

They say when a boy stares at a girl's eyes that means he likes her...but in our case it's the moment you know you might be in danger. They say girls are obsessed with their hair...but in our case, our hair identifies our identity. So we have to hide it. They say your past is the cause of your presence...but in our case the past is our weakness. We're immortals but that doesn't mean we can't be killed. We can by hunters.

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44 Chs

Chapter 37

Third's person Pov

"Corbyn you've to throw someone in the well to get Xavier out. NOW" Luna said to Corbyn who flinched at the sentence thinking of what he could actually do to save Xavier but at the meantime Ezra was aware of what Luna did with the time

"You probably wanna die earlier than your time don't you" Ezra said as he signaled for his men to go and drag Luna down, but the guys were faster and stood in front of her and they started getting into fight with the men and with every men they get down they take their weapons, Zion searched for a sword fast to go straight to Ezra

One of Ezra's men ran to him "I can hold it for you master" He said referring to Ezra's busy hand with the book

He threw the book to the man "Keep it safe until we finish those filth" He said swinging his sword

The man started laughing suddenly "Sure I will" The appearance of him started to disappear instead Celeste's face showed, She shape shifted

"How dare you? " He growled and was about to attack but

"Say goodbye" As Celeste said this she threw the book upwards yelling a spell that made the book freeze in the midair, River took the advantage and punched him square on the face.

When Ezra's men saw this action they didn't care about the boys and ran to their master, Corbyn was looking for Aurora, he found her picking an axe from behind a tree sneaking behind Celeste's back to get her back for Ezra's scene, Corbyn was faster he, took a grab of her loose hair making her groan

"Leave me" She cried as he smashed her head into the edge of the water well, he quickly bent down used all his strength to hold her to meet her dark destiny falling down the water well, she fell down unconscious making a loud splash

"XAVIER" Corbyn echo filled the air

"YOU MUST GET OUT BEFORE HER IF YOU WANT TO SURVIVE" Corbyn screamed before getting hit on his head hard by one of the men

At the same time the fight was getting bloodier as now Issac is injured, Klaus watching with his fiancée in his arms, Zion is on top of Ezra holding a knife, Corbyn was trying to stand up, Luna saw what happened with Aurora she took a rope and threw it down to help Xavier climb up and she didn't know why she helped him but she did anyways despite the fact that he's a liar, manipulator and above all a hunter who can kill her.

Within minutes Xavier reached the top. The moment he reached the ground soaking wet he launched at Ezra but he couldn't reach him because one of Ezra's huge men stopped him by wrapping his arm around his neck the air fell in silence and the bloody mixed fight turned into two splits areas

Ezra's and his men on a side including Xavier, The other side was the rest including the shocked look on Luna's face

"You need to understand something, even if we kept fighting for days I will get out with that book in my hands even if I'm crawling on the floor because I lost both of my legs, I will take those witches to the castle and take the throne so stopping me is literally impossible" Ezra said as he pulled a shot gun from behind and pointed it at Xavier's temple

"You're still the same, filling your head with lies just to greet your pleasure and redeem your flaws" Xavier said glaring at Ezra's face

Ezra got frustrated from his words and pulled the trigger "You're dead anyways Xavier so save your last sentence for good" As Ezra said that Luna knew for sure that he doesn't talk lies he will for sure kill him so she thought to link herself to Xavier

Luna stood forward "You Can't kill him if you want"

"Luna what are you doing?" Xavier hissed, he was scared if Ezra would hurt her and he wouldn't bear that, Ezra is harsher and stronger than he already appears

"If you kill him I will be dead too...I linked myself to him" She confessed and her sisters reactions along with all the hunters was indescribable of how she got herself in danger that easily

"You what? All of them are traitors" River hit her arm, Xavier was looking at her in disbelief he was shocked of her courage and careless mind, he couldn't believe her but yet except her to do such an usual action

"Why?" Xavier questioned under his breath

"You can't kill him because if you did, your plan will be ruined you will go back to the fathers with only three witches and I guess that doesn't work right!"

"You girl don't play easy at all...well lets make sure you two are really linked" As Ezra said he snatched a knife from one man's pocket, held Xavier's forearm and without a second thought he dipped the knife deep cutting it open robustly that all I heard is the sound of it cutting through his tough skin, blood went everywhere bleeding like a mad water fall , Xavier scrunched his face in pain for a second but didn't let out any sound of pain in order not to satisfy Ezra until Luna screamed in wrench, her forearm was opened the same as Xavier's...Identical, Xavier then couldn't help the expression drawn on his face of hurt and furiousness "You're gonna pay for that" Xavier hissed clenching his jaw

"What X? She challenged me and I love challenges" He smirked

"Now that you proved that shit to yourself, leave him or I swear I'm gonna burn all your brain cells" River warned

"On one condition" Ezra smirked

"Say it" Corbyn snarled

He pointed upwards "The book" Then he pointed to his hand, then all shared gazes not knowing what the right thing to do in a situation like this, they don't wanna waste all the time and effort they lost in coming here but at the same time Xavier's life is the most important thing to consider saving now, and after silence filled the air Luna with a click of her finger the book fell on the floor "Take it" Luna said in disappointment, she and her sisters had nothing else to do, it felt wrong with their genes, their past, their traditions sacrificing what can benefit witches for the sake of hunters but for their hearts at that specific moment that what felt sincerely right

As Ezra was leaning down to catch the book the sound of the aggressive machine guns filled the air, leaving pain in their ears, the girls gasps taking a shelter as they search on who is holding the machine guns who got most of Ezra's surprised men down on the hard ground covering the green grass in hot thick blood, It turned out to be Klaus Who threw two machine guns to Corbyn and Zion who started firing too, Xavier didn't wait for a sign and started punching anyone who came towards them, Ezra was smart enough he took one of his men and made out of his body an armor to help him untill he gets his other machine gun, But Celeste was Faster yet smarter she looked at River who understood Celeste's eyes immediately, They stood straight, dead looks at Ezra, started mumbling a spell "KEMBE PO TRANSI" They both yelled making a boundary spell around Ezra who got trapped inside, Since he has hemlock water in his system they couldn't use magic to hurt him physically but yet they can hurt him from the surroundings "Do you think I will be trapped forever sweetie? I'm soaked in hemlock water" Ezra yelled at Celeste who wasn't surprised that the magic won't last long, What is in that water that makes it stronger than magic, nature brought that water to be a double edged weapon

"One left" Isaac said as he was counting how many men are down now

After seconds the loud bang stopped leaving only our heavy breathing, Ezra's careless look "He didn't even care about the men who was ready to die for him" Starr mumbled under her breath reading Ezra's cold face

Klaus threw his gun down" I'm sorry" He said and hugged his terrified fiancé

"Bro even though I'm still mad but you got us out of that" Zion man hugged him

"We will wait in the car outside" Klaus said looking at Xavier who isn't looking at him in return

"Car?" Issac snapped

"Yes Ezra came with a car" Sandra Klaus's fiancé said

Klaus walked and taped Xavier's shoulder " I know I let you down but just know that I was forced to" Klaus sighed and got out with Sandra

"Leaving me unarmed is no men behavior" Ezra said slowly

"You're the last one to talk about manners" Luna hissed

"Non of you hunters should" Luna added turning her gaze to Xavier who was expecting this moment to come any time soon

"What do you think Xavier, You are a man aren't you..You kidnapped us, We lived in literally a prison for months, taking an everyday fucking hemlock shot that now we got permanent bruises" She left her sleeve up to reveal the purple spots, with a tear running down her tired face "We didn't attack, we listened and listened just to get out of your hell alive...I..we even felt good for you, we had feelings for you, but what you gave in return Men full of manners?" She emphasized the last sentence "Lying..you used our help to steal what is OURS" She cried talking in plural but she was only glancing at Xavier talking baby steps towards him like she's disappointed in only him, the one that no one literally no one expect good from, but she did, she expected good from him, she felt good in him.

"I couldn't tell you the truth" Xavier spoke looking anywhere but her eyes

"What couldn't you do? Tell us that you're stealing us?" Starr spoke after a lot of silence

Celeste glared at Corbyn "And even after we knew what that book really meant we still helped you, do you know why? Because we feel we have manners, we are witches we-

"You are a pure killers" Ezra interrupts clenching his fist "See that book there your filthy mother, that fucking monster wasted her life creating venom, her genes runs in your cold veins, so you all are just monsters like your mother" He looked at the girls in disgust

River cleared her throat "And tell me what you did in your life Mr Ezra, seven year old in a castle ha!? Isn't that what happens, training and training since you're a child to grow up in a shape of a strong hunter just to protect yourself and know a way to kill a witch? What an impressive believes I must say, you live all your life as a coward fighting just to live, scared of us little witch, ugh how poor" She said crossing her arms and raising a brow

"Just imagine the world without you" He closed his eyes imagining with a psychic smile on his lips "Wow so peaceful and clear" He looked deadly, his face expression went dark like every cell in his large body is pressuring forward to River's neck, choking her but the boundary is not allowing..the boundary that is about to fade

"You're brainwashed" River rolled her eyes, Corbyn was in a verge of losing his temper, he was clueless of what the right thing to do, he tried to move closer to Celeste who was as clueless as him, she loves him but he lied, he might have been forced to, but still he lied..

While River was arguing Corbyn held Celeste's forearm, but she snatched her arm away "Please Don't" She whispered

"Celeste I'm not gonna say I didn't know about that, no I knew, but I had no other choice but I had you and I wasn't gonna let anyone take you or your sisters"He whispered

"You used me..for the second time. I'm so disappointed in you" She said trying to hold her tears back

"What do you expect of children all they have learnt since they begin to breathe is how to find that fucking book, I couldn't stop him" Corbyn said referring to Xavier

"And what about you Corbyn, you didn't want to find it either?" she pushed his shoulder

"No I wanted" He confessed

"But not for that same purpose" He added and held her wrist "I wanted so we can be free, that war between us could finally end , I could have you without problems"

She laughed in pain "End? The castle want us dead Corbyn"

He smiled evil smile that brought a new side of Corbyn's smile "They wouldn't, I won't let anyone touch you ever, and even if they did under the strongest force, I will let them hang me next to you, I won't live a second with you not around, we will breath the same air no matter what happen Celeste, I don't care what will happen as long as you are here" Corbyn's words was coming out from his depth, that Even Celeste felt that strong feeling that came out from his little whisper

Xavier snatched the book"Lets get out now and we can finish talking later" Xavier words cut their unheard whispers

"Give me that book" River was about to snatch the book but Xavier left his hand higher

"Forgot it, That book won't leave my hand" He hissed

"That book belongs to us" Starr stepped up

"Guys the spell soon will fade, lets get out now" Celeste whispered, But Ezra heard..he is a freaking hunter

"Yeah it's really fading but stay hear entertain me till it fade so I can kill you all fast" He smiled touching the tip of his sharp knife

No one replied "Get out" Xavier ordered and they all left

"Have fun Ezra, if you got bored talk to Aurora, she is down here besides you, the only difference that she is dead but you aren't...Yet"
