

My Dragons are a bit different from regular Dragons, and I'll go over the differences now. Dragons in Drahumon are their core, which looks like a crystal, and grows as the Dragon gets older. This core functions as the Dragon's brain, along with housing their memories, soul, and elemental energy. Elemental energy or ee is used much like mana or any other resource that fuels magic or special powers. Ee is used up to control and manipulate the Dragon's element that they were born into. This energy can also be used for physical attacks as ee is sent through a limb and then released on contact, strengthening the attack. This technique is called charging and can also be used to send out waves of Elemental Energy for ranged attacks. More ee used equals a stronger charged attack, though the physical power of the Dragon is also taken into account. Ee can also be used to heal the Dragon's wounds through this method does use more ee than if, for example, a fire Dragon absorbed fire into its body and then turned it into flesh. Healing with ee is still effective if there is no elemental matter nearby. Healing requires the Dragon to stay still to be successful. 

Ee can also be restored through focus, which, like healing, requires them to stay still; ee restoring happens as the core has been given a rest. The Dragon must slow their breathing and be calm also. Dragons also manipulate their element through specific movements of their bodies and spending ee. Dragons that have hands and a good supply of elemental energy such as a mancer or primordagon then they can cast stronger and more complex elemental spells from their hand's motions. The Dragon's body is just how it interacts with its surroundings and is composed of elemental flesh. Since the flesh can't decay or degrade naturally, and since they are crystal beings, Dragons are immortal with their power and intelligence never faltering. If a Dragon runs low on ee, then they will become incredibly weak, their body will shake, and their breathing will become unsteady. If the Dragon continues to fight without restoring their ee and their reserves run dry, then the Dragon will die, as ee is connected to their core. If the Dragon keeps casting and fighting even when they have nearly run out, their core will shatter, and they will become a Core-torn immediately. If the Dragon dies when their core has run dry, then they will also become a Core-torn. 

Dragons are also stronger if they are in an environment that matches their element.

Dragons have a maximum of four fingers on each hand, with humans having five. Dragons have a stomach used to store elemental matter. a heart to pump their blood around their bodies. Lungs for breathing and other uses. They don't have a liver, kidneys, bladder, or other human organs, as the body will change itself, such as developing a birthing sack or hatchlings. 

 Dragon breath attacks also require ee and are composed of a chosen element from the Dragon. Ee is sent to the throat to provide the power, and the position of the jaws alters the power to produce the shot. Depending on the power given, the jaw position, and the Dragon's mastery, different shot types can be created. Many are rather technical to perform and require time to master if an energy type element is used (fire, lightning, mystic beam, ice, etc) the shot will be fired. Though if the element is substance-based ( earth, water, vine, bone), then elemental matter is required, which can either be eaten or generated in the body, then fired. Due to this energy-based breath attacks are stronger, though substance-based can still be effective.

Different breath attacks called shots, all made from a chosen element from the Dragon.

Shot shot: A simple bolt.

Split shot: By widening their mouth, the Dragon can send two blasts out which fly outward and then crash into each other. 

Snipe shot: A small blast effective at striking specific points at a long-range. 

Laser shot: A continuous beam.

Charge laser shot: After changing for several seconds to years, a laser is firing the size, speed, and power being affected by the charge time.

Charge shot shot: much like the previous. (The sun was created with this shot type)

Bomb shot: A volatile shot that explodes on contact.

Breath shot: A wide continuous cone (typical Dragon breath weapon)

Mortar shot: The element is shot up and then falls, strengthened by gravity.

Quick shot: A quick shot. 

Rapid shot: A continuous barrage of weaker shots. 

Spread shot: A short-range blast of elemental matter. (Shotgun breath attack)

Each Dragon can only learn a couple of breath attacks, though if they specialize in them, they can learn more or even all of them. 

 Dragons, when they reach a certain power level or age, evolve with their core, allowing the body to change and grow new limbs. Also, when a Dragon has reached another certain age, which is different across all Dragon species, they will become a Wyrm. This status takes hundreds of thousands of years, with Primordagons taking the longest to achieve Wyrm status. This status for many dragons comes with an enlargement in size and a boost in power, and if the Dragon grows too large, then they will develop multiple cores to control the body better. If the core or numerous cores are destroyed, but one is left, then the Dragon will still live but lose its Wyrm status and have to regain the power to ascend to that state again.

 If a Dragon sees an opponent that they have hatred or murderous intent towards then, they will glare at the target. Dragons can also sense other Dragons through their cores, but if the being has no core, then the Dragon will not be able to detect them. If the being has Dragon blood within them, then they will be able to sense them faintly, but if Dragons or a core is nearby, they will be invisible to the Dragon. 

Another significant difference is that there many, many species of Dragons that all evolved from Primordagons. All share qualities such as jaws, teeth, arms, legs, wings, tentacles, tails, and other limbs but are different in design to each other. There are also Draconic versions of the animals of the earth, such as bears, wolves, spiders, scorpions, eagles, and sharks. Why would Dragons evolve to look like our animals? Well, no one knows (Dragonic animals are just awesome). There are also Draconian versions of mythical creatures such as centaurs and griffins. Drakes and wyverns were the first Dragon species and along with primordagons from the big three; The first and therefore strongest Dragon species ( they are also the most featured in media and drakes and wyverns are very connected to Dragons, so it makes sense lore-wise) 

As for Dragon personalities and society, Dragons usually take on the attributes of their elements such as Fire Dragons being quick to anger, Water Dragons being calm. Plant Dragons caring for life and nature, and Mystic Dragons being mysterious and cunning always thinking up schemes. Though this isn't always the case as a Water Dragon can become enraged and other examples. Since Dragons are a mighty race, they take pride in their power and love using Elemental Energy (though some despised it). They are always seeking to grow and improve themselves. This can be by dueling each other with Dragons being able to use their full power with little risk of killing the other Dragon. Or by discussing specific topics such as new techniques or exchanging knowledge. Dragons are also a very dutiful race and will seek to fulfill the duty of those they respect or for the betterment of their world, and they will do their task to the best of their abilities. Dragons can also be greedy but not in terms of wealth, as if the Dragon has to give something up, then they will likely fight to keep it. Most Dragons are also greedy for battle. Dragons don't need to eat to survive through some dragons do enjoy eating most things. Another favorite pass time of Dragons is sleeping, which they can do for as long as they want, with some sleeping for hundreds or thousands of years with attempts to wake the Dragon being mostly ineffective. Sleeping doesn't just restore their Elemental Energy and rests the core as Dragons sleep. They can walk through their memories and train in their dreams. Dragons can still sense the world around them in their sleep, and when they wake depending on how long they slept for, they will grow in power (think increasing in experience when you sleep in an RPG like Xenoblade Chronicles 2). 

When Dragons finally die, they become undead Dragons. They're weaker than when they are alive, and their new body is dictated on what elementals they had when they were alive. Undead Dragons are gradually psychologically stripped of everything from their past life. Each stripped aspect then becomes a new Dragon, which wholly embodies that aspect. These Dragons are called death Dragons. This process is required as an undead Dragon must be cleansed of their old personality and life so that they are correctly reincarnated into a different species and elemental kingdom. 

Dragons can also learn different sub-elements of their element through their power will be divided. For example, if a plant Dragon that only had vine magic fought one with both vine and acid magic, then the one that only uses vine magic will have stronger vine magic.

Dragons that belong to an elemental kingdom also share certain traits. Such as water Dragons having different wings as theirs resemble manta ray wings (like copper and gold Dragons from Dungeons and Dragons). They have these wings as they are better suited for swimming. (I'm not sure if this would be true in the water, I just thought they would) Due to them mainly using their wings for swimming water Dragons can't normally fly though flight can be achieved through water jets. It is very rare for a water Dragon to fight on land, but they will if they have to, as when they are in the water, they can fire mighty water jets as they take in more water. If the water Dragon belongs to a Dragon species that do not have wings, then they will have features such as webbed feet or hands so they can better move through the water. 

Earth Dragons can't stand flying as they feel off when they fly, and will never travel through flight, instead preferring to run at high speeds due to them controlling the earth they run on. Earth Dragons will only fly if it is to attack, such as dive-bombing or using them to control the earth. Due to this, they have smaller wings but larger arms and legs. Since earth Dragons have an aversion to flying earth wing-wyverns are extinct with them becoming arm-wyverns (wyverns with a hand at the end of their wings) as arm-wyverns are more suited to being earth Dragon as they fight on the ground, have powerful arms and attack through dive-bombs. 

Air Dragons are the complete opposite of earth as they favor being in the air and hate being on the ground. Due to this, air Dragons have the largest wings and are the best flyers as they live in the sky, but if the air Dragon does not have wings, then they can still fly through by creating strong gusts of air from their feet. There is, however, a species unique to air Dragons, and these are the sky-legs air Dragons that have legs so long their bodies are in the clouds and are the ones to touch the ground for their whole lives. 

Fire Dragons favor hot environments and despise the cold, whereas ice Dragons favor cold and hate heat. 

Undead Dragons are the cruelest of the Elemental kingdoms as they delight in pain, torture, and fear and are generally emotion cold and don't care about many things despite torture, and fear. Perhaps this is due to them already being dead, others are apathetic.

Plant Dragons care deeply for life, protecting it, and knowing that everything deserves to live, they also mourn their lost ones more than the other kingdoms, undead Dragons do not mourn the dead. The other Kingdoms will mourn their dead, but move on bio Dragons, on the other hand, will retrieve those they can and bury their bodies. They only fight in the side-battles to protect the Dragon race and themselves. Since they care for life, they rarely seek violence without reason, and most don't torture as they see it as wrong. Plant Dragons can be very good at torture as though spore magic they can heal their victim, miasma magic can put the victim in agony for a long time, but eventually, they will die. 

Mechanical Dragons will solve their problems through their technology and act in a logical manner. Mystic Dragons will use their intelligence to solve their problems, and are the most intelligent of the Kingdoms. 

Many Dragons also have a breath weapon with their being a basic energy type though a Dragon can learn different energy types. Such as for plant Dragons, the basic energy type is solar, and for fire Dragons, it is fire. Though some Dragons like Berserkers tend not to use their breath weapon as they prefer melee combat, so instead many berserkers have a long tongue which can be used in combat for smash damage as that is the damage type they are most proficient at. If the Dragon was a beast that is like a berserker put deals slash damage, then they will have a thin tongue coated in blades. Other melee-focused Dragon species will also have tongue weapons. 

There are also three main types of breath attacks for the base breath attack these are; Breath-shot this breath attack is the shortest of the three, but covers and wide are and can do lots of damage up close, this is most commonly fire or a variation on fire or a blast of wind. Spark-shot takes the form of lightning, or a variation on lighting is the fastest of the primary breath attacks, it can also strike small specific points for massive damage. ray-shot is a beam or laser breath attack this one being the longest and does lots of damage to one target, the width and size can also be increased. Each of the elemental kingdoms Dragon has at least two or all of these base breath attack types.


For Dragon melee attacks, there are three types. Slash comes from claws, horns, and other similar body parts; these attacks are the easiest to use and the quickest of the three types. Smash which deals blunt damage, though these attacks are generally slower than slash attacks, but smash limbs can double as a shield due to their mass. Finally, there is skewer damage that comes from spikes and can cause the most damage as the blade pierces the flesh deeper, though they take practice to use effectively as they are most effective with a thrusting motion. (Yes, I am aware they all start with S. They just sound cooler if they begin with the same letter) 


Dragons can also evolve when they reach a certain power or age level. For example, When a berserker or beast evolve, then they will grow another set of arms dramatically increasing the power. primordagons can also evolve with them growing hands on their wings. With these hands can also be used to cast, and for melee attacks, this evolution is called the ultravern. (name may not be final) They are extremely rare, with only the primordials becoming ultraverns. They have also all achieved Wyrm status as they are the first Dragons and have lived for about five-hundred to a thousand years more than the First-born. So Dragons believe them to be the only ones as no other Primordagon has lived long enough to become an ultravern. Wyverns can also become Ultraverns, though this has never happened, and Wyverns take longer to become Ultraverns. Imps are small human-like Dragons and are widely considered to be the weakest, but they have the most evolutionary potential as they depending on the Imp they can become Brutes, and then Brutes can become Berserkers.

Imps can become wing-arms, which can then become either wing Wyverns or arm Wyverns. Wyverns can also become Primordagons, though many choose not to.

Imps can become Mancers, who can then become wingless Primordagons and then Primordagons.

Imps can also become Warriors who grow a scabbard one their body, which houses a weapon. 

Another example is that Imps can become Speeders who run really fast. 

If two Berserkers have a child, then the child will be a Berserker, and If a Berserker and Imp had a child, then the child will always be a Berserker or the stronger Dragon of the two.

Mechanical Dragon bodies are composed of a special kind of metal that comes from their core. This metal acts much like ordinary Dragon flesh as it can regenerate and be charged with Elemental Energy. The only difference is that it is cold to the touch. 

Each Dragon element also has a color associated with its core. Fire Dragons have a red core. Water is blue, and ice is white. Air is silver. Earth is brown. Plant is green. Undead is black. Mech is yellow, and Mystic Dragons are purple. This is the Cores base color, with it changing depending on the Dragon's sub-element. Cuch as if a fire Dragon only used fire magic, then their core will be a bright red. If an undead Dragon used soul-fire magic with a little bit of bone magic, then their core will be a bright blue with bone fragments around it. There is a wide variety of Dragon cores, with different shapes being available also. It is unknown, but many Dragons refuse to show other Dragons or take their core out of their bodies. This may be because the body of a Dragon is just a shell, the core is the Dragon, so when their core is out, it's like they are naked. 

Dragons can also use raw elemental energy straight from their core for even more advanced techniques called core artes. These moves cost a large amount of ee to cast. Young Dragons can't use core arts for this reason as if a younger than one-hundred and fifty-years-old Dragon attempted a core art, their core will shatter, and the body will become a Core-torn. 

Core roar: Raw ee is sent to the Dragon's throat, enhancing it greatly and enabling the Dragon to let out a roar to topple and deafen all it smashes into. 

Core strength: Raw ee is sent to the limbs the Dragon uses for melee attacks, dramatically increasing their strength for a time.

Core speed: Raw ee is sent to the legs and increasing the Dragons speed. 

Core flight/swim/burrow: Raw ee is sent to the corresponding (haha) limbs buffing the wings, fins, or burrowing limbs.

Core tough: Raw ee is sent to the skin and buffs its toughness to the point of being unable to cut.

Core enlarge: Raw ee is sent to a specific limb to limbs to enlarge them to a larger size than if core surge was used. Depending on the limb enlarged this can expand their options in battle. 

These artes cost around 25% of the Dragons current ee, depending on how long they are used for. 

Core surge: The Core evenly spreads ee through the body, increasing body size and power. 

Core beam: A beam of raw elemental energy and the strongest breath attack. Even if the beam is from earth ee, than the beam will still be an energy beam. 

Core enhance: This art enhances the Dragon's next spell by being fueled by raw ee instead of regular ee. 

Core coat: The Dragon's body is coated in raw ee that destroys all it touches. The raw ee can also be concentrated on a single limb for an even stronger attack, though this is difficult to do. 

Core shield: This art shields the Dragon in a dome of raw ee to stop any attack so long as the shield holds. 

Core element shift: The Dragon's entire body becomes their main element, even their core. 

Core energy shift: Like the previous the, Dragon's entire body becomes raw ee, unhindered by gravity, and able to fly at high speeds. 

Core shockwave: A shockwave of raw ee is unleashed either around or at a specific point to disintegrate of blow away depending on the amount used. 

Core regenerate: Raw ee is sent to the stumps of destroyed flesh and is then quickly restored. 

Core senses: Raw ee is sent to the Dragon's eyes, ears enhancing them along with their being sensing. 

Core convert: Raw ee is sent to the surrounding environment and changing to the Dragons element. This art is useful for a Dragon who has no matter they can control nearby. 

Core ground destroy: Raw ee is sent below the ground with it being destroyed and reveling the Dragon's element beneath.

Core focus: Raw ee is built up in the core and then released and restoring more ee than used to cast core focus. Doing this multiple times can strain the core. 

Core eject: A Dragon builds up raw ee and then ejects its core in a certain direction. The body will then fade away, letting the Dragon quickly form a new body with the build-up raw ee. This art is very risky as with the core being exposed for several seconds, it is easily destroyed, leading to the Dragon's death and the body becoming a Core-torn; As the conditions to create a new Core-torn have been met. 

Core kamikaze: The Core builds up raw ee to dangerous levels until the core cant contain the energy and explodes, destroying the core, body, and anything around. This is an effective way to kill Core-torn, as when a Core-torn pins a Dragon, they can use this art to destroy the Core-torn, themselves, and ensure their body cant be used. Though many Dragons can't bring themselves to do it as it goes against their will to live; So it is mostly if the Dragon can't escape. 

All of these artes cost fifty% to seventy-five % to all the Dragon's current ee. Artes are much stronger, the more ee the Dragon has. How ee works for Dragons is that raw ee is generated within the core and then distributed around the body, to keep the body alive and let it use Dragon attacks. 

Dragon corpses can affect their environment as the raw ee, and remaining ee in the body is dispersed into the ground and air. The energy will then alter the environment depending on the Dragons element, such as a plant Dragon corpse turning a barren wasteland into a lush oasis. Dragons casting spells and other releases of ee can affect the environment just to a lesser degree. As humans and animals came from Dragons and thus have dormant Dragon cells within themselves, this energy can alter them also into what their ancestors resembled. This process is called reversion and causes those affected to grow larger as well as develop Dragon features and act deranged. 

Each element also has its own blight. Such as fire blight continually burning the flesh. Water blight makes the target body be covered in water, causing them to slip, water will also flow into their body with too much, causing health risks. Earth blight will cause the flesh or body to become earth. Air blight will drain the air from the target body, there is also lighting blight, which causes paralysis. Poison blight will poison the target, and vine blight will cause vines to grow from the victim's skin, which will wrap around them. Undead blight will cause the affected area to decay and rot slowly. Mech blight will cause the affected area to turn to metal, and electric blight also causes paralysis. Mystic blight will reduce the target's intelligence gradually until they have the intelligence of a human baby and then become brain-dead, rendering the victim unable to move. 

These blight can occur if the Dragon hits their target with a blight beam or gas or pierces the target with their claws or spikes though the Elemontols are immune to the elemental blights.

The best Dragon at using blights is the Cockatrice or Dragatrice (other possible name). This is as they can fire blight beams from their eyes, breathe blight gas and also inject blights through their claws and tail spikes. But they can also use blights in combat as they are physically weak so their opponent will suffer a slow death, Due to this reason most Dragons hate fighting Dragatrices. If the Dragon dies or if they remove the blight themselves, then the effects will vanish, but not the damage. (I think this fits for them as in mythology they aren't physically strong) 

The planet does not rotate with the fire, plant, mechanical, and air plains being closest to the sun, whereas plains such as undead, earth, mystic, and water are closer to the moon. 

Two other elements are unknown to Dragons, these being light and dark. The light Primordial was born from the order and peace of the planet and the Dragons. The dark Primordial was born from the chaos and pain of the Mortal wars. These two Dragons did meet, but they never named themselves. The light Primordial found a human that embodied goodness and gave him some of her Elemental Energy. The dark Primordial did the same finding a girl that embodied evil and gave her some of his own. They then left the planet in opposite directions with the Dark Primordial founding the Demons, which are a collection of races that have been given dark power and have kept their appearance. The Demons have a natural craving for violence and, as such, destroy races that refuse to join them. The Demons have free will, though, and can leave anytime but most wish to stay. The light Primordial, however, created the Angles, and as the Demons have varied appearances and free will, the Angels do not. The Angles are from different races, but their bodies are changed so that they are all transformed into humans with wings wearing armor, they have the same male or female face also. The higher ranked the Angel, the more wings they have. The Angles go from planet to planet, absorbing all races into their own and growing their forces until the day that they will control the entire universe. They see chaos and violence coming from choice, so when the Angles take over the universe, there will be order as their will no longer be free will. The Demons know of this plan are growing their own forces to fight the Angles and protect free will. The light Primordial then named herself the goddess of heaven, and the dark Primordial called himself god of hell. Both share the same powers, such as lasers and lightning, but the goddess of heaven and Angels can make their bodies go into and move in light on the ground, they can also form constructs from light. The god of hell and the Demons can do the same, but with shade and darkness. 

The alien races are from those who were left alive and are from Dragons, who left the planet and evolved differently. 

Finally, there is no difference in status if a Dragon either has dra or gon or neither in their name. I'm just terrible at naming that is my I use this method. Though dra is commonly used for female Dragon and gon is used for male Dragons though this can be the other way around.