

As Humans are former Dragons depending on the Dragonic kingdom the Human came from they have different traits. Their form may have changed, along with their natural magical abilities, but the qualities that come with being a Dragon could never leave them. 

Former fire Dragons: These Humans are immune to any forms of heat and fire, they are passionate though can be quick to anger and enter an enraged state with focusing on a target being the only control they can have over it. They also have a greater body temperature than the other humans; their skin warm to the touch can be increased to burning levels. They are also immune to the cold as their body warms them and blinding lights. They are forgers refining ore into metal and crafting simple weapons such as swords, axes, and spears. Their city is Pyrosis, and their type is Pyroians. 

Former water Dragons: These Humans are calmer than their fiery counterparts. They are fantastic swimmers as they have webbed fingers and toes and can breathe underwater, and many Humans of this type are even better at underwater combat than above. They are also immune to dehydration as their bodies have greater water content; with this they can last longer in a dessert. They can themselves be sources of clean water as they can take in moisture from the air and purify it into water, including hydrating themselves though the air. They can secrete water instead of sweat; younger ones can not control this sweat though they can with age. They also have thinner blood which improves blood flow. They are gifted in fishing. They also get resources from the great blue. Their city is Aquasis and is underwater with their also being smaller cities that float on top of the water, and their type is Aquarians 

There is also a subtype of this Human called Cryoians who can survive in cold temperatures and opposite to Pyroians have a lower body temperature. Similar to their counterparts their have a freezing touch and are immune to heat though not to fire. They can also freeze themselves to put themselves in suspended animation. They live in Cryosis, which is in a snowy area. 

Former earth Dragons: Humans of this type are much stronger and tougher than the other Human types, and due to this work in mines dug out of mountains. They also have an unbreakable will and are talented for identifying gems and precious metals; which lets them spot fool's gold, along with determining the worth of gems and precious metals. They are also much heavier than other Humans, including being able to further improve their skin by eating metals. They ship ore to Pyrosis and built walls and structures of stone. Their city is Geosis which is situated in a dry mountain, and they are Geoians.

Former air Dragons: These Humans are peaceful and love high places as they can breathe at high altitudes, and their city is high as well. They created plans for air turbines to convert airflow into energy and produces the plans to construct planes. They are also much faster and have more stamina than other humans, these Humans are also talented in gymnasts and other airborne sports. They also have a higher lung capacity with strong breath and are lighter than the other sub-species though they have weaker bones due to this. Their city is Aerosis, and they are Areoians. 

Former plant Dragons: They are excellent farmers growing fruits and vegetables which are transported to the other cities to provide food. They also craft healing ointments and poisons. They are also the Humans who by breeding Dragons and slowly removing their Draconic nature created animals. Their products such as eggs, milk, fur skins bones and meat are then transported to the other cities for food and other purposes. A group of this Human will be in the other towns to heal the wounded. They also build houses and furniture from wood. They have an incredible healing factor, with their wounds quickly closing and they can even slowly regenerate lost limbs. Though they can not survive fatal blows such as ones to the chest, neck or head. Their fluids also have high healing properties, which they mix with herbs to brew powerful healing potions. These potions are then transported around the world to those fighting the Dragons. They can restore their stamina by getting nutrients from sunlight. Bioians live in Biosis. 

Former undead Dragons: These Humans are generally emotionally cold; they have increased pain tolerance and can live without food, water or sleep with these traits rising in power with age. They can live as a head, reattach severed limbs and survive their chest being pierced and slashed, due to their thick blood and insides. The wound closes near-instantly though is not healed on the spot. They can only be killed by destroying their heads, even if they are cut in half their can pull themselves together, though if their limbs can't function they can't use them and need to get replacements. They deal with reusing Dragon parts creating weapons and armour from them, and they also make fur coats and other clothes from animals. A group of this Human will be in other Human cities to manage and bury the dead. These Humans live in Necrosis, and they are Necroians. 

Former mystic Dragons: These Humans are very intelligent can devise solutions to complex equations, analyse any situation and predict the near future through probability. They have a perfect memory and are able to learn more than the other Humans. They can perform these calculations in milliseconds all in their heads, older ones can even do multiple. They can also absorb energy. They run politics for the other cities, including spending time researching more efficient ways to kill Dragons. Some of their inventions include the tornification ray; elemental energy dampener, the Dragon mutation ray and the Dragon-blades powered by Dragon cores. These Enoians live in Enosis. 

Former mech Dragons: These Humans are genius inventors and built everything from vehicles to guns and built what the other cities require. They create a tube system that networks the cities allowing for messages and goods to be sent. They are also all proficient in wide range of fire-arms such as shotguns, rifles and sniper rifles; they also have an exceptional accuracy rate with ranged weapons with older Mechoians never missing. They can even predict trajectory see farther as well as have good hearing and be immune to loud sounds. These humans can also absorb and run on electricity for energy. They are Mechoians, and they live in Mechosis. 

Some Humans work in the cities with the rest fighting Dragons on the frontlines. The Pyro and Cyroians are generally kept in their homeland as they are suited to fighting the indigenous Dragons. Cyroinas are perfect counters to the magic of ice Dragons since most of their magic is cold-based and they can survive being frozen. Though can't live through being crushed under snow or impalement with ice they are still immune to cold magic and ice rays. Pryoians have a harder time with fire Dragons only immune to their fire flashes and heat magic. They are called upon if a or many powerful ice or fire Dragon attack a region outside their own. 

Geoians are moved though out the world. Their tough skin can withstand the strongest of attacks, and their iron will near ensures their never surrender. They commonly throw caution to the wind and charge their target barging their attacks in their way. With Dragons' weakness to physical attacks and the incredible strength of the Geoians, they are known to punch Dragons to death. Also, with said strength, there is almost no limit to how big their weapons can be. With speed, but fragility Aeroinas work as scouts and transporters of messages and goods. Their speed near guarantees they can run from danger (though not air Dragons), and ensure that what they carry can get to its destination. Though with their remarkable speed some Aeroinas chose to fight on the frontlines as they can dodge attacks and go in for the kill of burn the Dragon's energy. 

Aqaurinas near solely fight underwater as they are suited to fighting underwater and can withstand the attacks of water Dragons. Though with most to the planet covered in oceans, they can easily get to those that need water and reinforcements. With all the swimming Aquarians do they are gifted fighters underwater including on land, they are just disoriented for a while once leaving the water. 

Necroians are gifted fighters as they fight for weeks at a time, though they can wreck their bodies with their attacks if they are not careful. 

Bioians so long as their chest, neck and heads are protected can survive any attacks, though they largely decide to be on-site healers instead of fighting. 

Mechoians are kept on the back lines and shoot their targets from afar, being sure not to shoot their brothers and sisters in arms. 

Lastly, Enorians are largely kept away from the battle as strategists. They are able to predict their enemies' next attack along with how to win the battle efficiently with few casualties and in the quickest time possible. 

Humans may be greedier than precious metal Dragons, but they care for each other. So long as you are doing your part by either fighting or working you are accepted, men and woman along with coloured fight alongside each other in quality. If some choose not to fight or work and choose to pursue a different path that is accepted, as they play music to boost morale or make records. Children are forbidden from fighting or working and instead taught skills, they are left to decide if they want to be a fighter or worked and are then trained accordingly. When they have grown up they then join the rest of Humanity. 


The first Human, Adam (the god of Humanity) gained the ability to turn Dragons into Humans when he rejected his Draconic powers. This was done with him using his power on a Dragon Core with the human body then growing around the core with the core then becoming the brain (which then turns into a Human brain. It is unknown what Dragon Adam was before he turned they it has been theorised that he was a Mystic reality shaper and this has also been used to explain how he gain his power. Though this theory does open a paradox as reality shapers can't change their appearance he did and kept a left over of his Dragon powers. 

Due to the human population being in a few large compact cities when the Infinats went into the world and had their many, many children with many human families most Humans are descendants or have an Infinats gene dormant within them. Humanity hated the descendants as they could use the power of the Dragons. Their enemy. So they were hunted and purged to keep Humanity pure, so the descendants were forced to either flee the human cities and create hidden cities or hide their powers. Those who were not killed where take and experimented on with anti-dragon weapons 

As for shifters, Humanity could use them, so they were captured and placed in prisons with their bodies placed in a suit that only allowed them to shift when a limb was released. The shifted limb would then be severed and used for weapons and armour, and when the human limb regenerated, the procedure would begin again. Of course, due to them being unable to move freely and having their limbs severed over and over many shifters in these limb farm prisons went insane. Until one day the caged shifters fought back and slaughtered their wardens, though they could not escape. It is said that you can still hear the banging of their cages as they try to free themselves, them living of their rage. 

The Dragon blades are called core-blades as they contain a whole core though not all of them are blades. Due to the core being intact, the Dragon is still alive, being able to think and speak but are unable to move. The weapon that the core is placed in will develop some draconic features such as a mouth on the crossguard. The core-blade wielder can also access the Dragon's abilities through the weapon such as producing fire slashes for a fire core. Though the Dragon in the core-blade has to agree to use these abilities. If a core-blade was used to kill Dragons, but the blade didn't want to kill the Dragons then the Core-blade would refuse to use their powers. But if their wielder were hunting descendants or shifters then the Core-blade would most likely unleash their power as many Dragons hate them for the same reasons Humans do. Over time the core-blade's elemental energy would be absorbed by their wielder. This will let the user use the core-blades elemental magic without permission, though they will develop draconian features which will become more apparent the more the user uses Elemental magic. If the user completely becomes a draconic being, then if the Core-blade hates their master, they will take control of the body and force the Human to be trapped within the crossroads of life and death. Though if wielder and Core-blade manage to form a positive bond and the core-blade considers their user a friend then this will not occur, and the Core-blade will empower their wielder dramatically increasing their strength, speed and elemental magic. In this state, all human features will be lost, and when the battle is over, then they will return to their normal form. Also, as the Human begins to develop Dragon features, they will grow stronger but gradually lose their Humanity. 

The Core-blade must pick their wielder as if they both share the same element, then they will be compatible such as a fire Dragon and a Pyroian. If the Core-blade rejects a user, then their body will suffer major damage and some even die in the process. Descendants can become wielders, but the same rule applies, and the Core-blade must approve of it but if yes then the Descendants wielder will be much stronger than an average wielder. 

Even if the Dragon's core is shattered (into decently large chunks), the Dragon can be revived if most of the shards are placed into a Core-blade, though if some are missing, then the core-blade would be a little insane. But gradually over time, most core-blades lose their sanity, and it is the purpose of a good user to keep the core-blades sanity as this can make them harder to control. If the Dragon has been revived as a core-blade, then they will accept their fate and follow the one that saved them. 

The core must be compatible with the weapon itself as earth cores favour weapons such as great-swords, shields and hammers. Water and air cores favour graceful weapons such as staffs and spears. Fire cores favour fast weapons such as daggers and claws. Undead cores favour scythes (I wonder why, well scythes are used to cut wheat which could symbolise how no life can last forever and eventfully must end). Bio cores favour whips and flexible weapons though bark Dragon cores can also be used for shields, great-swords and hammers. Mystic cores like to be placed in staffs and fire lasers from said staff and Mech core like to placed in guns. These are just some examples, but they can change depending on the Dragon.

The weapons can either be made from metal, Dragon parts or the Dragon's body parts with the core also being used in the same weapon. Metal Core-blades are most common and easiest to produce but are the weakest out of the other types as the core-blade can't use its full power, and the user will gain weaker elemental magic. If the weapon is made from random Dragon parts, then the core-blade will be able to morph into different forms. Finally, if the core-blade has both the core and Dragon parts from the Dragon whose core is in the blade then the core-blade will be extremely powerful and able to morph into a wide variety of weapons and use it's full power though these types are rare. If the user has bonded with the core-blade then they will form a physic contention, and user will be able to request the core-blade to morph. 

core-blade users are accepted in Human society but are rarely used in major battles as if the core-blade does not want to attack the Dragons, then the user will not fight to their full potential. So they are commonly sent on missions to hunt down descendants, shifters or Dragons that the core-blade hates. They prioritise shifters as they are weak to elemental attacks, which the core-blade wielder has. 

Though if the Human develops Dragon features then they will become an outcast but still revive orders (they can enter Human cities, but they will be hated) 

Humanity are an extremely greedy race if they come across something that doesn't better their people they will destroy it. Or in the case with Dragons kill them to better their race. When Humans were first brought into the world their life spans were around 70-100 years, though since they came from immortal beings, their life spans have increased overtime to 150-300 years and further beyond. Humans are also in their prime from all their lives; this only changing when they are close to old age; their traits also grow in power as they age. Humans also look young throughout their lives. Humans are also immune to diseases, though they can be affected by miasma. 

Upon the vanishing of the Dragons, the cities fought for what resources remained and to continue their survival. This started the resource wars where the cities were forced to fight each other for energy, with each side being decently matched as they shared their technology on the old world. Though alliances made to cover their weakness in time the first cities broke down to include humans of every sub-species as that was the best way for them to live. In time the cities stopped fighting over what little natural resources were left and focused on creating their own. However, there are small bands of raiders who attack others for resources. 

Due to the earth's stipping of resources along with the pollution of the planet, the land outside the cities has become a wasteland. Here life has drastically evolved to survive, the roaming herds changing, becoming more violent and the stronger ones even able to use the bio-elements (see Core-torn lore page) and might. With little sunlight, plantlife has changed its diet. To meat. During the splitting Core-torn were taken away from their favourite food, and placed on the Human world. They devour the monsters to keep themselves alive along with any Humans who take the risk of hunting monster for their plentiful bodies. The earth is also ravaged by violent storms. 

For clothing, a synthetic material called synsis was developed with other populations stealing the formula and replicating it. Synsis requires no resources to create and is smooth though other types can be created with a variety of effects through adding different blood types. Synsis is the main clothing material Humans use as other materials drained too many resources. 

Synsis can also be used to create structures. 

Earth synsis: The toughest and thickest synsis, though it is heavy. 

Air synsis: The lightest and most aerodynamic synsis. 

Fire synsis: Fireproof.

Water synsis: Waterproof. 

Ice synsis: Cold-resistant. 

Plant synsis: Self regeration. 

Undead synsis: Damage absorbant. 

Mechanical synsis: ranged weaponry and explosion resistant. 

Mystic synsis: Energy absorbant. 

These synsises can be combined for a variety of effects though will suffer from power dilation. 


As for food, Humans eat meat, plants and others; though animals are raised in buildings with poor conditions and crops are grown under artificial lights.

Finally, for housing, large flats are used with small apartments to accommodate more people. 

Society has also changed to accommodate the different sub-species. 

Geoians are far heavier than other people, and due to this their chairs need to be reinforced, and they are not allowed to sit on unenforced surfaces as they are at risk of breaking under their weight. They are forbidden from going up unenforced stairs and being on higher floors with older Geoians forbidden from even being on reinforced upper stairs as their weight threatens to collapse the whole building. So Geoians are resined to living on the lower levels of the housing flats with an underground level complex built for them. With Geoians being the strongest of humans they are used for the hardest of labour in factories, they also work as bodyguards and have other professions that require strength. 

Areoians hold fewer risks for society and live on the higher levels where other humans would not be able to live, though due to their weak bodies they perform simple work that does not put them in danger. With their powerful legs, they are hired to run on treadmills to produce energy. 

With Pyroians having high body temperatures and being able to withstand high temperatures, they work in metalworking factories and cooking houses. Due to their high body temperature, this heat can warm their surroundings, so they are given ice synsis to cover and cool their bodies and stop their bodies radiating heat. Their body temp can not be raised by heat from their environment, though it can be lower slightly which they like the feeling of, due to them enjoying the cold they love ice cream and cold food. Though with their biology they do not need to cook meat as they can cook it in their mouths with them then filling with the fat and juices of the meat. They can raise their body temperature by themselves though they always emit heat when they enter rage mode. They do not require heating nor hot water, and with their heating abilities, they are used to heat water and provide heating as their heat is stored. 

Cryoians are similar to Pryoians just reversed, their lack of heat affects their surroundings, so they are given large thick full-body fire synsis to warm their bodies and protect others. They work and manage freezer houses which preserve food and other products with the houses being constructed out of ice synsis, keeping them cold with no power used. They like hot water and love hot food, especially spicy food. 

Aquarians are used for a clean source of water (one of the only remaining sources) with some being sent underwater to salvage wreckages. 

Bioinas are used to cultivate crops, the raising of animals and the creation of healing potions for in case the city is attacked along with curing others we do get infected with a virus. Due to their regeneration capabilities which feel strange at first though go away with exposure though some Bioians gain an addiction to the feeling. 

As Necroians age and their pain tolerance grows they lose their sense of touch and can't feel their body, they can feel pain with the time getting shorter and shorter with age. So many Necroains become addicted to pain and inflict worse and worse pain upon themselves until they get to the point where their tolerance become so great those time frames of pain close forever. As for work they aren't specialised in any certain area though many Necorians choose to work in slaughterhouses. They commonly distance themselves from others. 

Mechoinas can work in power stations as they are not harmed by the energy and can produce greater amounts of power. Due to their farsight and accuracy, they are placed along the city's walls to watch out for and attacks and raiders. 

Enorians are used to manage their city by diverting resources and workers; they can also predict what decisions will reap the most benefit so plan accordingly. They with their intelligence they find it hard to connect with others. 


Humans also have the same eye colour of their element, such as Pyroians having red eyes, Necroians having black eyes and Geoians having brown. Children between the different human types are also fairly common with it being accepted in society and child will have the same but weaker traits of their parents. 

With Cryoians and Pyroians having opposite traits, they are common as a relationship. The Pyroian can warm the Cryoian and vice-versa along with touching another out of their sub-species. As for the child, it will be cold but be heated by the Pyroian blood, along with being hot by cooled by the Cryoian blood. This sets their body at a normal temperature though their temperature can fall to dangerous levels as their traits aren't strong enough when they are young. They need to be careful about what they wear, is they wear a big coat they will die of heatstroke. If they wear ice synsis they will go into hypothermic shock, so they just wear normal clothes they just need to be in the sweet spot of to little or too much. 

If a Geoian and Aeroian have a child, then they will be normal weight, and both faster and stronger than other Humans. Generally, the children will have both aspects of their parents just at half power of when their parents were children and have different eye and hair colour. Humans can have more than two aspects depending on their parents though the traits will be vastly weaker as the number of aspects grows. These children will have different colour eyes and have their hair a blend of colours. Children with two aspects can work in multiple areas when they come of age, but if the children have multiple aspects, their specialised jobs close drastically. Though there isn't anything stopping the birth of these children, their birth is just quite rare due to the chances. 

The hair and eye colours are not limited to the main colours. Explosion is orange, flash is yellow, tar is black, lava and meteor are a mix of black and red. Geoians can have the colours of diamonds and precis metals. Aeroians are largely silver, though they can have light and dark blue and even rainbow-coloured hair and eyes from lighting, thunder and rainbow Dragons. Aquarians are solely blue, along with Enorians being various shades of purple. Mechoinas are largely yellow, though they are also light blue and metallic silver. Necroians are the most diverse with blacks, whites, light blues, dark greens, and dark reds. Bioians are largely green though they are also purple, yellow and brown. Though the pupil will always the main colour of their element. 

The Human world sounds like a dystopia, but it isn't children go to school where they learn valuable information, and when they come of age, they go into work. Workers are paid and given free time to enjoy themselves with media and sports. The workers are just working to make sure the city lives and happy workers brings good work. Children are encouraged to pursue creative subjects and find what they are good at and enjoy, so when they come of age, they can produce media for others.

Geoians commonly collect gems and make beautiful gem displays, Aeroians perform aerial dances, such as gymnastics and tricking. Pyroians give great massages, and Cyroians can create intricate ice sculptures. Aquarians are masters of fluid (ha) movement and are gifted dancers on both land and underwater. Bioians are gifted at making flower displays and wooden sculptures, whereas Necroians can perform macabre displays of pain tolerance. Mecoians are naturals at coding and producing electronic music, and Enorians make the best writers. 

Though with how diverse Humanity can be, not all cities are the same.