

a man is reborn even though he didn’t want so now he is sent to another world what will he do. I do not own all the characters just my own

Voided_fox · Movies
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9 Chs


——-Mother Gothe pov 2 months later——

After being stuck with this man for the last two months Ray the man that I was stuck in this cave with.

I learned that he was a man of both lust and contentment the only time I saw him look at me jealously was wean he looked at my clothes.

Now the lust part was different he only looked at me lustfully wean I get around 40 however the moment I use the flower he losses all interest and just plays a game he calls Orlog and it kinda hurts knowing that he only looks at me wean I am old but who cares I got a the flower.

Looking over at Ray i wached as he carved a weird looking hammer out of bones with almost familiar looking tunes on the hammer and that got me wondering what it was.

"So what are you doing and what are you makeing if you don't mind me asking?" I waltzed over and asked after all I was curious and bored and he was doing something interesting.

"What I am doing is makeing a necklace." He answered even showing me a finished small hammer necklace.

"And the hammer is called mjolnir, my people wear it as a sighn of our faith it can also be used as a blessing for our marriage is and ceremonies." He said as he carved more stuff and gibberish on the one he was working on.

After that short interaction I went back to my spot in the cave and let my mind wander about but no matter how much I tried to think of other things my mind always went to Rays abnormally tall body and his purple eyes that seemed to glow while every time I would approach him in my older form his muscles would bulge it was an absolute turn on wean ever that happens after all the fact that a man had to physically hold him self back because of you was extremely attractive.

Shaking my head, my mind wondered twords Rapunzel I didn't really care about her it's just that I left her in the tower after reprimanding her about the out side I left so if I went back and I found her dead I just might laugh my ass off to death.

After laughing a bit more to my self I slowly felt my boredom comeing back that was until I saw two fruits hanging from the bush.

"Hay your bush bore fruits." I said before makeing my way over to it and since he was closer he was already right there picking them and for the first time I saw excitement clear as day spread across his face and as he bit into the first fruit it was an extreme red and the juice that sexually fell down the corner of his lips and onto the floor I saw as the soil all around became perfectly fertilized and even made the sun drop flower grow 3 inches.

Gasping I saw as he planted the seed from the fruit he just ate a little closer to the sun drop flower.

Once he was done with that he started to eat the second one this one was just like the other one but this one was extremely purple and I wached as again a drop of the purple fruits juice fell into the soil makeing the perfect and fertilize soil, even more perfect while my flower grew 4 inches more and wean I looked back at the bush I saw that it slowly turnd to dust and made the soil even more perfect.

Stepping closer to me Rays muscles were bulging and a slight red was spreading it's way around his neck while his purple eyes looked as if he wanted to do something and knowing what was happening I couldn't move because I was captivated by how tall and handsome he was however todays not my day as after a very long second he just walked away but now with my curiosity peaked I wanted to know more but the risk of being violated was high so instead I I just went back to my side and sat down trying to think of what those fruits were.

"So are you ganna tell me what those fruits you ate were?" I asked after I felt that he had calmed down a bit.

The red fruit is called the cherry of immortality and the purple fruit is called the grape of eternal youth." And I couldn't believe that he would keep that all to himself and wean he saw the face that I was makeing he looked genuinely confused.

"You kept such a thing to yourself? How selfish can you be?!" I screamed at him however he just stared at me like I was a child haveing a tantrum.

"Me? Selfish? If I would have asked to use the flower forty years from now you would have said no and face it your nothing to me why would I want to give you a treasure that can only be used twice? The last time it can be used will be for my wife." He said as he calmly placed his hands on his chest before closing his eyes.

Realizing that he was right I walked back over to my side of the cave I felt a pain in my chest as I wached him catch a few fish and grab a few sticks off the tree he made a fire and started cooking the fish and immediately an ideal popped into my head as I wached him pat out a flam that got onto his skirt and looking at my dress I had to stop my self from smiling.