
Dragon Ball: Grid

I was reincarnated with the system in the world of Dragon ball but why did I have to do that.

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9 Chs

The Two warriors out of the chamber

Two space pods crash-landed on Earth in the middle of a city.

Two people that possess tails came out of the space pods.

They were Vegeta and Nappa.

"So this is the place where Kakarot was sent to," Vegeta said as he looked around.

"Promising. This place might get us a good amount of money." He said.

"Such low power levels. It seems that most of the beings that live on this planet are just insects. We should give them a greeting they deserve." Nappa said.

He then raised two of his fingers in upwards motions.

As the city, the two crash-landed and were reduced to dust.

"Wa ha ha ha. A little too warm of a greeting. Isn't it right Vegeta?" Nappa said while laughing.

"End it here Nappa. You will destroy the value of this planet if you keep destroying everything that you see." Vegeta said to Nappa while crossing his arms.

"Sorry about that Vegeta." Nappa apologized.

"Now how about we go and find those balls that can give us a wish," Nappa suggested to Vegeta.

"The dragon balls. The one who killed Raditz might know where they are." Vegeta said to Nappa.

"And if it turns out that one of those balls was around here we may have to forget about our wish for eternal life. All because of your stupid greeting." Vegeta scolded Nappa.

"Sorry. I was not thinking." Nappa apologised again.

"Forget about it. Let's search for the highest power level on this planet. The one that kills Raditz is the only one that has a high power level on this planet other than Kakarrot's son." Vegeta said as he pressed a button on a device that he was wearing on his ear.

"There. Two high readings. And are close to each other." Vegeta said.

"Let's go and give the two strongest fighters on this planet some respect," Vegeta said as he flew towards the place where Piccolo and Gohan were.

"This place is great. The gravity here is so low that I feel like I am weightless." Nappa said happily as he followed Vegeta.


In the hyperbolic time chamber.

[Vegeta and Nappa have arrived on earth. Defeat them to get a fragment that can increase the level of the Grid system.] A notification that only Tendou was able to see appeared in front of him.

System, tells me what my power level is. And while you are at it also tell me the power level of Tien Shinhan. Tendou asked the system without making any noise as Tien was still in the time chamber with him.

[The power levels are as follows.

Tendou- 14,000

Tien- 7,000]

"It seems enough. This might be enough to kill Nappa off and stall Vegeta until Goku comes back. I also need to prevent them from killing Krillin since he is the main reason why Goku even became a Super Saiyan." Tendou whispered to himself.

"Hey, who are you talking to?" Tien asked as he saw Tendou talking to himself.

"Tien Shinhan. Let's finish our training here. The Saiyans have arrived on earth." Tendou said to Tien.

"Already? I thought that there were still a few months left until the two-year is up." Tien who was still working out in the time chamber said to Tendou.

"They arrived earlier than I expected," Tendou said.

"Let's hurry up and go and help your friends. Otherwise, the earth might get destroyed before your friend Goku could arrive." Tendou said to Tien.

Tien nodded.

During the time they train together in the chamber Tien and Tendou become friends. They were not the best of friends.

Tendou was still worried that there was still a chance that Tien might turn on him if he was deemed a threat to Tien's friends.

And Tien himself still didn't fully trust Tendou.

However, they have grown to respect each other.

The two exited the chambers

Mr Popo was standing directly in front of the exit while holding towels in his hands.

It seems like he was waiting for the two to show up.

Tendou didn't even acknowledge Mr Popo as he was too focused on trying to stop the Saiyans before they destroyed the earth.

Therefore he immediately left the lookout and flew towards the place where Vegeta and Nappa are.

"I am sorry. I appreciate your kindness but currently, we are in a hurry." Tien said while giving a 45-degree respectful bow to Mr Popo before he followed Tendou.

Mr Popo looked at the two warriors who flew away from the lookout.

"They have grown much stronger." Mr Popo said.


"Thank god they have such a large amount of presence. It would have been very hard to track them otherwise." Tendou said.

Tendou was stronger than Tien. That doesn't make him much more skilled than Tien at using ki.

Although Tendou trained with Tien Shinhan who is a warrior who is very adept at using ki he was mainly focused on increasing his power level when he was in the time chamber.

So his ki-sensing or other ki-related abilities are not as good as others such as Krillin, Tien, Piccolo and even Yamcha.

Even then the ki that Nappa and Vegeta possess is so large that even an amateur who is barely able to use ki sense can distinguish them from far away.

"Wait. I can't feel Yamcha's ki." Tien said to Tendou.

Unlike Tendou, Tien was proficient at sensing ki to the point that he could clearly sense the ki of a familiar friend or foe even if they were suppressing their power without much difficulty.

He was even able to keep up with Tendou's fastest flying speed just by being able to use his ki more efficiently.

"There they are," Tien said as they started to see his friends fighting the two Saiyans from afar.

"Your friend with a scar on his face is not there," Tendou said to Tien.

"Yeah. It seemed like he wasn't able to survive." Tien said as the two landed right in the middle of the battlefield where Krillin, Gohan, Piccolo, and Chaiotzu were all battling a bald shirtless muscular Saiyan called Nappa.

"Another batch of ants are here to join his friends in death. How sweet," Vegeta said.

"Great. More fun for me. Do you really want to just watch Vegeta?" Nappa said to Vegeta as he looked at him.

Tendou and Tien were not suppressing their ki however Nappa and Vegeta were not wearing scouters so they weren't able to realise how strong Tien and Tendou were at that time.