
Don Pillar

Having fallen in love with a man, An angelic being was sentenced to hades as an eternal punishment from the eternal ones for mingling with the affairs of mankind. Her offspring would grow up as a Demi Angel, carrying both angelic and human DNA in his body. Learning about his mother's fate in hades, he would wretch havoc on the earth and attempt to wage war with the eternal ones

Princewill_Nwannah · Fantaisie
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11 Chs


Don Pillar's voice trailed off. Again, he took a cigarette and lit it.

"So, the rescue mission was a total mess", Reverend Chibuike said.

"Yes", Don Pillar replied.

"Mrs. Eze?"

"Outside the country. Last Interpol heard she was in Croatia. She's well connected and can't be caught"

"So, you basically lost your powers and the wings never regrew"


"What about-------"

"Enough with your questions!" Don Pillar exclaimed angrily. "My turn. I need you to answer me correctly "

Reverend Chibuike nodded. His heart ached with fear as it was soon about to make sense. His mistake years ago gave birth to Don Pillar. Every action indeed had consequences.

"Now… who is my father?" Don Pillar looked at his visitor dead in the eyes. He must have heard the Reverend whisper something.

"That which I have feared has come upon me", the Reverend said again.

"I'm not for quotes my dear. Do justice and get to the point", Don Pillar raised his voice. Tears welled up in the reverend's eyes.


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Don Pillar looked stunned. His mind sank with disbelief, his heart skipped a beat and his throat felt dry. The Reverend shaded tears with a bent face. Back on the ground floor, the officers all went into shock as they watched and listened to their conversation. They had managed to get the surveillance cameras working again.

"Don Pillar is his son?" Officer Martins said.

"They look so much alike", Angel said.

"Reverend Chibuike. You have a lot of explaining to do", Martins said. "Come with me Angel, we have a Reverend to interrogate", Martins ordered. She followed him behind.

Meanwhile, Don Pillar still fought the urge to attack the Reverend. Playing pranks with him at such a difficult time wasn't the best decision at all.

"I'm serious. I was the armed robber who raped Mercy. That was years-" he never concluded because Don Pillar rushed him and pinned him down. He wrapped his chain around the reverend's neck and tightened it.

"How do you know her name? I never told you that", Don Pillar yelled out as he continued squeezing the chain. Martins opened the cellar and kicked Don Pillar off the Reverend.

"Get the Reverend out of here", Martins ordered. Angel grabbed the Reverend and his camera away from the cell quickly.

"Forgive me my son. Please forgive me", Reverend Chibuike said as Angel took him out of the cell. Don Pillar quickly stood up and dulled himself at Martins, knocking the both of them to the ground. Martins reached for his gun but Don Pillar broke his hand. He let out a yell.

"That's for my wings", Don Pillar's eyes began glowing. Martins kicked Don Pillar away and tried getting out of the cell but was pulled back by the chain that hung around his neck. Martins struggled for air. His eyes quickly caught his gun lying on the ground inches away from him. Martins used his strong elbow to hit Don Pillar's Jaw. The grip on the neck loosened as Don Pillar staggered back. Martins quickly got rid of the chain from his neck and rushed to his gun. Don Pillar followed behind. Martin quickly spun back and fired immediately he got his hands on his gun. Don Pillar knelt down, his hands on his stomach where he was hit. Black blood gushed out as he gnashed his teeth in pain.

"I can't die. Must kill", he said. Martins quickly slapped his gun back into its holster and radioed for medical help while backing out of the cell.

"You won't die. Not here. But on your execution next tomorrow". Martins spat out blood.

"My body is steel. I will not die until I have my revenge" Don Pillar slowly stood up. Martins adjusted his hands on his holster

"Don't worry Martins. I will wait for your medical team to stitch me up. I need to be ready to face my father, shouldn't I?" Don Pillar smiled, his black teeth showing

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Reverend Chibuike washed off the dirt on his face in the sink. Tears rolled down his eyes. He could think of nothing more than the hurtful eyes Don Pillar had while narrating his entire life and how he came to be one of the most notorious killers. He was sure Don Pillar wanted to kill him so badly. Martins knocked on the door of the restroom.

"We will see you now Reverend "

"Yeah. I am coming", Reverend responded from the other side of the wall. He quickly took out his cell phone and dialed a number.

"Good day. How can I help you?" A female voice answered.

"Vivian. I need an appointment with the inspector general",

"Oh! Reverend Chibuike. Good day", Vivian exclaimed. "I will see to that sir".

"Okay. There are things I need to discuss with him", he quickly hung up. He came out of the restroom and ran into Martins in the hallway.

"We have been waiting for you," Martins said.

"Can I not get my privacy in the restroom?" Reverend Chibuike frowned his face. "By the way, I have an appointment to catch up with", he said and walked past him. Martin held his hands.

"You are withholding vital information. I am sorry but you are going to stay and answer my question."

"If you need to speak to me, you can speak to my lawyer, " Reverend Chibuike shook his hands from his grip and walked out. He got into the same elevator that brought him up and pressed the ground floor. A few minutes later, the elevator door stopped on the ground floor and opened. He quickly ran into Chioma.

"So how was it? Chioma asked.

"Don't pretend you didn't watch the whole thing," the Reverend replied to her.

"We ended up getting those cameras functioning again after you cut them off electricity. Luckily for us, it comes with emergency mode and operates on the stored battery it carried", she added.

"I have an appointment to catch up to," the Reverend resumed his walks. He could see the disgusted sneer other officers threw at him on the ground floor as he walked past them.

"We will meet again, Reverend, won't we?" Martins yelled his name from behind. The revenge spun around quickly to see who called him. He continued his walk and stormed out of the building.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The black Range Rover took a turn into the street and stopped in front of a big mansion. The house was heavily guarded with security surveillance cameras installed around the fence. The driver of the Range Rover hooted his horn and immediately noticed the cameras all turned towards his direction. An armed soldier opened the gate and moved to the Range Rover.

"What can I do for you?" The soldier asked.

"Is Inspector General David in?" Reverend Chibuike asked.

"Yes. And you are?" The soldier asked. He knew who he was. A Reverend. His clerical clothes alone gave him away quickly.

"Reverend Chibuike. I have an appointment with the inspector", Reverend Chibuike said boldly. The soldier nodded and radioed for the gates to be opened. The big wide gates opened and the Reverend drove in. The compound of the house was very large and ornamental plants were everywhere. A large space of the compound was occupied with military vehicles. Reverend Chibuike found a good parking space and parked his car. Another soldier soon walked up to his car and opened the door for him.

"Welcome sir. The inspector has been waiting for you. Please come with me", the soldier said and ushered him into the big mansion, directly into the living room. Inspector David jumped off his couch in seeing the Reverend and moved to embrace him.

"Welcome Chibuike", Inspector David said, patting the Reverend on the back.

"Bless you. I've come for a very important discussion with you..."

"Ahh! Just like that? Chibuike, I have not even offered you anything and you are rushing into discussion already", Inspector David said.

"David, thank you for your hospitality. I'm filled and by the way I ate before coming here", Reverend Chibuike said.

"No. I disagree. Even though you are now a Reverend, that doesn't prevent you from taking an offer from an old friend. Not just an old friend but your secondary school classmate", Inspector David said. He looked at the soldier standing in front of the door.

"Tell Genevieve to get some snacks and drinks right now", Inspector David ordered. The soldier left immediately.

"David. How many soldiers are in this house?'

"I don't even know. Why do you ask?" The Inspector laughed.

"Nothing. Just that I've been seeing camouflage everywhere I go", Reverend Chibuike chuckled. He then kept silent as his mood changed. His mind reflected on Don Pillar. He was going to be there when his son was executed. This is where a mistake that occurred twenty years ago had led him.

"Chibuike! Chibuike!" Inspector David snapped his fingers to grab the Reverend's attention.

"Don Pillar is my son", Reverend Chibuike said.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Reverend Chibuike stared into the blank face of the inspector. The whole narration of the story had come to an end and he wasn't sure how David would react. David, on the other hand, was silent. The news had gone through his body like a shock wave from a nuclear blast. He held onto the tape-recording Reverend Chibuike had given him.

"Please publish this tape. Let the world know the true story. Let the world know that I'm the cause of all this and my son, Don Pillar, was a victim of my cruelty. This is my last dying wish", Reverend Chibuike said, standing up.

''Last dying wish? I hope you are not attempting suicide? In fact, I'll have an escort follow you anywhere you go from now on", Inspector David said. He rose to see his friend off.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

There's a saying "Justice always chooses the darkest day to be served". That was not different from today, the day Don Pillar was brought to book and justice to be served. The sun refused to shine throughout the day. It was all thick clouds hovering above the atmosphere. Execution in Nigeria was done by the beach. Not only that, it was public and televised. It was about 4:30pm when news reporters, journalists and a large crowd of people filled the beach. A podium was already erected with a long stake wood fixed at the center. Camera lights flicked everywhere, journalists interviewing officers and affected family members on live TV. A lot of security operatives were on the ground already. Tension rose in the air as the people continuously inquired of Don Pillar. Inspector General David finally arrived with hosts of security personnel, accompanying him was Reverend Chibuike. Journalists scrambled towards them but were cut off by the military personnel. A Journalist managed to squeeze her way through and cut the inspector right in his track.

"Sir, what do you have to say about this event?" The Journalist asked quickly.

"Well. It's a day of justice. Like I've promised, all criminals must be brought to book and this is just the beginning of my promise", Inspector David replied to her before she was dragged away. Another reporter threw a question at the Reverend but he gave no reply. He made sure to stick by the side of the inspector and the security wall created between them and the crazy reporters. Dr Ajibeke Chinedu, a well renowned Doctor also arrived immediately. Finally, all the rites for the execution were almost complete except that Don Pillar wasn't yet out. Inspector David received Dr Ajibeke with warm hands and so did Reverend Chibuike.

A few minutes later, four officers came out of an armored car with Don Pillar, who was bound with shackles on both hands and feet. There was an uproar of joy from the crowd. Chanting of "crucify him" rose from the crowd. Don Pillar was taken to the podium and chained very securely to the stake. Satisfied their prey was well secured, the officers moved away. Don Pillar's eyes met with Reverend Chibuike. There was a sudden struggle from Don Pillar. His eyes were burning with rage and teeth gnashing against each other. There were little tears at the end of his eyes. For the first time, he truly felt fear eating at his body. But he didn't want to die yet. Not when the person responsible for everything was still breathing fresh air. Swallowing saliva became difficult with every second that passed by. The proceeding for the execution started. The noise died down as Don Pillar was given a chance to say his last words.

"I always imagined this day", Don Pillar started, his eyes directly fixed on Reverend Chibuike. "I'm an abomination. All I ever had were my grandparents. Unfortunately, they died in a car accident and were away from me while I was in prison", He paused and looked around.

"You all came here today with angry and heavy hearts to celebrate my death. But I can assure you that when the truth is out, you all will wish that today never happened. When you all find out the truth, you will then know that society at large can be unfair to young growing children. My only regret is that I didn't get a chance to kill the one man that caused all of this", Don Pillar concluded. Reverend Chibuike was invited to pray for the accused to be executed. Slowly, he ascended the podium to face the crowd.

"Forgive him", Reverend Chibuike yelled out to the crowd. He then turned his back to face his son.

"Forgive me", Reverend Chibuike said.

"Never!!!" Don Pillar yelled with rage. Reverend Chibuike looked up at the sky and held his hands high.

"Let my sacrifice deem you worthy and clean his heart of all unforgiveness and evil that he may be cleansed once again"

"You know guns can't kill me", Don Pillar interrupted. "I won't die here. I will hurt you".

"For sure you will die here. I blessed those guns with sacred oil", Reverend Chibuike replied. Doctor Ajibeke ascended the podium too and stood by the far end of it. Reverend Chibuike moved to stand beside the doctor too as the soldiers all took their stance. He began chanting some holy spells to bend time and manipulate time. The soldiers knelt down with one foot, slapped their magazine to their gun and aimed at Don Pillar. Some people in the crowd closed their eyes in fear while some watched in excitement.

"Set", the commander raised a white flag. When he saw the soldiers were ready, he took up a red flag.


Everything went into slow motion in Reverend Chibuike's eyes. The spell had been effective. He saw the soldiers squeezed the trigger and their guns barked, releasing bullets that whizzed through the air. He saw the Tobirah and many more angels in the sky. The priest nodded at him. Reverend Chibuike nodded back and ran into Chibuike as the bullets impacted both of them. Stray bullets ran through his body and that of Don Pillar.

"Cease fire", the commander shouted. Screams roared from every corner of the crowd as the soldiers stopped firing.

"Damn it", Inspector David said beneath his breath. Reverend Chibuike spat out blood as he hugged and held onto his son. His white clothes soaked in blood. Don Pillar coughed out blood too. He stared in horror as his father staggered back. Inspector David quickly ran to the podium with some men behind him. He ordered his men to quickly rush the Reverend out to a hospital but Reverend Chibuike rejected.

"I won't...make it... Please let me...", Reverend Chibuike coughed out blood. "Let me spend my last...moments with ...my...son", Reverend Chibuike stuttered. Inspector David nodded and ordered them back. The crowd got even wider. Camera lights flicked and took more pictures as the events unfolded. Reverend Chibuike moved to his son again, tears welling up in his eyes. Slowly he moved his hands towards Don Pillar's face and touched it.

"It was... never meant to ...end this.... way", Reverend Chibuike struggled with air. His vision became blurrier every second. "I'm...s... sorry"

"Why? wh..", Don Pillar's voice went low as his breathing decreased.

"I love you...my son. Do you...now...forgive ...me?", Reverend Chibuike managed to utter those words and dropped dead to the ground. Don Pillar began sobbing heavily as he struggled to breath.

"Why!!!!!!!" Don Pillar yelled into the air. He looked again to the crowd and managed to see Erek, Derek and Tahila. He could tell they were crying heavily. He struggled for air as he looked down on his father's corpse. This time sorrowfully.

"I .... forgive...you dad..." Don Pillar said and took his last breath.

The whole place was quiet. The only sound audible was the splashing waters on the beach. The silence was crashed by some medical team who moved to the Reverend corpses while Dr. Ajibeke checked Don Pillar's body for signs of life. He turned to face the anxious crowd after his doubt had been cleared and immediately annoyed the death of Don Pillar. A pandemonium of celebrations broke out with people singing while some were dancing. Journalist began their lengthy talk to their camera men and also interviewed witnesses around. Some had mixed feelings about the execution while the others were convinced it was simply justice doing its work. The officers on standby proceeded to unchain Don Pillar to take his body away. Immediately they made contact with his body, a strong visible lightning blast penetrated the sky and struck them dead instantly.

The transition from joy and celebrations to screaming and horror was indeed perfect because people began to move away in fear. The focus of the journalist and camera men moved to Don Pillar's body. The chains melted off and his body shot up into the sky above them and remained floating. Currents of electricity began running through his body as his bones began breaking, his whole body curling into a ball form. Fragments of strong crystals began to around the forming ball. Whatever was forming inside didn't want distraction s because police officers and military personnel present began firing at it. They ceased fire when they saw their bullets deflected off on impact. The waters at the beach began redrawing and at the far end into the ocean, a tsunami began to form. Suddenly, angelic beings began to appear in the sky at random. They had formed a crescent around a dozen or more, most of whom wore leather around a dozen or more, most of whom wore a leather armor and carried flaming weapons, swords or pikes, but also a few curving longbows. Their shields and the tabards that hung over their cuirasses were emblazoned with gold. The panic quickly vanished and a sea of hope filled peoples' hearts again as they began rejoicing. Inspector David stood speechless, never had he imagined he would witness or have an encounter with supernatural beings. Reverend Chibuike had told him about his encounter with angels in a house he visited but he never believed him. After today's event, he was sure he wasn't going to be a doubting Thomas, ever again. The Angels all charged at the crystal ball that was suspended in the air but were thrown backwards with a repelling force. A flaming sword flew out of the crystal ball and stabbed an angel. The stabbed angel stoned to stone and fell to the ground with a loud crash. Screams rose again from the people on the ground who started fleeing again. The crystal ball exploded, revealing a mighty angelic being.

''Isn't it too soon to rejoice…...my fellow traitors'', Don Pillar spoke. His body was radiating pure light, typically hiding any skin complexion. That's if there was any. He was a lot taller and bigger. He had a long silver hair packed in a pony tail with two free strands of hair besides his ear. A big golden wing sprouted out of his back and a crown of diamond sat on his head. His body was covered with an armor of hard white crystals. At his side his sword's hilt flashed like a tongue of copper flame, but that wasn't what was caused the intense horror to the angels and the people on the ground. Don Pillars eyes leaked golden light. Tobirah suddenly appeared.

''Gilgamesh!'' Tobirah called out. Other angels jerked back in disbelief. Don Pillar turned to face the angel.

''Tobirah. It's been long, hasn't it?''

''I never believed the prophesy will come to pass, Gilgamesh, the destroyer of angels and the eternal ones'', Tobirah said.

''Where are the eternal ones?'' Don Pillar asked, weary of the name the angel called him. His sword transformed into a golden scepter with black orbs of energy balls hovering around it. He shot his other hand into the sky and another dimension opened through the clouds. A golden trumpet emerged from the opened dimension and fell right into his hands.

''What we have feared have indeed come upon us'', Tobirah whispered.

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