
We Meet Again

Jungkook's POV

It has been a few days since that really tall guy met me. But he was really scary. I don't know why I can't stop thinking about him. Not in a good way. But you know what I mean...


It was a Sunday afternoon, and jungkook was on a nice walk. Jungkook, still being a reasonably young boy, loves to explore things. He picked up bits of paper blowing around, and read them to see if he could do anything with it. In fact, he just found a slip of paper blowing in the light breeze. Jungkook picked it up. He carefully unfolded the small peice of paper, revealing a phone number.

Jungkook figured it looked like some random persons number, not a company or anything. And being the curious boy he is, he pulled out his phone and typed the number in.

Jungkook: Hello I have no clue who this is I found your number on the ground. 😁

Unknown: Ok, well... You must live in the neighbourhood. What's your name?

Jungkook: My name is Jeon Jungkook. What's yours?

Unknown: You are the boy who barged in between my friend and I at the park three days ago...

Jungkook: Oh. My. Gosh. Can I save you as a contact???

Unknown: Fine. But make sure you don't butt into people like that again. My name is Taehyung, by the way.

Jungkook: okie thx

Taehyung: Don't mention it

Taehyung has gone offline 2:47pm

Taehyung has gone offline 2:52pm

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