
Dragon Ball: God-level Choice

Gouda Genji crossed to Dragon Ball world and became a Saiyan. When he was bullied by Vegeta and other Saiyans, he opened the god-level choice system: “One: Hit Vegeta who wants to bully you and get the blood of legendary Super Saiyan.” “Two: Beat Raditz, who wants to bully you, increase your combat effectiveness by 10,000 points.” “Three: Leave the planet Vegeta and gain control of Ki.” … Seeing Vegeta and others coming towards him step by step, Gouda Genji roared: “Only children make choices, I want them all!”

GoudaGenji · Anime et bandes dessinées
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3 Chs

Chapter 2 One day, I will come back again!

When the voice fell, Genji moved and ran towards his nearest Raditz.

The ten-point combat effectiveness is indeed very weak, but... after all, it is also ten-point combat effectiveness.

What's more, Raditz, Vegeta and a group of people were startled by Genji's sudden roar, which caused Genji to run in front of him before he came to his senses.


Punch, hit it!

Raditz was in pain, and just grabbed his beaten abdomen, but Genji's next punch arrived again.

This time, it was Raditz's head.


This punch directly stunned Raditz.


Another punch continued, still in the same head position.

With a puff, Raditz fell to the ground.

Seeing that Radtz was attacked and defeated by him, Genji didn't know if he was killed by himself. He gritted his teeth, his thoughts moved, and then he murmured: "This is the world of Dragon Ball, the one with the highest combat effectiveness. The world, moreover, this is still above Planet Vegeta. If I don't hit him, he will hit me, and I will fall."

"So... I'm right!"


Kick it out!


Kick out the second kick!

"System, is that enough?!"

Genji, who kicked Raditz on the ground a few more feet, slowly calmed down and gave a cold drink.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for reaching the second option, and the combat power has been increased to 10,000 combat power."

As the sound of the system fell, Genji's combat effectiveness suddenly soared.

100 points!

1000 points!

5000 points!


In the end, in just a few seconds, Genji's combat effectiveness went from a value of 10 to a value of 10,000.


Genji clenched his fists, with a look of amazement on his face: "This is the feeling of having great power."

"Bei... King Vegeta... Why did Bacas suddenly become stronger?!"

Genji's powerful fighting power was sensed by those little kids, and they panicked one by one.


Vegeta frowned, and then raised his hand and tapped the combat effectiveness detection glasses he was wearing. When he saw that Genji had 10,000 combat effectiveness, his eyes were incredible.

In the last second, Bacas's combat effectiveness was only 10 points. In the next few seconds, he reached 10,000 combat effectiveness? !

what is this? !

"You want to bully me, I will naturally not sit back and wait for death!"

Genji grinned, his whole body resembling a cannonball, and rushed to Vegeta in an instant.


Seeing Genji's raised hand, Vegeta immediately stepped back and let out a loud shout.

"Stop it?! Heh!"

Genji sneered, his raised hand clenched his fist and fell.


A punch hit Vegeta.


Although Genji didn't bombard Vegeta with all his strength, his basic combat power was there, still powerful and terrifying. After a punch, Vegeta fainted after making a painful cry.

"System, is this the first choice?!"

Genji looked at Vegeta on the ground and asked indifferently.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for reaching the first choice and obtaining the legendary Super Saiyan bloodline!"

The mechanically synthesized sound rang in Genji's mind, making him smile with joy.

As we all know, the Saiyan clan has several bloodlines, one is the ordinary Saiyan bloodline, and the Saiyan of this bloodline is the ordinary Saiyan.

The second type is the Super Saiyan bloodline, which can be formed by the previous generation's acquired training. Like the later Son Goku, his descendants are the Super Saiyan bloodline.

And now, Genji has acquired not only the Super Saiyan bloodline, but also the legendary Super Saiyan bloodline!

That is... Saiyan bloodline of Broly!

"Host, is it the bloodline of the legendary Super Saiyan in Fusion immediately?!"

The voice of the system continued.


Genji shook his head. For this occasion, it is not suitable for Fusion bloodline.

What if, what if King Vegeta comes over while he is in the Fusion process? !

10,000 combat power may be considered a strong level at this stage, but after all, it is not an invincible level.

and so...

Be careful!

Be careful!

Genji gave a cold snort after glanced at the few kid Saiyan who were present.

"Oh! Don't hit me!"

"Bacas, I'm sorry, we shouldn't bully you!"

"Bacas, please forgive us!"


Genji's cold snort made these little kids limp on the ground in fright, staring at him in horror.

In response, Genji shook his head, took a few steps forward, knocked out these guys, and then ran towards his residence.

He wants to leave Planet Vegeta and get the reward of the third choice.


About ten minutes later, in the eastern part of Planet Vegeta, Genji sat in a small oval spacecraft.

"Actually, you can go to the earth, but I don't know the coordinates of the earth, so... I can only regret it!"

Moreover, Genji didn't understand the little spaceship. After operating it arbitrarily, he set a coordinate point randomly. Three seconds later, the little spaceship moved.

call out!

Rise from the ground and fly straight to the sky!

Looking down from the window, the buildings on Planet Vegeta came into view. Genji slowly narrowed his eyes and murmured, "I will be back someday."

This day... will not be too long. *