
Douluo’s Stealing the Ten Thousand Realms System!

Tang San: Thief, return my Eight Spider Lances! Return my fairy grass! Why can’t my Blue Silver Grass awaken as the Blue Silver Emperor? Xiao Yan: Which thief stole my strange fire! Castan: Who stole Feiyan’s heart? I am pleased in every way, but she is indifferent! Tian Yan: Father, when will you come back to see me and mother again! Li Xingyun: Shouldn’t the empress like me? Sasuke: Return my Nissan’s writing wheel! Hello, I am not the original author, I loved this novel very much, I wanted to share it for those who have not seen it and those who do not know. I don't own anything about this novel and the characters. Note; I do not expect any income from this novel. Original: https://www.mtlnovel.com/douluos-stealing-the-ten-thousand-realms-system/ https://m.qidian.com/book/1025142158.html Author: Fried green pepper with egg

Taddena · Anime et bandes dessinées
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Tang San Enters the Moon Pavilion

Standing at the gate of the city, looking at the letter and map in his hand, Tang San felt relieved for a while, this was left to him by his father Tang Ritian.

  After he left the Killing Capital, he rushed to the place where he had agreed to meet with his father Tang Ritian.

  As a result, Tang Ritian had already left, leaving behind only a letter, a hammer token with the word Hao engraved on it, and a map.

  In the letter, Tang Ritian confessed: If Tang San didn't see him after he came out. He took the token and map to Tiandou City to find a place called Yuexuan, that was his sister Tang Yuehua, the noble training institution opened by Tang San's aunt, Tang Yuehua could help Tang San to calm down the huge murderous aura he had accumulated in his body. At that time, he will go to Yuexuan to find Tang San.

  Holding the envelope in his hand, Tang San smiled, because he could see his father Tang Ritian soon.

  Walking into the city, Tang San immediately attracted the attention of many passers-by.

  Ordinary appearance, a slightly sallow face, unkempt long hair, a faint blood light in his eyes, a long scar from Tang San's left forehead, across the bridge of his nose, and slashed to the right face, looking extremely ferocious and terrifying . Especially the slaughtering aura that was exuding from everything around him, making it hard to not notice.

  At this moment, a city guard in the distance noticed Tang San, "Who is that over there standing up and talking about you! That guy in black cloth."

  "What's the matter?" Hearing this, Tang San turned around and took it off. He was wearing a black hood and said coldly to the soldiers of the city defense army who were walking towards him.

  "Damn it—" Seeing Tang San turn around, the soldiers of the city defense army jumped a lot, looking too ugly! Especially the scar on his face, how much hatred can he cut like this.

  "It's alright, let's go! I almost thought you killed Tang San of His Royal Highness Xue Beng two years ago, be careful in the future, don't be so mysterious, wearing a black robe in the daytime, covering yourself tightly To be honest, those who didn't know thought you were a wanted criminal!"

  It's no wonder that the soldiers of the City Guards couldn't recognize Tang San. Two years later, Tang San not only continued to have long hair, but also grew a lot taller, and even his face changed greatly because of the scars. Hard to recognize him.

  "I see." Tang San nodded slowly, and subconsciously touched the scar on his face, a hint of resentment appeared in his already cold eyes.

  This scar is more than two months ago, when Tang San participated in the Slaughtering Capital Hell Slaughtering Field match, because of a sudden intense anxiety in his heart, he lost his mind for a while, and was left behind by the last opponent's dying counterattack at the cost of his life. of.

  Tang San was not a healing spirit master, and there was no healing spirit master willing to treat him in the Slaughter Capital, and even if there was, he wouldn't trust him. Relying only on the healing experience left by the Tang Sect in his previous life and the special healing medicine he prepared, it took more than half a month to heal. But it also left a terrifying scar.

  Whenever he touched this scar, Tang San hated to the bottom of his heart the killing city, the Spirit Hall, and the two killing gods who destroyed the hell road half a year ago. If it wasn't for them, he wouldn't have ended up in such a situation.

  Glancing at the notices on the bulletin column at the gate of the city, even if they were a hundred meters away, Tang San could still see the contents clearly with the help of the Purple Demon Eyes. It was a wanted order for him and his father Tang Ritian.

  Accusation - Tang San: Killing Xue Beng, the prince of the Heaven Dou Empire. Tang Ritian: Intended to kill Xue Qinghe, Prince of Heaven Dou Empire, and injured Prince Xue Xing.

  Seeing this scene, Tang San secretly swore in his heart: the hatred of frame, the hatred of chasing and killing, the hatred of insulting his father, he, Tang San, must take revenge, destroy the Heaven Dou Empire, and drive them all out.

  Following the map's instructions, walking straight to the downtown area of ​​Tian Dou City, Tang San stopped in front of a five-story building.

  This is a small building with a slightly quaint overall architectural style, and the first impression is elegant. On the plaque above the gate, there are two simple characters - Yuexuan.

  Just standing in front of this small building, Tang San felt his nervous nerves relax a lot.

  "Is this the Yuexuan set up by my aunt? It's really extraordinary." Tang San praised secretly in his heart.

  Walking towards Yuexuan, just like in the original novel, Tang San was stopped by the second general Heng Ha at the door of Yuexuan as soon as he walked to the door.

  "I'm sorry, Yuexuan doesn't accept guests with disheveled clothes and indecent appearance."

  Tang San frowned, because of the hideous scar on his face, he doesn't look very good-looking now, but he is definitely not a small concierge. Can be ridiculed. Immediately, he stepped forward and looked up at the two handsome young men who were blocking his way. An icy and piercing voice spit out from his mouth, "God's eyes are low on people, get out of the way." As he spoke

  , a murderous aura that seemed to be substantive came from his mouth. It exploded on him. This is the murderous aura he accumulated from killing thousands of people in the capital of slaughter.

  Although it is impossible to increase itself and weaken the enemy like the Killing God Domain, it can still be done by enhancing one's own momentum. Those two young people were just ordinary people, not even spirit masters, how could they resist the murderous aura that Tang San had accumulated by killing thousands of people in the capital of slaughter.

  Feeling the murderous aura emanating from Tang San's body, the two young men fell back subconsciously, their footsteps unsteady, and they sat down on the ground with a tragic expression on their faces.

  "Ah—ghost—he's a devil." The two handsome young men stumbled all the way, got up after falling, and hurriedly crawled towards the stairs.

  On Tang San, they seemed to return to the feeling of facing the clan at the beginning.

  Of course, the former is far inferior to the latter.

  Tang San didn't pay any attention to them, and strode into this Yuexuan.

  Walking into the first floor of Yuexuan, around Yingbi, it is a hall. As soon as you enter, a faint fragrance blows on your face.

  It was the beautiful girl who received the clan half a year ago. When she saw Tang San coming in, a trace of surprise flashed in her eyes, a person so ugly and dressed so strangely, no matter in appearance or temperament, no matter how he looked, he didn't look like a single person. Good man, how did you get into Yuexuan? Could it be that the concierge is blind?

  The delicate girl's slender eyebrows wrinkled, and she asked tentatively, "You are."

  Tang San took out the hammer token engraved with the word Hao that Tang Ritian handed over to him, and said indifferently: "Give this to you Xuanzhu, and say that the old friend will visit later." The

  beautiful girl looked at Tang San deeply. At a glance, perhaps influenced by Tang San's icy and biting emotion, the girl's expression changed slightly, took the hammer token, nodded slowly, and said, "Okay, wait a minute. I'll report to you like this. ."

  As she said that, the beautiful woman walked upstairs quickly along the stairs next to her.