
Dragon Ball: Human Rise

I certainly didn't expect to become the embodiment of my own thoughts

AllBullshit · Anime et bandes dessinées
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Just a Fanfic idea or... is it?

[Be careful of your thoughts, For they become your words; and be careful of your words, for once spoken they can't be retrieved.]

"Hey Soul, I wonder, what would you do if you were to create a DB fanfic?" The man surnamed Y asked.

"Hm... I will need some time to think about it, but why so suddenly tho?" Soul also asked.

"Since you spend all your time reading fanfics, I thought you would one day perhaps want to create one, why not think about it now?"

"That's fair, a DB fanfic huh..." Soul pondered.

"Of course, you will have to make it interesting, let's say, the main character won't get to use the Dragon balls, nor can he indirectly tell others to use it in his stead" Y added.

"That's a pretty big restriction... but I can make him get his way around that"

"Let's say the main character somehow died and met a ROB, putting him under the restriction as you stated before, he will be accorded some wishes... I don't know how many as of yet tho"

"You have to make it interesting for the reader, so of course nothing too overpowered from the start, and also no system since it's overused" Y said.

"Okay, so... You know the Essence CYOA right?"

"Yeah I do have knowledge of some essences"

"Then let's Give the Essence of Progenitor Human to the mc but with some twist, let's add the possibility for him to evolve to a high human and thus gain infinite potential"

"That sounds good, what else? or that's all?"

"Since he can't use the dragon balls, it would not be fair not to give him something more, let's also give him nen, no, let's have his Ki also possess the characteristics of nen so he can be creative with it"

"That could become pretty op with how much ki DB characters has." Y gave his opinion.

"Yeah but fuck it, there are being with time manipulation, reactive adaptation, existence erasure, and all that shit over there, so yeah I think he deserves this"

"Last but not least, since DB is mostly about the fight and martial art, let's give him the martial knowledge of JIn Taijin"

"You're giving the martial art knowledge of the human who fought with God to the human that will access the next stage of human evolution?"

"That's exactly what I am doing! But there is a twist, he obtains the man's knowledge of martial art, not his experiences; meaning he would still have to train."

"What do you think?" Soul finally asked his cousin.

"I would read that!" Y sincerely said.

"Wonderfull! Now we can go eat, I am hungry" Soul exclaimed.

"But some details still need to be tweaked" Y stated.


"How will the mc get to the other world? Reincarnation? Transmigration? Body possession? and when in the timeline"

"Let's say he transmigrates a year before Raditz Arrive on earth to give him time to train a little, and for his look, since the one giving him the opportunity is supposed to be nigh-omnipotent and nigh-omniscient, let the being give him an appearance he knows the mc will be happy with and it's settled"

"Ho yes also, for his age make his appearance be that of a 25 years old man when he reincarnated. He would then be two years older than Goku."

"Then I have a last question for you"

"What is it?" Soul inquired

"If you were offered the chance of your mc, would you take it?"

"Why? Are you a Rob or something?" Soul laughed

"Who knows, but you still didn't answer" Y didn't approve nor deny.

"Hahaha, okay, okay, I will answer jeez... Yes, I would probably accept, this life isn't that interesting anyway"

"That's all I needed to hear, good luck then!" Soul's supposed cousin waved at him.

"What? what do you even mean by good lu-" his sentence was cut short as he suddenly found himself with an irresistible urge to sleep, he couldn't even fight against it. The last thing he saw was the face of his cousin still waving at him with a smile.

'Wait, cousin? I have no cousin with the name Y! what kind of name is this anyway!" was his last thought, finally realizing how odd the previous situation was.

"Now you cannot say, I didn't grant your wishes, Soul"

Letting those last words behind, the mysterious "man?" that was briefly known under the Nickname "Y" Disappeared without a trace, but it was more than that, it was like he never existed in this world, to begin with.


"He really did me dirty" muttered a handsome tall black man with short black hair and deep black pupils. He Looked like the epitome of humanity's representation of beauty itself.

"To think that such a thing would happen to me, truly life is full of surprise" He kept talking to himself, not even considering his current localization.

"but there is no need to think about it anymore, not like I can do anything about it... I wouldn't want to do anything about it anyway, since I did somehow agree to be in this situation." He accepted the consequence of his choice and didn't complain about it anymore.

"Now where am I?" Finally, he decided o observe his surroundings and see if he could find his way around.

'Did I really receive all those perks? and if so, Can't I really use the dragon balls for an easy life? Man, such a pity'

He sighed but soon disregarded those thoughts. He wanted to verify something.

"That's it, I really did receive those perks" His mood was suddenly much better.

Looking through his memories, he found some that were not his, some knowledge, they were Jin Taijin's martial art knowledge. That confirmed his suspicions.

"Let's make first try to make my way out of this forest and look for the nearest city"

He started walking through the wood, but luck was not on his side today as he didn't make any progress in his quest.

"Okay, plan B, let's look for something comestible and find a shelter for the night."

Generally, the predators prowl at night, so better be safe than sorry, and considering in which World he was currently in... No need to say further.

Even though he noticed that his physical stats, in games terminology was higher than in his last life, he doubted he could fight those monsters. He didn't even learn how to use Ki yet, so thanks but no thanks he ain't doing shit during nighttime.

"I am not sure if they are edibles but I don't have much of a choice, with zero knowledge on survival and no other options, there's only so much I can do"

Looking around, he found some wild fruit that he picked up, as said before, he didn't have much of a choice, he was hungry... who knows what could possibly happen tonight, he needed to be fully operational at all times.

'They are rather goods?'

He was surprised to see that those fruits tasted great when he ate them, so he ate them till he had his fill.

'seems like my appetite also grew'

He was noticing the many changes in this body compared to the one he had on earth. Noting that somewhere in his mind. He started looking for his so-desired shelter, which he quickly found.

A seemingly abandoned cave, he first scouted around and then entered it to see that it was perfect for him. But contrary to what most would do, he didn't choose this place but instead started looking for something else.

'i had a bad feeling about this cave, and there is one thing that I know won't betray me, it's my instinct, so let's look somewhere else.'

He finally settled for something higher. He Climbed one of the Gigantic Trees around him and installed himself on one of its branches.

'Hope the night will be an uneventful one.'

'Ho crap, I just rose a red flag'