
Douluo’s Stealing the Ten Thousand Realms System!

Tang San: Thief, return my Eight Spider Lances! Return my fairy grass! Why can’t my Blue Silver Grass awaken as the Blue Silver Emperor? Xiao Yan: Which thief stole my strange fire! Castan: Who stole Feiyan’s heart? I am pleased in every way, but she is indifferent! Tian Yan: Father, when will you come back to see me and mother again! Li Xingyun: Shouldn’t the empress like me? Sasuke: Return my Nissan’s writing wheel! Hello, I am not the original author, I loved this novel very much, I wanted to share it for those who have not seen it and those who do not know. I don't own anything about this novel and the characters. Note; I do not expect any income from this novel. Original: https://www.mtlnovel.com/douluos-stealing-the-ten-thousand-realms-system/ https://m.qidian.com/book/1025142158.html Author: Fried green pepper with egg

Taddena · Anime et bandes dessinées
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450 Chs

Wedding Night

In the evening, Gui Guzi was the witness, under the witness of Gai Nie, Wei Zhuang, Xuan Jian, Wei Xianxian, Jing Liu and others. The clan is married to Concubine Yan.

When the clan was happy, he took out more than ten jars of 100-year-old soul wine, and fought for the strength of the wine with everyone. Except for Guiguzi who left early and Wei Xianxian who was taking care of the children, everyone was rarely drunk.

The first floor of the Soul Guidance Villa is solely used to receive guests. There are two rooms with a kitchen and a hall outside. It covers an area of ​​nearly 200 square meters.

The mask on the second floor of the villa is slightly smaller, with three bedrooms and one living room, and each room has its own bathroom. The marriage room of the clan and concubine Yan is in the master bedroom on the second floor. The startled salamander temporarily lives in the guest room on the first floor.

On the second floor, the clan dressed in ancient wedding attire and slowly entered the wedding room.

On the wedding bed that the Soul Guidance Device came with, Concubine Yan sat quietly with the bride's red hijab.

The whole body's soul power circulated, and the Jiu Jin instantly dissipated, and slowly walked towards Concubine Yan. He didn't want to smell of alcohol, drunk and the bridal chamber with scarlet smoke.

Open the opening, revealing the beautiful face of Concubine Yan.

"Goo." The clan didn't hold back and swallowed fiercely. Can't help but say: "It's so beautiful."

Concubine Yan sneered, he was amused by the clan's expression.

"Why did your husband keep looking at me?" Yan Fei said shyly.

Although she is still very shy, she can see that she is very happy now.

The clan took Concubine Yan into his arms, pressed her cheeks against her forehead, and said softly: "Fei Yan, it is my greatest luck to marry you in this world in this life."

Concubine Yan nodded gently, "It is my greatest happiness to meet you in this life. I now know that what you said to me was true. For you, I am willing to sacrifice anyone, including myself. Jun Worry me, I am happy. If anyone dares to hurt you in the future, I will not let her go."

Hearing that, the clan really didn't know whether to be happy or cry. This is really a woman with deep affection. In the original work, the scumbag of castration Dan doesn't know how to cherish it!

With a flash of golden light in his hand, the clan took out a black brocade box from the storage space of the system and handed it to Concubine Yan.

The clan pretended to be mysterious and said: "This is the second gift I gave you. Guess what will be inside?"

"I don't know." Concubine Yan shook her head. She didn't care about the gifts, what she cared about was being able to stay with the clan for the rest of her life.

Clan said: "Open it and take a look."

Concubine Yan did not doubt that he had him, raised her hand to open the brocade box, and three quaint pills came into view, "What is this?"

The clan solemnly said: "This is the elixir of life. After taking her, you will always maintain your current beauty and youth. Even if you live for thousands of years, there will be no problem."

As for the side effects, they have been ignored by the clan. The only drawback of the longevity medicine is that after the destruction of the heavenly star, the energy of the longevity medicine entering the human body will also be sucked away, but this is not a mythical world, and there is no heavenly star at all. So there is no such problem.

"I am immortal, how is this possible--" Concubine Yan exclaimed, revealing incredulous eyes.

Rao had to be shocked because of her calmness. Although she had seen records about longevity medicine in the classics collected by the Yin Yang family, she didn't believe it at all. Birth, old age, sickness and death, the cycle of heaven and earth. This is the truth that has not changed for thousands of years.

Clan said: "Don't you believe it?"

Concubine Yan shook her head and said, "No, if it's someone else, I won't believe it, but if it's you, I firmly believe it."

While talking, Concubine Yan picked up an elixir and ate it. Suddenly, a ray of white light appeared on her body.

The clan smiled indifferently, and said softly: "How do you feel."

"Yeah! I feel very good. Now my body is more relaxed than ever before, as if I have the strength to make it impossible." Yan Fei said with joy. Immediately he looked at the clan, showing expectant eyes, "Hurry up, husband, eat too!"

She was worried that the clan did not take the longevity medicine, and only left her in this world a hundred years later. That's not as good as the two grow old together.

The clan smiled faintly, the writing wheel opened his eyes, and looked at Concubine Yan. Through illusion, the clan conveyed his affairs in Douluo Continent to Concubine Yan's mind. Of course, the relationship with Zhu Zhuqing and Xiao Wu has not been said yet, otherwise it is estimated that Concubine Yan will kick him out of the wedding room on the spot.

After a long silence, Concubine Yan woke up from the shock, and the message the clan conveyed to her was too shocking. No wonder Donghuang Taiyi said that someone out of fate came to this world, but he couldn't see through it.

Concubine Yan looked at the clan, her eyes full of tenderness and worry, "So your real name is clan, and you belong to another world Douluo continent. You can cultivate into a **** at the highest level, and you will live forever."

The clan nodded, "No matter what, I will always be the blue in your mind."

"Husband, can you not go back? You can live forever after taking this longevity medicine. I don't want you to be in danger." Concubine Yan grabbed the clan's palm and placed it on her cheek, pleading.

There is a knowing smile on the clan's face. With this wife, how can the husband ask for it!

Wiping the tears from the corners of Concubine Yan's eyes, the clan put Concubine Yan into his arms, and said softly: "Don't worry, I won't die. Besides, I have an advantage in that world that no one else in the world has. Even if it's dangerous, I will You can also use the previous teleportation secret technique to directly teleport to you, even the gods can't keep me."

Hearing this, Concubine Yan's mood was relieved a lot, "Then you are not allowed to dismiss me, and you are not allowed to go outside to find a vixen."

At this time, Concubine Yan still has the original dignified and elegant temperament, and she has become a little wife who is afraid of her husband's derailment.

The clan squeezed Concubine Yan's small white chin and kissed it directly, "I just don't want myself, and I won't want you."

With the removal of one piece of clothing on their bodies, the two began to have intimate physical contact, and finally merged into one body, regardless of each other... I wanted to write it down, but recently it was too strict. If you are not careful, you will become a Title Douluo. I'm afraid of accidents when driving, so I have time to write a special extra, let's post it in the sheep!

That night, the clan of evolved from a boy to a man, and Yan Fei also changed from a girl Rui to a woman.

The ancients said that there were four great joys in life: long droughts and nectars, strange encounters in other places, wedding nights in the bridal chamber, and the time of inscriptions on the gold list.

Nowadays, someone in our clan has already "Buddle Night". Due to limited energy, I decided not to take the other three happy events. I just want to "Bridal Night" a few more times.

On the second day, although it was three poles in the sun, neither of them meant to get up.

In the wedding room, Concubine Yan lay quietly in the arms of the clan.

At this time, neither of them was wearing any clothes, and only covered with a layer of quilt.

Squeezing the blushing face of Concubine Yan Yan, the clan smiled and said, "Madam, haven't you woken up yet?"

Hearing that, Concubine Yan also knew that she had been pretending to be asleep. She gave her a white look and her pretty face was flushed, "Huh! Who is your husband? You tossed people so late last night, you are a dog! You can't get enough to eat."