
Dragon Lord travels the Multiverse

Kalis Kalikrates is by far the most powerful dragon in existence, but due to circumstances caused by his action, he must flee from Gods and demons alike. Follow Kalis epic journey through the Multiverse, as he fight against Gods and horrors beyond the veil.

DrewMeister · Anime et bandes dessinées
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12 Chs

Chapter 10: A new jounrey.

Hours passed since Kalis and Amber left the sight of Shao, the so-called leader of the large town in parts of mistral kingdoms. Their surroundings of a city square were replaced as they traveled further out.

Before them was a vast expanse of farm lands cultivated to feed over hundred thousands if not millions of inhabitants. Wooden fences on each side prevent many of the strange farm animals from wandering on the dirt road.

Kalis saw many houses and barns from afar, almost like a smaller town in the provinces unto itself, and beyond them was the ever present iron walls, stopping all creatures of Grimm from entering. Well, at least it tried to.

The sun was close to its zenith, as cattle-like-beast, greyed scaled and eight legged, grazing the lands, and the singsongs of avian life echoed around them like sweet melodies.

It was vastly different from city life. Quiet and serene, with the scent of fresh air, and the soft caress of the wind, blowing through Kalis' hair. While he enjoyed the surrounding environment, Amber was dragging far behind. He'd noticed her change of mood after the confrontation with Shao.

Her melancholy mood returns with a vengeance.

"Are you still upset after what happened," Kalis asked, though still mildly distracted by the nature surrounding.

"I guess I have to be, because you don't seem at all concerned," Amber muttered, her eyes trailing the field, hoping to catch a glimpse of her lost horse.

"Hm? Oh? I see. So you're angry because I am choosing not to be," Kalis inquired.

Amber shook her head.

"I didn't mean it like that," Amber quickly denied. "The way they rejected you even after you saved them, it feels wrong. I can't imagine what they'll do if a regular fanus comes around. And if that happens, conflict will ensue, driving humanity closer to a new great war. A war that will gain the greater Grimm attention."

Kalis stops in his tracks and turns to her. He understood her worries, truly he did. After all, he had plenty of experience in the affairs of wars. Wars on such a colossal scale, that will drive even the hardened general to wailing like a babe. Insanity back then would have been a simple mercy.

But being stressed by foolish men's actions will not cause Armageddon. It's not like they have the power to kick-start a war.

Well, sometimes.

"Look Amber, I may not be familiar with your world's conflict," Kalis stated, as he came closer to her. "Nor do I know of a solution to fix your people's problem." Kalis places a tender hand on Amber's head, prompting her to look.

As she gazed into Kalis' starlight pearls, there was something within them, she hadn't noticed before. Enchanting as his eyes were, a deeper wisdom resides there, holding keys to knowledge and experiences unfathomable to human concepts.

She almost forgot how truly alien Kalis was.

"But I promise you this," Kalis Affirmed, a soft smile crossed his face. "If such conflict ever arises when I'm still here, I'll be sure to stop it. Mark my words."

"O-okay, thanks," Amber managed to say, blushing. "Also, can you stop petting my head, I'm not a child."

Kalis snorted as he reluctantly let go. "Compared to me, everyone on this planet is a child."

"Oh Really?" Amber said, rolling her eyes. "Alright then, tell me Kalis, how old are you?"

Kalis shrugged casually, uncertain of the answer himself.

"Hard to say," He responded. " When compared to my kin, I am young. But I can say that I am much older than this world. In fact, this entire universe is, but an infant compared to me."

Amber was stunned at the revelation. Did she hear right? Was Kalis truly that old? Surely, she adapted to Kalis being a powerful dragon from space quite easily, but to exceed the universe age, it boggles her mind.

"You're joking, right," Amber laughed nervously.

"Nope," Kalis said, before he continued on the dirt road.

Amber hurried to follow, perhaps to divulge more info from him. There was simply no way for him to exist that long, it was unprecedented.

"So you're actually older than the universe," Amber asked, doubt edging her voice.

"Yes. I believe I've already established that fact."

"How is it even possible to exist before the universe?" Amber pressed. "That doesn't seem possible. Wouldn't that imply you existed before everything."

"I existed before your universe," He corrected. "So technically not everything. Besides, getting into details of my origins would be too abstract, but I can say that I saw many multiverses being born. They were crafted by luminous beings that would make Gods look like, well, ants."

Amber stumbled a little, but Kalis' tail managed to catch her around the waist, preventing her fall.

"Careful," He said, righting her back up.

"T-thanks," She stuttered, floored by the knowledge given so freely by Kalis.

There was no reason for Kalis to be lying to her. Nor does it appear that he was joking. And yet, what he said baffled her.

There are beings more powerful than Gods-which, by the way, Amber wasn't certain if Gods existed at all- but he had also implied that a multiverse exists.

Many of them in fact. What was once considered scientific theories of multiple universes, are now proven fact.

And here was Kalis, destroying everything of her people's core beliefs in their world. But of course meeting a dragon from space was bound to test her beliefs one way or the other.

"Hey, Amber," Kalis called.

"Yes!" Amber exclaimed, snapping out of her reverie.

"Your horse is a black stallion, correct," Kalis said, staring into the distance.

"Yeah?" Amber said slowly.

"Then perhaps that is your horse way over yonder."

Amber followed his gaze. There he was, laying upon a hill of golden grass, nestling a mare beside him.

It was at that moment, Amber forgot all about the esoteric nature of Kalis and focused on her horse. Never once does Cassius look anyway distraught or mortified that he had simply abandoned his rider.

True, some people might consider her crazy for hoping for an animal to care for her. But Cassius has proven his intelligence and cunning on numerous occasions. Almost like he was a person.

Cassius appeared mostly content, jovial even. Which seems to have darkened Amber's mood. She hopped over the wooden fence, and stomped towards her horse.

Cassius had the gall to look happy while she was worried all through the night, hoping he wasn't killed by Grimm.

"Cassius!" Amber yelled across the field.

The black stallion looked up, his eyes widened in disbelief. The moment he sees Amber, he gets up away from his mate, confusing her, and then gallops away from his rider.

"Oh no, you don't." Amber growled, as she blitzed through the field. Fast like the wind, she was a blur on the open farm lands as she quickly caught up to Cassius.

Kalis watched the whole scene play out, almost impressed by her inhuman-like speed. 'If she can run that fast, why need a horse?'

Amber stops Cassius in place, picking him up off the ground with Herculean strength, surprising both Kalis and Cassius at the same time.

"Got you," Amber grinned, holding Cassius as though he was a puppy. "You got some explaining to do, mister."

"Amazing," Kalis' voice rang behind.

Amber spun around and saw Kalis right behind her a few paces.

"Wait a minute. How did you… never mind, I forgot...dragon magic and whatnot."

Kalis nodded, glad she was catching up on his bizarre nature and abilities. Fewer questions equal fewer headaches.

But it appears that Amber's blessed gifts allowed her superior physicality beyond mortal constraints. For how far she could become is left to be pondered.

"Now then," Amber began, settling her horse down. Cassius was still flabbergasted on the whole situation. Maybe it was his first time seeing his master displaying inhuman feats.

Amber narrowed her eyes, staring into Cassius's, which seemed to jolt a sense of panic within him.

"When we get back on the road, we're going to have a long chat on why you shouldn't abandon your rider in the GODS FORSAKEN WOODS!"

'By nature's tits, señora, you expect me to wait in that dreadful place. And how am I to expect you to survive against that demon,' Cassius neighed. It was odd to Kalis that he had a Spanish accent, something that was only native to a certain planet he knew.

Still, his complaints were in vain. Not like Amber would be able to understand-

"You could've just waited for me a while, you ass," Amber seethed.

Kalis blink.

Then again, maybe she can. He has seen weirder things before.

"A-ass!?" Cassius whinnied. "I'll have you know that my noble lineage is not tainted by the foul lowborn. Pah, I wouldn't dare mate with such lazy and low witted perras."

"Yeah, well, as stubborn as they are, at least they're loyal!" Amber shot back.


They erupted into full verbal bouts with each other. Kalis was tempted to stop the whole exchange between them, but it was too hilarious not to. Unfortunately, one of the farmers decided to break up the whole scene.

"Young lady, what exactly are you doing," said a stern voice. "And by the Gods, are you arguing with a horse?"

They all turn to the new stranger in their midst.

A lanky man, sitting atop of a lizard-like creature hump back, stirring its rein. Another creature walks beside the reptilian creature, a hound of sorts with a strong build and as big as a horse.

The hound's fur was copper top with black stripes, jagged ears, short tail and a wide face. Its large tongue hangs from its mouth-panting-as the hound regards all of them, measuring them with its keen eyes.

Clearly, this was not a creature anyone would want to meet at night.

"Sorry, sir," Amber said sheepishly. "I was just explaining to my horse here, why abandoning your rider is a great betrayal."

Cassius snorted, as he rolled his eyes.

"I-I see?" The farmer retorted, puzzled, as he scratched the side of his face.

He then climbed down from the reptile straps, and stood beside the hound. He was small compared to it. Red wavy hair, side-burns, gray eyes, and wearing a straw brim hat.

"Names Elon Nakada, this fella beside me is called Brutus," Elon introduced. He didn't seem quite put off with Kalis' appearance like the others. Brutus let out a loud bark, which caused Amber to squeak and hide behind her wayward dragon.

Kalis raised his eyebrows at her behavior.

"Amber, are you seriously afraid of a dog? How is that possible when hours ago you were fighting Grimm."

"I-I'm sorry, okay," Amber said, holding onto his wings. "I-I just have a phobia for dogs. It's been like that ever since I was a little."

Kalis shook his head. 'She has the aptitude to become a celestial being and fights creatures of nightmares. And yet she is afraid of a dog. Not gonna lie, it's kinda cute.'

"I wouldn't worry about Brutus, little lady, he's harmless. Well except when it comes to critters like Grimm, gosh I remember when he tore a whole pack beowolves in halves, truly some gruesome sight."

Amber trembled even more, as she tried to hide even more between Kalis' wings.

Cassius snorted loudly, which was similar to a chuckle.

Amber stared daggers at him, mouthing the words 'Not funny' venomously.

"So I assume that Stallion is yours, Lass," Elon inquired, his straw brim hat dipped as he nodded.

"Y-yes, sir," Amber stuttered, not daring to expose herself in front of the massive hound.

Elon sighed, as he patted Brutus.

"Well, that'll be a shame," Elon said. "Nessa was finally warming up to others."

Amber peeked behind Kalis.

"Whose Nessa," She asked.

"My mare," Elon replied. "Poor girl is probably going to be depressed when that fella over there leaves."

Cassius' ears flop down, as he lower his head. Defeated.

Amber and Kalis' watch Cassius' change of behavior. Elon was probably referring to the brown horse with white spots that Cassius was overly friendly. It was the first time for Amber to see Cassius so downtrodden. He always meets other female horses, but this was a rare moment for him to feel sad leaving.

Cassius gave her the most pitiful look he could muster… and it was working. Amber wasn't certain if she wanted to let him go after half a year spending time with him. His company drove away the loneliness of her journey.

Amber let out a tiring sigh and turned back to Elon.

"So, how much are you willing to pay for him?"


The farmer was willing to pay for Cassius for over two thousand liens. More if she wanted. Amber accepted the amount, as it was quite cheap for a horse in this day and age.

While she and Elon were making the exchange, Kalis was busy observing the two animals. The hound- which was called worgs- was an oddity on its own.

He wonders how the people of this world tame such a beast, it appears to have the capabilities to rip the lanky man apart if it so chooses.

However, Brutus seems like such a docile creature, he even wanted Kalis to play fetch for him. And on the other hand, the reptile was even stranger. Its springy legs look like insects similar to grass-hoppers, powerful enough to jump far into the air.

The reptile called gorgons was quite a lazy creature that grazed grass, tree barks and even rocks.

Even now, it opens its mandibles to gorge on the graze, its beady eyes regarded Kalis for a while before returning to eat.

"Ready, Kalis," Amber called. She stuffs rectangular currency into her pouch strap at her side.

"Of course I am," Kalis replied. "Although…"

Kalis glanced where Cassius wandered off to. He rubs his head against the mare, and she returns the gesture.

"Are you sure you really want to let Cassius go? I saw how you cared for that horse. This will be your last chance to see him."

"It's fine," Amber assured him. "Cassius seems happier here than where I'm going. No need to keep him away for the love of his life, besides, I have a different companion to travel with and talk to."

Her smile was infectious, as Kalis allowed a toothy grin spread across his face.

Sharp pearly whites greeted her, but Amber was not a little afraid. Kalis, despite what he is, what he is capable of, is more trustworthy than most humans.

"So, where are we off to?" Kalis asked, beaming.

"Haven's academy," Amber said. "It's a long way off, but if we hurry, we might reach our destination in a couple of months."

"Oh, but wouldn't flying there be quicker?"

"Well, yeah," Amber agreed. "But do you really want to carry me again?"

Kalis shrugs. "I hardly see the problem, and we'll probably get there in mere nanoseconds."

Amber stared at him blankly.

"No way you can fly that fast," Amber said, crossing her arms.

Kalis snorted. "I got here on this planet, didn't I. Which, by the way, should be impossible to your understanding."

Amber rolled her eyes. "Alright. Since you keep insisting. But we'll not be going straight to Haven."

"Why is that?"Kalis inquired.

"Well, for one," Amber began, hosting up her bag. "I was planning on visiting the neighboring towns before Haven. Then to the majoring cities. Though some locations aren't savory place," She added.

Kalis stared at her, contemplating. Amber was looking for something, that much he knew, but he wasn't close to her to ask such personal questions. Still, he has gone this far with her- a total stranger he met a day ago- so Kalis figure he'll see where her ventures lead.

"Fine, I guess we could take a detour. It'll definitely help me to get to know your world better and see less hostile folks."

"I hope," Amber said, uncertainty edge her voice. "Mistrialian are not well known to greet outsiders or fanuses with fondness. So please be aware of the many cold shoulders you'll get here."

Kalis sighed.

"I know, I didn't come to this planet expecting a warm welcome. Nonetheless, you accepted me without fear, so that will be enough."

Amber nodded. 'At least he understands.'

Kalis held out his hand to her and smirked.

"Shall we take off to the sky now."

Amber grab his hand. Kalis help her get in a more comfortable position on his back. They gaze into the clear sky with the expectant of child wonder. To Amber, it had felt like a dream that night. She had flown with an aircraft before, but without the constraint of machinery, being held by a more natural being, was freer, more exhilarating.

Kalis raised his mighty wings, like a great bird, in preparation of claiming the sky. Then, Kalis shot off into the air, the wind whistling in their ear. Amber held on tight, her heart pounding in her chest, as she looks down.

The ground was growing further away from them, but she did manage to catch the shock and awe of the farmer from above.

She giggles as they ascended above the clouds. 'This is amazing!' Amber thought.

Traveling as they are, she wouldn't have to worry about getting to her destination. She would not waste time finding the truth about her mother. Why, the principle of Haven's Academy sent her on a suicide mission.


Cassius let out whinnied. Sign of relief.

"I can't believe I am finally free of that Loco Muchacha."

Cassius turned and gazes into the eyes Nessa, a mare he grew found off.

"Now, my love, we may continue in the company of each other."

"Oh Cassius you racsal. I only see you as a brother." Nessa said.

"Beautiful as you are, I still can't understand you. Though I not sure why your words hurt me. Ah, perhaps it is warmth in my heart, skipping a beat, every time your voice grace my ears."

Sorry it took so long, I've been busy with side projects.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy the story so far.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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