
Dragon Ball ReLife

Step into an extraordinary adventure where an ordinary man suddenly awakens as the iconic Son Goku, armed with encyclopedic knowledge of every Dragon Ball saga. With boundless power and the wisdom of countless battles, he's ready to reshape the Dragon Ball universe in ways never imagined. Join him on a thrilling journey as he weaves his own destiny, unfurls untold transformations, and explores the limitless possibilities in this captivating realm of Dragon Ball. [ Peak!!] ( He'll be taking all the hoes, so don't get mad about Bulma and shi like that, if you are then read something else. )

TravisX · Anime et bandes dessinées
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28 Chs

Meeting Bulma Briefs

Goku found himself in the middle of the forest, with tall trees blocking his view of the darkening sky. It was turning dark, so he had to hurry before darkness fully engulfed him. He then heard the sound of bear growling not far from where he was. Goku leaped to a tree branch and skipped on them until he found the bear. It was bigger than any normal bear he had encountered, but he was confident that he would beat it. He held the power pole in both his hands. He then jumped off the tree and sent a powerful kick to its head. He quickly got off the head and did a backflip before he landed.

The bear growled loudly. The kick certainly did its job in aggravating it. The bear went on all fours and ran towards Goku, who was ready for it. When it was closer to him, he leaped into the air. The bear ran past him.

He landed and smirked. He thought maybe it had some intelligence, but it turns out it was just a normal bear. The bear turned back to him and growled again. It was angry at him and wanted to rip him to shreds. It then began charging again. This time Goku wasn't going to move. He readied his pole, swinging it as if it was a baseball bat and whacking the bear on the side of its head. He sent it into a tree close by. The bear saw stars floating around its head as it passed out, leaving Goku victorious. He didn't plan on killing or anything; he just wanted to test himself.

He then noticed the sun was about to set. Goku quickly ran back to his hut. He entered and closed the doors behind him. He placed the pole behind the door and lay on the bed.

"That was a good fight. Next time I'll be whacking gods," he thought before he fell asleep.

Goku woke up the next morning. He got off his bed and put on clothes. After doing so, he left the house and went to get food. He was now sitting in front of the fire, eating some ducks.

"I wonder when Bulma will arrive," he thought.

He then suddenly heard a loud sound of a car driving towards where he was. This answered his question, of course. He continued to eat and waited for her to arrive. After a few seconds, he could now see her coming fast in a blue car. She then stopped right before she hit his hut.

Goku got up and walked towards the car, seeing the cute Bulma sitting in the driver's seat while checking her dragon radar.

"It's right in that hut over there. Hey, didn't I see a boy when driving over here?" She muttered to herself. She looked out the window and saw the boy staring at her with confusion on his face.

"Wow, kid, what are you doing in this forest?" She asked. Bulma opened her car door and stepped out.

"I live here, of course. But what are you doing here? This forest isn't safe for a pretty girl like you," Goku said. He still had his innocent blank face so she wouldn't think he was a pervert or something.

"Don't worry, I'm always armed with ammunition. Now can I go in that hut? There's something I'd like to check," Bulma said.

"What is it you want to see? There isn't much or anything in my hut if you're wondering. Well, it would be better to show you, so follow me," Goku said as he walked towards the hut. He opened the doors and let Bulma inside.

Bulma stepped inside and looked around the room. She then saw an orange orb on a pillow atop a table.

'I found it! How lucky must I be to find it in such a place,' she thought. Bulma quickly walked up to it and was about to take the ball. But Goku stood in her way, making her frown.

"What is it, kid? Can't I have a look?" She said with puppy dog eyes.

Goku shook his head and said, "No, I won't let you have this. Grandpa Gohan left it for me in memory of him. So no, you can't have a look."

Bulma sighed. 'I guess I'll have to tell him what it is.'

"Kid, do you even know what that ball is?" She asked. Goku shook his head, confirming that he didn't know what it was.

"Alright, listen closely. That ball right there is a Dragon Ball," she said, taking out another one. This one had only two stars.

"Look, you see, it looks just like the one you have. I didn't understand what it was at first, but after doing some research, I found a document that explained to me what it was. These are Dragon Balls. There are seven of them in total. They all shine brightly and have stars numbering them from one to seven. This one is the two-star ball," she explained, showing him another one. "And this one is the five-star ball. You have the four-star ball. Do you understand?"

"Yes, I understand, but that doesn't explain what you want to do with them," Goku said.

"I was just getting to that. After collecting all seven Dragon Balls, something amazing will happen. When reciting the magic words, Shenron, the God of all dragons, will grant a single wish for the person that summoned him. The only drawback is that after you make your wish, all the balls will scatter around the world and become stones for a whole year. Only after that can you look for them and make another wish," Bulma explained.

Goku nodded as he listened to her story. He made a thinking face so that she would think he was processing the information, but he was just acting.

'So, I've piqued the kid's interest. Now I can take the ball, hehehehe,' she thought mischievously.

"Okay, I won't give you my ball, but I will come with you on your journey to get all seven balls. Don't worry, I don't want any wishes. I just want a way out of this forest so I can become stronger," Goku proposed.

Bulma stared at Goku with a bit of surprise. She didn't really know what to say, but then an evil thought came to mind.

'Okay, let's go with this. I'll make him drop his guard, and then I'll take the ball for myself,' she thought.

'Damn, smartest girl in the world, but she's still dumb. Did she not hear me say I had no interest in getting a wish?' Goku thought.