
Dragonbound: Finding True Love

Tia Dumont, princess of Lamek knows two things for sure. She wasn't allowed to leave the castle and she wasn't allowed to take off her amulet. Tia left in her own world learnt to run wild and at the same time appear tame to pacify her father. All she really wanted was a life outside the castle. To leave and come as she pleased. She wanted the lives that her father gave to her brothers. She dreamt of it everyday. After an unfortunate accident that led to the death of her father and brothers, Princess Tiamat was crowned Queen of Lamek. Without the working knowledge of the outside world and monarchy, Queen Tia is caught in a damaging position with a man. Throw into a world of politics and greed, can a naive girl with no working knowledge of the outside world and a secret she was yet to discover, survive long enough to rule as the Greatest Queen of the Midlands and most importantly, save human kind with the help of a reluctant cold husband who's loyalty she questioned? P.s the cover is not mine. if you are the owner and wants me to take it down, contact me on discord

Precious_Onwe · Fantaisie
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8 Chs

Chapter 4: A dragon called Wrath

Chapter 4: A dragon called Wrath

Emerald ran as she called on her dragon. This was the longest she had gone without her life force. The strength of a Ferratti came from their dragons and the love of a dragon came from their demi-goddess.

Emerald could see the edge of the cliff as she ran. Her dragon was hidden far away from the mundane eyes with magic at the sacred cave of Tiamat. The shadowers were afraid of the cave and Emerald knew they would be safe there from both humans and Shadowers.

Emerald smiled and ran even faster for the cliff. "Come on, Wrath. catch me if you can!"

Emerald knew there was a possibility that her dragon might not reach the cave in time to catch her but she took the leap.

Deep down she knew her dragon would catch her. Her mother told her that in the time of their greatest need, they have to take a leap of faith and wait for the inevitable to happen.

Emerald knew she was about to fall to her death yet she refused to use magic to break her fall. At the last minute, she heard her. Emerald smiled as she was picked up from the ground and flown so high up in the night sky she was in the clouds.

"What took you so long, Wrath?"

"It was a long flight, Em. You shouldn't be jumping off Cliffs without certainty that I will catch you, Queen Emerald"

Emerald rested her head on the dragon's neck "I miss her too much. Did I do the right thing sending you away? Maudyn said I did but....did I?" Emerald asked her dragon.

"Did your mother tell you the story of the goddess Tiamat?" The dragon asked Emerald instead.

"Every Ferratti knows the story all too well, Wrath" Emerald answered.

The dragon found a deserted island and stopped.

"My mother told me the story too, demi-goddess. She told me that Tiamat promised to reincarnate as a Ferratti to have another chance at avenging her husband, Abzu. For the longest time, I thought you were the reincarnate of the wise and all powerful salt water goddess. You are wise beyond your years, Emerald. And you will find a way to protect the remaining dragons and their mistresses until Tiamat reincarnate for the final battle" Wrath told her.

Emerald starred at her with a softness only a dragon was able to elicit from her mistress.

"You are right, Wrath. I will find a way" Emerald smiled as it occurred to her what to do "I shouldn't have separated our tribe. I have to find the magical Island that my mother talked about. Ferratti will be safe there. Dragons can be reunited with mistresses and this island will not grant passage to Shadowers. And for once, We can fight evil with light and rid the world of Shadowers once and for all"

Emerald was hopeful for once.

"Wait Queen Emerald, no one knows where the Isle of the light is. You can't find what you don't know where it is" Her dragon reminded her.

"I need to find Tiamat's wishing stone, Dragon. You know where it is, right?"

"But it is a dragon's duty to protect the stone. Having such power is too dangerous, we can't take the chance that a Ferratti will make a selfish wish and break the stone" Wrath was worried. She was her life force but she was a child that was still guided by childish desire.

"I won't make a selfish wish, then. Give the stone to me" Emerald demanded with outstretched hands.

"It's too dangerous, Queen Emerald" Dragon Wrath warned her.

"Well, you are right...I am Queen and I am not asking. It's an order from your Queen, dragon!"

Dragon Wrath lowered her head in submission "Yes, your majesty"

"Take me to it, now!"

Wrath took the Queen to the sacred cave and showed her the stone. And for the first time in decades, the wishing stone was picked up by a dragon and handed to a mistress.

"Be wise, Emerald. With a wish always comes a price. Tiamat paid with her life"

The dragon took Emerald back to Lamek and departed without the wishing stone. Leaving a powerful magical stone with the Queen.


Clara knew it was late. She walked faster through the woods. Finally she came out of the wood to see a small cottage in front of her. Picking up her skirt, she raced towards the cottage. She was an hour late. Her parents had insisted she helped out in the kitchen, eat dinner before allowing her some time alone in her room. She had snuck out as soon as she was able but it was dark already.

Her breathing was rough and she was almost out of breath. She pushed the door of the cottage open half expecting to see no one there. It was an old cottage with rusty wood and decaying floor. It was no beauty but it always gave her such joy.

She walked inside and just like she expected, there was no one there. Clara was disappointed. her eyes dimmed and her lips pressed together in disappointment.

Then she heard the cottage door close and the voice that always made her life s little better.

"Did you really think I would just leave without seeing you, my love?" The voice asked her.

Clara smiled and turned around.

"Cypher!" She flew into his open arms. She pulled away just in time to curtsey. "Your highness"

"My Lady" Cypher bowed slightly. He knew she was making a joke by bowing to him since he was now King.

"You know I am no Lady. I am a black Smith daughter, King Cypher" Clara was once again reminded of the different social hierarchy they occupied. He was a King and she was a commoner. Their love wasn't meant to be because rules were rules.