
Mommy is home

Sitting on a throne of skulls surrounded by rivers of blood. A Black-armored figure is gazing down upon his newly gained domain. Leaning into his fist resting his helmet on his fist. Scanning the horizon to his newly acquired land. Thinking over how easy it was to acquire the new land. Slaanesh is gone not knowing who or how is worrying.

There is a new being of power we can feel it the fleeting terror that comes a goes. Ghostly laughter at random intervals. Science has locked itself deeper inside its fortress of knowledge. Nurgle cares not for anything but his newest brew of plague, his 'wife', and his spawn. The only competitor for the newly opened land was me.

I was the only one who took it over. After the easy conquest, we butchered all of the Princes and their cohorts. Tearing down the realm. Slaanesh is... gone which in itself is troubling. One does not just hide away a Chaos God. The only explanation is the energy surge from when Salaanish lashed out at an unseen foe. Then in the blink of an eye, the surge was gone. Then later after his temper tantrum Salaanesh is gone with no sound, no struggle, just gone. No this reeks of a Tzeentch plot yet this is not a plan from the Lord of Change he has been quiet for a few thousand cycles.

Looking past the blood-stained mountainous terrain toward the rainbow-hued crystal structures peaking above the surrounding mountains. Yes, he doesn't know, and that scared him. He will not admit it, but the oldest of us Nurgle has been worried as well. Whatever is coming will be the end. Nurgle always said he will be the last before entropy.

Sneaking a glance at the poisonous swaps in the distance green billowing fogs swell and fall. Masses of insects searching his border for incursions from the enemy. Snorting at the thought of finding the enemy if they got past every layer of Salaaneshs domain with no sign of them passing through and then doing something to the Prince of Pleasure.

Resting my eyes listening to the ever-growing blood bath around my domain feeding the river of blood going throughout my domain. Skulls were recklessly tossed into a pile at my feet, bodies tossed to the side being feasted upon by Karahan hounds.

Opening my eyes looking across the kneeling figure of my second in command Daemon Prince Angron. Scanning my Red-skinned Prince has been holding himself in admiral silence lately, but he is nervous his two wings behind his back are shaking. He felt the presence of Slaanesh disappear. When that happened he was chomping his fanged maw in anticipation and blood lust as he set off to conquer the land now-open lands.

Once he was done he realized he just walked into the area where a Chaos god was kidnapped or killed. Once this revelation settled in he quickly left.

"Lord Khorne, there was a sign of a struggle from the former God Slaanesh. Tears in the warp were not natural. The Creature was big enough to tear apart the entire castle in the struggle." he whispered in fear as if speaking of the creature will make it appear. His eyes darting all around the both of us. Waving at him to continue. He reeked of fear and caution. Fear is understandable as long as it is tempered and not acted on recklessly.

"That was it Lord Khorne it was over fast then the creature left presumably by the fading tears in the warp. Slaanesh was still there for a short time before suddenly gone. That was all we were able to get from the now-dead Princes of Slaanesh." Angron is not a coward as the one Unleashed of the First War of Armageddon was not a fool though. Any Creature that can take on a Chaos God with little effort is a foe to be weary of. No, he did not survive this long by being a fool like most of my other Daemons who openly mock the one who took the Prince of Pleasure.

"Be weary more incursions may increase soon. Call back all of our forces to the sea of souls to shore up our new territory." Watching the warp crumble as I was speaking. It is why we do not speak beyond a few words the sea of souls is an awe-inspiring place, but it is fragile. Swinging my eyes back to the orgy of the carnage taking place a feeling of distaste rose inside of me when it comes to underhanded tactics. It is why my forces and Tzeentch are opposed no matter the situation even if it was just the two of us we cannot and will not work together.

The sea of souls has become thin lately more and more souls go missing. I know we all felt it the being who is beyond us Death. Death has come for us, soon it will be my time to meet Death in battle one last glorious battle. Not one of us knows why Death has shown up. It is why Tzeentch has hidden away for Death cannot be lied to, barged with, or cheated. His go-to forms of communication are all useless in the face of the one at the end.

Looking over at the coward's Domain I sneer at it knowing even if I am to die I will not go quiet like the coward hiding behind his magic. He thinks himself above the rest of us with his plotting and planning the fool. We all shall meet our end soon one way or another. Oh, how I wish I could watch him beg scream, and cry for mercy. The thought of it brings a smile to my face. Fool I am not, where are you Death let us meet for the first and last time.

Until then I will prepare for our confrontation my hoard against the end of it all Death.

-------------(POV Change)----------

Feeling my body repairing itself was good, great even. Now that I asked death to get rid of all the psyker child souls out of mine. Seriously noisy brats 'wahh I want my mommy' fucking Timmy. The flesh started repairing itself I can hear the Adeptus Custodes grasp thousands of years of training haven't prepared them to witness the Emperor of man come alive as the Empress of man.

Feeling my body shift into a woman was not as uncomfortable as I would have guessed. It was almost like putting on a glove. Looking down at my pale soft hand with none of the callouses that I have built up over the tens of thousands of years remained. My armor shifted into an unpractical boob armor from those role-playing games from the early days of man's technological development. Gripping on my power I reign it in to not destroy the material plain around me.

Just wait Horus mommy will take you over her knee like the bad boy you are. I wonder who Death has connected me to. Opening my eyes for the first time in recent history. Looking over the ungodly amount of gold around the 'throne room' banners. God dam this throne is uncomfortable would it have killed them to give me a fucking pillow.

Gently covering the planet with my energy feeling out how the situation is going. Fucking hell Gene stealers in the megacities, Cultists running around in the upper echelons of my Empire. Focusing on the gene stealers I reached out and burned them all to ash leaving no traces behind. Feeling out the humans who have a connection to the realms of Chaos. Grabbing the connections I ripped them out sending a pulse of pure psyker fire burning the connections and those who held them.

"Who are you and where is the Emperor?" Looking down at the little man covered head to toe with golden armor. From the souls, I have gathered these new Custodes have become a shell of their former selves. Stagnating MY Empire into the opposite of what I intended. Suppressing any kind of technological advances left nothing, but the outdated technology was as harmful as possible. I mean what kind of people would use child psykers as 'sacrifices' to help me wake up? Thousands of years of hearing children screaming in my fucking soul almost drove me to become a Chaos God. Unless that was their plan?

Gripping the hand rests of the Golden throne as it groaned under the strength flowing through me "Boy do you have any idea who I am" Narrowing my eyes at the fool while keeping my face passive.

"It does not matter! Kill the imposter!" Waving his hand forward as the new generation of Custodies take a step forward while the older Custodies realized who I was falling the knee not daring to look up at me. Flicking my finger depriving the fool of his hammer and armor leaving him in his skin suit.

"Good, this is good." Standing up to my full height looking down at the Custodies who are not kneeling. Looking over the faces of the kneeling Custodies "It is time for a purge of every planet, every system of the Imperium too long have the leaders done nothing but press down my people leaving them to live in squalor. To long has passed since I have stepped and shown what happens to pompous fools." A humorless smile spread across my face. "Let the purge begin."

The older generation didn't hesitate as they stabbed, smashed, and burned the 'traitors' before me following my commands as the Silent sisters came into the throne room hearing the fighting break out across the Palace. They all look at the carnage looking for the unseen foes but instead see the newly awoken Empress standing tall among the carnage glowing gold eyes scanning them and finding them wanting.

"Who was the fool who made a Religion about me... I wonder why my commands were not heeded. Religion is for the weak, if you are so weak as to pray to an unseen god for what you can achieve with your own two hands I do not need for you. Gene Stealers running rampant in the undercity. In the upper city, cultists were ruling above everyone. I wonder who all has been complacent in these incidents" Looking over the kneeling Silent Sisters, and Adeptus Custodies looking at the one by one feeling their anger rising.

Sitting on the steps "Death came to me offering me a deal. Serve her husband and I shall be free from the in-between which you all were complacent in putting me in. The souls of those psykers were suppressing my mind further and further. It was almost to the point where I could become the newest Chaos, GOD!" Slamming my fist into the ground making the Palace floor crack and shake.

"Fools, My first order is to call a grand inquisition we shall find out why this has happened it smells like a Tzeentch plot from my Empire. GO! Bring me the leaders of the Imperil systems. If the fight brings them in chains. Send out a message the Emperor is awake and she is pissed off." Gaining understanding nods from the gathering crowd as they all snap into attention before heading off to complete their tasks. There is no perfect system, but this shit will not stand I did not almost become one of those things to come back to this shit.

Feeling a connection snap into place as a crack in space opened up revealing a Xeno man. The man was big, bigger than me unknown runes running up and down his body moving and shifting with no rhyme or reason. His head was topped with a rack of antlers swooping back branching off. His skin-tight black armor hid nothing about him.

Black mist rolled off of him before it dissipated back into his suit. Small bits of bones grow and decay across his suit, and small roots seemed to grow and wither across the same suit. He stepped out further pulling a chain. As he stepped out of the slip what followed behind him was a true shocker.

Stepping out of the portal was a chaos god in chains... what the shit! The now completely only woman Salaanish stepped out her purple skin fully exposed to tempt everyone around to fall into depravity. Her hard deep purple nipples swaying in a hypnotic fashion. With each step came the rattling from her chained collar. Looking closer at the black metal collar was a tag with her name on it. With each step she was dripping fluids from her exposed quim leaving a trail for all to see. Glowing purple eyes looked around in lust until they fall upon the Xeno then they turned to lust and love... What the fuck is going on?

Lust rolled off of her until the Xeno brought his man-sized fist down onto the back of her head "Cut the shit." Slaanesh pouted fucking pouted. Watching her flicking her barbed tongue at him while he rolled his eyes. Blinking a few times confused at what is happening. Death said he was powerful but this is ridiculous. To have tames one of the corruption forces in the warp and having chained her like a dog you take for a walk.. I need a drink.

His silver eyes looked over the room until they found my golden eyes "Dam you look good. Wonder if you feel as good as you look" Feeling a blush working its way up my neck. I am not a stranger to sex but I am usually the penetrator, not the penetrated. Not any more though. Now I am going to be getting a good dicking, It is better than hearing the souls of children crying for all of eternity.

Giving him an uncomfortable smile "Well I have an Empire to clean up before I go with you if that is ok?" He looked me in the eyes searching for an answer to an unasked question. He let out a low rumble of a chuckle. He reached out petting Salaaneshs horned head watching her squirm under his ministrations was uncharitable, to say the least. He nodded before turning to leave "Well good luck with that I am not dealing with the paperwork. Have fun." Fuck forgot about paperwork maybe this was a bad Idea... Rubbing my eyes I look back to speak further with him.

He.... he left? what the shit. Letting out a sigh to the empty throne room. I should meet my children at least the non-asshole ones. Maybe bring the loyal ones back to life it should only take a few trillion sacrifices to make them whole again.

A/N: Different pov's hope you enjoyed thinking of capturing the other Chao's gods making them get a gender change but I can't find any art to share so maybe later.

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