
Dragon ball Cosmic Journey

The universe is vast, filled with creatures, places and technology beyond your imagination and now is being challenged, something evil seeks to bring about a new age: The invasion of the Demon Realm. However, a ragtag of heroes made of the Saiyan princess, an immature Saiyan martial artist and an aspiring Tuffel scientist embarking on a journey to retrieve the objects that enabled this invasion, the dragon balls, 7 wish-granting orbs that can change the tides of this invasion. Explore these adventurers' fate while navigating their Dragon Ball Cosmic Journey.

Promander_striker · Anime et bandes dessinées
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: The Race Of Warriors, The Saiyans Are Here

Somewhere deep in the bowels of the galaxy is planet Sadala. This red planet is glazed with a lush mix of purple and green flora as they sway in the fresh wind, gliding through the terrain with plant-covered buttes, high mountains, and vast valleys scattered far across the land, occasionally parted by the rush of rivers reflecting the golden sky. However, as peaceful as it seems it will soon be interrupted by this planet's primary inhabitants, the Saiyans, universally known as the warrior race. They are mainly human in appearance, each having a long brown tail and latent combat power.

There are three Saiyans who are having a sky-high stare down, and with two pairs of eyes locked on him is Cokra, a teenager who stretches and flexes his brown-skinned body showing his athletic build, black hair and black eyes that yearns for the battle to begin, which is emphasised by his excited smile. He has an old necklace made of dinosaur teeth which he wears across his chest proudly, along with an off-white baggy pant with a black, martial arts sash around his waist, black wristbands with white laces, and white boots.

The duo responsible for delivering the intense stares are the twins, Tora and Xalo. Tora is a teenage girl with a chiselled, beige-skinned body and freckles that decorate her face. She has fierce purple eyes that balance her black, short, wavy hair all culminating in her smug smirk and a confident deminer. She sports a white sarashi, which emphasizes her powerful physique, along with tight, handmade, leather pants with a rough, blue-tattered dinosaur pelt in front of her, and her hand are wrapped in white hand wrap ready for combat.

Finally, Xalo is a teen with a lighter frame than his sister but still clearly well-defined with freckles across his face, delicate purple eyes, and a black ponytail with one bang. He wears a blue headband, black baggy pants held up by a rope, and handmade leather boots.

These three Saiyans are in an intense standoff. The twins lock onto Cokra who smirks and asks, "Am I so scary you won't even attack me?"

Xalo nervously responds, "We are going to get in trouble if we don't get the Bonelands in time. "

Tora cracks her knuckles and proclaims, "Yeah, this won't end up like the last time, this'll be over in a second. "

Xora slides his hand down his face in disappointment and then grudgingly comments, " Well, I guess you can't hear me, oh well. "

Cokra, raising his hands in excitement finally announces, "Ok then, LET'S GET IT STARTED!!!"

And before anyone can blink, Tora charges at Cokra with a flurry of punches. At first, Cokra defends himself well, but Xalo shoots a blast of energy out of his hand that explodes upon impact, sending Cokra hurtling into the forest below. Tora tries to follow it up with an axe kick, but Cokra recovers midair to meet Tora with a devastating uppercut to the jaw followed by an earth-shattering kick sending her into a nearby butte. Xalo immediately throws a bombardment of energy blasts that rain down on Cokra. He lands and then jumps through the trees to distance himself from the explosions behind him. Cokra rushes to a nearby butte to run up and get closer to Xalo, but he whips the base with a wave of energy, causing the butte to come crumbling down. Despite his mild annoyance, Cokra catches himself and jets toward Xalo. Xalo whips his hand, palm out, charging an orb of energy, but before he fires, Cokra kicks it upward, followed by a brutal gut punch that knocks the wind out of him and propels him back. Cokra tries to follow it up with a counter-attack, but Tora suddenly puts Cokra in a tight headlock, giving Xalo an opening to blast, but something zips behind Xalo, and his body suddenly goes limp.

A deep-voiced figure is seen holding tightly to Xalo's tail asking, "Care to explain why you're playing around instead of working?"

He is a broad giant with a stern face, beige skin, intense yellow eyes, long black locks, and jagged, dot-like scars that climb his torso steps forward. He wears a tattered blood-red sash wrapped around his waist, holding up his tattered gi pants. Off-white bandages are wrapped around his arm from his wrist to his elbow, and he wears metallic grey wrist cuffs that are old and battle-damaged.

Cokra and Tora jolt alive and their faces whiten like ghosts after seeing who it is.

As Tora lets go of Cokra, she struggles to explain, "Master Rabi, I... we... were just-"

Rabi silently looks at Xalo and throws him to Tora, who catches him and stares at the group, "Xalo, Tora, get to the Boneland...NOW!"

They do as he said and rip through the sky like fighter jets. Now alone, Cokra and Rabi descend into the battle-scarred forest.

Rabi observes the damage, releasing a disappointed sigh, "Do you understand what we do?"

Cokra leans on a tree and dryly answers, "I know we supply collect dinosaur meat."

Rabi exhaustively exhales, "It's way more than that; it's a responsibility you're not ready for."

Cokra responds, "It's just a little pre-workout, and I was just about to wrap things-"

Rabi interrupts him with a clap of his hands, creating a ball of energy between his hands, and throws it at Cokra. He ducks, and the blast goes through the tree he was resting on. It makes a sharp U-turn, locked onto Cokra. He has no choice but to evade the sphere, narrowly avoiding it. Annoyed at the persistent energy blast, Cokra tries to kick it down, but the orb dodges and hits him square in the chest, creating a small explosion on impact and causing Cokra to stumble on his back.

Rabi releases a stressful exhale, looks down at Cokra, and explains, "There is no problem with having fun, but you should have a balance of work, play, food, sleep, and training; that is the warrior way."

Cokra sits up, dusts himself off, and says, "Ok, I'll try."

Rabi retorts, "NO, don't try, do! Others are relying on you to help them, trying isn't enough to get things done. "

Cokra nods with a smile and rockets to the sky, soaring through the air to start his work.

Before Rabi pursues his pupil, however, he feels something, briefly—an unnerving, evil but familiar aura. As fast as it appears, however, it fades.

"Something like that shouldn't exist anymore, at least not with this level of intensity; it's too wicked to ignore nonetheless," he wonders as he stares longingly in his student's direction and takes to the skies and begins jetting off into the direction of the mysterious energy to initiate the investigation.

Meanwhile, beyond the forest and there is a busy city primarily made of small, grassy hills and cliffs. Clay houses take their abstract shapes across the land with the centre of the city being complimented by a white palace, so large that it can be mistaken for a town, with towers sprouting out of the ground around or suspended off the central building, each with a thin point on top. The interior is dark turquoise with green circular glass, housing the echoes of guards' daily march through the hall. They march as a group of eight, four in two rows, each wearing a blue skintight, short-sleeve bodysuit that covers them from the base of their neck to their legs. They are covered by a metallic silver chest plate with a respective ring design wrapping around the rest of the abdomen down to the waist. A white cape covers their back, and they wear metallic silver boots and white gloves.

The guards continue their march to a massive metallic pair of doors that make them look like ants. They split into four per door, using all their strength to pull them open, quietly gripping their teeth until their struggle is rewarded as the door slowly creaks open. A relaxing aroma of lavender is released from the lavishly large, rich room. As they enter, there are small, white wall closets on opposite sides of the doorways. The room has red, square floor tiles coating the floor, an enormous bed blanketed in soft, red quilts, drapes, and pillows, all framed with gold patterns, all under larger circular windows with golden frames, and all under a gold chandelier made of glowing orbs that emit a bright white light, bringing life to the room.

Two of the guards quietly enter the room and carefully approach the princess who sleeps soundly in her bed. One of the guards whispers, "Be careful; no sudden movements, we don't want her to wake up too suddenly."

The other guard quietly replies, "Yeah, I know. I was the one who had to wash his ashes off the wall."

The two guards split up, sneaking up on opposing sides of the beds, each moving closer to rip the sheets from the bed and reveal the sleeping beast—a young brown-skinned, well-conditioned young lady with black eyes, short black messy hair, and, of course, the Saiyans' signature tail. She is wearing a wrist-long sleeve and purple version of the skintight suit.

The princess's body starts to twitch, causing the guards to flinch in response. One of the guards signals to the other that he is going to grab her tail, but the other guard signals towards him not to. No matter how hard he pleads, the guard grabs her tail anyway. The princess awakes and kicks the guard who grabbed her tail in the gut, sending him into the wall, making a guard-shaped crater.

The other guard immediately gets on his knee, bows his head, and apologizes, "Princess Stewla, I apologize for my comrade's idiocy."

Stewla glares at the guard annoyed, "Why did you wake me up from my nap?"

The guard, with fear in his voice, replies, "The king has requested your presence immediately. He said it is urgent."

Stewla releases a stressful sigh as she walks to the closets and starts to take from each of them white gloves with golden wristbands, silver boots, silver, and gold Saiyan royal armour, which is similar to the Saiyan guard but with extended shoulders, and the Saiyan royal crest—a red two-way arrow in the shape of a bowl that sprouts three red arrows on the right chest portion of the armour, and a cape shrouded in violet-purple.

As she clothes herself, she asks the guard shrewdly, "Father is rather rude to wake me so early; what does he want?"

The guard, still bowing on his knee, nervously informs her, "The meeting with the Tuffles is today, and they were about to leave."

Stewla looks to the guard and admits, "Oh, I thought it was tomorrow. Well, I will be arriving shortly; I hope this goes well after they excuse my tardiness."

The guard stands up and pleads, "Don't keep them waiting; your mother is starting to turn red."

"Even if I got there early, she would've found something to brood about," Stewla sighs, now fully dressed in royal attire, as she leads everyone out of her room and to the flight deck.

Moments pass as Princess Stewla makes it to the flight deck located on a ledge on the side of the palace, where her family are all waiting for her. Firstly, her brother, Prince Charis, a child with light brown skin, black eyes, and a spikey ponytail held upward by a gold band. He is wearing a red skintight body suit under a silver and blue Royal Saiyan uniform and a blue cape, white gloves with silver wristbands, and silver boots.

"Took you long enough; did you forget where your legs were?" he quips as he smiles in self-approval.

"I was trying to look for your brain too, but I gave up. I couldn't find it anywhere," Stewla responds smugly.

The queen snobs at her daughter releasing a furious exhale. Queen Sadala has a tall, commanding, regal figure with chocolate-smooth brown skin and black eyes that exudes absolute authority. Her long, spikey, black hair that extends to her back, nearly touching her waist that signals her not-so-polite qualities. She also dons an outfit befitting her royal status. A light purple skintight body suit that hugs her slender figure over silver and dark mauve royal Saiyan armour but her royal crest is outlined by gold. She also has a purple, silk cape that drapes over her shoulder down to her legs that adds to her royal grace, a black, long, open-front skirt, white elbow-long gloves, and black knee-high stiletto-style boots.

"If I were I would keep your mouth shut, joking about something so important doesn't help your irresponsible behaviour."

Stewla frowns and mumbles, "I should've bet with the guard."

Sadala furiously steps to Stewla her voice shrieks in anger as she asks, "What did you say you rude..." but before she even gets the word out King Futo holds his wife's shoulder.

"Relax you two, you too need to get along, if you don't I wouldn't be able to take you out anywhere, " the king proclaims.

The queen looks back and is softened by the sight of a tall, ripped hunk of a man with tan-brown skin, long black spikey hair that stands on end with a neatly trimmed beard and moustache that contradicts his extremely friendly, black eyes. He is wearing a sleeveless skintight suit under his royal armour which also has a golden outline around the Saiyan royal crest and fiery red cape making him look like a superhero. He has a gold chained necklace across his neck with an emerald gem hanging from the middle of his chest. Golden bands hug his biceps tightly like it was trying to hold back his full strength along with golden wrist bands and boots. This is the king of Saiyans, King Futo.

King Futo walked up to his daughter, lightly placing his hands on his shoulders. "What your mother means to say is, well, this meeting with the Tuffle is really important, it will decide the future of both our worlds."

Stewla pouts with her arms crossed "Father I know all of that, but you don't need me, you could proceed without me."

Futo glares, softening his eyes, "You have the potential to be the greatest leader of our time but you still have to learn so much. Diplomacy, responsibility and even understanding justice - these are critical to becoming a great Queen."

Stewla confidently but frustratingly replies "I know all of that already, I can handle anything. "

The King flicks her forehead and declared, "Don't be so overconfident, you still have much to learn young lady."

Stewla holding her forehead in pain as she is pulled by her father who hugs her over the shoulder and walks her to the van-sized spaceship but before they step on. An ominous black, mucky mist swallows the deck.

King Futo swiftly gathers his family, enveloping them within the protective embrace of his cape.

"Is everyone okay?" He asks with concern.

Charis is tightly clutching his sister, tears flowing down his face. Stewla, while trying to comfort him, shares a worried glance with Queen Sadala.

"It can't be them again? I thought you got rid of them all!" Queen Sadala exclaims in shock.

Futo responds, "We did but this is different."

"Oh, how right you are, Futo, " a voice in the mist denounced as they crept through the mystical smoke.

"We have a little meeting of our own, great king, " the voice echoes as a hand reaches out and snatches Futo into the smoke and disappears.

"FATHER!?!?" the children bellowed as the smoke clears and their father was gone.

Hello, hope you enjoy this chapter it is a slight peak into the type of things I going to remix from Dragon Ball. This book I am working on is for anyone to get into even if you are a DB fan or not I tried to make it "fun for all". Also, I am not going to have a consistent schedule due to College, other projects (more books coming soon) and other personal stuff. I hope you stay tuned as the Journey continues.

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