
Dragon Ball: Body and Spirit

Everything changed on Lux's sixteenth birthday. He didn't know if he was human anymore. He stopped aging. He didn't require food and water to sustain himself anymore. He became detached from his friends. But, once again everything changed when he came across a towering pillar whose upper end couldn't be seen. He realised that he was in the dragon ball world. He embarked on a path, unique to his own. Follow Lux in his adventure~ ______________________________________________ 'Lux' in india, is a underwear brand. I used the the name as a pun, just like 'Bulma' came from the word 'bloomer' in Japanese pronunciation.

Mike_Lu · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs


It had been a year since Lux started living atop the tower with Korin the cat, under the lookout.

It is not surprising to get familiar with the person you are living with. And, if that person has a nice and funny personality, then it doesn't take long to become friends.

Lux and Korin both had a laid back personality. Lux was reserved, and a little lazy while Korin was very straightforward and funny.

Although one was a human and the other was a cat but it didn't stop them from becoming good friends.

It was more so because Lux wasn't very reserved against Korin. Lux knew that Korin was essentially an immortal, so he wouldn't have to watch his new friend grow old while he remained as young as he was.

Being friends, they occasionally played chess with each other, discussed Ki, magic and so on to pass their time. Time wasn't something they were lacking.

On a particularly rainy day, in the year 571. Lux and Korin were discussing magic Korin answering Lux's questions, when, suddenly Korin asked Lux – why he was so lax in his training and how did he get so strong being so lazy, and, to which Lux answered truthfully, minus the fact that he was not from the world.

"So, what you're saying is–," Korin, flustered and baffled, asked, "–your power, it grows continuously with age, and without any training?!"

"Yes, and don't ask me how, or why," said Lux helplessly. "I don't know, either."

'Although, me, not being an aboriginal of this world maybe be the reason or those black hands,' Lux shuddered as he remembered how he got dragged into this world. Thousands of tentacle-like-hands squirming around his body as he floundered and struggled, but everything was in vain as his exhausted body was slowly dragged into a pitch, black hole–

"What happened?" Korin's voice snapped him out of his trance. "You looked like, you were in pain."

"Nothing much, just some uncomfortable memories," Lux shrugged off Korin's concern.

"Okay, getting back to what you said," Lux changed the topic swiftly and asked, "materializing clothes or objects require the use of magic. But, what is magic in the first place?"

"Well, to put it into simple words, magic may be taken as imposing your will on reality with the help of mana, but it has certain restrictions, like the type of magic you can use depends mainly on your innate talent," Korin explained.

"So, what you're saying is, that magic is innate?" asked Lux.

"In a sense it is, and at the same time it is not." said Korin the immortal cat, "Basically, what I want to say is that everyone can practice magic as long as they have mana, but, how far they can go, and what magic they can practice depends entirely on their innate talent."

"There are some magics which, people with high enough ki and corresponding control, can use. Like, for example, the Evil Containment Wave, is a sealing technique invented by Master Mutaito. It is not entirely a ki technique but also involves the use of magic." Korin added.

"You also said that mana is used for casting magic, but what is mana?" asked Lux.

"Hmm, you asked a tough question," said Korin and paused for a bit, probably thinking what to say. "Mana is illusory energy that is very difficult to materialise. For example, a substantial amount of Ki can be used to fire beams of energy balls that are visible, but, without innate advantage, a pure mana beam can't be produced."

"You can think of this way," Korin said, "if your will is the 'authority, then mana is the carrier to exercise your authority over reality."

"So, how do I get started? How do I know that I have mana? Is there any spell to check whether I have mana or not?" Lux asked with much anticipation. Life without motivation is dull and boring.

"No there is no such spell," replied Korin in a flat tone. "And you might've misunderstood what spell is."

"Spells are just words associated with magic. Although it has some power over the effect of the magic, its main function is for the user to better concentrate which leads to efficient casting," Korin clarified. "As for the most effective way for you to get started with magic, it should be meditation and using your mind to try to move or materialise objects. Conveying your thoughts to others without the use of Ki may also help."

"But how do I know that I have mana?" asked Lux.

"As I said, meditation, trying to materialise objects, conveying thoughts without using Ki. These are some of the ways you can use to check whether you have mana or not." Korin suggested. "Now, while trying to materialise a rock, you may develop an instinctive feeling that you can summon anything. Capitalize on that feeling and you will probably able to sense another kind of energy, that is, mana."

"And remember, try as much as possible not to mobilize your Ki. Because It will be difficult to sense magic in the presence of overwhelming ki," added Korin.

"Okay, I understand," said Lux, excitedly. He couldn't wait to get started.


AN: I couldn't find a proper explanation for the existence of magic in Dragon Ball. There is no proper framework to work with. So, I tried to make sense of the existence of magic within the established power system.