
Bloody monster

The clouds above went gloomy,followed by the strange wind which seemed to only revolve around them. The air was really tense, having a scent of danger. The gang started to wonder what was going on.All of them, gazing at the skies that had gone dark only above them.Fear, slowly gripped them. Their leader wasn't gonna be terrified of some little potty tricks. No way! His eyes landed on the cloaked old man before him.

"We have a magician in our midst guys",he said,his face stern, "...and he thinks he can scare us".

His pals chuckled,in a way seemed to be mockery. The old man stood. Not moving. Just rising rage.

"Don't waste my time,old man", The gang leader muttered, gripping the old man's cloak.

"How dare you?", The old man said, "Get your unworthy hands off me mortal .It'd be better for you to let me pass and you keep your worthless lives"

"Hmmm", The leader mumbled then turned to his gang,

"Boys,he said he's gonna hurt us if we don't let him pass"

His gang laughed hysterically. 'What was a soggy old fart gonna do?'

"Is that a threat? Y'know what? I'll let you face my weakest link. Jeremy?", he called

And a guy came forward. He was skinny, lanky, wore a black sweater, black jeans, his face looked like puke. Like a street-walker that he is.

"Teach this old timer a lesson", The leader ordered and Jeremy grinned in return. He'd enjoy battering the defenseless old dude. He tightened his fist, ready to land a punch as his leader took some steps backwards, ready to watch the show.

The old man didn't even lift his head an inch,to get a look at his opponent. His face still shaded, showed no expression at all underneath. Just rising anger, having to deal with worms.

Jeremy was about sending his hard fist into the old man's jaw when he suddenly froze. He couldn't move.

'What's happening?' He thought.

He tried moving but his whole body was glued to the spot.

"Hurry up jeremy",his leader snapped from behind,noticing he was taking too much time. The frozen jeremy couldn't speak.His leader was dumbfounded at the sight his eyes caught.

'Was this magic?'

Jeremy actually was lifted off the ground,several inches.His high pitched scream of agony cut off ,a moment after it began - his brain simply gave up trying to process the pain and shut down. He slumped to the ground,unconsciously clutching between his legs,curling into a ball.

The eyes of their fear-gripped leader widened.Was this magic? No way he's gonna be intimidated by some old dude. Instead of running for his dear life,he ordered the others,who foolishly obeyed and lounged straight at the old man,still ignoramt to what just occured.With frightening speed,shifting from just standing in recline to diving past the members,at their leader,pouncing the young guy in less than a sec.Panic took hold at first. 

The cloaked old man landed several sharp edge of the hand blows to their leader's throat.Enough to kill, if the young guy died,it wasn't his business. He warned him. Even so, he'd have killed him anyways.The unspoken members of the gang,five in all,turned and charged at the old man. One of them was unfortunate to have the idea that a bullet would end him.They were just mere pellets, as the old man shoved away the bullet with his metal,golden bracelet.He shot again nd the second bullet paused in mid-air.The shooter was perplexed.Next thing,he took to his heels.

A slight grin formed underneath the partially obscured face of the old man and the bullet flashed through the air at his its shooter with an impact that sent the shooter flying, landing dead on the cold ground.

The remaining still didn't back down.

I ain't no coward.

All at once combined attacks at the cloaked old man. As for the old man, there'd be no one-at-a-time attacks,black ninja style; it was a dog pile. 

Blood was flying within moments,bruises forming,even a few teeth soaring through the air. The last one standing looked like he was ready to throw in the towel. He took several shaky steps backwards,hands up defensively but the old man didn't seem to care,advancing on him like some sort of horrible caged monster...