
Dragon of Space and Cocaine

Well Starting in Wh40K With the new and improved Dragon of Space and cocaine. This is more of a crack with leads. Having writer's block on my other books. None of my books are dropped unless I write them and say it is. This is more of a fun-and-done kind of story I have been playing with for a while seeing how it will go. Also own nothing but the OC's , Everything else is owned by others.

resistingsea · Anime et bandes dessinées
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10 Chs


Growing to my full size I have all of my power coiled tightly around myself. Creating a slip in space I enter the warp. Using my reality manipulation I cover all my energy output. Looking around the sea of souls it was worse than I imagined if I didn't have the protections I shudder to think of what would have happened.

Spying 'clouds' of souls being devoured by untold horrors sent chills down my spine. Breathing my wings sending tears into space that are quickly covered in souls trying to escape, but are unable to as the breach in space is covered by an unknown barrier. Flying up high I spy in the distance a great land mass covering the entire horizon. To the far side of the land mass is a swamp covered in green pulsating growths, beside that is a crystalline maze ever-shifting and turning in random patterns.

Besides, that is a truly titanic colosseum type of structure made up of ten layers dipping down into inky blackness. In the middle of all of those is a red mountainous domain sitting on top of the mountain is a black armored figure sitting on a throne of skulls surrounded by a river of blood and a never-ending moshpit of violence and degradation.

Sweeping my eye looking between all of the realms seeing that they are all protected by a barrier that separates space between the realms from each other. Shrinking down to my smallest form. Using space I make myself invaluable with the ability to shift through matter no matter how toxic, and or deadly. On top of this, I shift reality around me making anyone within my range unable to perceive me. While I am doing this every time one of the daemons spots me I shift space to where they are in range.

Sitting on my haunches right by the barrier I reach out and touch it shifting through the mechanism controlling space. It works like intangibility being powered by the souls inside of the warp. Without this, there would be a continuous slaughter between forces of Chaos. Seeing an opportunity I focus on the barrier giving it a tiny tug. Watching a crack start to form I smile and pull as ripping the anchors between the realm of The Dark Prince and The Domain of The Blood God.

Everything froze for a few seconds all of the Salaanish Daemons who had moments ago jeering and yelling at the Blood Gods Daemons. They are now frozen in shock as the barrier continued to fall all around the space between the two realms opens up for the first time in the history of their inceptions.

With a scream of fury and excitement, the Blood Gods Hoard charged as they now had a place beside each other to vent their fury. Watching the entire line of Hellflayers of Salaanish on top of their twisted bone and flesh chariots fall to the tidal wave of blood following the wake of Chaos Warbands who were somehow here. Watching the Chaos Space marines rip and tear apart the pathetic chariots. Sounds of Chainswords and Lightning Claws filled the air as hoards of the once imperial marines tear apart the forces of Slaanesh.

Watching all of this happening I hear a soft melody playing across the battlefield as a twisted woman playing an inhuman harp with the feet of children walking around underneath it. With each flick of her hand scores of lesser Khorne daemons fall to the sound waves coming off of it. Charging past the Infernal Entrapperess is a line of purple armored space marines covered in Speakers blasting out all genres of music tearing apart most positions in their way. Only slowed by the onslaught of fury and superior melee combatants of the Khorne forces.

As the two forces meet in the middle screams of fury and moans of pleasure fill the air as The Noise Marines and Skulltakers meet in mortal combat in the plains of pleasure. Watching a Purple armored marine pull out a microphone while playing guitar with his two extra arms headbanging while using guitar strings as a whip egging on the lesser pleasure daemons forward into the Skulltakers blender that is the front line.

Looking behind the Skulltakers more and more daemons are charging in looking for an offering to Krone. In the middle of the pack are Karakas the three-headed hounds of vengeance the flesh hounds taking to the battlefield with vigor. The baying of flesh hounds drowns out some of the music blasting the field. Watching a section of Noise marines set up killing zones. Yet once again the Skulltakers butcher their way through the wall of sound losing marines as they go.

Hearing a thump on the ground I look behind the Salaanish forces spotting the form of a hulking man inside of the dust cloud. Walking out of the dust is a hulking man carrying an axe stomping past the cowering lesser daemons. All along his exposed flesh is carved out patched, Horne's growing out of his collar bone meeting at the top of his head in a macabre crown. His pale bald head has the symbol of Salaanish carved from his brow to his nose and bladed tentacles flowing out of his back. Behind him followed a small woman one arm replaced with a sword while carrying a whip in the other. Her legs are twisted in the wrong direction moving more like a wolf than a man. The same pale blonde skin, but her face is covered in leather.

This is Syll'Esske the Herald of Salaanish, the one who is two. The Herald of Salaanish Syll Lewdtongue, and her bonded Daemon Prince Esske. The corruptor of Bornt Quartzthumb who is armed with her willowing whip causing enemies to falter slightly beside her is bonded with his axe of Dominion. Watching them sweeping across the battlefield was a sight to behold. Moving in sync the whip made the enemy falter while the axe followed up finishing off quite a bit of the Skulltakers.

Feeling more and more Khorne Daemons flowing into the cracking gap stepping, pushing, and overrunning each other to enter the fray. The never-ending tide of Daemons reinforces the Skulltakers into the butchering that is happening around Syll'Esske. The Daemon Prince looked leisurely around him before looking toward the cracked barrier with furrowed brows.

A screech tore through the space as the impact zone became a river of blood as a mad demon tore through the tear in space screaming as a hoard of Khornatie Daemonkin Space marines had shown up and is attacking everyone including the Skulltakers. Blood flowed back toward the Domain of Khorne, Skulls being ripped out torn from their encased flesh.

Smiling at the battle taking place I slip into the ground flowing to the opening to the realm of Salaanish. The horniest place in the galaxy entering the six circles of seductions

The first realm of Avidity is expected of the God of Excess. Without all of my protections maxed out I may have fallen into temptation. Looking around at the piles of gold, trees, and even the dirt is all made out of gold. Gems that are flesh-eating insects. Gold that turns people into living statues. Shaking my head and moving on.

I go straight through the ground into the second realm of Gluttony. Looking around the chain of islands surrounded by wine. Watching the islands moving while holding banquet halls filled with the finest food and wine. Flying through one I realized the floor is made out of humans so fat their hands fused into flesh mittens. Watching the humans around all of the halls gorging themselves into a blob of fat and excess until they cannot move anymore falling and fusing into the floor.

Entering the third circle. The circle of Carnality hearing the moaning and pounding of flesh, and moans of pleasure. Daemonettes surrounding pleasing the poor fools who only see what they want. The sickly pale-skinned women and men transformed into the most beautiful forms imaginable. Harems dot the land castles filled with Daemonetts doing every sexual act imaginable from vanilla missionary to copulating cannibalism. Pushing the foolish humans deeper and deeper into excess. Shaking my head I go down to the fifth floor.

In the Realm of Paramountcy, the fourth massive crowds dot the land sickly artists showing off their greatest works not knowing the 'crowds' they have been showing off to are a legion of hungry daemons. Generals give rousing speeches in empty swamps filled with the skeletons of previous speakers. Rulers waving their hands at empty stadiums sitting on a throne made of pulsing flesh and pus. Some of the ones who have been here the longest are screaming in terror at the 'crowds' turning on them being 'killed' while drowning in the dead swampland.

Entering the Realms of Vainglory at the surface is an alien forest. Winds whispering sweet nothing to the humans huddling into themselves deep in thought until a 'shape' appears it could be the greatest love or the worst enemy. All while not knowing the trees are alive pulling the unknowing travelers into the underbrush. Screaming their greatest regrets. Hearing the laughter of daemons coming from where the travelers have been taken to.

The last realm of Indulgence floating through tropical beaches filled with naked women hearing the low humming of a thousand quires in the background trying to lure anyone into a false sense of security. If one would look closer the soft sand beaches are bits of bone from an untold amount of humans who gave in to the soft music. These same bone beaches are filled with naked women willing to do any sexual act without knowing that they are Daemons in hiding. The soft lovable music is the scream of tormented souls that have also fallen into this trap.

Slipping through I find myself inside a room full of pillows, paintings, and bottles of wine. Watching the wine bottles filled with golden essence floating erratically trying to escape the confines of the bottles. Waving my hand storing all of the bottles for later.. inspection. I hear shuffling looking at a titanic ladyboy.

Laying before me resting on a pile of pillows is She who thirsts, Prince of Pleasure, Lord of Excess, Dark Prince. Standing more than fifteen meters tall the right half is made up of a woman's pierced nipples with metal bits inside of its lips, ears, and cock. The left half of it is a man with two thin arms curled under it one running through the hair of a chained-up Elf.

Hmm, lewd elves. Watching it play with the bruised and broken woman. Glancing over her healthy naked tanned skin glowing white eyes golden blond hair. Watching the chained-up woman narrow her eyes slightly before reverting to her 'broken' state. Peering closer I see it lean in whispering sweet nothing as fluids leak out of her holes.

Salaanish stands up behind the woman rubbing both of its razor-covered cocks. I could stamp grab and run. Or I could fight with a chaos god... yea option one. Opening a portal behind the chaos god I split space behind her opening a hand-sized hole near its lower back.

Leaning in I watch as anticipation built on its face as it reared its hips back lining up with both holes of the Eldar chained to the floor. The Eldar squeezed her eyes closed waiting on the familiar pain. Waiting for a moment I wait for Salaanish to bring its hips forward. As it does I press the stamp onto its lower back. Locking space around the Chaos god I grow to the size of the castle. Walls started to fall in as I rent space in this part of its realm. Feeling the God of Excess fight the space around it. Leaning forward I swallow the Eldar into my cabin.

Three seconds are over with I feel the strain on my powers as Salaanish shakes letting loose a wave of pleasure aimed at me. Shrinking quickly I enter a portal to my Home closing all access to the outside. No before sending out a wave of reality deleting soul and Daemon around the building including its Princes.

I lay on my back Laughing harder and harder at the look on the ladyboy's face as I Alt+F4'ed its realm. Looking over at the time [71:58:02] Three days then I can sell its ass than either stay or go doesn't matter to me. The other three Chao's gods will be in a free for all for the newly open territory.

I could have done that differently but I didn't want to fight willpower with a freaking Chaos god who has thousands of years bringing others to temptations.

Dumping out my newest catch I see a name I was not expecting Gea consort to the twin Khaine the bloody-handed god and Asuryan the Phoenix King. So Salaanish kept a goddess as her sex pet. Nice taste. Looking over the tired Goddess I reach out with my Shroud bonding her to myself easily. It is a surprise that she is even coherent after thousands of years of taking razer dick and who knows what else.

Heading to the beach I lay down for a nap. One Chaos god down plus one Eldar Goddess who should be good in the morning.

A/N: I could write a book about the different realms didn't feel like making a chapter a realm sorry, not sorry. Was just giving you all an idea about the realm. Thanks for reading.