
DROPPED Across The Ages - A Harry Potter Fan-Fic (EN)

Across The Ages - A Harry Potter Fan-Fic (EN) Everyone knows Harry Potter, but do you know the story of the magic world? Have you ever read historical accounts of the goblin war? How did the ancient wizards manage to subdue the powerful race of house elves? Why Salazar Slytherin doesn't like muggles? What does the magic world in China, Brazil or Africa look like? You will find out in the next episode of Pokemon! All Harry Potter rights, characters, spells and more belong to J.K. Rowling. BUT the story you will read here as well as the characters not present in the original story belong to me! P.S: It's the first time I write a novel and I'm French, English is my second language. And for the cover image, I did it on photoshop, but I took lots of pieces of images all over pinterest, so if a piece belongs to you, tell me ^^'

Strom400 · Livres et littérature
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18 Chs

Learn form Grandpa

"Nice to meet you too, grandpa ..."

"Haha, your father raised you well, come, come and sit."

The room was relatively large, a rectangular table was in the middle, long tapestries rested on the walls and a few servants were busy. Elias moved closer to him and sat down on one of the seats arranged around the central table.

"So tell me Elias, have you read the books I * cough * sent you? What did you think?"

"Yes, I remember most of it, some things still elude me about your journal, but I suppose it cannot be otherwise, since I have never really tried it."

"And we'll make sure to rectify * cough * that. Then, did you learn a little magic?"

"Yes, I have a knack for using the levitation spell."

At that moment Murdok intervened, clearing his throat.

"It's not just a little talent, master, I saw him cast the spell when he just got his wand, it was impressive ... for a child of course."

"Haha, in this case it's * cough * * cough * excellent! Okay, now, we'll take care of your education! Murdok?"

"Yes Master ?"

"You will be in charge of answering all his questions! Elias, in the room over there." He pointed to a large wooden door "This is the library, you can read all the books you want, but you have to be aware of your level, I will give you a list of books that you will have to read for the next week. You have the right to read other books in addition but be careful and I strongly advise you to start with the basics. If you have questions * cough *, you can ask Murdok. I would be very busy this week to manage the conference. Besides, you can go out and look around, but you have to let us know every time, okay? "

"Yes! I wil work hard!"

"Good! * Cough * You can go now, Murdok, show him his room."

"Yes Master."

And the two headed for one of the side corridors.

"Mr. Murdok, why is grandpa coughing like this?"

"Many wizards are different from normal human beings, some use magic to make themselves stronger or more intelligent, your grandfather is one of them, I don't really know what that is" difference "but it seems that he is strong, very strong ... "

"* It's a good thing, I think I made a good impression on him. If I study with a great wizard like him, I should have a good future! *"

"Elias, this is your bedroom, there are dresses with your family coat of arms in the wardrobe, put one on and then join me in the library." And he left Elias alone in his room.

"* So, I think I can cross out step number one of my plan ... Find a powerful master: done! Beginning of the second step: get stronger! *"


After getting dressed, Elias joined Murdok in the library. When he entered, Murdok, who was reading a book, turned around saying, "Ha, there you are, we can start ..."

"* This child ... *" he thought. He remained motionless for a moment, held back by a magical sensation. He had before him a living picture to which all human feelings combined with chance gave vivid colors: the midnight blue dress reflected the pale white skin which testified to the nobility of the boy. On his black hair was a pointed hat just as blue as his dress which made his eyes stand out. Eyes so deep blue that it looked almost black, they seemed to contain the unknown depths of the ocean. In his pupils, one could see a burst of intelligence and wisdom that a young person of his age would not be supposed to hold. An artist should involuntarily admire this opposition, and the contrasts produced by the whiteness of his skin, with the midnight blue uniform he wore.

Murdok shivered softly when the young man fixed his gaze on him. He pulled himself together and said, "Let's start, here is a list of books that the master asked me to give you." And he handed him a small paper.

At this moment, a soft darkness enveloped the library. A few timid rays of sunlight passed through the only window in the room. These rays lit up the center of the room, where stood an armchair that turned its back on this window. The rays highlighted the dust that flew into the room and danced in that dim light ... Hundreds of books, of which Elias did not know the title or the author, rested gently on the shelves. He looked around, the darkness and the silence was soothing.

Opposite to the door was a chimney where there remained some unused logs. The armchair, of leather, sits in the middle of this unreal decor, on a dusty carpet worn by the footsteps of former occupants. Among the shelves that cover all the walls, beside the fireplace, was a painting representing a couple, we could distinguish Rusell Ademisault thanks to his long beard gray and has his eyes bright blue. Beside him was a woman, slightly older than him. Above the door, as a good watchman lies the head of a majestic creature, a lion, who watches over the prosperity of this room.

Elias grabbed the paper Murdok handed him, then started to browse through the shelves, brushing the books with his other hand. Books, books up to the ceiling.

His gaze fell on the paper in his hand. It was written :

Book of Spells, by Gandalf Thegrey;

The basis of enchantments by Hector Gryffindor;

Theoretical magic, by Kirua Zoldyck;

Metamorphosis, fundamentals, by Arya Stark;

Magic plants, Groots;

Magic Potions, from Doc Q;

Registry of Magical Creatures, by Shrek Muddy.

"* Strangely, these names sound familiar ... Anyway. How am I going to be able to find these books in this huge library ... Fortunately it is arranged in alphabetical order. Well, there is a book written by a Gryffindor, Hector ... Never heard of him. * "

Elias moved between the rows of books, when he reached the letter G, he grabbed a ladder on roulette which was next to it. He carefully climbed the bars and grabbed Mr. Thegrey's spell book.

He went downstairs and went to sit on the armchair in the middle of the room.

The book had a time-worn leather binding. It was dotted with gold threads which formed a circle in which rested a large rune of a forgotten language. Elias gently passed his hand over that if, feeling the weight of age cross his fingers. He opened it gently.

Index of basic spells, by Gandalf Thegrey.

The Levitation Spell

Incantation: "Wingardium Leviosa"

The Water Spell

Incantation: "Aguamenti"

The Unlocking Spell

Incantation: "Alohomora"

The Wand Ignition Charm

Incantation: "Lumos"


In the following pages, a detailed introduction to each spell with their incantations, the wand movement, explanations on the difficult points ...

Elias spent time memorizing each spell, without realizing that from time to time he made a little wand movement. He put all his concentration in the study of the book, so that he did not even notice that Murdok was gone and that in his place, an old man looked at him attentively.

"* My grandson seems to be a passionate young man, that's good, very good. In this case, I could entrust him ... We will see that in the future, for now, he needs to be trained! * Cough * ... Why am I coughing in my thoughts ?! "

As Elias scanned the library books on the island, many wizards were busy. Building materials poured in by boat, a large square was built using magic. The once uninhabited Thule Island now looked like a giant anthill.

Hi everyone !

Today, I really applied myself to the descriptions, I don't know if you noticed it, but I think that it added more depth to the story, it gives us more proximity to the characters, right?

Tell me what you think ! :)

Thanks for reading !

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