
Dragon Lord travels the Multiverse

Kalis Kalikrates is by far the most powerful dragon in existence, but due to circumstances caused by his action, he must flee from Gods and demons alike. Follow Kalis epic journey through the Multiverse, as he fight against Gods and horrors beyond the veil.

DrewMeister · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Old Friends and new age of Magic

Zhi Young-Shao and a few of his trusted inner circle waited in the docking bay. Bullhead craft fly to and fro, carrying valuable cargo. Dust. Minerals that power cities, transportation, and weapons.

Dust minerals are being carted off to the nearest warehouse, where they will probably be processed.

However, this was not the reason Mr. Shao waited so ardently at the port.

A longtime friend of his will arrive.

A stern voice to his right asked, "Are you sure we can trust this man, Shao, he's from Atlas," Elon, the farmer, stood at ZhiYoung-Shao side, crossing his arm across his chest.

Shao raise his brow at his comments.

"They were once our allies, Elon," Shao insinuated.

"Yeah, once," Elon pointedly corrected. "Until they decided to leave Mistral at the mercy of hordes of legend-class Grimm. I won't forget those days, Shao, especially after the war. Mistral was a mess even when we were but toddlers."

Stefon hummed in agreement at shao side.

"Mistral was a terrible place since our youth. Not as bad as Vacuo was hit, but still a terrible place for children to be raised in."

Stefon look forlorn, reminiscing the past.

"Food was scarce back then. Grimm was constantly attacking, bandits took control, and our government turn their backs on its people. All of that happen when Atlas turn away from their Allies. All of Mistral had to scrap, while Atlas grew indulgent and fat."

Shao sighed. Of course, his compatriot wouldn't agree to meeting an Atlasien. Especially their general.

"I am fully aware of Atlas betrayal and their refusal of reparation of their treachery," Shao said. "However, I assure you that General Ironwood is nothing like the Atlasien Aristocrats."

Elon snorted. "So you say," Elon retorts. The fact that you were on some excursion missions as a hunter does not imply kinship over time."

"I reckon that Elon speaks truth," Stefon said. He measured Shao a hard look. "How do you know if he'll be the same he once were?"

Shao shook his head. "I do not know," Shao admitted. "I've kept in touch with him on occasion, but I can see he grew paranoid over the years. So yes, he has change slightly."

Elon scoffed while Stefon breathe in steady breath.

"So you invited a trigger-happy General to our town. Great thinking Shao, just what we needed," Elon snarked sarcastically.

"I think," Stefon started. "I should round up the boys before things go south."

Shao placed a firm hand on Stefon shoulder, holding him in place.

"No need for that," Shao reassured. "Ironwood isn't one to cause troubles. After all, Atlas couldn't afford a diplomatic issue when dealing with the white fang."

Stefon relaxed. Shao confidence of his association with Ironwood made them less wary than before.

"But are you sure that telling him about those two were a wise decision," Elon intone. "The girl I understand, but the fanus-"

"Will be well known across the continent eventually, when the months pass," Shao Stated. "The young Fanus- if that is what he truly is-will most likely cause a stir amongst Remnant."

He glanced abruptly upon the sky, seeing the outline of many airships sailing towards their destination.

Elon harrumphed as he glared at the metallic flying vessel.

" It seems our most esteemed guest is arriving, how quint," Elon scowled.

"We know you don't like the Atlas folk, Elon," Stefon sighed. "Just-promise us you won't cause a scene."

Elon gave them a toothy grin. Despite being in his mid-fifties, going on sixty, Elon still had a boyish charm about him.

"No promises," He replied simply, not giving them the illusion that he'll play niceties for traitors.

Shao and Stefon quivered. They can only hope their friend behave himself.

The first airship to come was the one Ironwood rode. Flying through the air like a great fish, the boat descends to a dock platform while flags flutter behind it like fins.

The airship would be considered beautiful with its white pristine metal shells and light blue designs.

But as it land, The three patriarch observe the airship and saw many scars.

Scratch marks, punctured, and broken windows. The other ships in question didn't seem to fare any better, some trailing smoke.

Elon whistles softly.

"By the accursed voids, I'd say those ships seen better days."

The others nodded solemnly. The broken flagship landed on three legs with grace, and open a seal hatch before them.

Unlike the opening maws of a beast, the ramp slowly slopes towards the ground.

James Ironwood strode out. He was most definitely a man that garnered the respect of his peers.

Even with a few tatters to his once clean clothing, some claw marks across the cheeks, the bags under his eyes, James still held a level of Stoicism, unperturbed by whatever battle aftermath they come across.

But the same could not be said about the man's following him.

They were more battered and injured, other missing limbs or being carried by stretchers.

Remarkably, none of them were deceased.

"Good Gods," Elon muttered. Any hint of mischiefs drains away, seeing good men beaten down with hollow eyes.

Shao stood straighter, arms folded behind his back.

James stops before him, leveling a hard gaze.

"Zhi-young Shao," said Ironwood, his form of greetings.

"James," Shao shot back.

The air was thick with tension, like a brewing storm ready to descend upon within moments.

Many that remain, watch the two men of authority with bated breath. All waited to see how it will play out.

But the one to break the silent challenge was James.

A smile filled with mirth cross his face and Shao let out a low chuckled.

They clasp hand, their grips firm.

The crowd let loose collective breaths, as many returns back to their respective jobs.

"I see you haven't lost your edge, Zhi-young," James grinned.

"Nor have you," Shao noted. "I see those pompous rich folks haven't turned you into their personal puppet."

James laughed. "Oh they tried. But I proved to be too resilient for their taste."

Shao nodded. Grateful. "You were always a man of principle."

They began to converse with one another, reminiscing of their times being hunters. Shao later introduce James to his comrades. Stefon greeted him pleasantly while Elon, with mild reluctant, give a curt nod.

"I hope you don't mind me asking… but what happen to your ships?" Elon asked.

James' relaxed exterior turn stiff. His frown deepens.

"We were under attack by Grimm in the Baritos forest."

James' statement alone sent reeling them from the info. Everyone on Anima heard of Baritos, not unlike its accursed twin across the continent.

Many hunters tried to clear out Grimm from those woods. But the Grimm always come back. Deadlier than ever before.

"Good Gods man! Just what the hell drove you to venture out there!?" Shao condemned.

"It is…" James managed to say.

"Let me guessed. It's classified information," Shao stated for him. James nodded, which earn him a scoff for Shao.

"I am well aware of military affairs and their need for secrecy, so how about a trade-off. I tell you what had happened when the Grimm attack the town, and you tell me what you're military doing on Anima."

Shao eyed James. Measuring.

"Does that sound fair to you?"

James blink. "If it benefits with leads on our investigation, then yes."

Shao grunted, and gesture for him to follow. The four men left the docks and enter into the town's plaza. The bustling of the locals was brisk and purposeful. Women shopping, children playing and running amok, and man carry on with their duties.

But as James passes by citizens, he notices a repeat of a conversation. Something about a Fanus and a girl single handily saving the town. Some praise the fanus for his efforts, which surprised James.

"You never mention your town was saved by two individuals when you called," James confronted him.

"Did I?" Shao said, then shrugs. "Must have slipped my mind."

James brow twitch. 'So that's how he's going to play. Typical.'

He always knew Shao had a flair for surprises.

As the minutes goes by, as the town was increasingly becoming active, Shao and the others was upon their destination.

A tall three-story building with yellow glazed roofs and white stone for structure. It was exotic, like all things in mistral in the anima continent.

They made their ascent upon the stairs, and the screen doors parted for them. The lobby was packed with workers, wearing the same lime hanfu robes.

Many bowed, when Shao and cohorts strode towards an elevator. As they went inside, Elon pushes a button below the others, and the elevator began its descent.

"Tell me, James," Shao started. "How many hunters can take down a nevermore."

"Pardon?" James stared at his friend quizzically.

"Just humor me for a moment. How many hunter does it take to bring down a nevermore."

James looks thoughtful for a moment.

"Four are required. But if a hunter is skilled, the one is more appropriate for the job."

Elon and Stefon grunted in agreement, Shao nodded sagely.

"But future hunters has grown quite powerful over the years, more so than us older folks."

A smile settled on his face, but was swiftly replaced with grim trepidation.

"Unfortunately, so has the Grimm," Shao said. "They are stronger, more cunning by the passing days. Even while they grow boulder, none of our people realize danger."

Shao sighed, tired.

"It is a shame to be honest. The people on top are like teenage, while their younger siblings run amok without proper direction. They fight amongst themselves, rather that be about ideologies, race, or something that happen in the past."

Shao shook his head. "But I am hopeful that we'll see the dangers before it is too late."

James understood what he meant. But he also feels that it wasn't directed for him. He saw the behavior from the others.

Elon crossed his arms and frown, while Stefon look sheepish.

The elevator stop, and with a ting, it opens.

The chamber they have entered was alight with activity.

From below, people sat hunched over, typing on computers. Attendant move about, collecting prints and discuss amongst themselves in hushed tone.

The room was moderately big, white tiles floors. But the most eye-catching where the large holographic screen hovering above. Displaying the city in a bird's eye view

A passing Attendant handed Elon a remote as he adjusts the settings. The holograms change to a different scene.

James gazed into the scene before him. Impressed. For this was one of Mistral spy network, and Shao was the commander of it all. Elon's change the view feed.

"I have another question for you," Shao said, drawing James attention.

"How many hunters are required to kill a legend class?"." Shao mused.

Caught off guard, James responded.

"A dozen?"... More than that, perhaps. Legends are hard to predict or counteract. One can only hope that sheer numbers alone could do the trick."

Shao chuckled. "I guess you'll be in for a surprise."

James' brows furrowed. He always hated when Shao was cryptic.

The hologram was set into a scene. James stared passively, as hordes of Grimm lay siege upon the city. The footage shows how clever the Grimm were. They attack the city blind spot, a place no one expect for Grimm to attack from.

In the sea

They came like the swarms of ants, bursting through the water's surface. They climb on top of the quay, scaring sailors in the process.

Hunters were ready to engage, as they cut down a few of them.

But more came, numbering almost to a hundred. Nevermore spring out as well as beowolves, basilisk, and manticore.

Overwhelmed, the hunters retreated to gathered more forces.

Grimm steadily came out, but something else came out. Something massive. Like a land growing, a hulking mass of black and white carapace.

Insect-like, the creature let an earsplitting roar, even from a recording, some workers below shivers and recoils.

Elon changes the scene again. This time, the insect behemoth was in city center. Humanity enemies overrun the town, and the hunters were fighting more desperately.

James find it odd how everyone in town seems okay after being through such terror.

The insect Grimm chortled, as though it was amusing to see the hunters broken before him.

But the creature enjoyment was cut short, as a ball of fire slammed across it face.

The abomination screeches- more of an annoyance rather than pain. It glared hatefully at upon the one responsible.

James sucked in sharp breaths.

Amber, one of the Maidens of power, face off the monster with determination.

As the creature roared in anger, it charged straight at her, ignoring the hunters. Even though it was so large, it moved far faster than permitted.

Amber was not prepared. James watched anxiously, his heart beating fast in his chest. He hoped this was not the end of the fall Maiden.

But within the split seconds, something happen. A sort of feat that hasn't been on Remnant before.

In a flash, something fast crash down on the behemoth, stopping it in place. As the dust settles, a figure emerge from atop the beast head. James recognized the person in question to be the Fanus everyone spoke of.

Though James didn't want to admit what he felt, his Stoic exterior cracked as he gazed at the Fanus and was captivated by him.

It would be most accurate to say that the person was ethereal in nature. Long curls of hair and dark skin, with gold-colored eyes and starlight pupils. The additional features reminded James of lizards traits.

In spite of this, the most astonishing thing was how effortlessly he crushed the head of the Grimm juggernaut.

No one was able to kill the creature except the one being recorded.

But the fanus wasn't finished. One moment he was there, and the next, he vanishes.

Grimm, that had bombarded the city, was ripped to bloody ribbons. James was transfixed at the scene, his jaws gone slacked. In mere seconds, every Grimm across the city was eviscerated.

The Fanus reappeared beside the fall Maiden, and the recording stopped.

"Shao," James replied slowly. "What just happened... what have I just saw?" He wondered.

Elon snickered. "I guess you've never sawed something like that, have you, soldier boy," Elon snarked.

"What Elon was trying to say," Shao cut in, shooting his friend a look. "Is that the young Fanus in question has done something quite remarkable, he might be able to change the tide of war."

"I see," James remarked, rubbing his chin. "And where are they now?"

"Gone I'm afraid. Banished from here by my command."

"What!?" James turn quickly upon Shao. "Why on Remnant would you do that!? They saved your town!"

Shao sighed, leveled a stared.

"Before you question my methods, James, tell me this. Are you willingly going to allow a dangerous variable to remain? If there is a ticking time bomb, would you do everything in your power to diffuse it."

James held back a retort. He knew Shao was right in his action. But still, James feels there are better ways to go about it.

"Fortunately," Shao said. "The Fanus wasn't the time bomb I was referring to. You may not have notice, but there are still radical elements of the Brotherhood of purity."

James tense when hearing the infamous name of the terrorist group.

Men and woman whose twisted ideologies convince themselves superior to fanuses. And after the rise of fanaticism from the White fang, The brotherhood of purity swirl in ranks.

"You allowed them to remain, but not the Fanus," James brow furrowed. "How unlike you to played favorites when dealing with the lesser evil."

"Whatever you want to call it, James," Shao replied, his expression turned stern. "I can, however, confidently say that I would rather deal with the familiar than the unknown."

"Well, if I may put two-sense in," Stefon said, butting in. "We could've easily handled the brother of purity, but with Kalis still being here would be…"

Stefon trailed off.

"Catastrophic," Elon concludes for him. "If two factors of immense severity were to collide, of course. It seems like Kalis' have further emboldened the Brotherhood against the Fanus." Elon trembled. "That level of power is truly unmatched."

"Kalis," James whispered. "So that is his names."

He stared into the holographic screen. He truly did look as though he came out of a fairy tail. Ozpin would want to know about this.


Ozpin stood on top podium as his eyes swept across the varies faces looking back at him. Glynda, his assistant, remarkable managed to gather many unique characters into beacon stadium. The age gaps was startling to say the least. Some ranging in their early twenties or late teens, while for the majority was common adolescence going for as young as eight years.

The rest were the parents of said gifted children, their eyes tells him how fearful they are for their children.

But the moment they came upon the school ground, he marveled at them, as though they were the most wondrous things that ever grace the planet.

Even now, their abilities were being displayed. A young man was floating in midair, a young woman phasing through walls, and a little girl creating physical objects out of thin air.

But their abilities doesn't end there, for more powers was at their disposal.

There was absolutely no limitation, except for their imagination and will. Magic of old was returning, and the celestial objects from the cosmos was the catalyst.

Ozpin clear his throat, gathering their attention.

The room fell in silence, as they waited for his response.

"Every last one of you here, are now pondering why I brought you here," Ozpin said. "The answer to that question, is because of what you all have become."

The whispers began, but they quickly quieted down when Glynda gave them the most stern look she could muster. No one wants to test the patience of the witch of beacon.

"I will be brief on my explanation, but allowed me to say, that what you all are experiencing is not the result of semblance awakening."

The crowd glances at one another with uncertainty, and the Parents of the younger children grew even more concern.

It was not his intent to scare them, but he must tell them what they are capable.

"All of you will sooner realize how different you are to your fellow man, and the powers bestowed upon you will have immense effects on Remnant entirety."

Their gazes rested on him once again, perplexed of what he is saying.

"None of you know what gifts you have been given, nor the dangers which accompany those gifts. But if you wish to stay on school property, I will personally guide you in using them."

He was thrilled at the prospect of teaching the new generation magic. Watching what they can accomplish will be so exciting.

"However," He started once more. "You may choose not to be a part of what I'm offering if you wish to. Although I recommend you that remain here in."

He looks amongst them, seeking out of those that will take up his offer. The older ones look on in anticipation, as well as the young. But the parents with the children appeared more concern than anything else.

Ozpin know all too well how the parents feel at the moment. Parents would never want their children endanger, yet they don't know the strange abilities their offspring possess.

"If anyone wishes to learn of their blessings," Ozpin coaxed.

"Come forth, and I shall show you the way."

And many did. They wanted to learn, to know. What they hold wasn't anything like semblances, nor does it derive from aura.

It was magic in its purest form, unshackled by limitation.

Once it was gone, and now it had to return, by a force unknown to this world.

Magic was destroyed by man's hubris, and greed, but perhaps it could be different. With his guidance, maybe he could implement a new realm of possibilities, a prosperous time of new discovery. And maybe, he could finally the long feud between mankind and their enemies. Even the Queen of Grimm won't stop him.

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