
Dragon Fire Chronicles:The Awakening

This novel follows the twenty-two year old Elara Draconis in her first year in the Academy.She must bond with a dragon and try to overcome the hurdles the Academy has to offer

EnchantedScrolls · Fantaisie
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31 Chs

Chapter Sixteen

Rhysand's POV

"We already told you it was going to happen"Alden said to a sulking Bran.He never listens Summer broke his heart just like I suspected but he never listens to me

I was almost done with my plate of food,when from the corner of my eye i saw three figures come into the cafeteria,I had to look

Big mistake

We locked eyes,It lasted for about five seconds before she drew her eyes from me,I could feel a smile creep up the side of my face

I observed her as she made her way to the counter and suddenly Bran wasn't sulking anymore.Prick

Damn, she looks... different. That green sundress, it's like it was made for her. Same shade as her eyes – those eyes that I can't help but admit does things to me . Why does she have to wear something that complements her so well? It's way too.....distracting.

Okay, Rhysand, keep it together. It's just a dress. But damn, she looks good in it. And those eyes... why did I have to notice the color? Green isn't supposed to be my favorite color, but on her, it just works.

Focus,. Remember why you don't like her. It's not about dresses or eye colors. There's more to this. Stay on track.

But seriously, who am I kidding? That dress is doing things to my perception. Maybe I should just go back to pretending like she doesn't exist . Those green eyes could probably be from her father and then suddenly and slowly the anger that her gaze subsided kept rising .

She was sitting at a distance where I could see her clearly now and I was certain she could feel me staring at her but I couldn't avert my gaze,I was pissed but just couldn't stop staring

She looked right at me then at the guys sitting by my side,I looked at Bran and Alden who were staring ,it looked like they were practically drooling

"Would you guys stop it"i growled and they went right to talking amongst each other.I looked at how the dress moved and showed her thighs when she walked and as she sat.Shit

I kept my face as bored as I could as we made eye contact only breaking it when someone tried to talk to me.I had no clue what her name was but I smiled regardless

She kept talking about things I had no interest in and it clearly showed by my 'Oh' and 'Hmm' but she didn't get the memo

Threshing was fast approaching and todays class was Archery and Aurora was the Professor

She was the best Archer in the Academy,she could hit her target with her eyes closed

The archery class meets in a wide, grassy field behind the academy. The grass is neatly trimmed, and ancient stone walls covered in ivy border the area. The field is bathed in sunlight, and the academy stands in the background, a solid structure.

Archery targets are set up at intervals across the field, ready for students to take aim. A gentle breeze carries the scents of blooming flowers from a nearby garden and the earthiness of the field itself.

Cadets gather on the sunlit grass, preparing for the day's lessons. The sound of a bubbling fountain in the distance adds a calming touch to the surroundings. I took in the sight as I leaned against the wall in a casual grace,the surface cool against my back

Taking a bow and an arrow in hand,Aurora decided to demonstrate

"Cadets" she yelled at the top of her voice "Let's acquaint ourselves with our components shall we.This here is your bow"she said raising the curved weapon in her right hand "And this here is the arrow" raising it in her left

"Hold the bow with a firm yet relaxed grip finding the balance that suits you.Nock the arrow onto the string,ensuring a snug fit,Position your feet shoulder-width apart,creating a stable base perpendicular to your target.As you draw your bow string feel the subtle tension and avoid unnecessary strain.Focus your gaze,Steady your breath-and release"

She released the arrow at her command and it hit the bullseye earning her soft gasps and claps from them

"Now I have given a bow and arrow to share amongst each section.Flames for the first wing has theirs and that's how it's going to go for every one of you"she said smiling

"Whoever misses the target more than three times ,will have classes every day for a week....Begin"

The class was fun to watch,I tried my best to hold in laughters many times and so did Aurora.One kid held his arrows backwards and had her wheezing.

Bran and Alden came to join and Bran practically pointed and laughed,I had to send him back inside

I stood back, a curious spectator , watching as Elara stepped up for her turn.

The first arrow took flight, and to my surprise, it missed the target entirely. She kept cleaning her palms against her pleated skirts.Undeterred, she readjusted, preparing for the second attempt. This time, too, the arrow veered off course, leaving a tangible tension in the air.

As she took aim for the third time, a sense of anticipation lingered. I watched closely, observing her every move. Despite her focused demeanor, the arrow missed once again. A flicker of frustration crossed her face, I could hear her let out a loud sigh before she walked off anger coated her face

I walked back into the Academy to be greeted by Bran and Alden having yet another moment

"You never learn"was what I heard Alden say as I was within earshot

"This time it will be different,I can feel it" Bran replied placing his hand on his chest

"What will be different"I asked as I walked towards them with my hands in my pockets

"Take a wild guess" Alden said adjusting his glasses

"Your friend here has another person he likes"

"It.will.be.different"Bran said again placing his hand on his chest "She's different,I can feel it"

"Well who is she?"I asked as I leaned against the wall

"Her name is Elaine,she's the golden hair girl that's friends with the younger Draconis-Elara"Bran replied trying to hold back his smile

"Oh" I said running my hands through my hair "But don't come cry to me though"

"Seeing as I don't like all the attention on me,Alden likes the other one"Bran yelled as he ran off

I could see Alden ball his hands into a fist and curse lightly at Bran "It's not like that" he said quietly avoiding my gaze

Alden has never really liked anyone except from a girl when we were in first year who died before Threshing leaving him in a sorry mess.He's had few lovers but never really anything serious and even after all this, he doesn't know how to talk about his feelings

"Why haven't you made a move on her yet"I asked him curiously

"What if she says No"he said rubbing his palm against his neck "I can jump off a cliff"

Most people would think Bran is the emotional one but it's Alden to a point.Bran is just reckless and doesn't think things through

"She won't say No,but perhaps she does I'll push her off a cliff"i said earning me a nervous laugh from him

"Come on let's go make fun of Bran again"i said as we walked off

It's been a week since the Archery class and I had watched Elara few times.I didn't think it was quite possible to be worse at something each time you practiced but it was and Elara proved it

It got to a point Aurora felt so bad for her and decided to take her personally

Her friends who I found out were Elaine and Kyra had aced their training

It's been two months since the first years got into the Academy and in four months,threshing would take place.The year was coming to an end in two months times and there has been constant stealing and destruction going on in the empire

It has been a tradition to stop it ever since I got into the Academy.Certain riders are selected to go into various sectors of the empire and put an end to it one way or another

We are all called to the Council chamber where we were given districts to oversee for two weeks

"As you all know it's that time of the year again"General Tian started "We have four districts in the empire and the fourth years are now overseeing the district with the most amount of destruction going on"

"Rhysand,Aurora and Alden you three will head the east,west and north district respectively.In this list are the ten people I assigned to each of you.You are to leave in three days time and send reports back every three days" we all nodded and exited the chamber

Going over the list,Bran and Elrik amongst others were in my group.Delightful

Elissa was in Aurora group which makes sense since they are like two peas in a pod now every one was gathered at different spots as each group leader addressed them

"Now we are given three days to prepare,you what is your name"I pointed a guy who I assumed was in his second year and he replied with Osric

"Osric you will be in charge of getting for me the map of the east districts.I need the map of every crevice in that district"and he nodded in response

Then I pointed at two other people a girl and a guy whose names I learnt were Elowen and Jorik

"You will assist him with that,and when I say every crevice of the east district I meant that"

"I need information back on everything by tomorrow evening.Is that clear" and they nodded in response I gave out more orders about food rations and healing supplies before I was interrupted

"I am a healer"a small voice said from the back of the group.She looked so small I wondered how she made it to her second year "Okay but you will need supplies right"she nodded in response "Then you'll be in charge of healing supplies"

I gave out more orders and soon after the group dispersed leaving just the third years

"Is there any reason to pack food rations,I am sure there should be enough for everyone ?"Elrik said staring at me.I wasn't going to argue with him so I said "It's better safe than sorry"

"And a district where their things are being destroyed and stolen,I don't think they will have enough to spare for ten people for two weeks.We can ask them for necessities like water and beddings"Bran added and I gave a slight nod as we walked away leaving Elrik behind

"This is going to be a very difficult two week"Bran whispered to me and I couldn't help but agree

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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