
DragonBall: Only Human

So this used to be a pokemon fan fic but it was dropped so... Since this account hit max stories and im to lazy to create a new account. Its now a different idea. After His Uncle Gohan saved the world from King Piccolo. Einstein the Ox Prince began his training under his Uncle. All the while learning the techniques and training the two other disciples that once trained under Gohans master. The Turtle King Krillin and the Wolf Boxer Yamcha both taught Ein what they learned. Eventually Eins realized despite his long journey through martial arts he was alone. He had no rivals, no enemies, at least.... no human ones So tags may not be completely truthful, I am still debating about writing r-18 chapters for this. Also it might be somewhat edgy according to a second opinion. I'd say it currently chapters 30-50ish are the ones.

ZeOwl · Anime et bandes dessinées
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48 Chs

Clenched teeth

I didn't get stronger, I had no plans, and we were running on fear. Bulma had contacted me just as I was dropping of the Fruit of Might at Korin's so he can keep them safe.

The news she delivered however was terrible. Android 17 and 18 were the least of a problems. If Bulma was right they were a minor tool to weaken us. Though they proved stronger than Gero thought, and they were honestly just an after thought.

Gero's true goal was a scorched earth, as Bulma found out due to a minor mistake on Gero's. That Gero had technically died, or at least his physical body. Now however his mind was uploaded into a computer somewhere.

Which left me with 17 and 18. The only possible two who could tell us more. After all Bulma couldn't track Gero's data and after his slip up. I landed on Mango avenue, preparing for a fight.

It wasn't long before the two siblings walked up. It was 17 that spoke, "Hey! look who it is, Sis."

18 raised an eyebrow and spoke mocking me. "Came to lose again? Because you lost pretty quickly last time."

I asked, "Did you really kill Gero?"

Before 17 answered, 18 tapped him in the side. "Why do you ask."

I nodded so I had a chance. "Because you didn't, a friend of mine found him watching us still. She traced him to a virtual connection."

17 laughed, "Wow, he uploaded himself to the matrix? Damn, I guess we will go a looking later. Thanks for the heads up...."

I spoke, "Einstein, most call me Eins though. Except you knew that, though would you like to know something else?"

The android siblings looked at each other. They had confusion and yet arrogance. "Is this gonna be a lecture, I am so not up for a lecture."

I gave a shrug and addressed the Blonde's sarcastic concern. "At this point I think I am just a distraction for a friend of mine to train enough to beat you guys. If or more likely when he does beat you. The damage you have done, will just be fixed by a literal magic dragon."

They both had different reactions though both conveyed their surprise. 17 spoke, "A magic dragon?"

I nodded, "Shenron, he grants wishes."

18's eyes flickered and 17 grinned. My play was working, at least I hoped. "So, what would you wish for?"

They didn't speak, but I knew my words worked. I had to thank Gero for being such a obsessed scientist that he never perfected anything. These two had some humanity in them, they were self-centered and no doubt greedy.

However the fact they had a wish besides destruction was obvious. From their reactions 17 seemed to have a wish in mind while 18 was unsure. So I took a step forward.

"Too bad you won't ever get one." I back handed 17 hard enough to send him into a wall. One was enought to beat me before, I didn't want two kicking my ass.

I grabbed 18 by the hair and twisted it into the ground. The blew up with energy and I dashed away. While keeping an eye on 17 and 18. "Oh, you fucking dick!"

18 jumped forward, but I sweeped below her and blasted her in the back. I turned and dodged a punch from 17 and dashed back again. "Eh so you got a strategy now."

17 seemed happy while 18 was mad. I probed a bit, "It is always good to have a strategy."

The two burst forward and I dodged into a building. Hopefully no one was around. The two outside begun blowing the building up. I went out the back before it collapsed and I prepared an attack.

I called out as the building collapsed and the dust filled the air. "I do have to ask, why do you want to go around killing people. Just saying I can't really imagine it will remain fun for a long time."

18 flashed to my side as I expected, "Why do you care?"

I smiled as I released my ki attack and blasting her back with a black beam. I ducked under 17 who was on my other side and I waddled back. "You two have good symmetry. Though like I was saying, if you destroy the earth what will you actually be able to do after?"

18 was the one who responded again, "That will be our problem! Now shut up and fight like a man!"

I was about to speak, but 17 paused, "Actually he has a point, Sis."

18 yelled, "I don't care! He pulled my hair!"

I raised a hand, and spoke in a jokingly serious tone. "I thought girls like that? I guess not having a father figure really did a number on me."

17's reply was a simple, "That's fucked up."

18's response was a much more livid one. She fired a yellow ray towards me as she yelled, "HPE WAVE!"

I dodged with a surprisingly little wiggle room, however I spoke again antagonizing her. "Damn don't want to catch that STD looks fatal."

17 started backing away and I got mostly what I wanted. I wouldn't be fighting two of them. The guy understood his sister wanted to beat me alone. I however now had to deal with a very angry woman.

She fired a another attack and dashed forward. I batted the orb away and blocked as she slammed a kick into my side. I felt my arm sting in pain. "Thunder wave!"

I pulse of near static energy launched from me. 18 Froze in place and I kicked her head into the ground with an axe kick. I dashed back and let a green glow cover my arm. I had never actually healed myself before and the feeling was pleasant.

The feeling was cut short by 18 trying to back hand me I side stepped and punched her in the gut and slammed her down into the ground again. She screamed, "Stop DOING THAT!"

I made a mocking shrug, "Stop being a bitch."

She fumed and her brother made a hand signal to me. Trying to stop me from pissing her off. However I couldn't stop now, this was the best I had. If she beat me and most likely kill me, he had to calm her down. So it sucked to be both of us if I failed.

18 struck forward again, but I dodged with an after image making twenty or so more. I clapped my hands getting her attention before firing my own attack. "Light ender!"

A flash of black ki darkened the area. It wasn't a wave or anything just a beam that had engulfed light. It was my newest masterpiece combining multiple mortal arts and my own knowledge. The beam slammed into 18. When light begun to return and the dust settled I saw 17 coughing and 18 knocked out.

17 spoke with some joy, "Gotta say I am impressed!"

I exhaled a heavy breath, I couldn't fight anymore. Light ender was my masterpiece, but it engulfed my ki as well as light. Since my ki was tied to my lifespan if I fought anymore I would definitely die sooner then later.

"Can we not fight?"

17 raised an eyebrow, "You done? Here I thought I'd get a turn."

17 seemed cool-ish so I responded, "Gay."

He laughed, "HA! Eh... were you serious about earlier? Like all of it?"

I gave a slight nod and 17 seemed to enter a daze of thoughts. I jumped up and launched myself into the sky. He could think alone, my work was more or less done.

Whether those two slow down their destruction was now up to what 17 was thinking and 18 when she woke up. They would no doubt argue specially since 17 basically let me go after I basically pissed 18 off. I flew in the direction of Capsule Corp.