
Don Pillar

Having fallen in love with a man, An angelic being was sentenced to hades as an eternal punishment from the eternal ones for mingling with the affairs of mankind. Her offspring would grow up as a Demi Angel, carrying both angelic and human DNA in his body. Learning about his mother's fate in hades, he would wretch havoc on the earth and attempt to wage war with the eternal ones

Princewill_Nwannah · Fantaisie
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11 Chs


Derek inserted the key into its lock with a little twist, and the lock opened. He swung the door of the locket wide open, got some notebooks and stuffed them into his backpack. As he was about to lock his locker, his eyes locked with something. He looked further and figured it was a letter, with lots of cartoon drawings and emojis on it.

"He is reading it", Benita whispered to Tahila who hid behind her. She quickly popped out her head from the end corner of the hallway and spotted her prey.

"Stop hiding Tahila. Go and meet him", Benita urged her. Tahila protested. "I don't want him to see me. "He's still mad, I know it ". She replied. "But are you sure he will accept it?" She asked Benita

"I'm confident he will. You didn't mean to slap Jim and that's that" replied Benita. Derek quickly read through the letter and frowned at how short it was. After a moment, he squeezed it and slipped it into his pocket. Tahila frowned at Benita, looking very disappointed.

"At least he didn't throw it into the trash bin. He probably will want to read it again in class", Benita quickly replied, encouraging her. They both watched as Derek closed his locker and walked to the classroom. He dumped the letter into the trash bin that stood outside the class and walked in.

"Oh, come on! "Benita growled.

"How could he? Who does he even think he is?" She fired angrily. Tahila gave a weak smile and pulled her friend away. "Come on Benita. We have catering class now". They both walked away disappointed. Derek quickly settled beside his brother after seeing Mr. Ike's irritation at his late arrival. He quickly got out his note and jotted as Mr. Ike wrote on the big whiteboard. Honor entered five minutes later.

"Stop right in your tracks. Where are you coming from?" Mr. Ike asked, angrily.

"From the hostel sir. I overslept", Honor replied sharply.

"And why's that?" Mr. Ike asked again. Honor gave no reply. Mr. Ike angrily projected his writing marker at Honor. The marker made an impact with his right eye, causing Honor to yell. Mr. Ike showed no concern because he took another marker from his pocket and continued writing on the large board. Honor's instant scream automatically got Biggie from the land of dreams.

"Who is shouting? What happened?" Biggie asked, cleaning his eyes.

"Honor. Mr. Ike threw a marker at him and it impacted his right eye", Emeka sitting beside him replied. Honor held his eyes in pain and rage. You are weak! Weak! Weak!! Weak!!! Wake up. Erek's voice rang in his head. Honor bent down and reached for the same marker and projected it back at Mr. Ike. The hit was clean, knocking his glasses off. Students abounded and busted into laughter. Mr. Ike held his head in pain and embarrassment.

"How dare you?!" Mr. Ike reached for a long thick meter rule on a close by student's table and rushed Honor. He swung with full momentum, breaking it off on Honor's body. Honor retaliated with a kick at Mr. Ike's stomach, followed by a clean uppercut. Students in the classroom screamed in excitement as the fight raged on. Honor got on top of him and gave blow after blow. For some strange reason to Honor, Mr. Ike's counterstrikes went very slow. The screaming of students brought other male teachers to run into the classroom. They quickly got Honor off Mr. Ike and seized him. It took five men to force Honor onto his knees. One of those teachers was Mr. Philip, a very strict hot-headed disciplinarian even the most troublesome students feared. Mr. Ike stood up again, his nose bleeding and his white t-shirt stained with his blood. Seeing Honor was defenseless and well-held by the other teachers, he quickly rushed Honor and delivered punches right to his face. Honor yelled out angrily and quickly released himself from the tight grip and hurled himself at Mr. Ike. A long wooden plank smashed against his head from behind knocking him out hard. He staggered to the ground as his face came smashing against the ground. He keyed still on the ground as a pool of blood quickly soaked his head and covered his face and spread across where he lay. Honor's classmate watched in horror and let out screams as Mr. Philip dropped the heavy wooden plank, fear gripping his entire body. Mr. Philip slowly kicked Honor but no response came. Other teachers stared at Mr. Philip in horror and didn't move a muscle. The twins made the first move and ran to Honor, brushing past the irresponsible teachers. Erek quickly grabbed Honor and turned him sideways while Derek unbuttoned his t-shirt and wrapped it around Honor's head to contain the bleeding. Erek was frightened as he saw Honor's face all covered with thick blood.

"Quickly get your car ready, we need to get him to the hospital. There's a large cut on his head. Pray, he makes it unless you are doomed", Derek yelled angrily. Mr. Philip and others acted swiftly. Mr. Philip ran to get his car ready while others helped the twins carry Honor to the car. Once Honor was inside the car unconscious, other male teachers hopped in too as Mr. Philip inserted the keys and drove out of the school compound. Students all gathered outside to watch as they drove around. The bell rang for a free period almost immediately. The news of the event spread like wildfire almost immediately. All the teachers were seen trooping to the principal's office. Tahila wore a confused look as she walked back to her class after catering classes. She quickly saw Derek in the front row as she walked into class. She marveled silently as she noticed he was without his uniform t-shirt and only had his vest on. She moved straight to him.

"Derek", Tahila said, standing in front of him. "Is it true, concerning Honor?" She asked.

"Yes", Derek quickly replied, his mood changed as he laid eye contact with her.

"Expecting someone else?" Tahila noticed and pointed quickly.

"Only my brother", he replied, still reading the novel he held.

"So…" Tahila started. "I heard you were present during the whole altercation", Tahila continued. Derek gave no reply except flipping off a new page of his novel. Tahila quickly snatched the book from him.

"Hey! I was reading that", Derek said. He quickly rose to take it back, stretching his hands to grab it but Tahila drew it back.

"And I was talking to you", she said. He pulled at her once again very quickly and caught her. He held her hands and pulled her close to him, just inches away from his face. He felt the warmth of her hands, the softness of her skin and the scent of the perfume she wore.

"Smart collection", Derek said, taking a sniff at her neck and locked back his eyes on her.

"Derek…", Tahila whispered nervously trapped in his arms. The classroom door swung open and Erek emerged, with Benita snuck up behind him. He froze and almost had Benita bump him from behind as his eyes caught Tahila in Derek's arm. The soda drink he held slid through his loose grip and fell to the ground. He turned around to leave and rammed right into Benita. His eyes locked with hers. Benita could see the river of sadness all flooded in his eyes for a few seconds before he finally walked off. Tahila shrugged herself off Derek's grip as Benita picked up the drink and walked right into the classroom.

"Hey people", Benita approached them. "I'm sure he wanted you to have this", she added, passing it to him. He took it, whipped the seal open and gushed the whole thing down. Benita silently marveled and watched as his Adam's apple juggled to and fro.

"He was all covered in blood", Tahila said, sitting down.

"That's Honor's. We carried him to the car. I got rid of my stained uniform. Apparently, Erek didn't", Derek said and tossed the empty can to the waste bin at the far end of the class. It hit the ring of the basket and soon after settled into it. Derek smiled, very pleased with himself.

"I pray he makes it", Tahila said, a bit worried.

''He wouldn't die. Trust me. I know the guy. He's strong", Derek assured her with a gentle pat on her shoulder. Benita silently watched as the two interacted and soon after figured out the love drama Tahila had gotten herself


* * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * *

The fog was as thick and white as cotton batting, and it hugged the windows beside Honor's bed. The fog was nothing unusual at St. Patrick's Hospital, but for the past seven days of Honor's arrival, it had not cleared once. Like living inside a cloud, the nurses said. They were nights when Mr. Henry thought he could actually feel the fog rolling in outside the window, cutting them off from the rest of the hospital. He had trouble sleeping on those nights. It was more than the fog keeping him awake on this early June night. However, Mr. Henry tried from side to side on his bed, bunching his pillows up beneath his bed, then flattening them again, wondering, as he had for the past couple of days, if Honor had used his powers accidentally out of rage. The next morning was different. No fog. Nothing. Honor slowly regained consciousness on the bed. He questioned himself why he was on a hospital bed with drips injected in his right hand. He sat up and was about to get down when a voice familiar to him spoke up.

"Easy Honor. Easy. Relax my son, you have been out for the past seven days", Mr. Henry spoke. His eyes locked on Honor

"Grandpa…", Honor said, weakly. His eyes were still heavy and his body weary. Mr. Henry stood up and moved to him. He gently relaxed Honor against the head of the bed. "How are you feeling? '', Mr. Henry asked. He pushed a button on a controller and an alarm sound went off. A few seconds in, a doctor and a few nurses trooped in.

"Not too well", Honor replied as the Doctor checked his heartbeat. The doctor looked uncomfortable as he jotted into his note.

"I've never seen anything like this in my life. Everything seems okay, his heartbeat, pulses, everything is just perfect like a newborn baby", the doctor finally spoke. Mr. Henry smiled to himself. He's a demi angel. What are you expecting? Mr. Henry thought.

"My head aches ", Honor said, his hands touching his head wrapped around with a bandage.

"I'm onto it", the doctor replied. He moved to the tray one of the nurses held and selected a syringe full of liquid substance and moved to the drip that had hung.

"You will be okay after now", the doctor added. He injected the syringe into the bag and pressed against the cap, forcing the liquid into the drip. At the doctor's command, the nurses exited the room, leaving behind two men and Honor to discuss. Grandpa dipped his hands into a nearby suitcase and brought out a fat envelope. He handed it to the doctor.

"Thank you, sir. But that's unnecessary ", the doctor kindly rejected. "You guys don't accept tips? Mr. Henry asked.

"We do actually-------

"Then take it as a big thank you from my family for saving our boy. You genuinely wanted to save my boy and put in all your efforts to do so. This is not just thank you but a reward for hard work.", Mr. Henry insisted. Convinced Mr. Henry won't take no for an answer, he gave in and took the envelope. After sharing his appreciation, he left the room. Mr. Henry stared at his grandson and broke the awkward silence.

"Do you remember anything?" He asked.

Honor struggled to give a response. "I remember getting into a fight –

"With Mr. Ike, who's supposed to be your E-maintenance teacher, am I right?"

"It's not what it looks like."

"What does?"

Honor couldn't answer. He tried to formulate one but his brain wasn't just cooperating with him at this point.

"I also remember something else…."

"No, we are talking about why you got into a fight with your teacher…."

"When I was blacked out, I found myself in an underworld full of vile and vicious creatures that could frighten the daylight out of you. But for some reason, I saw…" Honor's voice trailed off as tears filled his eyes. Mr. Henry paid close attention, his mind totally forgetting about the previous discussion.

"A pure holy angel in chains. She was just weeping and sobbing heavily in those large chains that held her hanging in the air. Some creatures, some six-foot tall and twelve foot tall all around her laughing and tormenting her", Honor added. Mr. Henry froze as his mind tormented him that one of the holy angels had briefed him on Mercy's punishment.

"She's calling my name", Honor looked at his grandpa. "She called me her son"

"What did she say to you", Mr. Henry said, tears welling up in his eyes. For a moment, Honor said nothing and bent his head. His eyes began to glow, this time around red.

"Everything! " Honor screamed out. A loud thunder roared in the atmosphere outside the hospital. The Shockwave from his scream sent Mr. Henry flying against the wall and the window exploded into thousands of micro glasses. A strong wind intruded the open window and circulated Honor, levitating him in the air. The whole hospital shook as strong winds smashed against it from all angles. Doctors and nurses were scrambling down the hallway to get to safety, some being thrown off their feet out of shock.

"Honor, I can explain-------"

"You lied to me! You lied about everything!" Honor yelled. His big black wings sprouted out his back.

"We tried to protect you", Mr. Henry cried out, fighting against the wind to approach Honor. "Your existence is not meant to be, you have divine powers if left unchecked will turn earth into a wasteland. At the same time, you can be its savior. What happened to my daughter, your mother, was unfortunate and she's under punishment by the eternal ones", Mr. Henry added. This statement made Honor flare up even more.

"If they punish someone, let them punish me. Not an innocent person. I forbid the eternal ones. They should go ahead and cast their worthless laws and commandments into the sea. I will destroy earth in retaliation for what they did to my mother and then I'll come after them all'', Honor's voice echoed. Levitating into the air, Honor busted through the concrete walls of the hospital and flew out

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Derek squeezed the necklace in his palm as he was consumed by deep thoughts. Could she be the one? Derek thought. He finally decided to confront Tahila. He made a promise to a dying man and he wasn't going to break it. The school was over for the day, and students were going home while the borders retreated to their hostels. From the hallway where he stood, he saw Tahila in the class, packing her books into her bag and preparing to go home.

"I need to talk to you. It's very urgent", Derek said as he approached her in the classroom. Tahila looked up and saw the seriousness in his eyes.

"Okay, go on. I'm all ears", Tahila said, sitting down.

"Okay. I don't know how to start. I only need you to be very sincere with me because whatever I'm about to say right now, will determine your future. Derek said and paused. What does he want to tell me? Tahila thought with keen interest. She nodded affirmatively.

"The mark on your shoulder, what does it mean? How did you get it?" Derek asked. Tahila felt her head go blank.

Tahila whispered silently, feeling Why was he so much bothered about some stupid birthmark? I was prepared to hear him ask me out on a date. Tahila thought silently.

"I don't know how I got the mark. It's been there since I was born, I guess. Tahila replied. Derek doubted her answer because he began opening his uniform t-shirt. Tahila felt her face go red as his shirt was uncovered and his singlet sparkling as white as ever. He tucked his hand into his singlet, brought out a necklace and handed it to her.

"Do you recognize this?" Derek asked. At first, it looked like any normal common necklace until------- her eyes widened in disbelief.

"I've seen this necklace before. It was in a picture my mom hid in her safe", Tahila responded. "I also have this exact necklace at home in my makeup kit's wardrobe. Derek's interest and attention increased.

"The picture, who was in the picture?"

"Um… I suppose my father carried me with two other women carrying two newborns' babies. Twins I suppose."

Derek felt his mouth go dry as she mentioned twins. It was beginning to make sense but he was unsatisfied.

"How did you get this again?" Tahila asked, handing back the necklace to


"It was given to me by a dying man my brother and I ran into"

"A dying man?"

"Yes, a dying man". Derek explained and told the whole story in a jiffy. "You look just like him", Derek said. And strangely you have the eyes of my mother. Derek thought, refusing to accept the hard truth. Tears welled up in Tahila's eyes.

"All my mom told me about my father was that he died. I don't get why she would hide that from me?" She said, clearing her wet eyes. Derek reached out and hugged her, comforting her.

"I need you to be brave Tahila. Can you bring the picture tomorrow? I want to do some more digging", Derek said, wiping her tears. He quickly let her go and wore back his t-shirt while Tahila swung her school bag over her shoulders. They were nervous that someone would see them and get the wrong message. Tahila waved Derek goodbye as he wanted to remain in the classroom for a little while before returning to the hostel. Tahila's smile quickly vanished as she saw Erek sadly walk away from where he stood. He had been present and watched from the hallway the entire time. The translucent wide window by the side of the class had betrayed them and given him a wide view of the whole event.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Honor has been missing for two days since the event at the hospital. The news reporters and national natural disasters specialists were convinced it was an earthquake of magnitude 2.0 that struck the hospital and the surrounding neighborhood. All the camera footage was manipulated digitally to erase themselves by a spell Mr. Henry cast to clean up Honor's mess. He had to give excuses to the hospital that their patient, his grandson, had been rushed out of the hospital during that period. Now all he had to do was assure his wife that Honor would be back. Mrs. Sharon had been under heavy stress and anxiety over the past couple of days. They were eating dinner late one night and were interrupted by a loud "boom" in their backyard. The security cameras did their jobs and betrayed the intruder. They both gasped as Honor was visible with his large wings flapping against each other. He entered the house and went straight to his room. He could hear the side talks starting between his grandparent's downstairs as he entered his room. These few days off he took did come in handy with testing out his powers. Flying at Mach 8 was sure impressive to him and lifting 900 tons of heavy stuff was even more was mind blogging to him. What's more interesting to him was the lightning rod he could create out of thin air such a weapon of great power could black out a nation's electricity. For some weird reason, he could summon the dead and had access to the spiritual realms. As soon as he sat in his bed, a knock came at the door, crashing his thoughts. He walked to the door and answered it

"May I?" Mrs. Sharoh asked. Honor nodded and walked back to his bed.

"Honor Henry. Where were you all these while?" She sat down on his reading office chair.

No response. He just stared at the marbles on the ground.

"I understand you know everything by now. We are so sorry we kept you in the dark", she got down on both knees. "But please, you must save my daughter. Your mother", she broke down in tears. Honor wasn't expecting that. He quickly took his grandma's hand and gave a gentle squeeze to it, tears in his eyes too.

"Save my baby. I don't care what you do. If you do nothing, she's going to stay there forever".

Honor nodded and got on his knees too, hugging her. They both wept together.

"I'll save her. I promise. I promise I'll save my mom."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The next day school was pretty much quiet. A black Toyota dropped in front of Alvana model secondary school. Honor got down.

"Stay out of trouble", Mr. Henry said and handed him an envelope with cash. He quickly drove off. Honor walked into the school, avoiding eye contact with onlookers and teachers administering punishment to latecomers. As he entered his class, all eyes were set on him. Everyone was settled down with no teacher available. The sidewalks quietened as he walked in.

"Hey, Honor! Come over", Jack broke the silence from the end of the class. He waved for Honor to come over and he did. The twins silently watched Honor move past them, the aura around him thick and intimidating.

"Bro how are you doing?" Jack shook hands with him. Others around too shook him. "I love what you did to Mr. Ike. You have our respect now man. Someone needs to teach these guys some lessons", Jack said proudly. He noticed there was no cut or bandage to indicate injury. He greatly smiled when he remembered Honor was no ordinary person. Some respect! I love this, finally. Honor produced a smile. Jasper, one of Jack's companions, moved to Biggie.

"Hey Biggie!", Jasper shouted. Biggie spins around to face Jasper, standing behind him.

"Yes", replied Biggie, reluctantly.

"Bounce"! Jasper commanded. Biggie slowly stood up from his seat but Emeka beside him pressed him back down.

"There are many chairs in the classroom Jasper", Emeka spat out with disgust. Other students' attention got stolen by the altercation. Tahila watched as Mary and her friends smiled and laughed. She didn't miss her company. Instead, she was happy she had finally cut ties with her once and for all.

"What did you say?' Jasper turned to face him. He quickly pulled Emeka up by his collar shirt.

"You have been drinking," Emeka voiced out loud, after perceiving the alcoholic smell from Jasper's mouth. Jasper angrily smashed Emeka's face against his table. Emeka grunted out in pain, others around busted out in tears. Jack gave a loud clap, and others joined.

"Emeka. You should learn to keep your mouth shut and mind your business. Jack said, gesturing to Jasper to let him go. "Be careful", Jasper said and took Biggie's chair. From the other end of the class, Erek watched Tahila. His mind reflected on yesterday's encounter. A bit sad for him but he wasn't giving up. Not after seeing her reaction when she read his letter when he confessed his feelings to her. He wanted to approach her right now but the substitute biology teacher would be here any moment from now.

Speaking of the devil, he appears. Erek thought as Mr. Israel walked in.

"Alright! Settle down everyone. Those packs of wolves at the back, please settle down", Mr. Israel said as he wrote on the whiteboard.

"Good morning, everyone", Mr. Israel said, facing back the class.

"Good morning", the class chimed in response.

"The term is almost coming to an end. By next year, you will all begin your examination. As you can see time is not on our side", Mr. Israel said as he moved around the class. He caught Jack's side talking and whispering to his friends.

"Get up Jack ", Mr. Israel commanded. The class turned back to face Jack. Jack stood very quickly. He knew the type of man he was dealing with; he was not one to joke around with. When he was mad, he was a demon from the gates of hades ready to tear you apart with its claws and fangs.

"What is ecology?" Mr. Israel asked.

"Ecology…Ecology ", Jack stuttered his lips twitching at both ends. Jack noticed Biggie was smiling mockingly at him.


"Shut your mouth and sit down if you don't know it. Empty vessels make the loudest noise, don't they," Mr. Israel spat out angrily after running out of patience. Everyone burst into laughter. Jack's face turned red in embarrassment. Mr. Israel commanded him to leave his class. He took his bag and left immediately.

"The rest of you that are engaging in side talks with that moron, get up and leave. You know yourselves ", Mr. Israel said, facing the board. The rest of the boys stood up and walked out, including Honor.

"Turn to chapter four of your new standard Biology textbook", Mr. Israel commanded after the boys had been kicked out.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

A slim light skinned boy sat in a large store with some of his friends, cracking jokes and laughing. Obviously, they had skipped class and ended up passing away their time at a particular location devoid of teachers.

"See Kennedy. Do you know about that senior that's very tall and has a big forehead", Ikenna, a tall dark boy asked.

"It's funny how you describe people. "Big forehead" is a bit too much", Kennedy busted into laughter. He held back little tears he didn't want to let out.

"It's very obvious he had a big forehead. Or are my eyes playing pranks on me?" Ikenna asked, facing Austin. Austin was the physically built one out of all of them. He has been a huge source of strength to the gang Ikenna had introduced to him and Kennedy too.

"If you are talking about Jack, he does have a large forehead. That kid is egotistical and has gotten himself into various fights and cases with teachers. You could say his parent's wealth had a big play in his arrogant behavior ", Austin replied. The three friends continued chatting, unaware Jack and his friends were close by and eavesdropping.

"Last week, I saw him with Peace. Regardless of him being a senior or not, I will not show mercy for anyone who messes around with my girlfriend. Surely, he doesn't know where he's getting himself into. I will have to teach him a lesson-

"Oooooo!! Scary. Sorry, who are you going to teach a lesson to?" Jack asked as he rushed Ikenna out of his hiding spot. His friends joined too and surrounded his friends. He brushed Ikenna off his two feet and sent him rolling down the ground. Ikenna grabbed an iron rod nearby and swung it at Jack as he stood up. Jack easily dodged and knocked the weapon out of his hand easily. Austin made a move to help Ikenna out but was ambushed by the other bullies. They gave the two boys beatings and kicked them until they were too weak to get up. They quickly join Jack and face Ikenna who was giving Jack a hard time. From kicks to slaps and punching, was projected at a defenseless Ikenna who went unconscious a few minutes into the beating.

"We don't want to kill these junior students", Jack said, calling the beating off. He watched as Austin got up quickly and ran away, leaving his friend behind.

"I'll get you back. You hear me!!" Austin's voice faded into the Dark.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The bell rang for breaking immediately Mr. Israel left the class. Derek moved out with other students to get snacks at the canteen, Only Erek and Tahila was left in the class. Erek moved to Tahila's table.

''I love you'', Erek immediately said. Tahila stared at him silently.

''I can't afford to kill my feelings for you'', Erek continued.


''I wish I had the answer to that question. But I just love you''

''We just met and you already have feelings''

''Never heard of love at first sight?''

''Do such things exist? It's not as though they can be proven'', She said and stood up to leave. Erek pulled her towards him and planted a kiss on her mouth. His lips massaged hers as he tightened his grip on her waist. She responded too because she threw her hands over his neck. Few seconds later, he pulled out.

''They can be proven Tahila. You just have to give me a chance'', Erek said and walked out of the class, not without waving her goodbye. Tahila stood motionless. Her fingers found their way to her lips. She could still feel his lips on hers as she left out a blush. As she was about to settle down, Derek quickly entered the class.

"Hey. Did you get it?" Derek asked. Tahila nodded. She dipped her hands into her school and gave him a picture. Derek froze in disbelief after seeing the picture. One of the women in the picture was his mom smiling happily while carrying him and Erek. The man in the photo resembled the man he met dead on the street and he was carrying a year-old baby.

"This is you right?" Derek asked, pointing at the little girl in the man's arm. He knew the reply but just wanted to be certain.

"Yes. Yes, that is me with my dad. This is the only picture I have of him", Tahila replied. "But I don't know who those women are nor do I know the kids".

"Okay. I'll do some research on this okay?" Derek said, trying his best to deny reality. There's no way she is my sister. Derek thought.

"How old are you here in the picture?" He asked.

"I suppose a year old"

"And the other babies"

"Those are newborns"

"How old are you Tahila?" Derek asked, his mind going crazy.

"Um…I'll be eighteen by December. What about you guys", Tahila asked. She had not yet caught the relegation as Derek did.

"Seventeen. We turned seventeen last month", Derek replied. Now it all made sense to him. Tahila is older than them by a year just as the picture tells. He had a lot of questions and mom was going to answer them. Benita got back from the canteen with snacks and drinks for herself.

"What's up people?" Benita greeted. She passed a soft drink to Tahila.

"Hi Benita", Derek greeted and moved back to his seat, picture in his hands.

"What was that all about?" Benita asked, surprised.

"Nothing'', Tahila said. Benita raised an eyebrow in protest. He wasn't buying it.

''Erek kissed me, okay?'' Tahila let it out.

''What?'' On the lips?''

''Where else before?''

''Does Derek know?''

''Not really. What should I do?" Tahila asked.

"Concerning Erek?"


"That's a lot. This is why I never want to be stuck in a love triangle ", Benita laughed. Tahila joined.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

After school was over the twin's skipped dinner and moved back to the hostel. Derek shoved whatever he could into his bag as Erek watched in surprise.

"Why are you packing?" Erek asked, sitting on his bed.

"I'm going home. I need to see mom, it's urgent."

"What? Is it urgent?"

"It's a bit complicated trust me", Derek said, zipping his bag.

"Where's your exit card? Did you sign? Erek asked.

"Yes, I did."

"Okay. I'm coming too"

"No. You are not"

"I need to see mom too. I also need a break from school", Erek said, getting up to pack his bag.

"Your permit?"

"We will use yours my dear", Erek laughed. Derek hesitated for a while and finally agreed. I'll need Erek to be home still. He needs to know Tahila is our sister. Derek thought.

"Alright. Let's get going", he smiled.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Honor! Honor!!" Biggie called out as he ran after him into the hostel. Honor stopped in his tracks and spun around to face Biggie.

"We have been wanting to speak with you", Emeka said.

"Here I am," Honor replied, moving close to them.

"Why are you associating with Jack and his company? They are a bad influence to you", Biggie said.

"Excuse me? Who are you to tell me who to associate with?" Honor spat out angrily.

"I can almost smell alcohol on your clothes. Have you been drinking?" Biggie pointed out.

''It's not your business''

"Everyone has noticed-------

"Noticed what? Huh?

"You are becoming aggressive. Your actions with me Ike-

"Shut. up!" Honor yelled out. Biggie could swear Honor's eyes glowed because he looked frightened now.

"I won't be weak like both of you. I want people to fear and respect me. I refuse to be a victim like the both of you", Honor moved back to his bed and lay on it. Biggie and Emeka just stood speechless after Honor's harsh words. They got the message and quickly left. Honor sighed and shut his eyes. Everything was peaceful and calm around him for the next five minutes, and then suddenly he found himself falling into a deep black hole. He kept falling and falling, the scent of burning corpses getting stronger and stronger. Before impact with the ground, his wings emerged quickly and flapped against the ground, keeping him levitating in the air. Slowly, he landed on the ground and scanned his environment. He could read the air. It was threatening and so he summoned his lightning rod in his hand. Unseen objects began to emerge from the soil above him. He quickly kicked off the ground before they could grab him and pointed his rod at it. The rod gave off a fire blast that rocked the ground and engulfed it all. Shackles of chains pierce through his wings from behind and seized his hands and feet, suspending him in the air. Honor yelled out in pain as it tugged at him from all directions. He summoned all his strength to keep his body from ripping apart. A dark figure finally emerged from the ground below him. This creature was a man with white wings similar to his. He had a crown of gold on his head and a golden breastplate armor. His head and his ears were white like radiating wool, as white as snow. His long white hair fell over his shoulders, reaching his waist level. There were several interlocks and twists on them. Hovering over his head were seven little radiating stars. This angel was beautiful. If beauty was a person, it would definitely be this angelic being in front of Honor. Honor could see those trees of veins that stood out on his muscles. His eyes were blue with thick eyelashes and perfectly shaped eyebrows. He had a straight pointed nose and thick scarlet lips with a nicely drawn jawline. As this angel opened his mouth to speak, the ground shook.

"Who is responsible for this?" The majestic being spoke. Little tiny ugly dwarfs came from beneath Honor. They prostrated themselves before the angel.

"We had an intruder", one of the twelve visible dwarfs spoke. The angel let out a breath and they turned to stones the dwarfs.

"That is no way to treat a visitor ", the angel said, unscathed his sword stuck at his waist and snapped Honor's chain cut. Honor fell to the ground, grunting.

"Who are you?" Honor asked, getting up, his lightning rod appearing once again.

"Oh please. I am not your enemy. You summoned me remember?", the angel said. Shock passed through Honor's body as he spoke.

''I did?''

''Did you forget the event that happened in the hostel?''

''OH that….''

"I am the seventh and the last. I am the plague to wipe out mankind and the eternal ones", the angel spoke and approached Honor. Honor could feel this dark aura grip his body. He didn't know when and how he got on both knees before this angel. All he could do was stare at the headline and lock eyes with him as he grabbed his chin gently.

"They punished your mom. They are responsible for her being locked up here", the angel said as a vision of a weeping angel in chains appeared before Honor.

"She doesn't deserve this! She really doesn't deserve this ", Honor gnashed his teeth in tears. His eyes glowed red as his body released hot steam. The angel smiled maliciously.

"Join me Gilgamesh. let's wipe out mankind and destroy the eternal ones. Only then can your mother be freed", the angel yelled out. Honor could see more vicious, terrifying creatures appear hanging on the wall.


''That's your angelic name. That's the real you that will be released soon''

"What must I do?" Honor asked, rising up.

"Pledge your allegiance to me", the angel said. Purple vapor encircled Honor as a seal. Honor looked back at the visible vision of the weeping angel. "I pledge my allegiance to you", Honor said, without hesitancy. The vapor turned into red liquid blood that dropped all over Honor.

"Goodbye young warrior. We will meet again when Gilgamesh is awake", the angel said and disappeared. Honor felt himself being sucked upwards out of the pit. A few minutes later, he woke up on the bed. He was shocked and confused to find himself in the same quiet Hostel. Jack entered at the same moment with some friends. They began to fill Honor in about the fight they just had.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The twins walked into the house exactly at 7 pm just when mom was making dinner. They had called earlier to inform her of their visit back home and she proceeded to make a fine dinner for them.

"How are you guys?" Mom wrapped her hands around her boys. "I'm starving like hell", Erek said, trooping into the kitchen to find something to eat.

"Dinner will be ready very soon,'' mom replied. A few minutes later, they were done eating and were about to prepare for the night when Derek called everyone's attention.

"I've found his daughter", Derek said. "Wow. That's great. How is she?" Mom asked.

"Really? Who's that?" Erek raised an eyebrow.

"It's Tahila", Derek said.

"Tahila?" Both choruses.

"Who's that?" Asked mom.

"She's a classmate of ours. My girlfriend-to-be", Erek replied. Derek shot a deadly stare at his brother.


"I asked her out"

"No, you can't. I won't let it happen", Derek said.

''We kissed''

''what? You can't be with her''

"Why? Erek stood up angrily, his voice rising.

"You can't be with her and that's final!" Derek replied angrily, standing up too. Mom watched quietly as they raised their voices angrily at each other.

"You don't get it don't you", Derek grabbed Erek's collar. Erek too grabbed him and tugged hard.

"You are not going to stop us…...''

"She is our SISTER!" Derek dropped the bomb. Mom felt her ear go deaf.

"What?" Mom spat out. "Whatever pranks you are playing, it's time to cut it off".

"What are you even saying?", Erek gently released his brother.

"The man mentioned your name before he died. He told me I looked like you and had your eyes."

"That's impossible! That's...…''

"Then what is this!" Derek threw the picture at her and broke down in tears. Mom took a look at it and fell back on the couch in tears. Erek scrambled for the picture and froze.

"What's mom doing in this picture? That's Derek. This is the man from that night…", Erek's voice trailed off. "We had a sister? The man from that night was...''

"Our father" Derek completed. They both stared at mom who was weeping tearfully and apologizing. She wiped her tears and faced them both. "Yes, you had a sister... I ran away with you boys after your father travelled with her to Egypt. This was seventeen years ago" Mom stuttered. Tears flooded Erek's eyes as mom spoke.

"You lied to us! All these years!" Erek screamed out and ran back upstairs.

"No. Come hack please ", mom called after Erek, crying bitterly. She looked back at Derek who sank onto the couch, hands over his head in tears.

"I was unhappy in the marriage. Moreover, your father had powerful enemies. They had threatened to kill all of us. I had no choice but to leave and hide where he could not find us neither will his enemies." Mom knelt in front of her son. He pushed her away and ran upstairs too. Mom grabbed the picture close to her chest and wept.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *