
DROPPED Across The Ages - A Harry Potter Fan-Fic (EN)

Across The Ages - A Harry Potter Fan-Fic (EN) Everyone knows Harry Potter, but do you know the story of the magic world? Have you ever read historical accounts of the goblin war? How did the ancient wizards manage to subdue the powerful race of house elves? Why Salazar Slytherin doesn't like muggles? What does the magic world in China, Brazil or Africa look like? You will find out in the next episode of Pokemon! All Harry Potter rights, characters, spells and more belong to J.K. Rowling. BUT the story you will read here as well as the characters not present in the original story belong to me! P.S: It's the first time I write a novel and I'm French, English is my second language. And for the cover image, I did it on photoshop, but I took lots of pieces of images all over pinterest, so if a piece belongs to you, tell me ^^'

Strom400 · Book&Literature
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18 Chs

Ritual Magic Conference

* yawns * "* Woa ... I slept badly ... *" Raising his head which rested on a magic book, Elias stretches then looks around him. "* Ha, damn, I fell asleep in the library ... *"

He got up from the headquarters and headed for his room. He showered, changed his clothes, ate something, then headed for his grandfather's office. The room was large, dark in color. In the center of it sits a huge desk, made of dark wood, a desk with a golden lamp with a red shade. The desk was complete, with drawers and other useful storage. In addition to the desk were furniture, bookcases or storage, in wood of the same shade as the desk, dark. Everything they contained seemed extremely well classified, almost too well. A chandelier on the ceiling illuminated the place.

The general decoration was of the same type as the rest of the castle / tent, sculptures, paintings, golden ornaments. The floor is a burgundy carpet, and on the walls are some tapestries. A seat was placed in front of the desk where a guest could sit.

Behind the desk, Rusell looked at his grandson with curiosity. "Are books a good mattress?" He asked with amusement.

"Not really ..." Elias replied, massaging his neck. "Grandpa, I wanted to ask you if I could go outside to visit."

"Hmm ... Okay, here are 200 pieces of 4 grams of gold each. For a total of 800 grams. It is mainly with gold that wizards trade ... Save those 800 grams, they are for the entire stay. Be careful, you can go. "

"Thank you grandpa!"

"* Rich! So rich! 800 grams of gold, I'm going to hide half of it! *" Elias ran towards his room and put half of the gold under his pillow. He put the other half in a canvas bag and then headed for the exit.

When those eyes got used to the light of day, he was speechless. In one night, the village was transformed and had become a big city!

In the port, convoys of merchant ships from the British archipelago unloaded lots after lots of goods. A cheerful atmosphere had taken over the whole city. The clerks of the great traders came and went with a busy air on the quays, inspecting the cargoes, haggling fiercely with the representatives of the companies while the curious stopped to contemplate the fascinating spectacle of the unloading of the boats.

Excited children played between barrels of wine and bundles of cloth, spinning like wasps around sellers of donuts and other sweets, trying to drag their parents past barracks hastily set up by wizards where hundreds of magic objects rest.

Magic objects of all kinds, ranging from teleportation stones that you have to lick with your tongue but that sticks for an hour to the cloaks of invisibility that cannot help but laugh all the time.

But it was in the bars that the entertainment was at its peak: as soon as they landed, most of the sailors were already drunk with wine and sang loudly in the bars and alleys. Here and there, a fight broke out for a futile reason, quickly forgotten by the belligerents.

On the gigantic central square, the stalls were quickly set up and the crowd crowded, coming from countries all over the world to sell as well as to buy. There too, the wizards erected barracks or tents, and the bars in the square overflowed with drunken sailors and merchants in big negotiations. Musicians have settled near the fountain with their violins and tambourines; a little further, the children gathered around the magic shows and fire eaters.

Elias walked between the stalls, having fun in front of wacky objects or useless magic tricks. Some stalls offered exotic or even magical food but his grandfather had warned him to eat food only if several other people had already eaten it before him ... In case a sorcerer wants to make strange experiments on passersby.

From time to time, a stall caught his eye, like the one selling magic creatures, captured using ritual magic. They were selling all kinds of magic creatures, niffler, bowtruckle, there were even mermaids and house elves, who for the moment were just called elves.

"* The relations between the elves and the goblins worsen from year to year, the enslavement of the elves should be in a few years, I hope that there will be no wars ... *"

Aside from all these stalls selling items or creatures, there were some who were there to demonstrate new rituals in order to sell them or gain notoriety.

"Approach ladies and gentlemen, approach! A new laugh ust that you had never seen, you always had difficulty controlling your Kelpies? Not anymore !

Thanks to our new ritual, you will no longer have to fear that it will take you from the bottom! For those of you who don't know, a Kelpie is a metamorphic water demon that haunts rivers and lochs in Great Britain and Ireland. Its most common form is that of a horse with a mane made of rushes.

He often invites a human being to ride on his back. And hardly the victim has climbed on his back that the animal dives and drags him to the bottom of the water to devour it. But thanks to our new ritual, you will no longer need to be afraid! Because the Kelpie will have the approximate speed of a snail!

This ritual is extremely simple, follow the steps, you will get a purple powder, you blow all the powder on her face and voila! You will get a completely harmless sea animal! The effect lasts 48 hours. "

Most of the passers-by had in-depth knowledge of ritual magic, since it was a conference on this subject, but even then, they had curious expressions. Some asked questions.

"Sir, how did you come up with this result?"

"The manufacturing process is entirely written on this sheet, it costs only 30 grams of gold! A charm is applied to avoid stealing or copying, it will remain active for about a year."

"Sir, I have trouble grasping the usefulness of your ritual, the advantage of a Kelpie is precisely that when it is tamed, it can move at very high speed in the water ... But not only do you not provide a way to tame it, but you also take away its usefulness ... "

Upon hearing this, a few people in the crowd started laughing and booing.

"But ... Even if there is no known way to tame it, this powder can still help you try ..."

"Yeah, yeah that's it ... Haha, if it was for 5 grams, then why not, but 30 ... You can dream!"

The crowd started to laugh and mock, then after a few moments it dispersed.

Elias, who was watching from afar, approached and asked the discouraged man.

"Does it work on other magic beast?"

"Sorry ?"

"Does the powder work on other magic beast?"

"Well... We tried on several, but it didn't work on all ... It works on the Kelpies, the hippogriffs and the Sombral. But that has no interest for the last two, we already know how to tame them ... "

"Did you try on the dragons?"

"Dragons ?! Great gods, no! It's too dangerous to approach them while alive!"

"Really..." Elias thought for a few moments and then said, "I'll take the formula."

"Haha, thank you young man! You won't regret it! But ... don't you try with the dragons okay?"

"Okay !" And Elias handed over the requested 30 grams of gold.

"Ha no, I doubt anyone else wants to buy it ... You can have it for 10 grams."

"Haha, thank you very much sir! Goodbye!" Then Elias went away.

As he walked between the stalls, stopping from time to time to listen to wizards trying to sell their new product, he suddenly heard a strange voice uttering insults.

It was a hoarse voice and she spoke no language that Elias did not know, but yet he could understand that it was not praise thanks to the tone of the voice. The sounds seemed to come from deep within the throat of the person making them. Elias came closer and he saw her. The creature had cracked skin, scars left its shoulders and went to the bottom of its back. Thick chains held her tied to a large pole planted in the ground.

"My god ... It's ... It's a troll !!"

Hello !! A new chapter!

I'm having a little trouble, but I manage to stick to one chapter a day xD

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

I have a question for you, what is the next spell that Elias should learn? It must be a simple spell but versatile enough.

I thought about reducto or silencio...

Thanks for reading :)

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