Having fallen in love with a man, An angelic being was sentenced to hades as an eternal punishment from the eternal ones for mingling with the affairs of mankind. Her offspring would grow up as a Demi Angel, carrying both angelic and human DNA in his body. Learning about his mother's fate in hades, he would wretch havoc on the earth and attempt to wage war with the eternal ones
The Reverend father made the sign of the cross and stepped down from the car. He majestically walked into the building in front of him. Inside the building, some police officers stood at the Counter desk. The Reverend father took a deep breath and then walked to one of the officers at the desk.
"Welcome father. How may I help you?" asked the policeman on seeing him.
"Thank you. I just came Reverend father replied.
"Okay. But first, I need Your name", the policeman spoke while bringing out a register.
"My name is Reverend Chibuike Ejike", the Reverend father said as the policeman wrote it
"Time of visit is 12pm, ward B15", the policeman said to himself as he wrote the necessary information in the register.
"You know Reverend, ward BI5 is a special ward for hardened criminals. And so, you know I'm a bit curious, what brings you to BI5?", the officer asked with keen interest. Other officers at the counter desk suddenly took interest in the conversation.
"I didn't come to preach. I came to visit someone", the Reverend smiled.
"And who might that be?" The atmosphere suddenly got tense. Reverend Chibuike's eyes shot a glance at other police officers who suddenly stopped their chit chat to hear his response. He hesitated for a while and then let it out.
"I came to see DON PILLAR", His voice echoed through the building. Whispers, sneers full of disgust by other officers were thrown at the Reverend.
"DON PILLAR!!!" Who on earth will want to see Don Pillar?" One of the officers growled in anger. Other officers concurred with him and raised arguments.
"I don't see why I should be asked this question and have my time, my precious time wasted", Reverend Chibuike replied harshly. The hall became silent again as the officers became silent. They all stared at the Reverend, the smile on his face was gone and the wrinkles on his face now visible. Reverend Chibuike was in his late 50s. The slightly now visible grey hairs, mixed with his black hair could tell that.
"I'm sorry Reverend '', the previous policeman said. He picked up a phone and dialed a number. Few seconds into dialing, someone on the receiving end answered.
"Prison room E17 has a visitor. Take him to the detention room", the policeman gave orders to the receiver and hung up. He turned to a female officer on standby.
"Chioma. Can you take our Reverend to Don Pillar?" He said aloud. Reverend Chibuike scanned her thoroughly. She had a gun in its holsters, a taser and a cuff on her waist belt.
" Please follow me", Chioma said and started walking away. Reverend Chibuike turned to follow. He had already started walking when he heard his name. He spun around really quick.
"No offense for the questions", the policeman said.
"None taken", Reverend Chibuike replied and followed Chioma, fading into the dark.
"I wonder why that Reverend is coming to visit Pillar", One of the officers said after the Reverend was out of sight.
"Nobody knows. But in a few minutes, the mystery will be uncovered. Good a thing we have
these surveillance cameras", one of the female officers around concluded.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Chioma pressed the 13th floor on the elevator as she stepped in with the Reverend father. Absolute silence engulfed the elevator as it moved.
"Why do men judge a lot?" Reverend Chibuike finally broke the awkward silence.
"Oh! Is it about those officers you met on the first floor? Chioma asked. Reverend Chibuike nodded.
"It's not really their fault, you know. You are literally looking for someone that massacred our colleagues and people's loved ones. It's common to get hated for coming to visit such a vile individual", Chioma said nonchalantly. The elevator stopped at the thirteenth floor and the Reverend father stepped out.
"So do you want to tell me why you are visiting DON PILLAR?" Chroma asked, still inside the elevator.
"You aren't coming?" Reverend Chibuike asked.
"No. My journey stops here. The waiting guards will carry you on", Chioma said, as the
elevator closed
"I was sent by the eternal ones', the Reverend answered seconds before the door closed. He was sure he saw Chioma smile. He looked around his new surroundings. Two heavily armed soldiers stopped towards him. With each step, the sound of their boots echoed through the hall. One of them had an AK-47 with live ammunition hung on his shoulder with a strap. He also had a walkie-talkie radio hung on his belt. The other soldier had two English guns inserted in their holsters. At his waist was a dagger, a dagger practically designed to take lives away.
"Reverend Chibuike, please come with us", the soldiers said in unison.
"Very well", Reverend Chibuike smiled. None returned the smile. These soldiers look lifeless. There is no sign of humanity in them. Reverend Chibuike thought. The soldiers made sure that they walked beside the Reverend, trapping him in the middle. They walked through a passage for some minutes before coming to a stop at an elevator.
"Ahh! How many elevators do I enter before I see someone?" Reverend Chibuike asked wearily immediately he saw another elevator.
"This will be your last bus stop", One of the soldiers said. He pressed a button on the wall. A decoder just above the elevator door, beeped. For some minutes it kept on beeping before it finally came to a halt. A bright blue UV light came from the decoder. It scanned the Reverend from the crown of his head to the sole of his feet. It repeated this process three times and started beeping on the fourth time.
"I'm sorry you will have to do away with your ring, wristwatch and belt or any other metal you have on you", the soldier said, stretching out his hand to take them. Reverend Chibuike stood amazed. Since when did Nigerian prisons become so equipped? thought Reverend Chibuike. He took off his ring, watch, belt and phone. The soldier with a tribal mark quickly collected it. The other Soldier now pressed the elevation's button and the elevator opened.
"You can go now", the soldier said. Reverend Chibuike stepped into the elevator.
"Push 21st Floor", Ordered the soldier. Reverend Chibuike hastily did as he was told.
The elevator door closed, shutting the soldiers out. In a few minutes, the elevator stopped at the twenty first and Reverend Chibuike stepped out. A male officer took him to room E17. Don pillar was sitting on the floor. He was facing the window and looking at the sky. He had scorpion tattoos on his back. All over his body were different series of bruises and cuts. He was physically built with muscles and abs. The smell of cigarettes filled the air. The security officer held Reverend Chibuike's hands as he was about to enter.
"How long do you intend to stay?" asked the officer.
"Perhaps two hours will do," replied Reverend Chibuike.
"You have an hour", the officer said, letting go of him. Reverend Chibuike entered and the officer rammed the cell shut. Reverend Chibuike's heart skipped a beat as the door was shut.
"Don't worry father. I have got my hands all cuffed up", Don Pillar said without moving an inch. He turned around and raised his hands, literally showing the scared Reverend father the shackle of chains held to his wrist. Reverend Chibuike secretly let out sigh of relief as the feeling of anxiety flushed away.
"I haven't had a visitor for a long time", Don pillar's deep voice sprang up.
"Honor Henry. I have come to help you ", Reverend Chibuike said.
"It's been a long time since I heard that name", Don pillar responded.
"Your true name is Honor--------"
"Don't call me that !!" Don pillar yelled and tried to reach the Reverend but the chain pulled him back. There was a total silence for about a minute or two.
"Sorry father. I never meant. to scare you. Sometimes I lose my cool, that's all", Don Pillar said, taking a deep breath to calm his nerves.
"I'm not scared of you", Reverend Chibuike said nonchalantly.
"I've heard that plenty of times father. I've been hearing that for the past twelve years now", Don pillar roared angrily. "And none lived to tell the full story", Don pillar continued to conclude calmly.
"Fear is a virus that feeds on weak people. Only the weak fear. I do not fear you", Reverend Chibuike shot back at him, very calmly.
"Give it a shot father. Come closer", Don pillar smiled, his black teeth showing. With every word he uttered, the smell of weed escaped his mouth. The Reverend father moved towards him and sat down on the bare floor opposite Don Pillar, a few inches away from him. He took away Don pillar's cigarette from his lips and kept it on the ground. Don Pillar's smile turned into a frown.
Such boldness. Don Pillar thought. He gazed at Reverend Chibuike's fearless eyes. Then he let out a wide smile and quickly scrambled his chains around the Reverend's neck and tightened his grip. The door busted open and the previous security guard rushed inside the cell.
He suddenly pulled out his gun and froze.
"Another move and the precious Reverend dies", Don pillar's voice rang out.
"Don't! Everything is alright. Reverend Chibuike managed to slip in those few words while struggling.
"Oh! Is it? Don Pillar said, tightening his grip as the Reverend choked and gasped for air. His fair skinned face now red as he continued struggling. The security officer stood paralyzed; his eyes fixed on the alarm button on the wall.
"No, you don't. You don't want to try my patience. Trust me, you don't want to know why I'm called DON PILLAR", Don pillar said, reading his movement almost immediately. Reverend Chibuike managed to utter some words that froze Don Pillar.
"Don't you want to know who your father is?" Reverend Chibuike muttered out again, his fair faced now red and covered in sweat.
"What did you say?" Don Pillar yelled out, tightening his grip. The Reverend gave no reply and continued to gasp for air. His struggle had reduced drastically as he slowly gave up. He was gradually slipping away and Don Pillar knew this. If he killed him now, he won't extract any information on the whereabout of his father. I have to let him live and then when I extract the necessary information I want, then I can kill him. Don Pillar thought. He released the Reverend and pushed him away. The officer caught the choking and weak Reverend father as he tried to catch his breath. He took him by his hands to lead him out.
"I guess your time is up?" The officer said. We are going to have to interrogate you ourselves'', the officer said out aloud and stared at the security surveillance camera mounted on the wall. Back at the ground floor, every officer gathered at the hall to watch the security footage.
"Right! There's more to this than the eyes can meet", officers watching said. Back at Don Pillar's cell, the officer ordered the Reverend to leave at once.
"Let's go", the officer said. Reverend Chibuike didn't flinch a muscle.
"This Reverend is going nowhere until he tells me who my father is", Don Pillar's anger rose.
"I still have forty minutes left", Reverend Chibuike said, fully recovered.
"No! We are leaving now", the security man pulled Reverend Chibuike's hand. Reverend Chibuike slapped his hands off.
"I'm ordering you to leave this cell old man", the officer yelled out angrily. "Do you want it the easy way or the hard way? The choice is yours".
Reverend Chibuike gave a soft chuckle as his eyes gazed at the officer. The officer gave disgusted sneers and then frowned.
''Do you think I'm kidding?" The officer said.
Reverend Chibuike put his hand into the side pocket of his robe and got out an identity card.
"I'm ordering you to stand down", He held his Identity card close enough for the officer to see. The man froze as if he saw a ghost. His eyes couldn't believe what he was seeing.
"I'm sorry SIR!!" He calmly said and bowed his head with respect. The Reverend felt disgusted at the sudden change of attitude by the officer.
"You have humbled yourself because you recognize a higher authority. Nonsense! Please leave us!" Reverend Chibuike ordered and immediately the officer left them alone. Don Pillar stared at the Reverend with blood thirsty eyes.
"Who are you?" Where is he? Don pillar fired questions at him. He felt immeasurable rage building up inside of him.
Meanwhile On the first floor, the police officers at the counter desk watched the surveillance tape with keen interest.
"I know your father and I have every piece of information you need. But it's going to be a trade-by- barter. You tell me your story; I'll tell you what you need to know".
Don pillar gave out a loud laugh, his brown teeth becoming visible. A few seconds later, the laughter died off.
"I'm in no position to negotiate with you, Reverend", said Don pillar, impatiently. "The tiger doesn't strike unless it intends to kill. You are testing my patience"
"And I have an assignment to complete. I could just get up and walk out", Reverend Chibuike's face read no patience either. He quickly stood up and walked to leave but stopped halfway.
"You sure drive a hard bargain, father", Don Pillar said. "I will tell you. I believe you are not one of the news Reporters sent by the authorities because if you are....
"I hate the authorities", Reverend Chibuike cut him off without looking back. He took out a tiny hidden pen knife from his belt and opened a box of compartment cables in the wall. He turned to face Don pillar with the pen knife in his hand.
"And I do intend our conversation to be classified", He smiled and cut off the wire. On the ground floor, the surveillance camera tripped off. Offices murmured amongst themselves and tried to get it back online. Reverend Chibuike brought out a pocket video recorder and set it in front of Don Pillar.
"You wouldn't have been able to get past the scanner with that. Are you undercover?" Don Pillar asked, looking at the live camera with a pale face.
"Let's say I've friends in this building", Reverend Chibuike replied. Silence. An awkward silence took place, few seconds before Don pillar finally spoke.
"It's a long story but I will tell", Don Pillar said.
"I wish to hear all of it. Starting from infancy till now " said the Reverend, sitting down. Don pillar stood and walked to the window, his chain brushing noisily against the concrete. He took a long look at the birds of the air and the forming of the Cloud
"Life isn't always a bed of roses", Don Pillar said, still staring outside. He turned back to face the Reverend father. "My story goes like this", he said as he let out smoke from his nostrils and then threw his cigarette away.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
"Guy! This thing didn't bother me like that ehh!" Uzoma said in his poor English accent.
"I dey tell you. Today marks another celebration for a successful operation. We are more than rich. Let's drink and die!''
"Woo !!" Francis, commonly known as Scorpion, said, counting some huge money. Scorpion was the ringleader of the armed robbers. He was huge and had all sorts of tattoos on his body. Coupled with that, he also had nose and ear piercings. His hair was long and was locked into dreads. Francise and the entire gang of fourteen stood at the end of the street smoking. All through the night they have been shooting and releasing stray bullets into the air. Fear and terror choked the entire neighborhood as everyone was locked up inside their houses. The police were called but none showed up. Ekitia gang was notorious and brutal. Across the state and community, the police and armed forces have often gotten into gun battles with them. Very often, they always left dead bodies behind and were never caught. Everyone was well informed and enlightened about the gang, even a three-year-old could babble out the word "Ekitia" without stress. Just last week, they had gotten into a gun battle with the police and killed about eleven officers, with so many left bed ridden. The constant roaring and bang-bang-bang of stray bullets left everyone indoors as early 8pm. Mercy's parents were terrified to the grave. They tried reaching her line but it was all to no avail. Last time they spoke, she had told them that she was stuck in traffic and she would be back soon. That was 7:54pm and its 9pm already yet she wasn't back. It was late that night, probably around 9:30pm when the gang noticed a lady from the far end of the street approaching. Mercy was pretty occupied with her thoughts that she took note of their presence very late. She started running but it was too late. Scorpion had already sighed her and signaled his boys to capture her. She ran like an antelope, screaming and calling for help as the boys engaged her in a hot monkey intimidating noises, also firming bullets into the air. Fear gripped her at the roaring of the bullets and she lost concentration, tripped and rammed her head into a stone. Her face was soaked in the pool of her own blood but she blindly dragged herself up to run in any available direction in determination. Unfortunately, they caught up with her and grabbed her while she screamed and struggled to break free.
"Let me go.... please… ", Mercy struggled and cried, tears gushing down her cheeks. Her head was pounding with strong dizziness. She felt her head spin like a ferry's wheel as she was carried away.
"Momma....Dadda.... help me help me!!", She continued crying as they approached the rest of the gang. They met up with the rest and dropped her at scorpion's feet. She tried getting back on her feet but one of the boys pulled her hair. She left out screaming as her excruciating pain rose even higher.
"C'mon shut up there! Shut up!!" Scorpion yelled out. She continued shouting. Scorpion pulled out his English gun and forced it into her mouth.
"Say one more word and I blow your head off", Scorpion threatened. Her voice died down immediately.
"Good girl", He said as pulled the gun away. He used the gun to wave off the blood-stained locks of hair that partially covered her face. "You are very beautiful and bold as to be walking around at this time !!...." He beamed a smile at his boys who laughed.
"At this time when Ekitia is celebrating". At the mention of Ekitia, her eyes widened in fear and disbelief. The name "Ekitia" brought back the news of her neighbor who was killed just last week by this same people. She shook her head in disbelief.
No! No! it can't be. Mercy thought.
"And so....", Scorpion continued, flushing her mind back to the present. "You will have to entertain us...", He added. Mercy spat at his face in disgust to the surprise of the gang boys who immediately rushed towards her to beat her up but for Scorpion's restraints by a mere wave of his hand.
"To hell with you! Let me go!" Mercy said. Scorpion immediately slapped her with the gun in his hand. She fell to the ground and cursed, groaning in pain.
"Pirate!" Scorpion yelled out.
"Yes boss", a fair slim young man sluggishly came forward with tobacco in his hand.
"Delete this woman", he threw a dagger at Pirate. Pirate was formerly known as Chibuike. He was second in command after scorpion. He was 6'1 with 190lbs, physically built with muscles. Having such a physique would make
anyone fearless and bold. He was handsome. One would
scratch their heads at the spot if told he was a gang member and an armed robber, wondering why such beauty should go to waste. Pirate grumbled.
"C'mon Scorpion. You get to keep all the pretty women for yourself and I don't? Frankie-Frankie, you get wisdom o", Pirate protested, extremely high and excited.
"What!", Black mamba, a dark figure, snapped at him. The "what!" didn't get
pirate backing off like a lizard.
"Guy Waste this woman quickly", Black mamba said again, angrily this time.
"Be Calm Mamba. Pirate, what do you mean?" Scorpion shot a dreadful glance at him and then at Pirate. Murmurs and side talks swam out of black mamba's mouth. One of which was "He always favors Chibuike", coupled with a sneer from him. A smile came from Scorpion as his ears picked up those words. He quickly threw a punch at him which sent him to the ground. Black mamba stayed on the ground, cursing with a bloody nose.
"Remember what happened to Caesar? Scorpion asked. "Do you all remember?" He stared around at all of them.
"Envy will tear us apart and I will not let the likes of you initiate it. This is your last chance", Scorpion spoke directly to black mamba and offered him a hand. He hesitated for a few seconds, and finally took the offer.
"You rascal!" Scorpion laughed as he pulled him up. "I'm sorry man", he added.
"Me too", Black mamba replied.
"Let me go", Mercy struggling to bring back their attention.
"I need this woman", Pirate said. "Give her to me for the night", He opened his shirt and grabbed her hair with force which caused her to scream.
"No!!!! Get off me! Never! let me go..."
"Shut up!" Scorpion shouted at the lady but she refused to be calm. Scorpion hesitated for a while and finally succumbed to the idea.
"After all, you are the success of our mission today. Have her to yourself my man", Scorpion finally gave the green light, feeling pleased with himself. The lady struggled so much until Chibuike had a towel over her nose, knocking her out. Picking her up over his shoulders, he walked away, fading into the darkness
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Mercy scrambled to the kitchen very swiftly. She struggled with the cupboard for a Knife. When she found one, she raised it up to drive it through her heart before she was trapped midway in the air by her mother's strong grip.
"No mom, I want to die. Everything I ever dreamed of had just evaporated. I can't endure this", She broke down in tears, still trying to break free from the firm grip.
"You Can. You can, my love. We will work it out " Mrs. sharoh replied back in tears. Mr. Henry stood at the door in tears and shock. His only child and daughter whom he had trained into a fine woman had unfortunately been sexually assaulted by bandits. This news put him in shock and tears as much as everyone else who heard it. The police had arrived the following day only to get yelled at and suspended by the former commissioner of Education, Mr. Henry felt his world crashing down like a meteorite from space.
"Darling, come and help me", Mrs. sharoh shouted. He swiftly moved into action and tugged at the knife she held. It was a battle of strength. Mr. Henry managed to pull the knife away but not without sustaining a large cut at his palm. Blood swung down his palms to the ground. Mercy's eyes caught this because she broke down in tears again. This was a tear of consolation.
"I'm so sorry. I never meant to hurt you....."
"Sheesshhh!" Mr. Henry placed his fingers off her lips and hugged her. "It was just a scratch. I'll get right to the first aid as soon as you calm down. Stop crying please. We will get through this together", He tried consoling her.
"I'm carrying an unknown man's child. An armed robber to be precise. What do I tell Mike now? How can I even look at his face?" Mercy cried bitterly as she sat down on the blood-stained tiles. Mr. Henry apologized over and over again before he slumped unconsciously.
"Help! Someone help ....", Mrs. Sharoh cried out while Mercy ran to get help.
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
Scorpion scanned the sitting room at the slightest sound of movement from his sleeping boys. Empty bottles of beer were gathered on the wooden central table, with parcels of cocaine particles scattered on it. His attention was stolen back by a message notification from his phone. He beamed a smile at the SMS and texted back with keen interest. The room initially was quiet a few minutes ago, but such silence was crushed by sudden snoring from tired gang members. Scorpion didn't appreciate it because he plugged his earphones to his ear. The house they were living in was a total disguise. The exterior was identified as an abandoned store closed years ago. But it was occupied and transformed into a house by the robbers. One could never get the slightest idea that people really lived inside the store. The only way to access the house was from the sideway gate from a neighboring house whose occupant knew well about their business and also got well paid for. The house wasn't painted on the inside nor was it well equipped with furniture. The robbers were paranoid about their discovery some day and believed it was best to keep it that way. Also, it would be easier for them to abandon it anytime. It was never something to call a home to start with but they loved it that way. It was the best hideout they ever had, all thanks to Chibuike. Scorpion stood up, walked to the window and pulled the curtains open. The early morning Sunlight penetrated the window forming an amber ball on the wall. Chibuike slowly got up as the chirping sound of the birds rang in his ear. As he stood up, wraps of cocaine fell off his body. He felt an overwhelming headache and pain smash at his head as he walked towards scorpion. The feeling of uneasiness and guilt tugged at his body as he tried to recall last night's event.
"Good morning. What happened last night?" Chibuike asked weakly.
"You got high and then you slept off", Scorpion replied, still engrossed on his phone. Chibuike's attention got stolen by Chaster snoring besides him and so lashed out a gentle kick to him. Chaster just turned the opposite side and continued sleeping. Somehow convinced by scorpion's answer, he walked out of the living room and got into the bathroom. Snapping the shower open, drops of water rained down his body. The water swinging down from his body to the bathing floor became dirty as Chibuike washed off his hair with shampoo. He took more time in the shower after noticing such. After spending a reasonable time in the shower washing his body thoroughly, he switched off the shower tap and grabbed a nearby towel to clean his body, also running it through his wet dreadlock. He wore his bathing robe and exited the bathroom. As he stepped out, his ears picked up different voices in the living room. Surely, they are awake now. thought Chibuike.
"Big Man. Ekitia's finest warrior" Gentle breeze, formerly known as Nnamdi Opara, praised him the moment he entered the living room.
"Ah! When did this one wake up?" Chibuike said, smiling. Gentle breeze was one of his closest friends. Though Scorpion was closer to him than all the other members since they had been childhood friends. Chibuike and Francis were nicknamed the warrior twins. Both of them had formed the Ekitia gang and all its success. They both had an unfair childhood and carried hate in their heart from the cruelty of society. They were both orphans who dropped out of the university. Formally, they were the shining star of their department when they were still in school. Being popular meant having many friends, whether good ones or bad ones. Without a parental guide and presence in their lives, they both got influenced over time without realizing it until it was too late. Chibuike's downfall started the day he went for a college party with Francis. Both were introduced to hard drugs at the party and soon got hooked on it. Since that dreadful night, everything went downhill. They had dropped out of school after various failed grades and their drug addiction got worse.
"Pirate good morning", Golden heart greeted, rubbing his sleepy eyes.
"Guy You bad. See as you enjoyed that poor innocent beautiful lady yesterday", Gentle breeze said.
"What?" Chibuike frowned.
"The lady from yesterday you made love to", Gentle breeze replied. Scorpion signaled him to stop and he did instantly.
"You don't remember? I'm guessing it's all cocaine and weed", Golden heart said. Chibuike fixed his eyes on scorpion. His face squeezed and the smile now gone.
"Did it happen?" Chibuike asked with a low voice. Scorpion struggled to reply. He knew Chibuike's childhood very well. He knew the major reason why Chibuike was abandoned in the orphanage home is because he was a product of rape.
"Did it happen?? Chibuike asked again, his voice rising. Battling and defeating
reluctancy, he finally spoke up.
"Yes, it did, Scorpion said, getting up in an awkward manner. Other members of the gang, including gentle breeze, were completely lost at sea. Predicting what could happen next, he gestured to Chibuike to calm down.
"Let me explain to you....", Scorpion didn't get to finish his words because Chibuike rushed him. He gripped his collar and rammed him against the wall with boiling rage and tears streaming down his eyes.
"How could you let me?" How could you?!!!!" Chibuike yelled over and over again, completely disappointed and angry. "You know what happened to my mom....", He broke down in tears again. The rest of the gang didn't want them to get involved because they knew there was something personal going on between them. Also, they have known Chibuike as someone who has never shed tears since he was born and here, he was crying like a child. Black mamba,
whom scorpion had warned and punched yesterday, just happened to enter the room. Without hesitation and not reading the situation on the ground, he rammed his train into the rail.
"What's happening here? Wetin dey sup for here? Black mamba asked angrily, switching between accents. First was standard English and then pigeon English. Vice versa. He was the most hated because of his horrible temper and envy for the warrior twins. Most often, he would end up getting mocked by Scorpion. One of scorpion's favorite words was "No matter dey vex Wey you vex, e no fit boil yam". Scorpion will always say to him and he hates it.
"Why you dey shout on Scorpion. The only Scorpion who stings when hunting his prey. Pirate, why are you choking my guy?" Black mamba asked again. "And why are you people just behaving like Statues and not doing anything?" Black mamba shouted at the other gang members. Gentle breeze frowned at these words because what came out next wasn't pleasing to black mamba.
"You won't mind your business now until you get another flying punch", Gentle breeze fired at him. An explosion of laughter erupted out of thin air from all angles. Everyone seemed to be trying to recover from that roasting thrown by Gentle breeze except scorpion and Chibuike who had their eyes fixed on each other.
"Pirate, free my man scorpion", Black mamba said, more infuriated. The laughter and mocking from other members had raised his anger by 10%. Chibuike didn't even look at him, not to talk of responding. Instead, he faced Scorpion.
"How could you?" Chibuike said again, the disappointment could be heard in his voice.
"I was about to kill her when you wanted her to yourself. Honestly, yesterday went so fast with all the celebrations and everyone being high, remembering any oath was not a possibility. C'mon, you were a big success to us and I needed you to enjoy the fullest", Scorpion defended himself.
Chibuike didn't utter a word. "I did it all for you man", Scorpion continued. "Moreover, the lady was a damsel in distress with her beauty flashing all over our eyes. How could we EKITIA ever avoid that? Her beauty was alluring to the decree I wanted to join you", Scorpion said proudly. In Chibuike's ears, these last words were the most disgusting thing he has ever heard. He felt his body system gradually getting the stimulation of an overcharged transformer, ready to blow off any minute.
"What?" Chibuike heard himself say. Scorpion gave a friendly squeeze to his shoulder with some whispered words that made Chibuike do the strangest thing in the sight of the gang.
"Come on man. I'm sure you really enjoyed yourself. After all, between such beauty and an oath, would you really pick an oath over....", Scorpion couldn't finish his words correctly because an iron fist came his way. One he saw on time but for some strange reason, couldn't avoid it on time. He was sent rolling to the hard flour with bleeding all over his nose. Black mamba motioned to intervene but scorpion's hands shot night in the air signal signaling him to lay off. This wasn't funny again to everyone present because Chibuike got on top of scorpion and gave him more punches.
"What did you say fool!!" Chibuike yelled, taking a break. He grabbed scorpion by the collar, whose face was covered in his blood.
"Say it again", Chibuike said, his eyes locked on scorpion. "I dare you", he added. Black mamba watching all these whiles couldn't take it any longer because he charged towards Chibuike and pushed him away with force. He rolled off and hit his head on the metal door beside them. Chibuike grabbed a nearby bottle as he quickly stood up and smashed it at black mamba's head. His victim groaned in pain as he held his head. A Kick and some punches also followed behind. Golden heart and gentle breeze rushed to hold off Chibuike who wanted to finish his job. Chibuike tried to break free to assault mamba.
"Emeka, you are mad. I go kill you I swear", Chibuike yelled out mamba's formal name as he was carried out of the living room to another room to calm down. Back at the living room, black mamba was severely bleeding and in pain. The particles of the vodka bottle had pierced right into his head, oozing out thick blood. He was immediately taken care of by Young Dave, another member of the gang who specialized in first aid kits. Scorpion too was taken care of immediately. At least, he could hold himself together unlike black mamba who was growling in pain. He deserved it. Not everyone liked black mamba, even scorpion had regret of ever inviting him. He was someone who always had issues with everyone from time to time and didn't respect people's privacy. He found pleasure in poking into people's affairs. And finally, he received his presidential medal of award from Chibuike. A few minutes later, Young Dave had rounded up with the first aid and had given black mamba some pain killer and other drugs that knocked him off to sleep. Scorpion too had settled down on the cushion chair as quiet as ever. His mind briefly replayed the incident over and over. Chibuike had explained the meaning of the oath and his childhood to Gentle breeze and Golden heart in his room. After much talk, they both left him alone as he requested and regrouped with others in the sitting room. The atmosphere was tense as everyone was recovering from the shock. Chibuike finally made up his mind and went back to the sitting room. The side talks died as soon as he emerged in the living room. His eyes met with scorpion's.
"Francis..." Chibuike started, calling him by his formal name.
"I'm sorry bro" Scorpion said.
"I'm sorry too. I have finally decided", Chibuike replied. Everyone looked at him, interested in what he wanted to say.
"What's decided?" Scorpion moved toward him and held his hand tightly. He knew what was coming next and had already read his thoughts.
"I quit. Good luck finding someone else to replace me", Chibuike shook off his hand and walked out.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The medical Consultant clanged the door open and walked in. He had an X-ray file and some other test files with him as he walked in.
"Good afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Henry", Dr Chimezie said as he grabbed his office chair and sat down, opposite them.
"Good afternoon, Doctor", They both chorused their greetings. Adjusting his glasses, he scanned the X-ray file again.
"I'm so sorry but she already has a fertilized egg in her womb. I believe your daughter is a week pregnant", Dr Chimezie said, almost immediately. Mrs. Sharoh broke down in tears again. Her husband took her hands and squeezed them gently. He took a fat envelope and slid it on the table towards him.
"Please. Do it for use. Get rid of it. This is a request from a desperate father trying to save his child. We cannot ever afford to live in shame and mockery. It would hurt so badly she wouldn't want to live again", Mr. Henry said with tears. Dr Chimezie felt heartbroken and pitied poor man but what he was requesting for was something risky, dangerous and illegal. He slid back the envelope with a sad look.
"Moreover, this is against my religion and my job", Dr Chimezie said. "However, there is good news. The good news is that I carried out various STD tests and she came out negative", Dr Chimezie added, stroking his black beards and handed back the STD file to them.
"Can you advise us?" Mr. Henry asked, his wife going through the file. Dr Chimezie took a deep breath, got out his medicated glasses and wiped them.
"Keep the child. This child will bring love to you guys"
"Why do you say such? Is that a prophecy from the eternal ones?" Mr. Henry asked. Outside of his medical profession, Dr Chimezie, was an oracle. What the eternal ones allow him to see, he speaks.
"He is also going to either be the downfall of mankind or the savior of mankind. Terminating this baby is like attracting the punishment of the eternal ones on me. I hope your daughter finds peace from the eternal ones.
"Thank You Doctor", Mr. & Mrs. Henry stood up, excusing themselves. They walked out of the building, and walked straight to their red Lexus car parked beside an ambulance vehicle. He opened the door and they both dived in. Mrs. Sharoh broke down in tears again.
"Darling, it's going to be alright. Who'd have thought things would come to this?" Mr. Henry said, holding her hands. She wiped her tears and brightened up.
"Thank you so much darling", She said, wiping her tears. He nodded. He inserted the key and twisted the ignition. The car coughed but didn't start.
"Please don't make things harder than they already look", Mr. Henry yelled out, angrily hooting his horn.
"Darling stop! You are drawing his attention", She said, holding his hands tightly. "Try it again". Mr. Henry nodded twisted the key again. It coughed and then roared to Life.
"This damn battery. I am going to have to change you", He said, fixing his seatbelt. They drove out of the hospital and onto the highway.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The man walked down the street of the estate. He took a turn at his right and stood in front of a beautiful house. Its pillars were designed with cracked tiles and stones. The wall of the fence was well decorated with moderate street light and was packed with beautiful ornamental flowers. As the man moved to the gate, the security surveillance cameras turned to his direction. He knocked gently and moved back.
No response.
He knocked again. This time it was a little bit harder. He waited patiently for the sound of someone coming to get the door. There was none. All to no avail. The man's patience dried off when the harsh afternoon sun came. He was about to leave when the door opened wide. A lady emerged outside, calling his name. He turned around quickly.
"Mercy? Is that you?", The man went to meet her. She threw her hands over him as he quickly picked her up and spun her around. He finally dropped her back down.
"You are now heavy. Hope my fiancée is not over feeding?" The man smiled.
"Oh mike! Don't be like that", Mercy said, hiding her sadness. She has been crying inside ever since Mike called her that morning and told her he was coming over. How could she ever open up to him? Why did all this have to fall on her? Mom and dad had gone to get the test results. She knew she was pregnant because she had been vomiting frequently. That was her fear. With all these high cultural standards in the country, could any man take a lady that has been manhandled and raped? In most movies, they will still end up rebelling against tradition and get married. This was no movie. She camouflaged her sadness with a wide smile and soft laughs but Mike saw through those disguises. He just ignored it and played along. Like they say, nothing is hidden under the sun. The rays of light will pierce through the thickest darkness and uncover the hidden secrets of the heart.
"You are welcome. And how did you get here so quickly again? Most people find it difficult to locate a new house even with all directions provided?" Mercy led the way as they entered inside.
"I used Uber pickups. They appear to be extremely fast these days. Locating your house wasn't as easy as you think. I had to inquire more from the estate security because almost all houses here lookalike", Mike replied, beaming smiles at her. It's been four months since he set his eyes on Mercy. He had travelled to Abuja, the central capital of Nigeria, to start up a furniture business. He appeared to have spent longer there compared to what he told Mercy. Right before he left, he made sure to ask her the most important question of her life. Of course, she agreed to it, going against the decisions of the eternal ones. She didn't care. This was love, a feeling she had never felt before since her stay on earth. It was something she had no control over, even risking her life to protect it. He always called to check on her. His phone calls were more important than her next breath. He had stayed for a few more months than he promised. To her, it felt like it's been years since he was gone. She even had a countdown calendar where she ticked every day closer to his arrival. She always put him in her prayers, appealing to the eternal ones to let them be together. Her communication with the eternal ones had been cut off as punishment to her and several holy ones were sent to warn her. She didn't care either. She was in love, and that's all that matters. Most times, she would take off her engagement ring and stare at it, admiring the initials "M & M", Mercy and Mike.
We are just so destined for each other. Come back soon. I'm dying for your love. I want to be yours. Mercy would whisper to the ring sometimes. The day finally came for Mike to come home. It was on a bright and warm Saturday. Mike had informed Mercy he would be coming home that day and would be in the airport soon. She got so excited and hung up without asking about the time of his arrival. Midway to reaching the airport, she got into a heavy gridlock on the road for some hours and time flew by. She dialed his line but it wasn't going through. Probably switched off. Mike had arrived while she was in traffic with her taxi. He waited for his lover for an hour before he took an Uber to his apartment. Mercy later arrived at the airport an hour after he had gone. She waited and waited without realizing he had already gone. Every other plane had landed and yet no sign of Mike. She was shocked by the time on her watch. It was 5:30pm already and yet she wasn't home. She knew her parents would be bothered by now. Mercy made up her mind to get home after waiting for another thirty minutes and still no sign of Mike. She got back into another taxi to head back home. On the highway, they got into traffic again. It was worse than the first because they stayed on the road for two hours before the lines started moving again. She had seen a fallen truck by the Intersection of the highway, which explained the reason for the heavy traffic. The taxi got to her destination and she paid as she got down. Her phone beeped with messages and notifications. She saw missed calls from her parents and messages she didn't bother opening. She ignored them because she was more focused on Mike and her disappointment. Her dad called her again. Out of frustration, she switched off her phone and slid it into the jean trousers she wore. She got into a street leading to her own neighborhood. She must have been so preoccupied with thinking that she didn't take note of the armed robbers with guns at the end of the street until it was too late. They had seen her. The fired stray bullets into the thin air had brought back her consciousness and she started running. Running down the next street, tension and panic held her body as a rush of adrenaline steamed off her body. She ran as fast as her legs could carry her. It was there. Huge and unnoticeable. She couldn't see it because it was dark. She tripped over the large stone and rammed her head into another stone, not as large as the first. A bit dizzy with a pounding head, she made an attempt to run again but was surrounded by the robbers. The only person she could think of while they carried her off, was Mike.
"Where have you been Mike?" Mercy sobbed with hot tears rolling down her eyes, onto her cheeks, all the way down her lips before she wiped them off. Mike held her face in his wide rough hands.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry I didn't come as quickly as I promised", Mike said, wiping off her tears.
"But I heard you came back a week ago. Why did you leave me stranded at the airport? Why didn't you call? Why didn't you come see me the day later", She cried again, more intensely this time around. Mike was completely at sea. Mercy didn't care. Here was the love of her life and inside her was another man's child. An armed robber for that matter. Very disturbing thoughts haunted her every second she looked into Mike's innocent and confused eyes.
He had no idea. He really did have no idea. His reaction to the news was uncertain to her.
"Stop crying. I'm here now. I won't be travelling for a long time again", Mike said. Mercy faked a smile. The idea that he was still in the dark didn't make things better at all and she knew that. She had to tell him the truth, wasn't that why she invited him over? Surely it was time to let the cat out of the bag and hit the nail right at the head.
"Moreover, you know I always call. On my way to Abuja airport after speaking to you, I was robbed by my taxi driver. That man was one hell of a kleptomaniac. I fell right into his trap like an ox carried for slaughter", Mike continued. " He had a gun pointed at me...."
'What? That's dangerous", Mercy interrupted, gasping. She tricked herself into not imagining Mike getting shot. It worked.
"I complied with him. He took my phone and laptop and some money I had"
"That's very horrible and wicked of him"
"But he gave me some balance to take another ride to the airport. Could you just imagine", Mike burst into laughter. Mercy joined too.
"I'm so glad I saved all my documents on my hard drive", Mike said. She noticed Mike was hot and sweating. He was very attractive because of his fair-skinned body with very dark coily hair. He had pink lips with a good set of teeth that glittered like crystals whenever he smiled. One unique facial feature about Mike that got the ladies attention was his thick one-sided dimple and thick long eyelashes. People meeting him for the first time always thought his eyelashes were artificial. His deep voice wooed ladies away instantly. His spoken English was fluent and good. Mike was 6 feet 4 inches with thick muscles and smooth skin, smooth skin which wasn't used to the harsh sunlight.
"Alright, vanilla ice cream. Why don't we go inside before you melt", Mercy laughed as she dragged Mike in.
"Still calling me vanilla, huh?" Mike said as Mercy dragged him inside the house.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Mercy carried a full tray of glass cups and drinks and entered the living room where Mike was, balanced on the sofa. She moved towards him and kept the tray on the glass side stool beside him. Mike admired the living room with his eyes rolling in every direction. The living room was painted sky blue with a touch of white and had beautiful artworks hung at every corner. Painting portraits of Mercy were on the wall also. Mrs. sharoh always told him Mercy was their miraculous child given to them by the eternal ones and that she was very special. Judging by Mercy's character, he believed her.
"Why all the drinks?" Mike asked, staring at the innocent chilled drinks lying on the tray.
"Drinks?" Mercy raised an eyebrow. "How many drinks can you see?"
"Let's see. 6, 7, 8, ....12", Mike counted. Mercy laughed out and gave a gentle hit to his shoulders.
"Your sense of humor didn't go at all", Mercy said.
"But the drinks are much"
" Three drinks! Two beers for you and one soft drink for me. Are you kidding me? And since when did two drinks become a problem for you?" Mercy laughed.
"I stopped drinking since I proposed to you", Mike replied, taking her hands. Mercy gently removed her hands from his as he said that. Mike noticed her smile was gone and tears filled her eyes again.
No response.
"Mercy, why are you crying? Is there something you are not telling me? Mike shot a glance of her and she looked away almost immediately.
"I want to tell you something. I don't know what will happen after I tell you", Mercy said wiping her tears.
"Go on mercy. I love you no matter what happens, nothing will ever make me doubt my love for you", Mike said, persuading her to talk. Mercy took seconds before she opened her mouth and willed her body to speak. All the narration of the horrible night, the aggression and guilt ran out of her mouth. Mike stood up with tears wielding in his eyes. He glanced at her with disgust and guilt. The love he had for her had turned into hatred.
"I can't. I'm calling off the engagement", Mike said avoiding eye contact. It was a taboo to marry a woman who was not virgin and worst-case scenario manhandled and raped.
"You! You selfish pig! Do you think I brought this upon myself? Do you think I did?" Mercy broke down in tears as she struck him on his chest over and over again. She had known this tradition but she was expecting him to choose love over man-made tradition and rules. The reverse was the case. Mike had chosen the word, people's ideology and opinions over her. How could he? How could you? She thought over and over again in shock and disbelief.
"What happened to love? What happened to till death do us apart? Were those empty promises Mike?!! She bombarded him with questions as she held him tightly on his waist never wanting to let go.
"My widowed mother would never agree. And its taboo, you know that. I can't bring shame upon my family, I'm so sorry". With a gentle push, she fell to the couch as he walked out. That was the day Mike walked out of her life. She was in trouble. She knew that but it was already late. She regretted choosing Mike over the eternal ones. If she had gone back to them when her mission was done, she wouldn't have been in this situation.