
Dragon Ball - Timeless Saiyan

Reincarnated as Trunks Briefs

Nameless_Tea · Anime et bandes dessinées
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15 Chs

Zenkai Boost

- Age 775 -

- POV Trunks -

After rehabilitation process along with letting my body heal its almost year since Gohan passed away.

I can't believe how fast time passed, I only known Gohan for year even less yet, it was something I cherish. I would love to wish him back to life but I'm not sure where the Namekian planet is located, other possible ways to know of its location so far had failed.

My plan right now is to go back in time know the location or just use that one to wish him back, better yet I could restore all the things that Androids have caused.

During all this time I've been wholly focusing on mental training, honing my Ki energy and my mind from meditation to mental simulation, looking back on my fight against 18 I've come to realize how lucky I was, To reproduce the same outcome was 1 in 1000 situation.

Whether it was the conditions or the situation it was all too perfect, The best possible background for me to win. And my state that used my own weak points to my advantages was simply lunatic and suicidal maybe at that point of time I did not care for my death.

In boxing if the person is not guarding their head it will be attacked, some could anticipate the moves but to actively use it to my advantage its nothing more than wishful thinking, I'm not sure whether I would able to replicate that state again.

Slowly I cringed at my fanatics during the fight.

It was epiphany, the realization that I was above the world, It may because I wasn't on prefect state of my mind. During that time I saw everything and felt everything all at once, and so I was intoxicated or rather I was highly euphoric.

I wasn't thinking straight nor did I had any cognitive process it was like the best feeling I ever had,


Talking a breath of fresh air, I looked around my 'training ground' the vast rocky place located near Break wastelands, the same location Gohan had training me, the environments is harsh not only is it filled with dangerous animals but the temperature drops and rises frequently.

It served as a location to train, not only was it surrounded with rocky formations but was filled with life and greenery.

Looking at my hands, I felt power beyond what I was capable of, The Zenkai boost did wonders, I haven't checked how strong I got but during my meditation, My control on ki and the capacity increased to the point I was left surprised.

Zenkai boost pushed me beyond Gohan's base power level. With training that I been doing it would have taken me more than 5 years to reach the power level I am at. Yet with just one boost I overtaken all the years I would have worked, it simply,

A cheat skill.

Although I trained my body enough for recovery nothing that strained. Its time to see how strong I have become.

'___Aahhh' Clenching my handing I started to power up,

The rocks under my feet slowing levitated as white aura shrouded over me, My eyes started to shift from blue to teal while my hair started to defy gravity. Ki sky rocketed as I attempted to go Super saiyan.

I forced all the power and intent with raging heart, pulling the deep fury inside I slowing felt the rise in power as my hair started to flicker towards bright golden hair but,



With a heavy pant I fell down, losing all the momentary rise in power

"As I thought its not going to be easy" It felt like I was holding a breath in underwater expecting to somehow adapt towards it, not only is it harder the longer I tried to push but also exhausting.

After few more tries I sat down, it was pointless to force things. I need to understand how I was able to acquire the transformation to replicate it.

From Gohan's words fury and sadness is the way you could go super saiyan, But what if it wasn't like that when I fought against 18 I wasn't thinking of anyone nor did I cared for anyone.

I wasn't angry as well nor did was I sorrowful rather I was delighted.

So what caused it?.

During my fight with 18, I had to increase the power to damage her and It was necessary for my survival.

It was desperate situation,


Slowly taking a stance I focused all my energy and cleared my mind, I tried to remember what it felt. I didn't try. I wanted it.


As golden aura burst out, Webs of cracks appeared the rocks broke apart slowly forming into dust, Howling wind erupted around me as my aura getting more and more intense.

I understood why I couldn't turn into a Super saiyan, It was that I wanted the power not needed it. The rage and sadness is just an conduit like a ignition but not the solution.

The transformation only happens out of the need not the desire,

Bright yellow hair and burning teal eyes along with the intense golden aura I turned into a super saiyan.

The second power overcame me, a well of seemingly endless energy and the primal instincts pumping throughout my veins. My motor and sensory skill have significantly enhanced, I could move and sense lot faster but the most important thing was this power that was massive yet,

This is alot weaker than when I fought against 18 not only that but this rage that lashed on me is lot hard to maintain.

'___Huuu' releasing the transformation, I understood why Goku maintain it as a base form, Super Saiyan transformations require extensive amounts of power to maintain. Saving this energy allows one to put even more power into their Super Saiyan form, increasing battle potential exponentially.

The only reason I didn't give this idea to Gohan was simply because he had already perfected his form. He could go super saiyan with moments notice, wouldn't make sense if a child with no experience to give advice on his abilities.

As I was going to work out, my phone ran


"This is Trunks"

"Sir, The test run had no significant problems." The Gravity chamber finished way earlier than scheduled.

"Is that so. What about the recent attacks? have you identified who that was responsible for?"

"Apologies sir, we believe its still androids"

"Very well, Have the machine ready I'll be there" Gang wars became more and more problematic, it was fine if there were only expanding their territory but exterminating all non-parties were taking bit too much.

Some even placed these attacks on the Androids, I've sent some drones on surveillance but most of them are always shot down. At this point I would've expected some 3rd party like Cell talking advantage of the all the chaos but I have not detected any power level.

I didn't think it was the Android other than their obvious death, there was little to no information that were being sent, No SOS or any sort of signs of skirmish that indicates them.


As I quickly arrived at the West city renamed Gohan Duchy, In just 6 months they transformed the whole place into utopia.

Food and shelter was abundant due to the technology that capsule corp presented, with the man power and the security that survivors extended it quickly became a largest communities in short time.

The Major Muscat was a huge fan of the golden warrior which in turn made me realize that he idolized anything that remotely resembles Gohan that makes lot of his action make sense.

"Sir!, You arrived we were just talking about the Project Sculpture" Its beyond religious fanaticism they saw Gohan as their saviors, well they weren't exactly wrong.

"How much capacity does the Gravity Machine hold?" I asked the lead engineer,

"200G is safe for long term but additional 120G is possible but I would advice not to sir." the materials that are used were not abundant to replicate one more machine.

But it was still a surprise, I at least estimated 4-5 more months of manual labor, it might have sped up due the engineers that joined our city.

After bidding her farewell I immediately ran the device, at first I went 50G,

It quickly became a mistake my whole body weighed 50 times more but soon I adapted towards it, Doing some cardio I began to go through my stances and started my combo's.

My battle against 18 made me realize that my body is severely lacking over my mental abilities,

I felt my body couldn't keep up with my thoughts it became even worse after what I experience during the battle. Knowing what I was actually capable of, gave me an understanding where I could improve.