

a man is reborn even though he didn’t want so now he is sent to another world what will he do. I do not own all the characters just my own

Voided_fox · Movies
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9 Chs


After half a day of running me and Rufa arrived in front of a castle made of black crystal.

Jumping off of Rufa I let my hand run through her fur, as I made my way to the palace steps I stoped briefly just to take a deep inhale and opening the doors I was greeted with a lavish interior with white crystal walls and golden decor but wat was really was the main attraction was the hundreds of dragons flying around.

Takeing my eyes off the dragons I looked toward the throne wear a thrown made of beautiful colored crystals.

Looking around I saw that all the royalty's and royal advisors.

"Fa-your majesty I bring Dire news." I announced, haveing to correct my self midsentence.

It would have been really odd calling another man 'your majesty' but thankfully I got my memories back from wean I was in the cave.

Looking at the man that was my father in this life.

He had long black peppered hair that was neatly tied in the back and had a matching peppered beard as well haveing rugged features but it wasn't his rugged good looks that I was proud of instead it was the fact that he was a warrior king who dedicated himself to his people and his sons.

"We already know and are deciding on how to deal with there demands ." He said calmly however a wearing white armor raised his voice in protest.

"Your majesty! I believe it would be week to submit to their demands, instead let us attack with our hordes of dragons, in battalion of wolfs they stand no chance." He said before stabbing his sword into the ground and multiple other people did the same however some of the other people just shook their heads while I looked at him like he was crazy.

"First of all that battalion of wolves are my children and they will not be sent to their deaths because you say so and secondly we don't own the dragons they are our companions." I stated calmly.

"Well then how about we send you?" A pale woman with purple eyes said, her voice betraying no emotion as she walked over and stood by my father.

"Our of all the children only you don't have a direction or a wife and sure you brought home a mistress but from the reports that the birds brought shes over a thousand years old." She said as she threw a sack that bounced a little before gothals head rolled out.

"I decided that she was a little to old for you."

She said emotionlessly.

"Dang and she was my favorite…any father, mother is right it is best that I go after all a prince is worth more then a thousand gold—leso Dinner time!" I said yelled and immediately the hawk swooped in and grabed gothals head.

"I swear you and your mother give me the creeps sometimes." My father said before kissing my mother.

—-pov change/time skip —-

Looking at the short man in front of me I can't help feel irritated because ever since I become queen men of royalty came in droves with marriage proposals and wean I declined them they would try to threaten me however all it took was a small ice bullet to make them run away and for those with extra confidence I offered to freeze there waters and land this seems to work the most.

"My Queen! The King,Queen and forth prince of the southern isles have arrived."

Clinching my teeth I had to take a moment to collect my self before I could let them in after all what Hans did was still fresh in my mind but knowing that it was the Queen and King I pushed my hatred down although I do wonder why they were here.

"Let them in." I said after collecting myself enough.

Waching them walk into the throne room I expected a grand and flashy entrance and I got one.

"King Nobras, the dragon hearted." My announcer announced probably because they insisted.

Looking at the king I saw he was wearing his armor the only skin showing was his head while his every step made the ground smoke.

"Queen Gallaria, the cold."

Next came the Queen and just like the King she was also wearing her armor and unlike the kings which was all black hers was white with icy blue lines and evry step she took froze the ground she walked on .

"Prince Ray, the indifferent."

And just like the other two Ray had his armor on but he also had his helmet on while two swords hung from a chain that was wrapped around his arms and in his hands he held a overstuffed bag.

Dropping the bag in front of me he quickly grabed his sword and that was enough for me I shot the ice bullet at him however he just grunted before slicing the bag and kicked it, letting the contents spill out.

Looking up I saw that the prince was holding his cheek from wear the bullet hit, his helmet, discarded across the table but just as I was about to apologize I saw as his injury glowed golden before completely disappearing.

"Your Ransom, my Queen." He said with much venom.

"Ransom? I didn't ask for no Ransom but on another note how did you heal your wound?" I said as I looked at the crystals and gold that fell out of the bag.

"Well someone did and even used your royal stamp." The King said as got up from his chair and the Queen did so as well.

"And also threatened us with war so if you would excuse us, we have to go calm our subjects." The Queen said as she walled out.

Looking at the Prince I expected him to leave however he just sat down and said.

"I am part of the ransom." He said as he put his feet up and I could only look at him in Disbelief.