
Douluo Dalu: The Legend of the Dragón God of Dark Frost

In this story we will delve into a 16-year-old boy who, after dying due to an accident, a god gives him 3 wishes and is reincarnated as Douluo Dalu----- I do not own anything by Douluo dalu, all copyrights to Tang Jia San Shao, I only own my oc- Strong MC, no system, small harem, first novel as a writer, Au

GodOfPride_z · Livres et littérature
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49 Chs

Hidden Schemes

[Heaven Dou City]

On the streets of the empire's capital, a handsome young man, apparently around 16-17 years old, can be seen walking while he watches people go by.

This young man seemed to blend in with the crowd as if he did not exist. In one of the buildings in the city, there is a handsome blond-haired young man, and around him is a rather handsome, calm-looking man.

Looking at the young man who seemed to not exist, the blond young man is curious, and when he was about to try to feel his cultivation of him, a voice stops him. "As I was saying, the empire must start to take action, the spirit hall is up to something. They are too quiet."

Hearing the voice of his teacher, the young man sighed internally and spoke. "I understand master's concerns, but royal father only put me in charge of some not very important matters, even if I suggest it to him, it's up to him. Do you think he hasn't noticed? It is his disease that slows him down. He fears that the Spirit Hall will take advantage of this weakness of his, and attack. That's why he doesn't go out as much."

"I understand the Emperor's decision, but someone must rush things, so I'm talking to you, I trust you enough to tell you a secret." Telling the guard to move away, Ning Fengzhi senses the surroundings with her spiritual power, and He seriously looks at Xue Qinghe, the crown prince. "I recently found out from my daughter that there is a 12-year-old Spirit Emperor, I am afraid that this monster will be taken over by the Spirit Hall, so I sent my spies to look for it, and it seems that it is in this city"

Xue Qinghe, who was somewhat tired of hearing the "Master" from him, is surprised and sits firmly on the chair. "Master, you know that a genius like that is very dangerous, could you tell me if you have contacted him? If he falls into the hands of the Spirit Hall it will be catastrophic"

"Unfortunately, the last time we saw him was at the entrance to the city, after that there was no sign of him. I told my spies to look for some big move, and the only thing that happened was that a big spiritual barrier was set up around Blue Tyrant Academy, so we assume that Liu Erlong brought a clan expert from him. He wanted to look for more information, but he was afraid that he would be found, so he withdrew." Ning Fengzhi was worried, as he was afraid that the Spirit Hall would get a future Limit Douluo, or even more, who knows what that boy is capable of.

Qian Renxue was quite impressed by what Ning Fengzhi said, since if so, the boy probably has an innate power of 20 because there's no way he could cultivate from level 10 that fast.

"That's very worrying, I'll go talk to the royal father about this, thank you very much for telling me teacher, goodbye" Qian Renxue stands up, and leaves quickly since she wants to tell this to his grandfather.

In the silent room, a white silhouette suddenly appears, accompanied by a black one, and they sit at the table with Ning Fengzhi. "Are you sure about this Fengzhi? You know how things are in the royal family, this could lead to various conflicts"

The one who spoke was the white silhouette, which was Sword Doluo, Chen Xin. And next to him is the other Title Douluo of the Nine Treasure Glazed Clan, Gu Rong.

"I know what it might produce, but Xue Qinghe is the one most likely to be the Emperor. And this will help us establish an even better relationship, since I am his teacher by name, we don't talk much. And with the empire's networks, we could find him faster." Although he knew there were some risks that they might want to keep for themselves or some other wicked thing, Ning Fengzhi preferred that Aotian stay with his ally and not the Spirit Hall.

[Blue Tyrant Academy]

Aotian didn't know what was happening because of him, and he was simply walking quietly through the academy, watching the classes, how people trained, and the combats.

Some buildings were being remodeled, and he was planning to completely change the academy. Making the Interior and Exterior Patios. But the interiors would be in the sect, only that the public would be told that it is here.

It was more than anything so that it doesn't happen like in the Shrek Academy in DD3, where they sent 2 God Killer ammunition.

Arriving at the secluded place where his friends are, Aotian can see that only Zhuqing, Hongjun, and Wu Ming are there.

"Hey guys, where are the others?" Waving at them, Aotian asks about the others, since although Tong is not here, Mengqin should be.

"Hello boss, Mengqin was in his workshop, and Tong is meditating on the hill, he says it's more calming" Wu Ming responds to Aotian, while he continues to endure Hongjun's blows.

Hongjun needed to learn how to control his new flame, and Wu Ming was learning how to react to attacks from long and close range, as well as from the sky, so it was a win-win.

"OK, I will go to look for Mengqin and you call Tong, I have something important to give you" Aotian runs off to his workshop, thinking about what Mengqin was doing.

Arriving at the workshop, Aotian walks in and sees Mengqin sleeping on a table of papers.

Approaching Mengqin, Aotian sees the papers and realizes that they are the half-soul circuits that he had made. They were complete now, and they looked pretty good. Surprised, Aotian stares at the paper for a while and then moves Mengqin a bit to wake her up.

"Love, wake up" Although it had been a short time since he was paired with Mengqin, her presence calmed him down a lot, and he grew to love her very much. In his previous life, he did not have many friends and less of a partner.

"Hmm, Aotian?" Mengqin wakes up slowly and rubs his eyes a bit because he had some blemishes.

"Yes, it's me, I came back, what were you doing in the workshop?" Aotian massages his shoulders while asking what he is doing here, although he already has some doubts.

"Oh, about that, my clan had some scrolls on this, so I just completed them," Mengqin tells him quietly, as he relaxes from the massages.

"I didn't know about that. When we go looking for your spirit soul, can we stop by and see if there are any of those scrolls? I've been trying to do this for months." Aotian was somewhat annoyed, since if he asked Mengqin he would have saved weeks of work.

"Okay, but I don't know if they're still there" Mengqin was about to go back to sleep when she felt that she was lifted, and felt that her head was resting on a big chest.

"Come on, I have something important to show you together with the boys." Aotian was speaking, when he feels Mengqin go back to sleep. "Ahh, why would she be so tired?"


What did you think of the interactions of the secondary characters? She tried to show that the cannon was being changed much more, without the protagonist knowing.

Today I was very addicted to a game, and I was too lazy to write the second chapter, I swear I'll upload it tomorrow hahaha.