
Dragon Ball: Back in Black

Reincarnated into Dragon Ball after an unexpected death, a man must now face enemies and threats that not only endanger the universe, but multiple universes. Given the body of Goku Black and a few other items, this reborn Saiyan will have to transcend his limits time and time again in order to become the strongest. This is the story of a Saiyan who will become the strongest mortal in the universe. In all of the universes.

OmniSpectra · Anime et bandes dessinées
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82 Chs

Fight for Control

As terrifying as it is to see something as massive like the Great Ape to be charging at you, the fact I can detect his power level is just barely over half of mine is fills me with reassurance. Although threatening, his hits shouldn't do much damage against me.

That was my initial thought until he slammed both of his fists down on me. Even though I reached up and blocked it, it sunk me deep into the rocky terrain under me.

"Hrrrrgh...?!" I groaned as I tried to push back against him.

The amount of pressure that my arms were under was immense.

How can he be this strong?!

It took me a few seconds to realize that I forgot to add the weight and size of his new form into the mix. Doesn't matter if he doesn't have the power to match me when he's got the added weight of the Great Ape behind those hits to make up for it.


I raised my power level as high as possible and pushed him back, making him stumble backwards. I quickly fly into the air and get out of his reach.

"Broly, wake up!" I shouted, hoping that the sound of voice might help him gain consciousness.


A green ball of energy started to form in his mouth and I quickly use Kai Kai to get away. Teleporting behind him, I watch as the blast attack meant for me was instead shot off into distant space.

"Come on, Broly, know you're in there somewhere!" I shouted again.

He turned around and roared again, this time jumping up to try and catch me.

"Okay then, good cop clearly isn't working." I muttered as he grabbed me in both of his hands. "Guess it's time for bad cop..."

I power up and pry his hands off of me before charging in and punching Broly right in his jaw... Snout...? Whatever.

He stumbled back in pain and I quickly fly away again before he had a chance to recover and try to grab me.

"Ready to listen to me now?!" I shouted.


"Guess not."

I continue this game of keep away with him, tagging him once, flying away, and yelling out to see if he was under control. This went on for quite a while as I while I was constantly at full power, I didn't hit him with full force.

I didn't need to hurt him, nor did I need to beat him. I just needed him to get under control.


"I suppose it was too much to hope that you would get it under control in just a day..." I muttered as I knelt down beside a now untransformed and unconscious Broly.

I place my hand on his chest and repair his armor, while also giving him a small bit of my energy.

After a few moments, Broly opened his eyes and slowly sat up, looking around at the destroyed landscape around us.

"Did I do it?" He asked, looking up at me with hopeful eyes.

I shake my head softly, causing him to look down in sadness.

I tried to get Broly under control for almost two hours before I decided that it was enough and subsequently knocked him out with a full powered assault.

While I wanted to keep the training going longer, two hours was the arbitrary amount of time I gave myself so that my absence at home wouldn't look too suspicious.

While I know Paragus wouldn't question his son as he usually wasn't at home in the first place, my family definitely would. And as long as Broly is there to back up my excuse of training ran late, I should be in the clear.

"Sorry, buddy. But you did really good for your first time transforming." I told him.

"Really?" He asked.

"Mhm." I hummed and ruffled his hair. "Come on, let's go home and get you something to eat." I said as I stood up and stretched out my hand for him to grab.

He smiled and nodded before grabbing my hand. I pull him up off the ground and use Kai Kai to teleport us back into the alcove that we first teleported from.

I peek out to see if the coast is clear and once I see that no one was around, I grab Broly by the hand and lead him outside.

"Can we get juice too?" He asked.

"You really like juice, huh?" I asked back with a wry smile.

We walk back to my house and I see that the ship I had requested was finally there waiting on the landing pad built on the side of the house. The Saiyans scientists that Paragus had conscripted to upgrade it had been working day and night to complete it.

With both the pad and ship now complete, they honestly fit together perfectly with the rest of the house.

It was a basic landing pad that was built into the ground with a ramp leading up to the ship, but considering that the average landing zone on Planet Vegeta was white paint on dirt, it was actually a pretty nice upgrade.

The ship still pretty much looked the same, but the grey underbelly was now a dark black.

All things considered, I'm pretty happy with everything Paragus had done to repay me. Especially since I never really wanted him to repay me in the first place.

"Bro!" I hear the familiar voice of my little brother calling out from behind me. "Did you see what--"

Radizt stops mid-sentence when he sees that I'm not alone. His eyes gravitate towards our hands and he narrows them at Broly.

"Who're you?" Raditz asks, crossing his arms and staring directly into Broly's eyes challengingly.

Broly lets go of my hand and hides behind my back.

"Raditz, this is Broly." I tell him before looking towards the hiding Broly. "Broly, this is my little brother, Raditz."

He looks at me for reassurance before hesitantly walking towards Raditz with his hand out.

"Nice to meet you..." Broly said softly.

Raditz looks at Broly's outstretched hand before letting out a quick "Hmph" before walking in the house, slamming the door as he entered.

"Well, this is just great..." I muttered to myself.

I let out a sigh and facepalm at this sudden turn of events. I honestly should've expected this. I knew everything going on was turning out suspiciously well lately.