
Plans for the Future

Abella had finished school and was now getting off the bus at her bus stop, which was just down the street from her apartment building. A lot has happened at school today, and she might think that she has superpowers like Spider-Man.

After getting off the bus stop, Abella traveled up the street to her apartment while thinking, 'Is it true? Do I really have superpowers? I mean, Spider-Man got his powers by being bit by a radioactive spider, but have I?'

Taking both of her hands to her neck, Abella tried to feel all around and see if there was some kind of bump, and interestingly enough, there was toward the back area of her neck.

"That's a bug bite, no doubt. But, was it really a radioactive spider that bit me?" She really wanted to believe that it was, since not only would she have an explanation for her stunt today, but having superpowers was every little kid's dream.

Sighing, she saw that she was arriving near her apartment as the sign "Laura's Sweet Delights" was in her line of sight. Walking into the alleyway, she unlocked the side door with a set of keys from her bookbag before opening and locking it.

Walking up the steps, Abella saw that she was the only one in the apartment, judging by the lack of lights and no audible sounds echoing through the house. "I think Mom is still in the bakery down below, and Skye should be over at Alice's house with her sister," she muttered.

This being the case, she decided to go back to her room before turning on the light and taking a look at the filth that awaited her during the whole day. Though there was a sticky note near the damaged wall done by her that read, "We need to talk about this - Mom. P.S. CLEAN YOUR ROOM!!!!"

Setting her bookbag down toward the side of the door, Abella kicked off her shoes and walked over to her bed and picked up her blanket, and that's when she saw it.

The mysterious black and purple radioactive spider that bit her in the morning.

Having no fear or revulsion toward it, Abella picked it up by one of its legs and viewed its deceased body in amazement. She didn't want to throw it away or flush it down the toilet.

However, she also knew that there was no telling what would happen if she kept a dead radioactive spider around, so she needed to hide this thing somewhere safe. She went to grab a plastic zip-lock bag from the kitchen and stored it inside.

'This should do for now. I'll look for safe places later.' Abella decided to throw the bag into her bookbag and was now looking at her filthy room.

"It looks like I have my work cut out for me..." She then spent the next few hours cleaning her room by throwing all the moldy trash away, picking up all her clothes and throwing them into a washer, and starting to organize everything.

As for the damage, there was only so much she could do, and Abella thought that her mother might have to hire someone to patch it up. But, as far as cleanliness goes, everything looked great.

Of course, she did sweep and mop the wooden floors before calling it a day by jumping into the shower. However, she did need to wait until her clothes were done washing, so until then, she decided to go onto her personal laptop that was sitting on her personal desk in her room.

"I think it's time I officially start learning about this world..." Abella thought about and looked up famous fictional businesses and people who she recognized in certain comics in Abel's memories.

First, she was able to look up "Oscorp Industries," so that already confirms that she is indeed in a Marvel world. She then looked up Peter Parker, who was the original Spider-Man in the comics, and she did end up confirming that he still exists.

"It says here on Midtown's High website on the school yearbooks page that Peter Parker graduated from the class of 2000, and there's no further information. Huh, he kinda looks cute, to be honest." She thought aloud as she viewed a picture of a brown-haired boy with glasses.

From there, Abella was able to surmise that she had replaced Peter Parker as the new spider superhero and that it would be up to her to fight crime if she chose to follow that path. "I think I do. I mean, there will surely be supervillains in the future, and if I'm currently the only person with powers, it is my responsibility to stop them."

Even though she says this, Abella has no experience fighting or stopping crime, and as much as she would like to use the comic books in Abel's memories as a guide, they are not reliable enough. "I need to train and get a suit. But first, I need to make sure that I graduate with decent grades."

The first thing that she wanted to do was quickly complete her homework in all of her classes so as to get them out of the way. This was very easy, though, and it only took her an hour and a half to complete them.

After that was done, she put her clothes in the dryer before checking what sort of other abilities she may have. Some versions of Spider-Man have organic webs, while others can only use mechanical ones. And after using the famous Spider-Man gesture with her hand, she could determine that she would have to use mechanical web shooters.

"I wouldn't know the first step in order to create web shooters, though. I guess that I have a lot of research and learning ahead of me if I want to create them." She sighed disappointedly.

The thought of asking someone knowledgeable to create them didn't appear in her thoughts since it was too risky to involve other people in her decision to fight crime. It could hurt them, and it could hurt her if more people were aware of her abilities.

Speaking of, "I need to make sure that I never openly show my abilities to anyone anymore. Whatever happened at school will be the last time that ever happens, and I already want to punch myself for being so ignorant and careless."

Stretching, Abella then started to make a list of things she'd need in order to create mechanical web shooters. She took a notebook out of her bag and started listing some relevant topics she'll need to research if she wants to have a chance at making them.

"Let's see, maybe physics, mechanical engineering, material science, chemistry, electronics, and perhaps biology, too. I wonder if there's anything else I need..." Thinking that these were the basic topics, she started to research online, starting with basic physics first to understand the fundamental principles of motion and force.

This will provide a foundation for designing the web shooters and calculating their capabilities. This knowledge will help Abella grasp the physical constraints and possibilities of designing and creating them.

Yet, after researching for just a few minutes, she could already tell that it was going to take a while for her to start understanding anything. Luckily, she does have all the time in the world to do this, but before she could get started, she heard a knock on her door.

"Come in!" Abella yelled while closing her laptop and turning her chair to face the direction of the door, where she could now see two beautiful women with raven-black hair and crystal blue eyes. One was obviously Laura, whose face was filled with disbelief over how clean her room was.

And the other was Skye, who was also shocked but still lingered her eyes on Abella. Skye was a few years older than Abella and had short, raven-black hair and crystal-blue eyes. She normally wears tomboyish clothing, and right now, she was wearing a black sweatshirt and gray sweatpants.

"What's up? You guys don't usually come into my room..." Abella mentioned, interested in the fact that they were both here and looked as if they wanted to tell her something important.

They both nodded, and Laura started saying, "Yes, we wanted to talk to you about something. But first, what the hell happened to your wall, lovebug?" She pointed over to the damaged wall with a large hole in it.

Skye was curious too since this was her first time seeing this, but luckily, Abella thought of the perfect excuse. "Yeah, about that. I saw a spider crawl on my bed, and I ended up getting scared, so I slammed my head against it unintentionally. I'm sorry for not telling you sooner."

Laura walked over and kissed her on the top of her head while rubbing the back of her head. "It's alright; I was a little concerned, that's all. I'll call the landlord and see if he can send someone to fix it. But that's not why we're here."

Glancing her eyes between the two, Abella made a face that said, "Okay, what is it?" and then Laura continued, "Well, we wanted to know if you wanted to start working at the bakery. You're old enough to start working, and it is around Christmas, so we'll be getting a lot of orders. You could make some money while helping us out. What do you say?"

Abella heard what she asked and thought, 'Well, I do need money if I want to create web shooters and my suit. It cost money to buy the materials and objects needed to create them. Plus, having some money wouldn't hurt as well.'

Without further delay, she nodded and said that she would gladly help around the bakery if she got paid, which ended up causing the three of them to laugh. It was now Skye's turn, and she looked as if she was uncomfortable sharing.

"W-Well, you know how I learn Kung-Fu with Sarah, Alice's sister?" She asked, to which Abella nodded, so she continued. "Yeah, so I'm having a tournament this weekend, and I wanted to know if you would come. I know that you don't usually go to these things, but I thought that—"

Before Skye had the chance to finish her sentence, Abella immediately said, "Yes, I would love to go! Which day is it and what time?"

Taken aback by Abella's eagerness, Skye blushed with a smile. She stuttered, "Y-Yeah, it's on Saturday, and it starts at 12:00 PM. Mom will take us, so if you really are going, then please be ready by then."

Not staying any longer, Skye then left Abella's room, as she was a little happy that her little sister was going to watch her fight at the upcoming martial arts tournament. Abella understood why this was, as it was because Abella had never shown any initiative before with anything involving Skye.

They were very close at a young age before they drifted apart as they grew up. The old Abella was hit with major depression, and she didn't have the energy to do anything but sleep, and Skye wasn't great with her feelings, so things became a bit awkward for them.

Laura placed a hand on Abella's back with a warm, loving smile. "Thank you, lovebug. I know that things haven't been easy for the two of you, but I'm glad that you guys are starting to turn around."

She then started to walk out of Abella's room before she said, "Oh, and dinner will be ready in half an hour, so make sure you're all washed up by then!" And after saying that, the sound of the dryer being finished sounded in Abella's ears.

The sight of her mother vanished as the door was soon closed when she left Abella's room. Leaning back into her chair, Abella had a lot to think about and a lot to do in the future.

But there was one thing she wanted to confirm before she got into the shower. Opening up her laptop again, she searched for a person called "Abel Stirling," who might still exist in this world, even if it was a bit different than the world in Abel's memories.

Yet she found no trace of Abel at all. It was as if he never existed in the first place, and if it wasn't for the highly detailed memories of his, she would believe that was the case. "Did I, Abel, get transmigrated into a Marvel Universe?"

At first, she would deny that was the case. After all, stuff like that was pure fiction and not real. However, everything that has happened thus far—all the crazy events and the famous fictional characters she's read about in comics—were all real—right in this universe that she found himself in.

The question of whether she would go back if she could did appear in her mind, but she shook her head, thinking, 'Even if I go back, there's no one waiting for me except my godmother, who is having a hard time living because of me. Perhaps she'll live a better life not having to take care of another person.'

Sure, her godmother might not think the same, but these were Abel's thoughts and feelings. And even if he could, leaving this world behind undefended for the potential dangers to come was not something Abel wanted.

Nodding to confirm her thoughts, Abella now decided. "I'll stay in this world. For now, I will still go to school and pay attention while learning all these important subjects on the side. I will make sure to help around the bakery to get money, and I will go to my sister's tournament this Saturday."

With this in mind, Abella would now make preparations to make sure that her life as a superhero goes as smoothly as possible. Her life was surely going to be very busy, but all of it was going to be fun.
