

During the end of summer. Mysteries happened in the land, perking at the peace. From the clear blue sky to the forest in the distant then an eagle, huge in a strange way and different. Having the legs of a lion and horns of a bull. Its aura, sharp and fierce, wings that seemed like it'd pierce through unbreakable metal. It glided through the air, over the waterfall and across a glade. Eyes widening, to sight the ongoing commotion happening below. It was a horse trampling like a mad warthog through the land.

The horse galloped like the wind through the thick forest with a rider on its back.

Growls, grunts filled the air and it seemed the rider was trying to run away from the sound. The rider clung tightly to the horse, kicked it by the side signalling it to run faster while holding tight with one hand and the other was wrapped round a sack. The growling grew closer and louder. Suddenly flames of fire hitted the forest.

The rider uncovered her hood revealing a woman who grew agitated with each breath she took. You could sense anxiety in her voice like she was terrified.

A creature suddenly descended.

"FIRE" a voice bellowed

The creature breathed out huge balls of fire into the forest but its target was unharmed. It alighted fully from the clouds revealing a long serpent with wretched huge wings, snarling and growling.

"FIRE!" and lashed out a second time and this time, the fire landed directly in front of the woman.

The horse neighed in fear coming to forceful halt throwing its rider to the ground. The woman fell, landing hard. She clutched to the sack protectively and sprung to her feet immediately wanting to take the opposite route but was intercepted with flames of hot burning fire.

"oh no!" She muttered, the anxiety grew. She was bounded in. No way to run and just when hope lingered. It had to be crushed.

The lady looked unharmed though. She was graceful with the way she carried herself. Stood with poise and royalty. Her outfit was adorned to its limits and finishes. It was gorgeous. A silver silk that'll never fade.

 "Seal the remaining paths Magnus" came another bellow echoing across the air and the serpent obeyed.

In an instant the woman was encircled with flames.


She mumbled trying to break out of the fire with a spell but proved useless. She tried and tried again but nothing happened instead it only made it worse by increasing the intensity of the flames.

The serpent flapped it's huge wings repeatedly landing on the hot flames which had no effect on it. Magnus laid flat as its master alighted from its back .He sauntered towards the woman, in a friendly manner. A sinister grin curling up the man's wicked expression.

"Surrender diana" He spoke, " let's not make things worse than they already are"

"Over my dead body shall you lay a finger on this egg" She retorted, clinging tightly to the sack, occasionally turning to be assured what she was protecting was still in the leather sack.

"Stubbornness is futile diana. Give me the egg"

He advanced, two paces forward and halted.

"Never! I swore to protect this egg by my very life" Diana said panting heavily

"Wisdom! My darling wife. Just think and reason why would you wanna lose your life for something so mediocre. It wouldn't be a good legacy for a royal and powerful sorcerer and also the queen to leave behind"

"I curse the day I met and fell for you Marcellis an..."

The pain in her heart wouldn't let her finish

"Spare me the time my darling wife.You women are so naive"

It was cold and an action had to be made regardless. Now or never. A wind swept through the air.

"Toef tnil" She created a force field at the view he had let his guard down

"Noooo" He yelled, agitating in place. He hated for his subjects to defile him.

Marcellis drew out his sword, landing massive blows to shield but nothing then, shot bolts of lightning at it but it didn't even leave a scratch. He raised his hand signalling Magnus to come

 "Break open that force field", He ordered

Magnus breathed fire at the shield and not a crack. It tried again with each blast powerful than the last. On the other hand Diana couldn't hold the spell much longer, the shield was getting weak. Diana knew she had not much time left to seal the stone away from the evil clutches of her spineless husband.

A man who had the heart to take the very lives of his very own children just because of his thirst for power and now wants to kill his wife...

And suddenly,

"Aaaaah" The whole area pummeled and she was violently sent flying across the air screaming from agony.