
DragonBall X: The Ultimate System [Re-Mastered]

This is a story centered around a man named Luke who was coming from watching the New Dragonball Super Broly Movie. Sadly, Luke gets into a car accident, ending his life. Luke will be given a second chance of his choosing, meaning he can choose which world to reincarnate in. Anyone can probably guess what he will pick. He asked to be Goku and Raditz's brother but the one in between, so he is the middle brother now. Watch as Kayn(Luke) Rises to power against all the villains that invade the earth with the help of all the Z fighters and some extras who should have died in the main series or non-canon series.

Monster_Paradise · Anime et bandes dessinées
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89 Chs

Great Ape!! (Re-Mastered)


"Hey!! Hold it right there this is a robbery.....I mean a hostile take over." Everyone looked over to see a boy around the age of 3 or 4 standing alone with a wide grin on his face.

Everyone went silent seeing a little kid appear. The Frogman and his henchmen glared daggers at the boy. One of the Frogmen henchmen smiled widely. "Hahaha, is this a joke!? How dare you come here talking to Warden Neal like that, are you sick of living!?" The henchman was clearly trying to kiss up to his warden.

Another Henchman seemed to have caught on and chimed in "Hmm, Strange, I've never seen any of the Village slave kids dressed like this, why is he wearing armor?" They all seemed to realize something, the frogman Leader off the Fox women and stared at Kayn thoughtfully. He just realized that this kid was not a fox or a rabbit person, something was off.

Neal then spoke up "Little brat, who are you? You're not from the Village, no, you're not from this planet!" The Frogman Leader's Voice was full of scorn has his eyes turn red like he had not gotten a week's worth of sleep. An invader dared to infiltrate their planet, as he seeking death!?

Kayn noticed the change and said, "Wow, You're not as dumb as you look, but I have to say you're the ugliest thing I have ever seen." Kayn said as his eyes and voice were filled with mockery, the Frogman was immediately enraged being mocked by some little brat.

"Capture him break his legs and arms. Also, cripple his growing area. Little kids shouldn't watch such a show, so pluck his eyes out to." The henchmen's eyes were filled with pity looking at the little boy but, was willing to comply happily. This would help them gain favor from the warden and they would be just that much closer to a promotion.

"Stop! Don't hurt him, he is just a kid. How can you be so evil?" The fox woman yelled out.

"Oh, you wanna save this kid? Then how about you and me go find somewhere quiet to play and I will spare him." The Warden's eyes dilated with joy, he could probably use this boy to get a chance to have some fun with this Fox woman.

The Fox women's eyes and express were filled with grief. While she was having dark emotions Kayn spoke again which made things worst. "Hey Beautiful, you don't have to worry, this will be quick and then you have to answer my questions." Kayn said with confidence, he had the strength to back it up, so he wasn't at all scared. He did, in fact, hate the Frogman's appearance though, it was enough to give an infant trauma!

The fox woman, hearing this, express completely fell. She couldn't help but think. 'damn it kid, can't you see that I am trying to help you!' She could do nothing but curse Kayn for being such an idiot.

Kayn however, wasn't worried at all. Kayn had already felt everyone's power level and came to the conclusion that they were not his match. Kayn immediately called up the System. "System, goto technique and purchase Destruction disc, I wanna do collateral kills!

[Destructo disc cost 1000 System Point. Does ho..

The system didn't get to finish "Just buy the damn thing. I don't have time to waste. I have people to kill and training to do!

[Ding! Consuming 1000 system points!]

[Ding! The host has learned Desto disc.]

"Good, time to kill!" While Kayn was buying from the system, the Frogman was surprised that this kid was tired of living. The frogman looked at the little dumb boy with pity, he had to die at such a young age. He didn't know how high the sky was or how deep the planet was, it was to bad!

The Frogman then scorned ."Just kill him, then we can all enjoy this nice piece of ass! I will go first though, you guys can go after and enjoy." The Frogman's henchmen were overjoyed and became determined, their eyes were beaming with killing intent. They had yet another reason to kill Kayn other than gaining favor.

"DAMMIT! RUNNNN!!" The fox women yelled towards Kayn, but it was already too late since they were already running toward Kayn. Kayn didn't panic and raised both his arms in the air as energy formed two red saucers, Kayn swung his arms forward and released two Destructo disc. The Henchmen were shocked and tried to dodge but they were just too fast and they were sliced in 4 pieces, like a pie. The Frogman thought he was seeing things, did some random kid just kill my men!?

The 3 henchmen died in disbelief, they never could have imaged that some 4-year-old would kill them just like that. They were feeling really regretful, but pills for regret wern't sold in stores, so they could forget about buying one.

Everything seemed to happen so quickly." Hey ugly, you're next!!" Kayn grinned and said, the express on the Frogman's face was getting uglier and uglier.

"How dare you, boy!? You're courting death!" The Frogman lost all reasoning in a rage and flew up into the air released a large Green Ki Blast from his mouth. The Blast seemed to have engulfed Kayn. A loud "Booom!!!" sound could be heard, filling the area with a cloud of smoke.

The Frogman Neal laughed menacingly "No one defies The Great Warden Neal, What a stupid boy. I think I might have gotten a boner from just that alone. I need someone to help soothe my problem, hahaha!!" The Frogman then turned his head to the Fox lady preparing to "soothe his Problem" but then heard a voice behind him.

"Hey, We're not done. Are you going to ignore me?" The frogman turned around and was shocked, that was one of his strongest attacks. How could he survive, unless he dodged the attack? The frogman didn't get to say anything and was kicked in the face, plunging straight into the ground like a swimmer diving into the water. Kayn didn't give him a chance to recover and drop down on top of him, breaking his ribs and armor.

"What happened Frog thing? Wern't you going break my legs and arms?" Kayn stomped his leg and broke the frogman's legs and arms. They were complete shatter, the frogman looked like a broken puppet that was thrown away. The Fox woman was shocked seeing the ruthlessness of this kid, how was he so strong!?

The frogman cried in pain, he never could have imagined that things would turn out this way. "Please! I'm sorry, I was wrong, look, I have money. Do you want money? I can give you women too. I can help you with anything." The Frogman was scared, he knew he would die with one move from Kayn.

Kayn gave the frogman a smile. " Oh, you can help me? Can you lead me to the chief on this planet?" Kayn asked straight forwardly

The frogman's eyes grew wide from surprise. "The chieftains? Yes, I can tell you everything. I can even help you defeat them." The fox woman came out of her stupor hearing the Neal talking nonsense.

"Don't believe him!! I know everything there is to know, you must kill him!" The Fox women said fiercely, she was worried that Kayn would believe such an evil guy and get backstabbed from being naive.

The Frogman was angered. "You damned bitch, shut up!! Don't listen to her, I can help you." The frogman started to sweat. Would this kid believe what she said? It was highly and likely.

"Let me help you first." The frogman was confused and thought 'Is he going to heal me?' Inside the frogman couldn't wait to lead this idiot on then kill him later, he laughed darkly inside thinking of how he will kill this brat. Kayn smiled and shot a beam at the man's growing area complete destroying it. The frogman screamed and said frantically.

Frogam: What are you doing!?"

"I am Helping you soothe your problem, well goodbye!" Kayn shot another laser into his head, piercing it. The Frogman died instantly. Kayn then started walking to the Fox women and her father who was lying weakly on the ground. The woman was dumbfounded at the strength of this kid or toddler.

Kayn, of course, was not fooled by the frogman. He had used his Eyes Of Judgement and could tell he was lying. The frogman was glowing 3 colors red, yellow and black, he was mainly red. It seemed that the frogman wanted to torture him before killing him. Kayn wanted to torture the frogman himself, but he is on borrow time and can't waste any more of it.

Kayn called out to the system "System, purchase a Senzu bean. I don't care just buy it." Kayn knew the usual annoying things the system would say afterward.

Ding! Consuming 50 system points]

[Ding! x1 Senzu bean gained]

Kayn immediately took out the Senzu bean and put it into man's mouth. The Fox woman was surprised.

Fox Woman: what is that?"

"Something that will heal him." Just as he was done saying that. The man got up as he'd never been beaten before and was full of vigor. The Fox women couldn't believe what she was seeing and hug her father tightly.

"Thank you so much for your help. My name is Elise what is your name?" The Fox woman said happily

Kayn: My name is Kayn, can you answer some of my questions?" ,

Elise: I will answer all of your questions with the best of my ability."

"Then can you tell me where all the Chieftains are? I need to kill them all" Kayn bluntly said, she wasn't surprised as she heard him talk about it when interrogating that frogman neal.

"There're 4 chieftains, one in the north, south, east and west. This is the South and there is a chieftain nearby in the castle by our village or should I say the slave area." Elise said with anger.

"Don't worry, I will kill them all and you will be free, heck I will even help you search for a good planet to live on." Kayn said Proudly, this was mission after all.

"Are you serious?" Her eyes glowed and she continued "If you can free our people I will comply with any of your conditions." Elise said to Kayn with resolve eyes, Kayn was surprised. He came here for the reward the mission system would give him, but if he could have any request..then why not?

"Okay, hehe, after I save your people I will state my request. I can't think of anything now." Of course, Kayn was lying, he knew what his request was already but feigned ignorance. "Okay, take me to the village castle, the sooner the better." Elise nodded and her dad spoke up.

Old Fox Man: Thank you so much young lad, you are an eternal benefactor of our people. We would welcome you anytime.

"Old man, it okay, I love helping people so don't mention it." Kayn smiled and lied out his teeth, he was clearly only doing it for the rewards from the system.

The three hurried to the village, when they got near, they spotted guards at the entrance of the village. The entities guarding the village could be no other group than Frogmen "These damn bastards!!" Elise cursed, she really hated these people for enslaving her people. The power levels of these guards were quite decent. Their strength was around 6,500, but they were still falling behind kayn.

Kayn teleported from the spot he was standing and appeared above the two guards and chopped there heads off, they died without knowing how. Elise wasn't surprised but her dad was blown away and couldn't help but think. 'Just who is this kid? What kind of strength is that?'

They ran through the village and Kayn was slaughtering frogman after frogman. The Fox people were shocked and couldn't comprehend what was going on. Elise explained the situation and the Fox people. The Fox people were elated but had some doubts if they could be saved. The Castle finally came into sight. The castle had guards everywhere around it, sadly for the Frogmen it was useless, most were turned to ash in seconds while the rest were chopped to death.

The guard's inside the castle seem to have noticed since guards started pouring out the castle-like ants. "KA-ME-HA-ME-HAAAA" Kayn shot a huge Red Kamehameha towards the castle, the Redlight was blinding and anyone in its path disappeared without a trace. A huge explosive sound shot out, there was a deep crater in the ground and Kayn was satisfied. Just as he was feeling happy, a loud angry voice came from the void. "WHO DARES DESTROY MY CASTLE!?" The power was quite high, it was a 15,000 Battle power which was higher than kayn's.

The figure appeared and It was a Frogman with Blue skin with an ugly mug. It wasn't as ugly as the green ones he encountered earlier but it was still quite ugly. "Was it you boy? Were you the one who destroyed my castle?" The frogman was full of killing intent looking at Kayn, it like he would jump at Kayn at any moment.

"Yes, it was me. My bad, my hand slipped." Kayn grinned as he spoke with a tinge of mockery. The Frogman wasn't stupid and knew Kayn was bullshitting, even if it was a mistake he would still rip Kayn into ten thousand pieces.

"GOOD!! VERY GOOD!! Prepare to die! Your head is mine!" Kayn felt the power level of this Frogman, it was quite strong. Kayn immediately called to the system and purchase the power ball technique, which cost him 500 System points.

Kayn formed the power ball in his hand and threw it into the sky. The Frogman stopped what he was doing, he was curious to see what this brat was doing. At that moment Kayn looked at the power ball and started to change. Kayn's size started to increase and brown hair started to grow rapidly on his body, the fox people stared at the scene and was nearly scared to death. Kayn had turned into a huge ape, he also had completely lost reasoning. Kayn shot a blast from his mouth straight toward the first person he saw, the frogman.

Kayn's power Level increased to 111,000. The frogman dodged and the blast landed far behind him, creating a huge sphere as it detonated. This causing the planet to shake and a huge mushroom cloud to form. The frogman wanted to run, so that's exactly what he did, he moved swiftly through the air. He turned to look to see how far he had gotten away from the huge ape, he then turned pale out of fear. The huge ape was right behind him and was gaining on him.

The Frogman Chieftain couldn't help but think 'How come this ape is so damn fast!? WHAT THE HELL!!!' The frogman picked up his speed but the ape disappeared from behind him and right in front of him. The frogman Chieftain was scared and tried to dodge the incoming fist but the speed of this fist was simply too fast. The chieftain was swatted downward like a fly caught by a swatter, he screamed in grief and was slammed into the ground. The ape wasn't done, it jumped and slammed down onto the frogman, he died just like that.

Kayn was out of control and tried to control the Great Form, he finally managed to steel his will and destroy the power orb, return to his humanoid form. "That power felt good, but that form is so hard to control. I really need to practice more." Kayn flew back to the village and villagers were horrified. "Relax people, I am on your side that was just one of my special abilities. hehe!!" Kayn chuckled at the fearful villagers and didn't mind much.

"That was amazing! I've read up on a race that could change into huge apes, I just forgot what they were called." Elise was sure she read up on a race like this before but couldn't recall their names.

"We are called Saiyans, I am here to help Liberate your people, now guide me to the west so I can kill the next one." Kayn was confident, the strongest power level on this planet was only 20,000 or so. "

Elise: Ah, that's what they were called, aren't you guys space pirates?

"Not all of us are, so how about you lead me to the west." Elise didn't think about it much, Kayn then carried Elise towards the west with under her guidance to kill the west Chieftain. Kayn then checked his system status.

[Host's Status:

Name: Kayn (Luke)

Race: Saiyan

Bloodline: 100% Saiyan (Super Elite Class innate Latent Talent)

Talent: Spacial Laws,

Age: 3 Years Old

Lifespan: 350 years

Body State: Healthy

Battle Power: 15,000


[Ki Control: D+)],[Kamehamaha: (D++)],[(Instant Transmission (D+)]

[Ki Senses: (C+)] [Destructo Disc: (D)]



[Passive Abilities-]

(Eye Of Judgement),(Zenkai Boost),(Power Ball)

[(93,950) System Points] / [(80,000) Nexus Points]