129 Return! Witness of the Myth!

Translator: Atlas Studios Éditeur: Atlas Studios

The piece of spider silk was lustrous and translucent, emitting an aura that did not belong to this world. Even space seemed to warp because of it as the heretical and strange aura spread.

Yuna had been concentrating her energy earlier to resist the invasion of the God of Evil's aura. Hence, she was not aware of Link's little trick.

Seeing this piece of spider silk now, she couldn't help but part her red lips slightly. Surprise was written all over her holy face!

"This is…" Yuna shut her mouth timely. Existences at the tier of the gods couldn't be comprehended, deduced, or have their names mentioned. Doing any of this could attract their attention.

Link did not explain further. He only nodded lightly, indicating his affirmation.

Yuna was even more shocked in her heart. It was as though a huge rock—weighing 1,000 jin—had been thrown into the lake that was her heart, stirring up a great splash!


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