
Dragon Fire Chronicles:The Awakening

This novel follows the twenty-two year old Elara Draconis in her first year in the Academy.She must bond with a dragon and try to overcome the hurdles the Academy has to offer

EnchantedScrolls · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Chapter Fifteen

Elara's POV

This wasn't how i pictured the Academy would be,it's been a month of rigorous training.My night terror's has reduced but not by a lot

Lauretta was back and she didn't look like what I heard she's gone through.People said her hair was shaved off while other said she lost a limb,there were murmurs going around as soon as she stepped into the hall

I had found solace in the friendship of Kyra and Elaine, who had made it their life's mission to let me in on every juicy story going on.

Elaine in particular doesn't seem to care as she's been pointing and whispering while we waited for the Professor

Just then, a commanding voice cut through the chatter, drawing our attention to the front of the class.

An elderly lady, Josephine, introduced herself, her sweet yet authoritative tone silencing the room. "Settle down, class," she said, her presence demanding respect.

"This isn't going to be an interactive class,Take notes and please you don't talk when I'm talking,if caught you'll be asked to leave" she said before picking up a book and not even caring if we heard her

I spaced out...I've been doing that lately since I hadn't really been doing much of sleeping.Last night was one of those nights,waking up by three to my heart beating rapidly fast and my pillows drenched in sweat

Looking out the window didn't do much good so best thing to do was to take a walk

As I step out into the night, the surroundings are cloaked in an ethereal quietude. The silver glow of the moon bathes the walls, casting long shadows from towering ancient oaks that line the cobblestone path. The air is crisp, carrying a hint of dew on the lawns.

Dim, flickering lanterns cast a soft, amber hue, creating pools of light along the deserted walkways. The ivy-covered façade of the Academy stands as a stoic sentinel in the night. My footsteps echo in the silence, and the occasional rustle of leaves adds a melodic quality to the atmosphere

The courtyard, usually bustling with students, now lies tranquil. My breath forms fleeting clouds in the chilly air as I pass by the fountain, its waters murmuring softly. The statues that dot the landscape seem to come alive in the moonlight, their stoic gazes following my every step.

A gentle breeze carries the distant melody of a nocturnal bird, and the scent of night-blooming flowers lingers in the air. I love this time of day-where everything seems so peaceful

I walked for what felt like hours till I felt my eyes growing heavy.

"Elara..."i felt Kyra nudging me a little with her elbow.I snapped out of it and looked at her

"We're done"she said as she stood up with her books in hand and so did Elaine

I followed suit as we made our way back to the dorm.We were on our way to the dorm,Elaine giving out information about yet another poor soul,I was more curious as to where she gets these from

"Elara..."a husky voice called out to me.It was Elrik's "I have a little surprise for you and I'm certain you're not going to believe it"

I winced a little,my brothers idea of surprises are things that he alone finds funny

"I'm not quite sure I want to be surprised by you anytime soon"i said trying to stay out of his reach "The last time you put bugs in my hair"

He let out a low laugh "Elara that was years ago,you have to let it go"

I rolled my eyes in response,Of course I wasn't going to let it go

"I promise,it's not that.Hold my hands and close your eyes"he said stretching out his hands for me to grab on to.I turned to face Kyra and Elaine who also seemed to want to know what the surprise was

"I also want to see the surprise,so I'm coming with"Kyra said looking at Elaine who just gave a small nod

I did as I was told and Elrik took me down a path,with my eyes closed I had no idea where we were going and I still didn't trust my brother one bit

We walked for a while before he released my hands and told me to open my eyes

We were in the mini garden by the male dorms,I knew we were there before I opened my eyes,the enchanting scene of flowers hit me hard alerting me .The air around here carried a subtle sweetness

"What are we doing here"I asked crossing my arms across my chest before looking back to see Elaine and Kyra equally as confused

"Hold on"he said before clapping his hands twice then a figure came into view

It took a while for my brain to kick in as I ran into his arms

"Vaelen!!!"i squeaked as he grabbed me by my waist and lifted me up into the air

"Hello Elara"he said as he hugged me tightly

Vaelen was my brothers best friend,he's been my brothers best friend since I could remember.Growing up when Elrik and Baelor took pleasure in watching me cry he was the one to always comfort me everytime

And I felt quite bad that I forgot he also was in the Academy

"Where have you been,I've never seen you around"I asked as he placed me on the ground

"I've been out" was all he said as I took him in.

Dressed in a pristine white shirt perfectly hugging his physique and khaki pants that accentuated his confident stride, he exuded an effortless charm. His raven-black hair, with part of it packed up and the other dropped against his shoulders, which framed a face sculpted with striking features.

But it was his eyes, a mesmerizing shade of grey, that drew you in,he stood there giving a smile that reflected in his eyes.Vaelen was stunning he had always had a certain charm about him

"Oh and these are my friends"I said turning around finally remembering they stood behind me "Vaelen meet Kyra and Elaine"

He gave them both a small nod before he turned to face me

He held my hand in his as I told him about everything he had missed out on which isn't a lot but he smiled and chimed in when needed

I would have been really happy if the roles were reversed and he was my brother instead

"Your brother's friend is...."Elaine said as we got into my room and she dropped on the bed

"Elaine please don't start"I said ,Kyra let out a little laugh

"Why not?"she asked sitting up on the bed but I had no response to that

"Well that's because he's in love with Elara"Kyra said as she took off her shoes and tossed them to the side of the room

I looked between her and Elaine before saying "No he isn't "

Kyra looked at me smiling"If you say so"

And yes I do say so,I had known him all my life if he did like me even if it's a little bit I would have noticed

"Why do you say that?"i turned to face Kyra who shrugged before replying "Just the way he looks at you,he kept staring so that's why I thought that"

"We haven't seen in three years" was all I said before laying on the bed.

"How did we forget to get food before coming here"i said propping up on my elbows

"I don't know Elara how did we?it wasn't like we were talking to someone who took up all our headspace"Kyra said sarcastically and I rolled my eyes

"I guess we should go get food"Elaine said as she stood up from the bed "But I'll have to change into something more comfortable"

"So will i"Kyra said standing up "Meet you back here in 5 minutes"she said to Elaine and they walked out

I step into the sunlight, my black hair falling around my shoulders. The sun dress I chose today matches my green eyes—it fits snugly, swaying with each step I take. A small silver pendant rests against my collarbone, occasionally glinting in the sunlight as I twirl.

I waited for them outside my room door,Elaine was the first to arrive doning on a flowing, floor-length summer dress in a soft, sunflower yellow,her golden hair radiating warmth as it falls in loose waves.

Kyra wore a high waisted denim short paired with a loose off the shoulder blouse in a rich earth tone.She packed her brown hair in a messy bun that paired beautifully.

We got into the cafeteria and the first person my eyes locked on was Rhys,I averted my gaze immediately.We made our way to the counter and dished out our foods

"Did you hear what happened with Bran"Kyra asked me as she took up a scoop of beans "No what happened" I inquired

"Summer broke his heart as well"she said laughing a little and staring in Bran's direction.I tried my best not to look as he sat beside Rhys

We took our seats and talked a little "Elaine you haven't said anything about Bran and I know you've heard it "she didn't say anything,for once Elaine didn't say anything

"I heard he loves too easily,so it's not his fault"she said softly toying with her food.I was perplexed but I couldn't hold in a smile that tug at the side of my lips

I turned to look at Bran to find them staring in our direction.All three of them

"Is it just me or they're staring"I asked quietly to Kyra who turned and nodded as they were indeed staring

I turned back to only Rhys intently staring with no emotion whatsoever on his face.We locked eyes and I didn't back down neither did he until someone sat directly in front of him cutting our views of each other

We finished our meal and walked out but I took a quick glance before I was out of there and saw him staring again

What was that all about?

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