
Dragon Heritage: english version

This is the English version of my novel. As English is not my primary language, I apologize in advance for any errors. Awakening in a silent and forgotten forest, a young man with no memories faces the perplexing task of discovering his past. Abandoned and clueless about his identity, he ventures on a challenging journey.

Ezequiel_Caballero · Fantaisie
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18 Chs

My body? Your mind? (3)

Before he could even think, Kael's body moved on its own, running in the direction of the scream.

The closer he got, the more the path cleared of trees, as if they made a path for him to pass. When he reached what appeared to be a path maintained by humans, he hid in some nearby bushes and advanced a few more steps.

Finally, he came to what appeared to be the source of the scream and could not help but be shocked at the sight before him:

In the middle of the road, there was a carriage lying partially wrecked; the one who appeared to be the driver lay dead at the side of the carriage. His body, which possessed no head, had limbs bent in utterly hideous ways and on one side of the body, the man's face was disfigured beyond recognition. Kael felt a sense of disgust and revulsion at the state of the body.

-(Who would be so cruel as to do such a thing...?)

- "Uuf... Haa... Mhmm" The sound of what sounded like faint moans brought him out of his thoughts. Directing his gaze at the sound, a deep frown appeared on his face and he clenched both his teeth and his right fist tightly.

-"..." His mind went blank and not even words came out of his mouth. 

It's normal. Anyone, no matter how calm they are, could think clearly in front of such a "spectacle". Before Kael's eyes, something even more disgusting than the state of the body he first saw was unfolding:

A massacre. That was the only way to describe it. All over the road, corpses of old men, men and even some children were scattered, all in the same state as the first corpse he encountered.

"Blegh!" Unable to hold it back any longer, vomit began to pour out of Kael's mouth. The sickening sensation of the liquid stuck in his throat.

Wiping the vomit from his mouth, he forced himself to look away from that "scenery", searching again for where those moans were coming from.

However, he almost wished he hadn't, because what he saw was just as horrible; A man, completely naked, was penetrating a woman's body. *Thud thud* As he continued to move his hips like an animal in heat, he whispered in her ear: - "Tell me... uff... do you like it? Uff..." There was no answer, the woman- Or rather, her corpse remained silent. The woman's neck had a deep gash running from her collarbone to her chin.

Pretending to be disappointed, he said again - "How cold... Literally Kekeke." A nasty laugh came out of the man's mouth and he began to slowly lick the woman's entire body.

Unconsciously, Kael's hand began to move closer to the knife at her waist. But just as he was about to-

- "NO, PLEASE LEAVE IT!" Another scream was heard and Kael looked in that direction almost instantly. There, another man was standing, holding a dagger that was slightly radiating a green color. In front of him, two children were cornered between the man and a large rock.

-"Haha. What? Are you willing to take his place? If you want, I'll leave you exactly like the other corpses." The screaming boy, who must not be more than 10 years old, remained silent. His small black eyes remained fixed on the man.

- "Huh...? That's it? Don't scream if you won't do anything!" The man kicked him, sending the boy crashing hard against the rock. - "GAAGH!!!" He spat out some blood and lay sprawled on the ground.

- "Tch, you're not even good for entertaining me. All right, I've decided you'll be the first one I'll kill." The man raised the hand that held the dagger, and threw it at the boy's heart, killing him instantly. 

Or so he wanted to do, but instead, the other boy stepped in, taking the dagger straight in the throat;

- "Ugh..." Blood started spurting out in all directions like a fountain. Strengthless, he collapsed, drowning in his own blood.

- "NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! SEAAAN!!!" 

Slowly, the life in the boy- Sean's eyes, faded away.

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