
Dragon Ball: Creation x Destruction Dragon Ball

Hold on to your Dragon Balls and prepare for a wild ride in this hilarious yet oddly serious Dragon Ball fanfic! Our unlikely hero, Renkon, stumbles upon a discovery that has the potential to shake the very foundations of Power Levels. Brace yourself for a belly-aching twist, folks! Renkon's Power Level seems like a measly 100, right? But wait for it... nestled in the upper right corner of that little number is another 100! Boom! Mind blown! The fate of entire worlds hangs in the balance. With so much at stake, can our beloved characters rise above their bumbling antics and tap into the true potential of this condensed Power Level? It's time to find out! Prepare for laughs, epic battles, and ridiculous transformations that will have you clutching your sides in both amusement and awe. This Dragon Ball fanfic takes the franchise to new comedic heights while never losing sight of the seriousness lurking just beneath the surface. Get ready for the most entertaining, side-splitting, and action-packed adventure that'll leave you begging for more! So, grab your senzu beans, fasten your belts, and let the madness begin! ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ This is not my translation! I got the translation from translateotaku and all credits go to TranslatinOtaku And Original Authors! So before you roast me I put it here so that more readers can see it on webnovel .

Ashlin_17 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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56 Chs

Chapter 1- Rewritten

As z̷̮̦̟̺̄͋x̷̥̮̤̘͙̌ẕ̭͇̒̈́͢ gradually emerged from the depths of his unconsciousness, a strange sensation washed over him.

He felt a peculiar, almost gelatinous substance clinging to his skin, enveloping him in a surreal embrace. It was akin to being submerged underwater, yet he experienced no discomfort breathing.

"Huff..." z̷̮̦̟̺̄͋x̷̥̮̤̘͙̌ẕ̭͇̒̈́͢ breaths came in ragged gasps, his chest rising and falling with each laborious inhalation. His mind was a swirling vortex of confusion and disorientation, a tempest of fragmented thoughts desperately seeking clarity amidst the haze of unfamiliar surroundings.

As he struggled to gather his bearings, murmuring voices reached his ears, the faint echoes of distant chatter gradually growing louder. Like whispers carried on the wind, snippets of dialogue filtered through the fog.

Summoning a surge of willpower, z̷̮̦̟̺̄͋x̷̥̮̤̘͙̌ẕ̭͇̒̈́͢ managed to pry his eyes open, his eyelids heavy with the weight of his confusion. Blinking against the unfathomable brightness that engulfed the room, he squinted, his vision gradually adjusting to the harshness of the ambient lighting.

"Where in cosmere am I?" z̷̮̦̟̺̄͋x̷̥̮̤̘͙̌ẕ̭͇̒̈́͢'s bewildered thoughts permeated his mind, a whirlwind of astonishment and a tinge of annoyance at the blinding brightness that enveloped his surroundings.

Before him, a scene beyond comprehension unfolded. Futuristic pods, bathed in an ethereal glow, dotted the chamber like celestial beacons, their enigmatic purpose shrouded in mystery.

"Who are these people?" z̷̮̦̟̺̄͋x̷̥̮̤̘͙̌ẕ̭͇̒̈́͢'s gaze swept across the room, taking in the sight of individuals walking with purpose towards a nearby pod.

Clad in a fusion of a physician's cloak and an intricate suit of armour, their attire was a testament to an unknown, peculiar fashion.

A cascade of fabric enveloped their frames, concealing every contour, while gleaming metallic plating guarded their upper chests and shoulders with an air of rigidity.

And then, his gaze alighted upon a revelation—an observation that ignited immense confusion within him. Their tails, sinuous and deliberate, sway in a hypnotic rhythm before gracefully encircling their waists, a mesmerising display of inherent dexterity and primal heritage.

"Seriously, what's the deal with the tail? Are they some kind of monkey-humans?" he mused, his scepticism seeping into his internal dialogue.

Before he could ponder further, a voice, devoid of any emotion, shattered the silence, drawing his attention to the conversation between the individuals.

"The power level of the new-born in Pod C-181 has been steadily increasing," the voice stated in a matter-of-fact tone. "It should stabilize within a week or two. Another low-class fighter destined for battle."

The man's voice droned, devoid of emotion, as he delivered a clinical statement that emphasised his detachment from the subject at hand. His focus lay solely on the objective data, the numbers that determined one's fate in this world.

Beside him, a smaller woman added her voice, injecting a hint of curiosity into the sterile atmosphere. "Indeed, most of the new-borns exhibit power levels within the expected range," she remarked, her tone tinged with intrigue.

"However, there are exceptions such as the prince and that peculiar child, Broly, if my memory serves me right."

z̷̮̦̟̺̄͋x̷̥̮̤̘͙̌ẕ̭͇̒̈́͢ , still grappling with the disorientation of his surroundings, strained to make sense of the conversation. The mention of a prince and an abnormal child named Broly stirred confusion within him.

"Yes, that was his name," the man replied, his voice tinged with a touch of recollection.

"Anyways, this new scouter is a remarkable improvement compared to the previous version. The power level readings it provides are far more accurate and precise."

"How are his medical records looking? Is everything within normal parameters?" He inquired, his tall figure focused on inputting data into a handheld screen.

Equally engrossed in her task, the woman beside him responded with a calm tone, her words carrying a sense of reassurance. "All indicators point to normalcy. No abnormalities or changes have been detected. It appears that he possesses the potential to become a fighter."

Their conversation continued, filled with scientific jargon and observations, as they meticulously evaluated the child's progress.

z̷̮̦̟̺̄͋x̷̥̮̤̘͙̌ẕ̭͇̒̈́͢'s mind spun in disbelief, desperately seeking any semblance of rationality in the bizarre situation unfolding before him. Doubt and disbelief clawed at his thoughts as fear and anxiety welled up within him.

"This must be some kind of twisted joke," he thought, desperately trying to convince himself that the surreal situation unfolding before him couldn't possibly be real. The very notion of being a Saiyan, a warrior race from a fictional world, seemed utterly preposterous and impossible to comprehend.

"There is no way I'm actually a Saiyan, right?" he whispered to himself, his voice laced with both hope and trepidation. The weight of such a revelation threatened to crush him, as the implications of his newfound identity bore down upon him.

The throbbing ache in his head intensified, pounding relentlessly with each passing moment. Struggling against the overwhelming weariness, he strained to capture the fading remnants of his thoughts and the words exchanged by the scientists.

It felt like grasping at the threads of a fleeting dream, slipping through his fingers as he fought against the encroaching slumber that beckoned him into its embrace.


Time: 07:30 - Saiyan Time

Location: Planet Vegeta

As the first rays of dawn pierced the horizon, the colossal yellow sun emerged, painting the sky with a radiant tapestry of warm hues. The gentle touch of its golden light bathed the large landscape of Planet Vegeta.

z̷̮̦̟̺̄͋x̷̥̮̤̘͙̌ẕ̭͇̒̈́͢'s now Renkon stood there, his chest heaving slightly as he basked in the satisfaction of his successful ki compression. He had spent countless days and nights experimenting with various methods, pushing his limits, and honing his control over his life force. It had been a gruelling journey, filled with frustration and setbacks, but now, he had finally achieved a breakthrough.

(Renkon means Lotus Root.)

As he looked around the vibrant landscape of Planet Vegeta, Renkon couldn't help but reflect on his newfound abilities. He knew that the Saiyan's were a savage and ruthless group, driven by their primal instincts and hunger for battle. Renkon had little to no emotion for them. He saw them as nothing more than a means to an end.

Renkon's goals lay beyond the confines of his fellow Saiyan's. He knew that the destruction of their planet was imminent, and he had no desire to save them. Instead, he saw this as an opportunity to rise above the chaos and carve his own path in the universe. With his compressed ki, he would become a force to be reckoned with, a solitary warrior unbound by the ties of his race.

With a sense of detachment, Renkon focused his mind and channelled his Ki once again. The familiar blue energy began to gather in his palms, swirling and dancing in the air. He could feel the power building up, the raw potential waiting to be harnessed.

Ignoring the thoughts of his Saiyan brethren, Renkon's focus remained unwavering. He manipulated the energy with precision, compressing it further and further. The blue flames fought against his control, resisting the pressure he exerted, but Renkon was unrelenting.


Sweat dripped from Renkon's brow as he continued to compress the energy, pushing himself to new limits. His emotions were replaced with a cold determination, a drive to become stronger for his own sake, not for the sake of others.

Renkon's gaze fixated on the light blue ball hovering in his palm. Its size, about 30 centimetres in diameter, seemed formidable at first, but he knew that it was merely the starting point of his Ki compression. With steady hands and a focused mind, he began his meticulous process.

Taking a deep breath, Renkon directed his energy towards the blue flames, applying a gentle yet unwavering force. Slowly, almost imperceptibly, the vibrant flames began to succumb to his control. Like a sculptor moulding clay, he squeezed and deformed the energy, compelling it to shrink inwardly.

"The path to true power lies in mastering control," Renkon muttered, his voice filled with determination. "I will compress my Ki beyond its limits and unlock my full potential."

The transformation was mesmerising to behold. The once expansive ball of blue flames trembled under Renkon's mastery, obediently diminishing in size. The compressed energy responded to his will, its very essence bending and contorting with each passing moment. A sense of anticipation swelled within him as the ball dwindled in diameter.

In the blink of an eye, the blue flames reached a remarkable point of compression. What was once an imposing sphere now measured a mere 10 centimetres across. Renkon's technique was taking form, showcasing his growing expertise in manipulating his ki. However, he knew that he couldn't stop there.

Renkon's determination burned brightly within him as he pressed on. With unwavering focus, he continued to exert his control over the energy, pushing its boundaries even further. The blue flames submitted to his will, undergoing a profound transformation. Inch by inch, they diminished, their vibrant essence spiralling inward until they were no larger than a pebble.

A smirk curled on Renkon's lips as he witnessed his progress. "I refuse to settle for mediocrity. I will compress my ki beyond what others deem possible."

But Renkon was not satisfied with this remarkable feat. He wanted to push the limits of his ki compression to their utmost extreme. The blue flames continued their remarkable journey, diminishing beyond the realm of ordinary perception. As he meticulously shaped and condensed the energy, it seemed to defy the laws of physics, becoming infinitesimally small.

Gradually, the compressed ki reached a point where it became imperceptible to the human eye. It was as if Renkon had distilled the very essence of his life force into a minuscule spark, hidden from the sight of all who beheld it. This inconspicuous point of concentrated power was a testament to his unwavering commitment and unparalleled skill.

Renkon marvelled at his achievement, a mixture of satisfaction and awe washing over him. "I have surpassed my own limitations," he declared, his voice tinged with pride. "This compressed ki will be the foundation of my unrivalled strength."

A surge of invigoration surged within Renkon as he absorbed the virtually invisible point of compressed ki into his being. The absorption was seamless, with the energy merging harmoniously with his life force. He could feel the surge of power resonating within him, filling every fibre of his being with an electrifying vitality.

Renkon's eyes glimmered with a newfound confidence and determination. "I am no longer bound by the limitations of my Saiyan brethren," he proclaimed, his voice brimming with certainty. "With this technique mastered, I am ready to transcend all expectations and shape my own destiny."

A smirk formed on Renkon's lips as he revelled in the power coursing through his veins. He could feel the energy pulsating within him, resonating with his very essence. The compressed Ki had become a part of him, fuelling his strength and granting him an unprecedented level of power. It was a sensation unlike anything he had ever experienced before.


Author's note :

Hello, everyone! It's been a while since I last worked on this story, but I'm back with a rewritten Chapter 1 that I hope you'll enjoy.

I've put a lot of effort into refining the narrative and exploring the unique abilities of the main character, Renkon, who can compress his Ki.

If you like this new chapter, you'll love my upcoming novel

Dragon Ball: Echoes of the Void.

Check it out on my page and join me on this exciting adventure. Thank you for your support!