
Dragon Ball: Body and Spirit

Everything changed on Lux's sixteenth birthday. He didn't know if he was human anymore. He stopped aging. He didn't require food and water to sustain himself anymore. He became detached from his friends. But, once again everything changed when he came across a towering pillar whose upper end couldn't be seen. He realised that he was in the dragon ball world. He embarked on a path, unique to his own. Follow Lux in his adventure~ ______________________________________________ 'Lux' in india, is a underwear brand. I used the the name as a pun, just like 'Bulma' came from the word 'bloomer' in Japanese pronunciation.

Mike_Lu · Anime et bandes dessinées
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Lux the Wizard

Age 600, Earth, Universe 7.

Lux had been living on the Korin tower for over three decades.

Three decades is not a short period. The boy becomes a man, the girl becomes a woman.

But being essentially immortal, Lux and Korin remained the same. Lux was still the same sixteen-year-old boy, and Korin was the same fat, white cat.

But, immortality also comes with a price. Without duty, responsibility or motivation, you slowly lose yourself over time.

So, it is quite important to find something to keep yourself invested.

Fortunately, after years of wandering, Lux found his motivation in the very same place he was living in.

When he learned from Korin that magic existed, and also how to sense and use mana to perform magic, Lux found a new drive.

The whole concept of imposing your will and manipulating the existing laws of the world fascinated him.

The most important factor that led Lux to this path was that, unlike Ki, his mana and his control over mana didn't automatically increase with time. It was a nice change for him.

And, Lux didn't follow the traditional path to become a wizard. Instead, he wanted to use systematic, scientific knowledge.

The essence of science is the study of various laws that govern reality, while, the essence of magic is to manipulate the existing laws to produce the desired effect.

Lux knew that it would take time, but time was not something he was lacking.

Hence, Lux first started with learning the scientific knowledge of the world. It was not difficult to find books. AlthAlthoughe the earth was not that advanced in terms of science and technology there was no lack of foundation-level knowledge. It was what Lux needed.

Lux had all the time in his hands to slowly figure out the fundamental laws and learn to use magic to manipulate them.

And, it took thirty years to grasp some of the important laws that Lux wanted to figure out. For example, fundamentals of electromagnetic waves and radiation, space-time continuum, quantum mechanics etc.

He wanted to use this understanding to develop various magic technique.

When Korin offered to help, Lux refused, saying, "I want to develop it on my own. So that I can get the sense of satisfaction that comes after success."

And, on the morning of the year 600, Lux developed his first magic technique.

"Yes! Finally completed!" Lux exclaimed out loud. He looked over the scattered notebooks on the desk with satisfaction — that was the result of years of hard work.

Lux's shout also woke up Korin from his sleep. The cat yawned and came to the opposite side of the tower where Lux's living area was.

"Why are you so excited, Lux? Did you make another major discovery?" Korin asked. He was not surprised as if it happened many times in the past.

"No no, this time it is more than just a major discovery," Lux said happily, "I have developed my first magic technique."

"Oh! What does it do?" asked Korin, curious.

Closing the book in his hand, Lux stood up and grinned at Korin.

Lux took a deep breath and closed his eyes. He raised his hands parallel to each other, and yelled, "Kaishi!"

In the next moment, a ripple-like shock wave started spreading radially with his hands as the centre.

Korin was shocked seeing the surroundings being stretched and contracted every moment.

A few seconds later, when the ripple-like shockwave stopped spreading and also the surroundings returned to normal, Lux opened his eyes and said, "Success!"

"What was that?" Korin asked. Although he was shocked by the bizarre stretching and contraction of the surrounding space, nothing changed as it returned to normal.

"Haha, This is my technique. I named it 'mirror world'," Lux chuckled and pointed at symbols and images on the pillar in the middle. "Look at those murals, they are exactly the mirror images of their real counterparts."

Korin realised, and it was not just the murals, everything here was the mirror image of their real counterpart. He didn't notice earlier because his attention was on Lux, who remained the same.

"It's like a pocket dimension. I can bring any living being in and out of this dimension with me." He explained the function to Korin.

"And, any damage in this dimension do not affect the real world," Lux added and pointed his fingers at pillars. A yellow beam shot from the tip of his finger and went straight through the pillar-like a hot needle through butter, leaving behind a gaping hole.

Korin, instinctively felt a little uncomfortable seeing the pillar being damaged.

Seeing Korin's face, Lux smiled and reassured, "Don't worry, nothing will happen to its real counterpart."

With that said, Lux again raised his hand and level with the palm of his hands facing away from him and yelled out, "Ririsu."

A similar ripple-like shockwave spread from his hands, shaking the space around him. Korin once again saw the stretching and contraction of the surroundings before it returned to normal. Korin also noticed that hole in the middle of the pillar had already vanished.

"See! I told you. You didn't need to worry," Lux said. He paused and looked outside the balcony opposite

He walked toward the balcony, followed by Korin and saw a short, plump humanoid figure flying on a carpet, slowly come into view.

The humanoid atop the flying mat had a round face with thick, well pronounced red lips and big, pointy ears. His skin colour was unusually black as if someone painted him with the darkest colour available. His outfit was not something to scoff at. On his upper body, he wears a maroon-patterned, gold-trimmed sleeveless vest that exposes part of his torso, as well as gold armbands on his upper arms. He touts a red sash around his waist. He had baggy, long white pants caught in at the ankle. And on his feet, he wears a pair of red slippers with white soles.

"Hello Mr Popo," Lux greeted and asked, "Why the sudden visit? As I said earlier, I don't want the position of Kami. It's too troublesome."

"No, Lux. I am here because I felt weird fluctuations from below the lookout when suddenly your and Korin's energy signature vanished," said Mr Popo. "So, I came here to check."