

[ARI: After I met up with Mrs. Darla I couldn't stop smiling. I literally felt like I had a true family again, but little did I know about what was waiting for me in my school.]

Ari reached her school just in time before the first bell. She stood in front of her classroom door completely out of breath and with beads of perspiration on her forehead "Phew! what a sunny morning", she thought to herself while wiping the sweat off of her face. After catching her breath and drying her self up, she proceeded to open the door, when she heard giggles from the other side. Curious to know what it was about she pushed the door open and then...

THUMP!!! fell the trash can exactly on top of Ari's head. "HAHAHA!!!" All the students laughed hysterically as Ari pulled the trashcan away from her head. the students of her class had pulled a prank on her again. "Aww! look baby bear was sneaking around the trash can again," they said, " Did you want anything to eat, or were you just finding a place to hide your ugly hairy self." Ari stood there completely petrified and hopeless as her classmates made fun of her.

This was usual for Ari as she was bullied and teased every day, but today they took it a bit far which hurt her at a deeper level. Even though she stood there with no movement, every word thrown at her pierced her heart and tore it into pieces.

"Hey bear girl, Have you ever heard of the word 'Salon'."

"Oh come one, she must belong to a werewolf pack, or else why would the hair on her arms and legs be so thick"

"Oo oo or she must be the older sister of the ugly duckling"


ARI couldn't take it anymore, and thus left the classroom and rushed to the washroom before anyone could see the tears pouring down from her eyes. she started sobbing and questioning, "WHY ME!" Her eyes were completely drenched in warm tears and her vision was completely blurred out. she forced her hands on her mouth so that noboby could hear her cry.

Ari was devastated, but there was not much she could do. So, she wiped her tears, washed her face, blewout her nose, and decided to head out to class. With every step she took her heart got heavier and tears started to well up in her eyes, thinking about how the rest of her day would go about. Ari fluttered her eyelids while looking up in order to stop her tears from welling up. In the process of calming herself down Ari bumps into someone but doesn't look up as she was hiding her tears. "Are you okay?" a gentle voice asked. "Uh yeah, I'm sorry " Ari replied looking at her feet and then silently turned around and left.

[ ARI: Guys! that voice that I heard, was so gentle and sweet. The voice was a male's voice and it was so deep but very friendly. I almost wanted to look at who the person was but, I was way too concerned about not showing my tears to others that I couldn't help but leave.]

Ari silently walked into her classroom with her head down, took her place and started to unpack her stationary. She could hear whispers and giggles but thankfully it did not last long because the teacher had arrived and the class eventually began. Ari tried to forget what happened and concentrated on her class. Until lunch, the day went quiet fast but Ari was still pretty gloomy and she really felt bad for not being able to properly talk to that boy that she bumped into. Her overthinking ability was not helping her at all but somehow she tried to divert herself and focus on class hoping her day after a good lunch would be better.

The bell rang and it was time for lunch. Ari packed up her stuff , grabbed her lunch card and left for the cafeteria before anyone could pick on her and ruin her mood again. As she came closer to the cafeteria she could smell the freshly baked cheese pizza and hear the sizzling sound of curly fries being fried in the oil. The smell of food instantly lightened her mood up even more and almost made her forget the obnoxious prank that took place in the morning. Excited as she was, she went directly towards the line where pizza was being served and stood in line ready to get her lunch.

Just before it was Ari's turn to get her slice of pizza, two of her classmates, Gina and Sam came in from nowhere and pushed her out of the line and took her place. "It's better if you don't eat any food for a few days Ari bear, atleast that way you will lose a couple of pounds." teased Sam. Both of them started laughing so hard they began to snort. These words triggered Ari to a point where she couldn't take it anymore and with the frustration shot back at both of them, " You both need to mind your own business, and you have no right to push me out of the line when I was here first."

Gina and Sam's laughter turned into shock as they had never seen that side of Ari before. both of their eyes were wide open with their jaws dropped down. Before they could utter anything a teacher in charge came up to them and helped Ari get up and yelled at both Gina and Sam. " But Ms. luna Ari started it" Gina lied.

Fortunately the teacher had seen everything that happened and sent Gina and Sam to the back of the line. Ari felt good about standing up for herself even though deep inside she still felt pretty inferior and thought may be it wasn't such a good idea to yell back at them. But little did she know that her classmates had more tricks up their sleeve to hurt her again.