's playing but I won't let my guard down.



"Oh, you blocked it. Thats's quite commendable. I should've taken you from Hiruzen when I had the chance.."

Danzo huh...How come I didn't know about this?

Rushing at him with 2 kunais at hand I slashed his right leg off and pierced his brain, but I didn't come out unharmed as the guards in waiting attacked me in that instant.

They managed to graze my neck when in that brief opening huh..looks like this won't be easy. But what surprised me the most was Danzo being completely fine.

I don't know what he did I do see him lamenting about something. Perhaps some way to save his life. It must be limited otherwise there's no reason to be so unhappy.

Guess I'll just hack him until he drops dead.

As I released the gate of opening (1st gate), with the addition of my eyes, the ninjas seemed slow right now except for danzo who was still rushing at me with a speed my eyes could barely follow.




Using one kunai on my left hand and my bare fists on the right, I slashed at the nearest ninja and snapped the neck of the other. But taking on so many ninjas at once is not an easy matter. They don't stop even after losing their limbs and just go on like dolls. I had to endure an incoming strike to use the ninja as a meat shield for the water and thunder attacks coming my way.

As I dodged another strike from Danzo, I opened the gates of healing and life.

The fight seemed to be at a standstill as I faced the last 4 ninjas and Danzo who seemed to be obsessed with my kekkei gankai.

As I blocked off another strike from the them, I used the first one's body as a footing to propel myself sideways and use wooden spikes to impale them. Believing it to not be enough for these zombies I used the rarely used fireball jutsu to burn them to cinders.

However I didn't have time get a breather as a kunai came from the right to cut my left hand. It was a slight cut but I couldn't use my thumb anymore.....guess I'll have to manage with fists.

Opening the gate of pain, I rushed at Danzo who was shocked at my sudden increase in speed. As I punched his head to make it burst I stepped back to see a completely unharmed one.

This has been going on for some time now with me being frustrated about how to defeat him until I saw that his now revealed bandaged arm having numerous sharingans, with some of them being hollow. It was easy to figure out how he revived from then on.

Something like a last boss that I'll have to defeat multiple times until he can't revive anymore huh? Chuckling at my own thought I rushed to fight this abomination.

Unaware that this is just one fight among the many ones coming for me in this shitty life of mine.


Trying to adjust my pacing. I could've slowed it down by adding like 70% content and 30% filler but even I don't like that. so i figured tht its better to release (almost) full content without cramming everything in one chapter.

Next chapter will be a bit short for SUSPENSE!

and do me a favor and write a review.


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