
Dragon Ball - A Saiyan's Fate

Ever since Zane was young, he often felt bored with life. It just seems as if everything and everyone around him sooner or later followed the same old, dull routine. It all just felt suffocating to him, knowing that this was a trap of something that was unavoidable. That was the reason why things like anime and manga appealed to him so much. For he felt that it was a means of escape from this world into one that is way more exciting and adventurous. He especially enjoyed animes like Dragon Ball as it was one of the very first animes he has ever watched. But at last met with his untimely demise, Zane is now being faced in front of a Goddess, lets's see what fate has in store for him now. ---------------------------------------- (A/N: Hello I am a completely new writer and this is my first ever time writing a Fan-Fiction, or any light novel to be exact. Please correct any inconsistencies with the story or just mistakes in grammar and spelling as I will be trying my best to fix them. Thanks!) Discord user: Asroon03#2832 Discord Server to ask questions and help me with some ideas: https://discord.gg/5bWHrt ======================= *Disclaimer!! I don't own any characters and series from Dragon Ball as those are from their respected owners, one being Akira Toriyama* *ALSO I DON'T OWN COVER ART AND IF THE OWNER WISHES ME TO REMOVE IT I WILL!*

Asroon03 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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12 Chs

Battle Between Born Prodigies! Pt.1

"Well, why didn't you say so earlier! Man Vegeta you really are an amazing jokester, geez what a funny guy! HAHA! Of course, I accept! I mean what kind of Saiyans turns down a FIGHT!" Zukai said with a beaming smile as he laughs off what he mentioned before.

All three other Saiyans that were present had dumbfounded looks on their faces as they contemplated what the hell was wrong with this guy.

'Does he have a mental disorder? Is he Bipolar or something, just a second ago he adamantly refused the challenge but now he's laughing it off and calling me a jokester!' Vegeta was thinking about the bizarre behavior this Saiyan was exerting.

'These past few years I had never seen my brother like this. What has happened for him to act like this?' Zucchi thought as she is learning something new about him everyday.

"By the way, when will the challenge take place, the sooner the better," Zukai said, changing his tone to his upbeat attitude to the prince. Seeing his facial expression change again this just confirmed it to everyone else that there is something wrong with him.

"As much as I want to defeat you and get it over with, the rules say otherwise." Vegeta spoke as he resumed his cocky attitude, "The battle will happen at the end of the year per traditions. We will have an arena set up by then so the whole planet can see me win!"

"In a year, huh." Zukai thought as he looked back at the time limit for the mission. "It seems the system knew that the fight would happen at the end of the year, interesting."

[Does Host desire a countdown till the fight with Vegeta?]

'Yeah why not,' thought Zukai as he saw nothing wrong with this suggestion

[Starting countdown till fight with Vegeta]

Just then System started a timer for the showdown with Vegeta.

[364 days, 54 mins, 37sec]

"You better cherish your time you have as my equal because that won't last for long. Now get out of my way!" Vegeta said as he walked past Zukai alongside Nappa. He decided to take it further as he tried to bump into Zukai's shoulder, but what happened next surprised him as the moment he made contact with his shoulder he was met with a powerful force. The prince soon fell on his back to the ground, he looked up to see Zukai pondering about something as he finally looked down at him.

"What are you doing on the floor? And what was it you were saying before, sorry I wasn't really paying attention." Zukai looks at Vegeta with confusion as if he didn't notice at all that Vegeta tried to get past him while brushing shoulders.

'What the hell, my shoulder hurts. It felt like I tried to ram it into a wall!' Vegeta voiced in his mind what the pain felt like. He then got up to storm away with Nappa who just stayed quiet at this time because he was afraid of angering the prince more than he already is.

"Well, I guess it wasn't that important. Come on Zucchi lets go." Zukai called Zucchi as he already started walking off on his own. Zucchi already had enough surprises today so she just continued as she just wanted to go home.

With everyone gone the Royal Training room was empty and all the lights were turned off. In the darkness, a long-haired figure slowly got up from the floor as it was holding the back of its neck which was still in pain.

"Argh, what the hell happened?" The figure was none other than Raditz as he barely woke up right now from Zukai's earlier attack.

"Where the hell is everyone? Did they all forget about me?!" The realization hit Raditz that everyone had left as he looked around to see a completely dark room.

End of the Year.....

Over the course of the next 12 months, Zukai has been going to the palace everyday with Zucchi to continue their training there. Zukai practiced training with weights but he made sure not to overexert his child's body, so he makes sure to take breaks regularly. During those rest, he would either be Image Training or teaching Zucchi on how to improve her technique and form.

Zucchi at first was skeptical about listening to her 3-year old brother with his pointers, but after trying one out she was surprised that it actually worked and it really helped. A little ashamed at first that her little brother was her mentor, she quickly put that behind her because it was better than what she was doing at first. I mean she was alone in the training in a sense that nobody had bothered to try and help her. Vegeta and the rest had Nappa's help but due to Nappa's hatred for Zukai, he didn't give Zucchi the time of day at all.

It was also around this time where Zukai and Zucchi learned of the mystery girl's name by Zucchi mentioning the girl to her parents during dinner. Both Ruga and Celan knew of the girl and explained that she is also an Elite-Class warrior born into another noble family. Her name was Kassa and they also told them that their families were not on good terms with each other because of some feud that happened years ago.

As the months flew by Zucchi saw a fast improvement in her overall power and techniques. She had even surpassed most of the kids besides Kassa and Vegeta. The other Saiyans saw how fast Zucchi was growing and instead of avoiding her they tried to get closer to her, but that didn't go so well as she still held a grudge about how they treated them at the start. Heck, even Raditz swallowed his pride and tried to at least mend their relationship, Zucchi pretended to not understand his plea.

The only ones who didn't care about Zucchi were Vegeta and Kassa as their attention was more on Zukai as he seemed to not do much of anything as he just sat in one place most of the day. Whenever Kassa and Vegeta were training, they couldn't help but feel irritated at Zukai's actions. Vegeta especially felt insulted because he felt that Zukai isn't taking their battle seriously, this further drove his passion to train as he really wanted to show Zukai that he is making a huge mistake.

Finally, the day of the battle came, and in a massive arena were huge crowds where Saiyans of all classes came to watch the fight. Fireworks and food stalls were everywhere, for them a fight this big was like a holiday. In the stands, one can see Freiza Soldiers and the Saiyans from Low-Class Saiyans to High-Class. While the King, noble families, and the Elite-Class Saiyans sat in their own personal booths. The King, of course, had his all high and mighty booth as a show of power to all while Zukai's family sat at a booth under him.

Everyone from the Royal Training room were in their own respected spots in the booths except for Raditz who was with Bardock and Gine in the stands. Zucchi was in the same booth as Ruga and Celan and directly next to them was Kassa with her parents in their booth. Kassa's parents had a wide grin on their faces as they could already guess the outcome of this battle, the same as the King and all the citizens as they all believed Vegeta would win. Kassa's family looked forward to this day as they believed the son of Ruga would be defeated, showing how weak Ruga's son was.

In the stands many discussions were running about as people began placing bets on who was going to win.

"My money is on the Prince's win!"

"Haha, Ruga's son has no chance in this fight! My money is also on the Prince!"

"Sure Zukai was born first but he had a weaker power level then the prince at birth, The outcome of this match is pretty obvious as the prince is going to easily win."

"Yea your right! The prince was born with a higher power then and it's very likely that his power is still higher!"

As the crowd was sitting there betting and awaiting the battle to begin, the King then raised his hand signaling for the stadium to be silent. Seeing the crowd die down the King ordered both gates to be opened to let the challengers enter.

Trumpets could be heard as the metal gates opened. Walking out first Zukai was met with a lot of boos, the people in the stands knew better than to cheer for Zukai in front of the King as they were afraid of the repercussions. The only cheers he heard were from his family, especially Zucchi as she yelled her lungs out cheering for him.

[Notice, over 99.9% of all onlookers are currently booing at Host.]

'Yeah, thanks for stating the obvious.' Zukai thought.

"From the west side we have Zukai, son of Ruga and Celan, the boy was born with tremendous power and is said to be equal with Prince Vegeta!" The announcer said.

After his short introduction, the prince entered the ring.

"And from the east side, the one the only Prince Vegeta, everyone give a round of applause!!!" The announcer said with more enthusiasm.

Immediately right after he stepped foot into the ring there was a deafening roar of cheers from everyone from the crowd.

"The royal prodigy, said to be born with a power level of 500!!!!!. Training everyday to strengthen himself as well as the image of the royal family this young boy is a force to be reckoned with. Two very promising young Saiyans, I wonder who will be victorious today." The last remark was sarcastic as the announcer also had his faith in the prince.

Vegeta couldn't care less about the cheers as his main objective here was to fight and defeat Zukai to show everyone that nobody was his equal. With a satisfactory smile, due to the cheers, the King ordered the gates to closed.

Looking behind him, Zukai saw the giant metal gates close and he was seemingly deep in thought over something.

'System what are the odds of me winning' Zukai thought.

[Odds of victory are 284 to 1]

"What's with that look were you hoping for a means of escape, Zukai." Vegeta noticed his gaze and said while keeping his arms folded.

"No, I was just feeling sorry for you as your only means of escape is gone," Zukai said with his usual carefree tone.

"Oh is that so, why don't we get started then," While clenching his fist Vegeta replied to Zukai as he got into his stance

"Fine by me." Zukai then took his typical fighter stance and faced his body towards Vegeta waiting for him to make his move.

"Well folks the long awaited moment has come, who will be the victor and claim the title of strongest. Let the match begin!!!!"

Vegeta making the first move he leaped towards Zukai with great speed aiming a fist to his head. Predicting such a move Zukai leaned back a little and simply held a hand out to catch the attack. When the fist connected with the hand Vegeta was shocked at how easily Zukai caught it.

The crowd went wild. "What's this, did Zukai catch an attack so easily!! Surely this must be some sort of fluke" Said the announcer unable to fathom what just happened.

"I can't believe he caught that punch"

"I thought he was weaker than the prince"

Doubts about the prince rose throughout the audience's minds.

Thinking quickly on what to do next the prince leaped to the side and prepared a kick to his ribs. Happy with the prince's actions Zukai shifted his body and caught the leg in between his arms. Vegeta, caught again by Zukai, started to feel furious that his opponent was toying with him as he used his other free leg and aimed at Zukai's head. But yet again Zukai used his left arm to block the attack.

"Yet again Zukai is blocking every attack like child's play" The announcer said.

"What the hell is this strength!! Is Zukai playing with the prince." As many watchers thought to themselves.

'Dammit, I need to break free from his hold!' Vegeta thought as his attempts to break free were denied. The prince then used his hands as he arched his back himself towards the ground to use this chance at an opportunity to flip his opponent. Feeling the momentum of Vegeta's body Zukai let go as the prince did a backward flip away from Zukai.

Trying to catch his breath Vegeta thought to himself, 'Hmm, he is only defending, perhaps his offense is lacking.' Trying to put logic into Zukai's strengths he made up his mind to let Zukai try offense.

"Hey enough playing around and come at me with all you got!" The prince while sweating shouted at Zukai.

"As you wish," Zukai replied as he then flew towards Vegeta with a swing.

Vegeta was quite astounded at the even greater speed Zukai showcased when he rushed towards him, but not letting that deteriorate him he made sure to keep his guard up. Vegeta upon the impact of the swing immediately felt his whole arm numb up as he went shooting backwards a couple of feet before stopping himself. He never expected that a mere swing could have so much force behind it.

The audience were shocked at the speed and power of Zukai's attack.

"What in the world, that attack was unbelievable, the power and speed were incredible, I barely saw what happened" The announcer just couldn't believe Zukai's strength.

"Is Zukai going to win"

"I can't believe it! No way the prince could lose!"

In one of the booths a young girl was cheering for Zukai. "Zukai I know you can do this, beat that stupid smug off that guy!!!" The voice came from Zucchi as her parents were calming her down.

'Unbelievable his offense is even better than his defense!' Vegeta quickly assessed the situation here as he was being outclassed in all aspects.

The match went on for about 10 minutes as blow for blow were being thrown. Naturally, Vegeta was getting overwhelmed by the onslaught as his power level at the moment was only 2,300, while Zukai on the other hand had a power level of around 26,000. Clearly feeling the vast difference between their power the prince was starting to get really bruised and tired as he couldn't handle much more of this.

"Vegeta is all bruised and his breaths are heavy, but Zukai hasn't taken a single hit yet. Is the prince finished?" Said the announcer who was devastated that the money he used to bet on the prince might be gone.

Zukai took notice of Vegeta's state and decided to put an end to this battle. He stopped attacking and backed up dozens of feet away. Vegeta looked at Zukai in confusion of what he was doing as he was surely about to win as he couldn't hold on for much longer.

The crowd was in awe at the display of the power of Zukai as he greatly outmatched the prince. They too were wondering why he would back off like that when victory was a few more punches away. In fact, every one from his parents to the King wondered what Zukai was thinking. But that all changed as they saw what Zukai did next.

Zukai lifted his hand towards the prince, a bright yellow light started to emit from his palm as a medium-sized sphere appeared out of thin air!

"What's this!!!!" Everyone from the stand to the announcer and even King alongside his nobel and elites were shocked at the sight of the light!


[Host Status

Name: Zukai (Zane)

Age: 3 years

Lifespan: 120 years

Race: Saiyan

Bloodline: Pure Blood Saiyan (Hyper-Elite Warrior Class)

Innate Skills: Born Prodigy in Ki and Martial Arts, Unlimited Potential

Skills: Ki Control(A), Saiyan Fighting Style(B+), Kung Fu(B+), Muay Tai(B+), Jujutsu(B+), Image Training(A), Ki Blast(C-)


SP Balance: 170,500

Power Level: Base (26,000)]

Sorry for missing yesterday's chapter I spent a LOT of time doing other things but to hopefully make it up to you guys I wrote a little bit longer chapter today this usual. Enjoy

Asroon03creators' thoughts