

They say when a boy stares at a girl's eyes that means he likes her...but in our case it's the moment you know you might be in danger. They say girls are obsessed with their hair...but in our case, our hair identifies our identity. So we have to hide it. They say your past is the cause of your presence...but in our case the past is our weakness. We're immortals but that doesn't mean we can't be killed. We can by hunters.

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44 Chs

Chapter 36

Stephen James as Ezra Amos

Lily Collins as Aurora Desmond


Xavier's Pov

We walked inside the dark cottage the sunset lightened the place a little made it a bit clearer.

"It's so so dusty" Celeste said scrunching her nose.

"And so cold" Starr said hugging herself. We walked inside this cottage looking around. I saw there was a window in the left side of the room covered with lace black curtains. I walked to it and pushed the curtains to the side and made a little bit of light enter the room. Zion walked to the windows pushing the curtains to the side when the room was clear we looked around and there were a lot of spiders web, so old looking wooden furniture and lots of papers and books all over the place, that has symbols same to the one in the book. 

"Let's go outside" I said in a disgusted voice. I walked to the back door cleaning the dust on my shirt with my hand. When I opened the back door there were stairs and a back yard full of green grass and flowers and it looks beautiful and livable?

"This is completely opposite from how it looks inside" Crobyn said getting downstairs

"How?" Klaus asked following Corbyn downstairs. The girls got downstairs looking at the flowers in awe

"How?" I whispered to myself. Has anyone been here before?

"Guys I found the water well?" Luna yelled making me run downstairs following her voice. I stopped when I saw her looking down at the water well putting her hair behind her ear

"That's so deep" She said looking at me with widened eyes with her different colored eyes. I looked at the well and saw how there some kind of leaves surrounding it and there wasn't a water bucket only this hard rock thing that's above the water well itself.

"I think this supposed to be 400 ft down" Zeiden said looking down

"So How are you gonna get in it Mr.Xavier?" River asked rolling her eyes at me

"I mean we got the ropes for a reason right Mrs. River" I said taking off the bag that was on my back to get the ropes

"Did you get the Nylon ropes as I told you sir?" Zeiden asked and I nodded. Taking out two pairs of very long nylon ropes

"We're gonna tie these ropes onto this trees" I said pointing at the tree

"I'm going down with you" Luna said making my head snap at her

"What the fuck are you saying?" I said

"I'm going in this water well with you" As she leaned down to take the ropes I put my foot on them making her flinch back

"No you're not" I glared at her "Say something" I looked at her sisters waiting for them to stop her

"Luna you can't do that...it's dangerous down there" Celeste said

"I'm just going to help, nothing down here can't hurt me I'm immortal remember? If something happened you're the one who's gonna get hurt" She said pointing at Me, Corbyn, Issac and Zion "So you're gonna need a witch with you right...So I suggest for all of you to shut up cause I'm gonna do it wether you like or not" She faked smile at us and carried the rope to the tree

"Okay" River groaned went to help her. I walked to the tree tying ropes around it and Zeiden and Zion checking to make sure it was secure enough to the tree.

"Make sure you tie it well" I said looking at Luna for a second. I started to tie the rope around my waist and secure it with a another two knots. I flinched suddenly when Corbyn put a headlamp on my head and one on Luna's head

"Be careful okay?" He said looking at us and I nodded

"Take this Luna tie your hair so it can't get on the way" Celeste said giving Luna her hair tie and Luna did what she was told to do

"Don't rush and be careful" Starr said patting her sister's back

"Just tell us you got it and we will be ready to pull you out at the same exact moment" Zion said lending us flash lights cause it start to get dark.

"Ready?" I looked at Luna who nodded walking to the well. We sat on the well's edge and our legs were dangling before rolling and going down

"Make sure you roll the rope slowly after every 7 seconds okay" I said to Zion and Issac, Zion was holding my rope and digging his heel in the grass and Issac did the same with Luna's rope. We turned around putting the flashlight in our mouth we went inside so our hands were holding the edge and our body is dangling. We both supported our bodies by putting our legs on the wall of the well and slowly removed one hand from the edgy holding the rope and the same with other hand

"I'm amazed that you can do all of that" I said after taking the flash light from my mouth

"I didn't live 326 years doing nothing" She said pointing the flashlight in the water. The guys did as we say they kept rolling us downstairs every seven seconds I guess. We kept going down for I don't know how long until our bodies started to touch the water

Luna gasped "It's cold so cold"

"GUYS STOP" I yelled. We started to straighten our bodies in the water slowly and what caught us on guard that the water stopped at my neck and Luna the water stopped just above her chin by a little

"What the fuck?...400 ft for just this small amount of water" She said looking at me in confusion

"It's confusing" I whispered. We started to search for any sign of the book and after minutes my feet hit something hard in the bottom. I found a medium sized treasure chest.

"I think I found something" I said feeling my heart pounding. Luna came beside me with a smile

"Finally" She said brushing her wet strands of hair away from her face then adjusted her flashlight at the same spot mine is, I gave her my flashlight, dived in trying my best to hold it "Fuck" I groaned at how stiff that chest is, I couldn't left it no more so I let go of it

"Is it heavy?" She said trying to carry it which she couldn't even lift it

"It is heavy" She huffed

"What do you think is in it?" She asked giving me a terrified look

"I have no idea but i'm sure it's something important" I lied for the hundredth times

"I hope whatever is inside solve your father's mystery so we can get home" She closed her eyes in tiredness

"I know that you're so tried...I didn't sleep too by the way" I said without thinking and she snapped

"So you were thinking!" She raised her eyebrows

I looked down "The chest" I said making her remember where are we "Uh yes"

She took a breath "The only solution is that I'm gonna do a spell to make it lighter" She said closing her eyes while lifting her hand up at the treasure chest and started saying some words under her breath. I kept looking at her waiting for her to finish which she did not after too long

"Done" She said bending down to carry the chest which she did by only one hand. I tried to hide my impressed reaction by clearing my throat.

"PULL US OUT" I yelled grabbing the rope with one hand and the other was holding the treasure chest handle. The guys started pulling us out, every seven seconds they pull till we were almost reaching the edge "Why aren't they talking?" Luna wondered, But something terrifying happened that made me lose my balance. As we were a bit close to the edge something invisible stopped me like a wall or something that made me lose my grip on the handle of the chest and that made Luna lose her balance a bit. Luna was above me by 3 ft or something.

Zion tried to pull me a lot of times but I kept just hitting my head on this invisible wall

"What's happening?" I asked looking up at Luna who's looking at me with a worried look.

"Me and my sisters are gonna figure something out, don't worry" She said as she was already so near from the surface.

As she was near the edge. I guess one of the guys helped her to get out the well but after she got I heard her screaming and then her screams were muffled and everything went completely silent, suddenly i saw luna's rope going up like someone is pulling it out, then soon after that I saw a knife cutting my own rope and it took me off guard as I couldn't even have the time to process and fell all the way down till i hit the cold water by my back making a loud splash, like a stone hitting the bottom of the sea, my back almost touched the bottom i swam up gasping for air

I coughed water out "LUNA? WHAT IS HAPPENING?" I yelled hearing my echo filling the well,I took the floating flashlight and adjusted it upwards,Then shortly enough after seconds of silence I found a familiar face looking down at me

"Hello there X. long time no see old friend" His British accent fell my ear which made me growled loudly in terror and anger, feeling my eyes getting darker


Luna's Pov

When I was finally at the edge. I raised my hand that was holding the chest and I don't know who snatched it away from me and suddenly an unknown guy took a grip of my arms and pulled me out of the well. As I got out still looking at that strange man. Suddenly I found a man holding my hand strongly from my back which made me scream in shock

"LEAVE ME" I said trying to fight against my grip but stopped and found that my sisters and the guys were tied just like me and down on there knees, plenty of armed men were surrounding them in a circle, there was a girl and every one has a gun pointed at his forehead..Except Klaus!! What the hell!!

"Who are you!" I asked the guy that was by the water well who I couldn't see his face properly then we heard a loud splash

"Shh" He pointed to me to shut up as we heard Xavier's yelling "LUNA? WHAT IS HAPPENING!"

The mysterious man leaned of the wall "Hello there X. long time no see old friend" He smiled down at Xavier

"EZRA" Xavier roared

"The one and only" Ezra said "I hope you have a nice last day in your life down there...decompose well please we have to help the nature retrieves it's nutritions" He added and I can imagine Xavier's face right now

"I promise you this water well will be your coffin tonight" Xavier said in a very deep voice as the water well made his voice in echo, immediately Ezra chuckled sarcastically "You Can't even manage to get yourself out" He left Xavier and started to walk towards me, as his face met the light I immediately gasped in horror...The other guy that I saw in the vision, The vision is real! Will he and Xavier die?!

"Look at the beautiful missing quadruplets" He said looking at us then back at his men

"And by the way guys I missed you so much" He said looking at Corbyn, Zion, Issac and Klaus, putting his hand on his heart "And I'd like to introduce you to someone...Aurora come here" As he said that Aurora came out from behind a tree waving at us with a smirk

"Hi guys"

"Oh fuck" Corbyn said and all of the guys growled in annoyance

"All of you are gonna pay for that" Zion yelled

"Whatever...I'll introduce myself to the girls" She said eyeing us from up to down "I'm Aurora, I'm a hybrid..half witch and half hunter not half human like most of you thought ."

"What how?" Celeste asked in curiosity

"HALF HUNTER!!" Corbyn yelled

" Do you think you and Corbyn are the first ones to break the rules..My father is Desmond Aldrich and my mother is Gabriella Pierce the very first Witch and hunter to break the nature rules and get married."

"I know these names, I read about them, they were alive centuries ago...how could you be their daugh-

She chuckled cutting Celeste off "They're still alive, safe and sound...we are immortals. Not only you"

"So don't think that you and Corbyn loving each other is rare." She said standing in front of Celeste puffing her chest out looking confidence her posture made Celeste chuckle

"Oh Are you jealous or something?" Celeste said copying Aurora's posture

"Me? Never...I'm just reminding you that what both of you doing is nothing new"

"And no one asked or cared for your opinion in our relationship" They kept glaring at each other

"I remembered, you were in the castle with us, but we were years older" Zion hissed

"A+ for memory" She clapped dramatically

"Now stop that" Ezra said pulling her behind his back

"How did you you even know about this place?" Issac asked

"Bring his fiancée" He yelled suddenly and after that one of his men came with a beaten up women looking like she's gonna collapse in any second, He took this tied and beaten up woman and pushed her and she fell on Klaus's foot whimpering which made him push the man who's holding him and fell on his knees holding her in his arms

"S-Sorry guys I was the one who gave him the map and helped him...I-I had to do it, He kidnapped her" He said drying his fiancée tears. The air was filled with silence we're only exchanging looks all of this made all of us speechless

"Sir we can't open this at all" Our gazes fell on one of Ezra's men

"What do you mean?" He said rubbing his chin

"W-We can't sir sorry" He said nervously

"Oh don't worry we've got the missing witches" He said with a big smile on his face

"Does unlocking stuff require the four of you?" He asked

"Yes" I said in rush so he can un tie them and he nodded

"LUNA DON'T" I heard Xavier yell, I remembered that he can hear us.hunters ears are so sensitive.

"Open it" As he said that his men left me and untied my sisters. I looked at my sisters and nodded then turned my gaze up at the sky and they totally got what I mean and nodded there head slowly. We walked to the treasure chest stood around it holding hands and closing eyes.

"Dissera portus" We said in our breath

"Dissera portus" I said after seconds my sisters said back after me "Dissera portus" As soon as we opened our eyes the lock on the treasure fell on the floor

Ezra came behind Starr's back and pushed her to the side. He leaned slightly and opened the chest and got A book out of it but luck wasn't in our side the book was tied with chains

"Damn it" He murmured

"You can fucking open that right" He said in anger making all of us nod. I took the book from his hand and I don't know why but it send shivers to all over my body and gave me a little bit of headache making me wince. I put the book between the four of us and we did exactly what we did with the treasure chest but w had to repeat twice

The chains broke and fell to the side of the book. Ezra came laughing to himself. He leaned and got down removing the chains from the book. He straightened his posture and opened the book from the middle

Out of nowhere as he opened the book. I felt pain in my brain and when I looked at my sisters for help they were already holding their head. The pain became unbearable I fell on my knees and put my forehead on the grass screaming still holding my head crunching my eyes close.

I cried in pain and all the voices around me became muffled and everything around me went black

When I opened my eyes seeing a beautiful women standing by the water well. I looked beside and I was on the same backyard that belongs to the cottage. This lady turned around and I immediately knew it was the same women from my dream. Samara. My mother

"This well I built it by myself just to protect you and your sisters. Wake up Luna you're my daughter, Samara's daughter. This book got a big secret in it a big power that if you and you're sisters are smart enough you would've take this book and hide it again...You got inside my water well with a hunter...That means that he can't get out of it" My breath hitched

"You made that book?" I asked in disbelief

"Yes I did...I made this to protect you and to protect every witch around the world. I made this book to be a poison against every hunter...this book have the secret to every hunters death. The only spell that when you say it the hunter in front of you will be out of this world. He or she would be dead in the same exact second...The sight of their guts exploding their way out.the heart explodes.every vein in their body will raptures" She said loudly.

"What did you mean by if any hunter gets inside this well will never get out?" I asked in a shaky voice

"Everything I do is against hunters" She said

"He can't be stuck in here. I know you've a solution for it. You got solutions for everything" I said waving my hand around

"You love him, don't you" She asked in a stern way and I couldn't open my mouth

"My genes runs in your veins, even my weaknesses" She said in frustration

"Luna you can't trust hunters they'll stab you in the back"

"He has to get out of here...please" I pleaded. My mother closed her eyes

"You've to take the book, it can't be in any hunters hand" She said taking a deep breath"You have to throw another person instead of him" She said

"What?" I gasped

"What you heard...and don't worry about telling your sisters about that book they're already having the same vision as you" I nodded

"Love the four of you"

I opened my eyes and raised my head up looking at the moon as i took a full gasp for air. I looked at my sisters who just woke up like me. We made eye contact and we immediately knew what are we gonna do. I stood up looking around and found everyone looking at us

"Good morning ladies" Ezra said with a stupid smirk on his face. I stood up and actually all the pain in my body disappeared I felt more powerful, I felt adrenaline rush in my veins.

"Hold them" Ezra ordered his men to come. One of his men rushed to me and I automatically raised my hands at him and mumbled a spell that flew him away from us out of this cottage in general and don't worry my sisters did the same.

"Why? Why are you so furious and angry?"Ezra said in boredom

"Let's just kill them" Aurora said

"Give us the book " River demanded

He pointed his gun at River "So sorry love what did you say! I couldn't hear you properly" Ezra said sarcastically

What should we do now? They lied to us! It was our mother's book , Ezra's men all are armed with hemlock water weapons, we need the boys by our side...I think it's time for black magic then.

I looked at the boys who have shame in their eyes, who tottering feel helpless that they can't help us.

Then it flashed in my mind "In tempore tantummodo confidenter state, ut ego te non transit in tempore, donec sum per, ego postulo Faciens quid faciam, ut, nunc autem subsiste paulisper, ut faciam tibi." I froze time. I used black magic.

I walked fast towards the guys and untied them as fast as I can, seeing all of them froze in their place, but I have to hurry up because I cannot keep it up for long, It hurts.

As all the ropes fell on the floor, I stopped the spell All their shock gazes filled the place, On top of them is Ezra's Shock face

"Corbyn you've to throw someone in the well to get Xavier out. NOW"
